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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Aw, Kiwi, happy freaking birthday, huh?!  I am sure it is nothing.  The good and bad news about being a cancer patient is that every little thing, no matter how likely it is to be nothing, is scrutinized.  It adds a lot of often unnecessary stress, but better safe than sorry.  Let us know how it goes!  And please try to otherwise enjoy your birthday.  I hope someone is making you a fabulous cake like you have been making for others!  Or better yet, taking you to a fabulous dinner with a nice bottle of wine to relax and enjoy.

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited February 2012

    Ugh! Cancer is the gift that just keeps on giving, birthday or not.  Kiwi and Eema will be keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for the very best.

    Still sleeping my way through rads.  Wish I was somewhere warmer so I could just walk around with out a shirt.

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    Happy Birthday Kiwimum and Achpurple!  hope you enjoyed your day!

    kiwimum,  thinking of you and sending you well wishes!  try not to freak it, definitely easier said than done. praying everything turns out fine.  remember, if you can handle a sleepover with a bunch of 10 year old girls, you can handle anything!!

    readingmama, love to hear about your work out!  keeps me motivated knowing all these strong ladies!!

    profbee, hope work gets better.  i can definitely relate, just started back myself and although it's hectic, i find it a great distraction and it helps things feel more back to normal.  hopefully by the end of the week, instead of soupy it'll be a piece of cake! 

    kmur, meant to comment before, but been having lots of chuckles thinking about you doing the pencil test!!  is the pencil supposed to sit on the top of your butt (like a shelf)?  so funny!  that pencil would be on the floor if it was me!  definitely am not bootylicious!!!

    lisa, you are awesome!!  i don't know how you did it!  but can definitely understand not wanting the pity looks from friends and co-workers.  i shared with family and friends, figured maybe it would be a great reminder for them to be more pro active in their healthcare.

    Happy Valentine's Day!! sending love to each and every one of you!!   <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

    ok ladies, my last surgery (hopefully!!) is scheduled in less than two weeks. they are fixing the left implant and doing the nipple reconstruction. any words of advice or info you wish someone told you? seems there are so many crazy things that come up post surgery that the doc's and nurses forget to tell you.

    have a great day everyone!!!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Oh, Kiwimum!  That isn't a good birthday present!  I'm going to hope, like everyone else, that it is just an anomoly.  Or, as one of my doctor friends puts it, "an incidentaloma."  I'm going to hope the same for me, too.  I'm freaking exhausted and don't know how I'm going to make it for my 4:35 class.  Well, this time Thursday, I should know if I'm Stage 4...

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2012

    Kiwi!  Aw, crap.  Well, like everyone said, let's just be sure.  I'm sorry.  NOT a birthday gift.  On the way home, stop and buy yourself something.  Anything.  :)

    Eema, you'll make it!  I had to caffeine it up for my seminar this morning.  Once there, the students definitely keep ya going.  When you're done can you come home, take some little pills, and get some rest?   We're with you.

    Blue!  Good luck with the surgery.  I have to call and reschedule mine so my mom can be here for Jack.  Damned half day kindergarten my ass.  It's only like 2 hours long!  ugh. 

    Lisa, thanks for confirming that you're indeed awesome.  :)  LOL!

    Kim, shake it!  LOL!  Did I mention that I quit the gym?  My hat's off to you!

    Happy Valentine's Day, all!  

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited February 2012

    Bgirl, sorry about the rads.  I didn't have to do that, so I have no advice.  Feel better!!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited February 2012

    kiwimum, oh shucks!  I hope you can get these f/u tests quickly and know more.  So sorry you have to deal with this.  Sitting here and praying for you (and Emma).  I will keep checking back.

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2012
    Kiwimum- I know is hard but try to see yourself at your daughters graduation, their weddings and holding your first grandchild. Visualize your future! It really helps in the process. I met a women this weekend that 15 years ago had bilateral mastectomy and ALL her nodes removed from both arms and all of them were positive. Well, chemo, tamoxifen and arimidex had worked for her, she is cancer free and had not have any metastasis (has lyphedema in both arms), but she is not complaining. She told me that she has always seen herself celebrating her 80's. I wish you the best.
  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Thanks for support everyone. I knew you would understand.

    I have an appointment first thing tomorrow (9am) for a mammo and ultrasound. They will decide after that if I need a MRI. It's a good thing I have a busy day and am out tonight - less time to sit and dwell!

    Thanks for the story Ralston. I love hearing those stories!

    Group hug (((((Eema)))))

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Kiwimum & Eema - Sending heartfelt prayers for you both. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug & a shoulder to lean on....

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Thanks, gals! I have a 9 am recheck w surgical onc. We are going to have a nice talk. Then I get my spidey powers around 10:15, then 3 hours off while the secret sauce brews. BFF and I are going shopping! Then back for the scan, followed by a long winter's nap. Thursday I get the results.

    I think I'm going to puke.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Kiwi... thinking of you... Refresh my memory... what surgery have you had?? I couldn't have a mammo now as I have had a MX, so I am wondering what you had??

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012

    KiwiMum and Eema - sending good thoughts your way.  

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Thinking of all you girls.  Sending hugs to you both from far away. Let us know how you are when you can.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Betsy - I had a mastectomy of my right breast. Its other stupid remaining breast that is now the issue. I wish I'd had them both removed last year!,

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited February 2012

    KIwiMum- Honey don't beat yourself. I also had a unilateral mastectomy because we made the best decision we could at the time with the info we had (considering we are completely in shock when we had to go through this process). I ask my MO to perform a prophylactic mastectomy in my remaining breast during reconstruction (6 months after rads. I still have 8 more rads left). She didn't even question my decision!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi Girls,

     I hope to send some positive vibes to you girls this afternoon. Really on my mind today.

