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Adhesive TAPE - help need to find non-allergic



  • KatheW
    KatheW Posts: 28

    This is a mind opening thread! THanks to all who have contributed to it!

    I wish I would have read it before my Oct 19 DIEP surgery. I did tell everyone beforehand that I was allergic to adhesives, but they used tape and glue anyway. It would have be great to offer alternatives.

    If I ever have another surgery, I plan to write a reminder in permanent ink to the surgical staff on my own skin "Do not use tape or glue."

  • Thanks, Vicks and kids.

    Just letting you know that, I intend to try the Curad adhesive route this weekend.

  • Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!  Here's a bumping of Thanksgiving wishes to each and everyone ~  ~   ~  ~  ~

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234

    Happy Thanksgiving to one and all.    Hugs, Nancy

  • Bumpity Bumping to keep this thread on the active list. Seasons Greetings complete with a beautiful light snowfall here.

  • Surprised myself! I have been taking a respite from visiting our BC boards. But after just visiting the Stage IV boards in honor of a dear friend having Stage IV, I did some Internet surfing regarding non-allergic adhesivess.  I literally stumbled upon a review of the CVS Advanced Healing Hydrocolloid Dressing (over the counter) to which I have so often glowingly referred in this thread. Below is a copy/paste of the review I submitted.  It never occurred to me to submit a review as an avenue for information about TAPE.  Furthermore, this is the first time I have submitted as a reviewer which I found a bit scarey  The only other reviewer complained about the product sticking to the wound. Let's hope it gets posted and prompts some helpful responses.

    BEGIN QQ I am allergic to latex and adhesives. This is the only ONLY adhesive product to which I have not had an allergic reaction. I have used the dressing for wounds of the size it would cover with GREAT SUCCESS. HOWEVEVER, when I wrote and my doctor susequently wrote to CVS PLEADING for information as to where TAPE could be found with this same non-allergic adhesive, CVS NEVER even REPLIED. This, despite the fact that I stressed there were many cancer patients having the same need as myself in terms of severe allergic reactions to adhesive and wounds which were larger than the maximum size of this wonderful product. END QQQ

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    Hi, Everyone!  Happy New Year and making this entry to keep this thread active.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444


    Answering because I want to keep the thread going too. There are always new products we'll want to explore.

    Slightly off subject, but my skin is so sensative I have to be careful w/lotions & cosmetics too.  I've been using CeraVe now for several years at the recommendation of my dermatologist.  I had some w/me during BMX and every doc that walked in said - oh this is such a great product.  Passing on w/no commercial involvement.

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234

    I have seen the ad on TV for CeraVe and wondered if it was good for sensitive skin.   Glad to hear your endorsement of it.

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    THANKS MinusTwo and GramE for keeping this thread active!

    I have bookmarked CeraVe, which I was not aware of, and will also ask my surgeon about it since I am due for a regular checkup this week. 

  • Listen up, Minus Two!  I just sent a link to my doctor who expressed interest in CeraVe  Smile Thanks

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    I'll look forward to his/her response.  Both my Derm doc & OB/Gyn think this is the "cat's meow". 
    And what does that tell you about my age??

  • Ha, Ha, funny you MinusTwo!  Will let you know his response. HOWEVER my next appointment isn't until August.

    For a long time 3 Dear Cats had me (notice the grammar) so I know "cat's meow" in both ways. 

    Am not the biggest football fan - may the best team win in a clean, close game - but I will be rooting for the Patriot's, today.

    Have a great day watching or not watching the Super Bowl.  

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234

    bumping to keep active

  • If you haven't already done so and have had successful or NON-successful experiences in dealing with allergies to ADHESIVE TAPE, please consider sharing your story via this thread.  It is a thread having a lot of info which has led some folks to find long sought relief in this area.  Furthermore, it is amazing how such sharing has provided strength and encouragement simply from the making known of actual experiences.

    BTW, if you happen to have suggestions as to how to keep this thread active other than some of us simply making bumping entries, feel free to "blab" your replies. Yes! BLAB and BUMP . . .  L&LOL 

  • Ysa
    Ysa Posts: 32

    Just to keep this bumped I'll share an interesting experience during my testing last week.  I had a repeat diagnostic mammo at another facility and they put a little bandaid type sticker over each of my nipples (had never had that done before so thought it was interesting).  Later, when I took them off, it really hurt (they had typical bandaid adhesive) but didn't think any more about it until I went to my BS office a few hours later and they got all weirded out because there was this huge angry red spot on the outside of one of my nipples.  I, too, have had some interesting experiences with the adhesives in everything from the bandaid adhesive to the paper tape they used after my biopsy (huge welts) so have been grateful for this thread. 

    I'm prepping for my out of town surgery next month and was unable to find anything better so ended up buying a Nexcare "gentle paper" product that says it's ideal for "fragile or sensitive skin", "frequent gauze changes", "easy removal", "post surgery applications".  I'll let you know how it works for me.

    On to web searches on some of your other suggestions!

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234

    bumping for newbies or those who may have missed this topic.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    GramE - following along with another bump.  This is such an important issue. 

