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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Lisa, I'm really hoping the poodle look is in.....I"m in San Antonio, humid second to Floriday only....and my hair came back like shirley temple on a bad hair day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aveda Be Curly leave in conditioner works wonders.

    I didn't watch yesterday....exhausted from moving the DD to a new place at college....whew. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi All,

    Lisa,sorry about that cold,but happy you enjoyed those girls...laughter is medicine.

    Christine..had not caught the news to see the bad reviews. Will watch in a few minutes here. I think I was just excited to see someone I know. I have finally reached the age where my son tells me who all the actors/singers are. Funny thinking of you with boots to your neck. I can not pull off the boots anymore...feel so funny but other gals look great. Hope you enjoyed your birthday.

    Gina...I am curly too..I have not figured out what to do with my hair yet ...I have not had my hair cut/styled one time yet.

    OH LISA...YAY for the topless and even better the new style is getting compliments. Funny you were able to pull that off all this time...MAN you are good!! your daughter happy with her new place...or did you move her home ...I can't remember ??

    Talk to you all later maybe

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012
      It was new place ...I was on the previous page and could not see..I hope she likes itSmile
  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Wish me luck ladies!  Tomorrow is my first day back after 10 weeks off after BMX.  I don't expect work to dump a huge pile of stuff on my desk, they have been good, at this point I am more worried about how to GET to work since I have to cross Broadway where the Giants parade is.  You would think before 9am would be earlier enough, but you would be wrong.  I might just have to spring for the ferry to avoid it. 

    I am also worried about getting up as I am NOT a morning person, today I didn't get out of bed till amlost 11am!  That is late, even for me, I have been trying to go to bed and get back into a routine, but even that means getting up at 9 or 9:30am. 

    I worry also about trying to concentrate so long for 4 days straight, we will see how it goes.  Tomorrow is the only day in NYC, then I will work from home the rest of the week.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Good luck Meegan... Now get to bed!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Good luck tomorrow Meegan.

    Glad to hear your trip was good Lisa.  Good for you going "topless".  Did it feel liberating?

    Kim - you inspired me with all your exercise!  I went to a cycle class today called "spin".  It nearly killed me!  I think I was being a bit ambitious and will be in real pain tomorrow. lol   Hopefully it's the start of a regular thing.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Kiwi.. I used to spin all the time... its a great workout!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     YAY..Kiwimum....OH Gosh..I heard the spin class yesterday when I was in the weight room....IT sounds HARD...She was saying "DIG...DIG...15 seconds COME ON!!  LOL...I am going to try that too

    Hope your day was good today Meegan.

    I have a wonderful story for you the age of three my son was found to have an irregular heart beat which over the course of the years has involved trips to the cardiologist at Childrens Hospital in Cincinnati. Today he had a  follow up appointment and the irregular beats are not heard anymore!!! So happy about that. He told me on the way this morning.."I think it is gone" He has had to wear a monitor in the past and has had echo-cardiograms (sp) thought I would just share that with you all.

    Achpurple...hope everyone your way is better today.

    Have a good night all!!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    That's great news Kim!!!

    Let me know when you try spin.  I could feel the calories burning.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    kmur- that is wonderful news.  Always nice to know there are good things happening still.

    Can't wait till rad fatigue gives, miss exercising - right now doing dishes feels like 30 mins on teadmill.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    Kmur, what fabulous news about your son!! 

    Heading out to the YMCA, but not brave enough for spin, those are some hard core exercisers.

    Readingmama, hope your day back to work went well.

    Kiwi, your hair is looking fabulous!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    bgirl, posted at same time as you.  Hang in there, I only did chemo, no rads, but sure you will get your energy back, spring is on the way.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Kiwimum...I will take the beginners lesson on Thursday..she will show us how to set up the bikes...I will let you ..unless I keel over!! Your hair does look FAB!!

    Thanks girls about the news..I am just over the moon!!

    bgirl....Christine said that well..I did rads too and after surgery+chemo+rads..I really did feel tired going up steps it takes some time but I promise the light at the end of this tunnel is very bright!!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited February 2012

    Kmur:  Wish you would have called me while you were in Cincinnati.   I think I could give tours at CCHMC!  Been going since my 21 yr old was 3 mo old.  Just was at cardio dept about a month ago.  One of my DD was found at one time to have I believe what they called a "normal s click in her heart" - eventually it was not able to be detected either.  Currently I go there for my youngest who has Ehlers-Danlos - those kids tend to have mitro-valve, which they decided she now has.  Also frequent endocronology and rheumatology - they have an outpatient center over in Crestview Hills, Ky that is closest to me and sometimes we can go to some doctors there.

    My father is doing good - was hoping to go home today, but working toward tomorrow.  He's very weak, very tired but otherwise ready to be home.  God love my mom - my family insisted she go home the day after his surgery to rest but instead of resting, she made four loaves of banana bread for the nurses because my dad had told them how good her banana bread is.  She went back after about six hours and has been there ever since.   

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2012

    Ach.  Your mom!  How sweet is she?!  So glad that your dad will be home tomorrow (hopefully!). 

