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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited January 2012

    Yeah, me too Meegan.  Let me know if you find a job that allows that.  Bought my lottery tickets today so maybe that will be the answer!  

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2012

     Thanks for all the laughs, girls!

     Well, I got my results earlier than expected due to a nice lady at the hospital. STILL IN REMISSION!!! So pleased!  I really didn't want to treck back to Cardiff next week for them in a really anxious state, what with all the hills round here...!

     As for accents - I don't sound posh, I'm sure!  Not that many people in Britain speak Queen's English. Welsh accents, Southern Welsh anyway, have a kind of sing-song-y quality. In North Wales, a lot of Welsh is spoken. We are far more Anglised here (I know I've spelt that wrongly!) Anthony Hopkins and Richard Burton were both born a few miles from where I live. They do/did have lovely voices, though. Kiwimum - the 2 guys from Flight of the Concords(?) are from NZ aren't they? I would say your accent is more clipped, quieter and less drawly than Aust. Where is your husband from in England?  Pity we can't hear everyone talk on here- it would be pretty funny, I bet!

     Where are you off to for your vacation, Lisa?

     Love, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     YAY ....Sarah!!!!!   Isn't that great!!! too isn't that great ...I understand your family can go too for the three months and do whatever???

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2012

    Congrats Sarah what a feeling of relief that is.....

    Snowy day here in Mass, not complaining as we have only had 1 snowstorm which was in late October, no accumulation though so I will take it.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 305
    edited January 2012

    Yay Sarah!

    I'm missing my gym appt today. Jacks school was cancelled, and it's snowing....and wales is a hilly country.

    The worst part is that my computer is in the shop...not loving the "keyboard" on hubby's iPad and the auto correct is driving me nuts!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

      Profbee...that's what I was using and it drove me crazy too!! Hard to go back and fix the "fixes" it does for you...

    You northern girls will like this...we are supposed to get snow...not snowing yet..but school will be let out two hours early just in case...yes,wales is a hilly country...Lol

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited January 2012

    I only have a minute while I inhale my lunch, but I wanted to say CONGRATS!!!!!!!  to Sarah.  That is such great news.  I am so happy for you.

    I don't know how you stand going through that regularly.  If I ever have to do that again, I may not survive.  Getting my body scan results after diagnosis was honestly the most stressful moment of my life. 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 460
    edited January 2012

    Yay Sarah. Great news!

    Yes the two guys from Flight of the Concords are from NZ, so is their manager in the show. It was a great show. We were fans!

    My husbands dad was from Hammersmith, London (around QPR, which is why DH is a fan). His mother was Italian and their family moved to the UK when she was little so was really English, not Italian in any way. She lived in Leighton (?sp). They came to NZ in the late 50s. It was a lovely story, they didn't know each other in the UK and met at a new Immigrants hostel within days of arriving.

    Wow snow. It's summer and hot here. The Tamox night flushes/sweats are hideous.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2012

    Yay, Sarah!!!!  I am so happy for you.  I know that it has to give you some peace of mind.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    KiwiMum...I  wonder if the flushes will ease up when your body regulates to the Tamox?? I hope they is to be around 20 degrees here this evening so I am wishing I could be in NZ!!

    I had my appointment with my family doctor today. She felt my back and so on..thinks it could be the muscle as it is swollen there. She did order Xrays to see how it looks that way...she said if anything should look odd..she would order an MRI. She did say she does not expect BC. ( They are good about knowing how our minds wonder in that way!) So I said I will suck it up if that is the case and be very happy if it is just my back doing as it does.

    I hope all of you ladies have had a good day.

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012
    KiwiMum - I am totally with you, the Tamoxifen flushes and sweats are hideous. I had to buy moisture wicking pijamas and sheets . It's winter here and everywhere I go it feels extremly hot with the heat. I have to wear so many different layers because its cold ouside and hot inside. It feels like I am dressing and undressing all day long. I began rads next week, so I am preparing myself for more of this  Cry
  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2012

    Ralston I have been on Tamox for almost 2 years done in April and I am 46 and never had any hot flashes of any sort.  Well last week was the first time I felt like my face was on fire at my sons basketball game and lo an behold I go to the bathroom and my face looks like I got a read bad sunburn.  It lasted for well into an hour......well today was #2 and boy I felt like I was on fire....I never once sweated (sp?), just my face was burning like hell.  It has to be menopause and not Tammi.  Not looking forward to this stage in my life......yipee. 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    Oh Sarah, I am sooo happy for your good scan results!!!