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234

    Bumping for those who may want more information.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    GramE:  I have this on my favorites so I'll always see your bumps. No upcoming surgery for me and luckily no cuts & scrapes - so I have nothing new to report.

  • PinkHeart
    PinkHeart Posts: 271


    Just wanted to share that I had a severe reaction to a surgical bandage on my abdomen 15 years ago.  Was careful about bandages and didn't have any problems until 5 years ago.  I was using my daughter's Barbie bandaids (Johnson&Johnson) and no problem.  Needed to buy more, so bought regular beige J&J bandaids and endedup with same severe reaction as I did with surgical bandage years prior. 

    I called J&J and gave them info from bandaid box.  I was told that the particular bandage adhesive I had a reaction to was made of hydrocarbon resin

    I gave up putting hydrocarbon resin on med records as an allergy.  I don't expect med staff to know which tapes in stock have adhesive with hydrocarbon resin in them. 

    I've been lucky to be okay with paper and nonallergenic tapes with all my hospitalizations these past 10 years.

    I hope someone (shouldn't have to be you and Dr. Google) can soon find you tape that you can tolerate.  It may sound trivial to some, but the pain I had from the adhesive reaction was brutal.  It subsided immediately when bandage removed.

  • GramE
    GramE Posts: 2,234


  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    Hop!  Hop hop hopping spring BUMP!

    Dear readers, we need to keep this thread alive because of the topic and info shared here.

    Please consider entering a least a BUMP type of post even if you can't add info specific to the topic.

    I know. It isn't the easiest thing when there is so much else being juggled. THANKS 

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444


    And I'll share something new & unknown.  I've now been diagnosed with truncal & chest lymphdema.  The PT wanted use kineso tape as part of the treatment to get the fluid moving.

     >>The Kinesio Taping Method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while allowing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion.

    At the first visit I got a couple of small pieces to try, but they wore off before I could see any redness or swelling, let alone blisters.  Today I told her to go for it.  I now have several strips of tape running from my groin to my armpits. I'm supposed to leave them on until they fall off & just trim the ends of they start to come loose.  Even through showers.  Oh boy - a big trial for me with my skin history so keep your fingers crossed.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444

    There were some conversations earlier about CeraVe lotion or cream which my derm doc originally recommended.  I've just started PT for lymphedema and apparently one applies lotion before wrapping.  One of the recommended lotions is CeraVe.  Another recommended by the LE clinic is Purpose by Johnson & Johnson which my derm doc recommended as an every day facial moisturizer if I wanted to use something other than CeraVe.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444
    Below are some notes from a friend who's husband had pancreatic & esophegeal cancer and will always have a feeding tube.  My tape of choice is Hypafix and she was responding with what she uses.  
    >>>The narrow tape that i use to secure the small gauze pads underneath the feeding tube before covering with the large tape comes from Walgreens and is made by Johnson & Johnson.  Called First Aid Secure Comfort Tape.  It is flexible, breathable and perforated but I usually find cutting along the perforations works better than tearing. 
    The Hypafix you are talking about sounds a lot like the wide "dressing retention sheet"  that I get from MD Anderson.  I call it wide tape but your terminology is better.  It is made by 3M and is called Medipore H.  I looked tonight and it can also be bought on Amazon.  I really like it as it covers the 4x4 gauze pad i put over the feeding tube and holds it securely while leaving very little residue when i remove it.  We have been using it for over a year now with twice a day dressing changes and his skin has remained non-irritated. <<<
  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,444


    I forgot to mention. J&J used to make wonderful "bandaids" for sensitive skin.  Unfortunately they discontinued it 10 years ago.  I spoke with the company's customer service staff and while they were unable to recommend a substitute, they didn't plan to make it again.

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    Pink Heart:

    I am keeping my toes and my fingers crossed for you! ! Keep us posted as to your reaction to the The Kinesio Taping Method .

    Also since you had such good interaction with J&J staff, I will try phoning them and not hesitate to state that I found an adhesive (on CVS Hydrocolloid Dressing) to which I am not allergic but CVS Pharmacy did not even reply to my or my doctor's written requests as to their possibly meeting my need for TAPE with that adhesive.

    Minus Two:

    I intend to test some of that Johnson & Johnson First Aid Secure Comfort Tape you mentoned. However, I have to postpone my testing until I get some medical appointments out of the way. I have discovered that it is more accurate for me to test on my right breast for use on my left breast rather than to test on my arm or elsewhere. Actually, I usually place a sample in both areas.

    I just had an idea!  Maybe (as in Yes) I should check with a Vet to see if I could donate my unused portions of tapes I have accumulated?  Among my stash are two which you find so successful, Hypafix and Medipore H

    A reminder to new readers:

    Just because  the tape of Company X causes you to have an allergic reaction does NOT NECESSARILY mean that a tape from Company Y which compares its product to that of Company X will cause a reaction.

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295

    Minus Two:

    I like your idea of consistently using BOLD format for the names of the products being discussed.  I will try to do likewise. 

  • Trickling
    Trickling Posts: 295