    GREAT news about your son, Kim!  My Jack hasn't had a seizure since we put him on meds the month I started chemo.  I hope he will just outgrow them and not need meds in the future...they say that happens a lot with this sort of thing.  Man,  it just goes to show you what power to heal our bodies have.  

    You all are so good with the exercising.  I decided I hate going to the gym.  LOL.  My mom is bringing me up a treadmill tomorrow.  I'm hoping if I set it in the guest room that I'll watch a 30 minute show and just stay on the damn thing.  I just have so much other work to do and so few hours when Jack is at half-day kindergarten and I'm not teaching, and there are so many other things I need to do for my work.  I just resent the 20 minutes to the gym and the 20 minutes back and the way they schedule it for the cancer crew (as I call us...we ramble around like the walking wounded and the trainers just don't seem all that friendly to me).  So, I think I'm going to bow out of the 10 week program.  ugh.  Maybe when Jack is in full-time school things won't feel so rushed.  Right now, work is about all I can handle.  

    I am making some good changes though...getting rid of diet coke (HELP me!), moving toward all-natural products in the house as I can, and feeling awful every time I eat sugar.  Oh, and I dropped alcohol, but that hasn't even phased me.  LOL.  

    Oooh...I went to a free meditation thing at work today.  It was great.  I dragged a friend from my department with me (she's fighting a tough disease as well), and I liked it.  

    Seriously, you girls exercising are awesome!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Glad to hear your Dad is doing well Achpurple.  Your Mom sounds brilliant!

    Prof - I totally hear you.  Life is such a juggle with having a young child and working.  I'm constantly feeling guilty if I have some "me" time without the children.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Thanks for the encouragement. 2 weeks active treatment left! Yeah!!!  My short term goal is to stay awake long enough in evening for a little valentine romance next week.  And maybe exericse in another 6 weeks after rad followup visit.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    hey ladies!  been a couple days, but seems the week is flying by.  started a new job this week, so hectic trying to get everything squeezed in. 

    managed a 3 mile walk today.  hoping to do everyday for the rest of this week to hit 12 miles again.  hopefully motivation stays up and i get through the week and meet my goal.

    kmur, so exciting about your son!  always happy days when our kids are healthy  :)

    achpurple, glad your Dad is doing well.  hopefully your Mom will get a break soon when your Dad comes home.  keeping prayers up for a quick recovery.

    so true how are kids become our world and everything revolves around them once they are here.  can totally relate to the ugh!  with thoughts of giving up diet coke.  have been cutting back since the beginning of the year.  drinking a lot of chai tea and down to about 1 diet coke a day if that. 

    has anyone heard of the paleo diet and that's it's supposed to be good for bc survivors?  idea is go back to eating what cave men did, only things you can hunt or gather. no processed food or milk products.  

    awesome bgirl!  hopefully the two weeks will fly by and this will al be a distant memory in the spring. 

    on the hair subject, anyone heard of Argon oil?  love this product. comes in cream or oil and you can put on wet or dry hair and controls the frizzies like you wouldn't believe, plus it smells great and leaves your hair very shiny.  tip, if you get the oil, use a very small amount and rub thoroughly (like lotion) in your hands, and apply for roots to scalp, otherwise it can look make your hair look a little greasy.

    have a good night everyone!  keep up the good work exercising and staying healthy :)

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Checking in and so happy to see all the good news.

    Kmur - Best news a mama can receive. So happy for you!

    archpurple - What a relief to have Dad coming home. Hope Mom can get some rest once he is home...

    Kiwi - Love the hair! Congrats on surviving spin class.

    Tracy - Thanks for the tip on the Argon cream. Will have to try it to tame my frizzies.. 

    Out of town for business but managed to hit the hotel gym today. Did 5 miles on the bike and 2 miles on the treadmill,,, Hoping to hit it again tomorrow.

    Have a great night ladies.  

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Thanks for the wishes, my first day back wasn't too bad, but I really messed up the morning commute.  I did decide to treat myself and take the ferry (to avoid the Giants parade), BUT I took the wrong ferry!  Still went to NYC, but on the wrong side, so I ended up having a 25 minute walk to work AND had to go right thru the parade route.  Oh well...(on the bright side, I walked 9.000 steps today!)  My boss left me alone, although a co-worker tried to have a meeting with me, but I put her off..  My boss even got me 3 balloons and a "welcome home" banner, very nice!

    Ach - still praying for your dad and hope he gets out tomorrow and that your mom will sit down and relax when he gets home.

    I'm trying to cut back my sugar, I keep meaning to start reading the stop sugar thread, but haven't yet...maybe after I finish the DIEP Stage II thread! 

    Off to the Y tomorrow so that will be good.

    Kmur - such good news on your son

  • lovinmomma
    lovinmomma Member Posts: 105
    edited February 2012

    Hey there ladies. Just checking in. Glad to see all the good happening and sorry about all the bad. Hope this week is a good one.