    Today was a great day.  I spoke for the big YMCA donors luncheon, I talked about my experience with the LIvestrong at the Y program, which is new for all our local Ys.  They had the big money donors and directors from 7 of the local YMCAs.  I was scared to death but it went well.  After about a dozen people came up to me to tell me their cancer experiences, several with tears in their eyes.  Also got a gift card for one of my favorite local restraunts.

    Ralston and KiwiMum, I think my hot flashes and sweats improved after I was on the tamox for a few months, they also gave me effexor to help with the hot flashes.

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Well, my hot flashes began during chemo when my periods stopped (I was 43), but 2 weeks after I started Tamoxifen the nights sweats began. I am taking already Effexor, but it seems that it is not helping. How much did you take Christine47? I have been able to recognize that my hot flashes are trigger when I drink hot beverages, drink wine or I am in places with heat. I am carrying a hand fan from Spain that my mom gave me in my purse all the time.Kiss

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    Ralston,  My hot flashes/night sweats were rough during chemo.  I am taking 37.5 mg of the effexor once daily, which I understand is a low dose.  I definetly can trigger a hot flash with alcohol or wine.  I will tell you a read one article that suggested ladies who had more side effects from tamox, seemed to also gain the most benefit from the medication.  Makes me wonder if I should worry that I am not having side effects.  Sometimes I can worry about the craziest things. 

    I see your having RADs?  I am also stage IIa, and no rads, just curious.

  • June2268
    June2268 Member Posts: 926
    edited January 2012

    Christine I also heard the same thing as I feel I didn't have much symptoms in the beginning and have not hot flashes and I too worry that I am not metabolizing like I should be.  I guess it's just natural to feel that way.....

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012
    June, always great to know I am not the only one with what others consider crazy cancer thoughts.  Nothing about breast cancer is simpleUndecided.
  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited January 2012

     Christine - well done for giving your speech! It is brilliant too that you touched people who have had cancer . You should be very proud of yourself.

     Kim - I'm sure the back pain will be nothing, but we all understand that awful grip of worry when you get a symptom. This last month, I have been convinced I've got secondaries in my throat, chest and neck - nothing there! Your back pain seems like a long-lasting problem, from what you say. Hugs to you.

      Thanks for all your good wishes, girls,

     Sarah x 

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited January 2012

    Christine47 - Today I had a long talk with my RO and she explained that I am in the "gray area of radiation effectiveness". Nevertheless, since I am 44 and cancer cells snuck through my blood vessels in my breast and ate through the wall of my sentinel lymph node, she definitely recommended to have radiation.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited January 2012

    Sarah, congrats on your results!!!

    June and ProfBee, well I feel really out of it, I did not even hear you guys had snow, much less enough for a snow day.  I usually see some of that on the Today show...

    I was very tired today though, fraid I might be overdoing it a bit.  Got up late and had lunch with some old friends and came right home and took a nap.  We were just at the 6th grade instrumental concert for dd, but I'm going to bed soon. 

    kmur - I think with mine, only I get a free membership, not my family.

    Christine, congrats to you making a big speech, that's great!!!  I am so scared to speak in public.

    I also stopped my period more than 1 year ago and it has not come back yet.  My hot flashes have gotten better over time, but I'm not on Tamox.  Mine now are mostly limited to the night and its usually enough just to throw the sheets off for a little while. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2012

    Sarah - Congrats on the clean scan! Great news...

    Kim - Understand the nervous thoughts but agree it is likely muscular. Hope it just settles down soon....

    Christine47 - Well done on the speech today. Glad it went well and was such a positive experience for you. 

    My two cents on the hot flushes etc, what hot flushes?? I am in perpetual overheat mode these days.. Can't stand a coat  unless it is below 35 degrees out and seem to need the air conditioning in the car if it is above 50..... ugh......