    Kmur...yay on your son.

    archpurple...must feel good to have dad coming home

    Spin class? You all are too much for me. I think it would kill me.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Ladies... Spin is great.. I used to do it 3 times a week when I had time to get to classes... The first time or two it is tough... you need to pace yourself, but you all CAN do it!!! I am off to the gym now... who knows, maybe I'll catch a class.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Good Morning/afternoon Everyone,

    Achpurple...I didn't even think of that. Those check up days..I am on a mission I guess. Your mom sounds like a wonderful person and I am so happy to hear your dad will come amazing these surgeries are now!! sound very busy...I did not remember that about Jack having a seizure..maybe I read that at one point along the way is ( as you know) so scary when it is your little guy...was harder when my son was three as he could not tell us what he felt. I do think so much can change with things like that as they grow.

    bgirl....I honestly can not remember how long after rads before I felt more like me. At first I did not have the stamina to exercise and honestly even now..if I sit still in the evening...I am 80 ..I can fall asleep sitting upright.  Lol

    tracy..You keep me motivated with your walking. I have not heard of that diet..I go back and forth with the idea of diet...I am a huge cheater! Lol..I may diet a few days then cheat. The Dukan Diet has interested me...I have seen first hand the results of a lean protein diet...but I love fruit and I still believe in moderation and exercise..( for me anyway ) and a fritter here and there!!! Lol

    Hi Odie...YAY for you too...your trip with the girls up soon??

    meegan...glad you made it...good is" untelling" where I would end up in that situation. How nice your workmates gave you a warm welcomeSmile I have tried no sugar in my coffee ..tried Truvia..splenda and a wholesome ?? kind of sugar ..but always go back to sugar...That is hard. 

    Today at the Y I will be trying Zumba. i will try to do it with out cracking up or hurting myself or others...will let you know.

    I am really loving the Brazilian but lift dvd's....i have to say it is a tough workout, ( for me) but it really is working. I have seen a difference in my waistline and my legs and rear. It really is a full body workout.

    I wish I could really touch more on what each of you say,but it is so hard to do here. Our children and families and so on...I feel more than I can type..hope you all know that.

    Enjoy today...Spring is really just around the bend for us state side girls....OH is the pool Kiwimum??? Do you have Fall in NZ ?

    See Ya ladies

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

     Hi all!

     Just a short one to say that it is brlliant news about your son, Kim. My brother had a severely over-active thyroid as a child (in the 70s when it was not commonly heard of), he was in and out of hospital etc, but they introduced a new drug and he grew out ouf it by mid-teens. The body is indeed a wonderful healer sometimes. Yes, signs of spring in UK too - daffodils and crocuses etc amongst the frost and ice!

     archpurple - pleased your Dad is about to come home. What an amazing Mom you have too!

     Glad you had a good first day back, Meegan. Seems like  a nice workplace.

     Love your exercising tales - good inspiration. I think I need that woman, Jillian, from your Biggest Loser show to come over here and shout at me! She is one mean lady! 

     All the best,

    love, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     She scares me Sarah!!  Lol.... Do you have summer as well?

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Just checking in.......

    ReadingMama - Congrats on the first day back to work and the exercise. Hopefully you can ease back into things.

    Kim - Currently enjoying lovely CT for business and will be flying home Friday. Will be home for almost a week before leaving next Thursday for the annual girls trip to Myrtle Beach (woohoo!)....

    Love Zumba and may have to try a spin class as you ladies are encouraging. Did jog 2 miles on the treadmill tonight.

    Sleep well my friends..... Happy Thursday to you all!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited February 2012

    My new grand daughter Abigail Rose - she's one month old in this picture. 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Beautiful achpurple!

    Kim, we are loving the pool thanks. Yes we have Fall here, we call it Autumn. It hasn't been the best summer so we will be disappointed when the seasons change.

    Lucky you moving into Spring. I love seeing the flowers bloom and trees sprout. Truely pretty.

    I'm going to check out those DVDs. Gym going well. I went again yesterday, might get myself to spin again today.

    My DD is turning 10 today. Tomorrow we have another slumber party. 9 ten year olds. It's going to be fun ... I think.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    She's beautiful, Achpurple!!!! So sweet! Hope all is well with your dad!

    Meegan- glad you survived your first day back.  I hope your week has gotten a little better and you are getting back into the swing of things.

    Sarah- I love Jillian, but I think I would just start to cry every time she yelled at me.  I don't do well with people yelling at me.  Maybe that is what I need though.

    Kim- so happy to hear about your son.  I know that is a big weight off of your shoulders in not having to worry about him so much, though I think we will always worry about our kids and their well being.

    Have a great evening/day eveyone!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited February 2012

    I was so excited to remember how to post a pic before that I forgot to update about my dad - thanks for asking.  He got to come home yesterday and so far is resting way better now that he and mom are home.  My mom is funny - she figured out how to send texts (she's 73) to all of the family at once so we keep getting all these play-by-play reports on what dad is doing.  One I woke up to this morning said  "He woke up at 3 a.m., went to the potty, then ate some banana bread with some milk, took one pain pill and is now asleep in the recliner." - LOL