    Have a great night ladies... Hugs!!! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    Ralston, sounds like a wise plan with the sneaky cancer cells getting out of the node.  I sure wish cancer answers were black or white (not gray or pink).  We will be here cheering you on thru the rads.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited January 2012

    Not to mislead you all, my "big speech" was only about 5 minutes.  But it was in front of a very large and intimidating crowd.  I sat beside the director from my Y, who knew me before BC and she really gave me strength to do it.  Somehow I do feel better knowing there is something I can give back.

    Readingmama, take it easy, didn't you just recently have DIEP?  Livestrong at our Y also includes family, you may want to ask, assuming your family is interested.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Hi Everyone,

    Thanks Sarah...I know what you mean about that feeling. I'm just so happy your scan was clean,but it is not fun where our minds go..I try to tell myself to just stop!!  Lol 

    Christine...What a great thing to speak. You really should be proud as I'm sure you were nervous to speak. You have now been able to do several really great things to help others.

    Ralston...I hope you will find rads easy. Everyone is so different,but I found rads to be much easier than chemo.

    Meegan...Hope you get to rest....seems we always tend to push ourselves to do ....and like Christine said, I was also told the Y program includes family members as well and we can use any of our area Y's not just our local Y ( we have a Y downtown with racket ball etc.) Not sure if your family is interested?

    Take care everyone... KiwiMum it is freezing here  windchill etc!!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2012

    We now have a 4 day weekend thanks to this small amount of snow and the holiday on Monday.  I'd like to be still asleep but since the school sends automated phone messages to say when school is closed, no such luck for me.  I believe it's 18 degrees right now with a wind chill of 3 - quite windy for us too.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Achpurple...we used to live in the Cincy area and everyone pretty much knew how to drive and school was rarely cancelled...since our move to Louisville ( even the folks from here) say they can not drive in it!!  Thought I would share ( not really funny ..I guess) yesterday, I picked my son up from school and the news folks had said they would be on an hour early to "cover" this snow "event'  ( we have a dusting) anyway, we were travelling home and noticed all the rescue lights we got was the snow plow ...he had flipped over on his side ..lost all salt..and this was a little side son just looked at me shaking his head...was funny but not funny at the same time...Ok that is my goofy story for the day...

    Have a good day

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited January 2012

    Kmur:  I'm from Bardstown so know Louisville pretty well (went to Sullivan back in the day).  I think all my family down there already had a day off today - good timing.  You might call what we have here in Northern Kentucky "a dusting" but we really don't seem to know what to do when that happens!  Last week, unpredicted, we got some afternoon snow (a dusting) and it took my DD an hour and 45 minutes to make normally a 15 minute drive from the local library.  She said people were leaving their cars (parked right in the road) and going to the nearby stores for food then coming back to their cars.  Later, we found out that they had actually closed that road (the only one that leads her to home) so that they could salt a big hill and make it passable and that's why it was at a stand still.  I often think that if the people in Chicago could see us, they'd really be laughing.  And, even though wales is a hilly country, so is Alexandria, Ky.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited January 2012

    Christine- congrats on your speech. I am glad it went so well.

    I am with Odie on the hot flashes, I am hot pretty much all the time then chemo made it worse.  I don't even put the liner in my winter coat unless it is snowing.  And most days I don't wear a jacket.  Flashes have gotten better in the last few months, but noticed them flaring again.  Not on Tamox or anything else. I guess mine are all menopausal.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited January 2012

     Achpurple...your poor daughter...that can be so frustrating when you just really want to go home....BTW....Sullivan is where I often buy my pastries...well there and so many other places too...but the school bakery is very yummy... The breads are also very very good. I have decided Zumba is going to kill me and if I can not move maybe I am not getting the full workout..... I know I will sound ridiculous..but has anyone done the Brazilian Butt Lift workout??  Lol   ( I did actually order it ...we shall see )

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited January 2012
    LOL Kim.  If zumba is killing you, I would steer clear of anything with Brazilian in the name.  Tongue out