    Profbee...Thanks for that. Sorry you had to quit the group..I do think it has got to all work right somehow ..timing and people. In my case, It has been good. We moved to Louisville and in four months time we lost our Old English Mastiff after 9 years..we got him when he was 8 weeks old..that was hard then the next month I got my me as a people person..did not meet anyone here yet..then went through all that chemo and so on. very lonely it is only now that I am getting out there more and meeting people.

    I will share this with you all...I told my husband this weekend..after our move here and all the bad that has happened here in this house..I don't really want to live here forever. I just feel so suffocated here. I see places in this house and have memories of trying to sleep or various other feelings. On A funny note...when we moved in the prior owner had this fake ivy over the top of the bathroom day I took it down and realized the mirror is cracked and I said OHHHH...this is the problem ..the HOUSE is jinxed...Lol ( I really don't believe that but needed to lighten the subject) ...the mirror is still cracked though???

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited February 2012

    Little did you know that you could've fixed this whole mess just by buying a new mirror - LOL!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Damn Mirror!!   Lol  sorry I don't usually curse!  Lol

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited February 2012

    If only it were that simple

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    First let me say happy belated birthday to Kiwimum and Achpurple.

    Now let me say, Kiwiwmum, thinking about you!!! Same for you Eema.  I have had you 2 on my mind. Keep us updated!  As you probably already know we are all here for you.

    Blue- will be thinking about you in 2 weeks for your surgery.  I too go under in 2 weeks.

    Christine!  I wish you were closer!  I would have seen you yesterday for my Flinestone toes!  Now I am gimpy for a few days.

    Kim and Achpurple too funny!

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    Tough news lately and it makes me sad for all of us that we have to deal with this cancer sh #*!!  Life seemed so much simpler before.  It's a great reminder to live in the moment and enjoy life, no matter what comes our way.  Thinking of you Kiwimum and Eema, hoping for the best for you both and for all of us!!

    Definitely don't second guess yourself Kiwimum, I'm sure you made the best decision for yourself at the time.  I've always joked with my husband, even long before cancer, I wish I had a crystal ball to catch a glimpse of the future, it would make decision making soo much easier!

    Ralston, good advice.  I remember before cancer, I never thought twice about the fact that I'd live to be an old lady.  Now I'm almost scared to talk about it.  I am also scared to say cancer survivor, I say cancer free.  It's  like if I say it, I'm tempting fate.  I want to get old, see my children grow older and be successful, watch them get married and  be around to love and spoil my grandbabies!!!   There I said it!  I WANT TO LIVE TIL I'M 80!!!!

    Kmur, I am immediately checking all my mirrors!! LOL!!! 

    Mamachick, good luck to you too!!  I'll be thinking of you and saying prayers for both of us for successful surgeries and quick and speedy recovery!!

    on another note, did my walk today. 6 miles so far this week.  skipped Valentine's Day walk, opted for chocolate instead.  Hey sometimes you just have to live a little, right???  Scale is still cooperating with me. 6 lbs to go til I reach my goal.  Actually I'd like to keep losing after that but if I got down to 140 I'd be happy.  walk planned for tomorrow, hopefully the weather cooperates!  definitely damp and cold this morning! 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    Kiwi.. I agree... you cannot second guess yourself. We all do it because its human nature, but you made a decision that was right for you at the time, and you will again make a decision that is right for you today. I decided to have BMX and skip rads. I believe it was the right thing for me at the time, but of course if I get a regional recurrance, I will wonder if radiation could have reprevented it. I was more concerned with the more likely local recurrance and felt a BMX was the better choice.. and not a single doctor recommended BMX AND radiation.

    I have and am thinking about you  ladies going through new scares... It does make us all feel vulnerable, and makes me realize more than ever just how fragile we all are.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Kiwimum - thinking of you and sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.

    Eema - you too and crossing my fingers for our best friend NED to be there for you tomorrow when you get your results.

    One of ladies in my Y group got cancer in both breasts at the same time!  How rare must that be?  I have to talk to her more next week.

    My Y group also raves about a mag called "Cure", anyone get it?  You can get a free subscription if you had cancer.  There is probably a mag thread here somewhere...  On the one hand it would be nice, on the other hand, I'm not sure I want a monthly reminder of cancer.  I also got my TLC catalog this week and have to call to cancel it, I don't want that coming anymore!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    OMG. Meegan.. That is how I feel... I was getting email from TLC and the catalog.. Just opening my inbox can totally ruin my day.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

      I my scarf catalog too..felt the same.  Meegan..I have not heard of that magazine.  Just today I was speaking to a lady from my first group "sharing our stories' and said this weekend I really thought we would go to the Chili Cookoff  with my Y group...then I thought family would love to forget cancer and I understand that..seems our lives have become that kind of...I had thought maybe that is selfish in a weird way to just keep on that topic...does that make any sense??

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    The radiologist said

    "It's normal fatty breast tissue"!!!

    Yippeee.  Mammo was all good, ultra sound as well.  No further tests required.  The lump my onc felt is nothing but "normal fatty breast tissue"

    Now I can breathe ...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012


  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

    Readingmama~ I get that TLC mag too! No more hats for me please.  I actually was able to blow dry my hair into a half way decent look without all the Shirley temple curls I now have.  I've seen the cure mag in my BS office.  I kind of agree with you, not sure it would be my favorite magazine.  I'm so enjoying my free sub to COSMO...who knew what men really think about sex, and who are these guys?

    Emma and Kiwi~ you are in my thoughts and prayers. Cancer sucks.

    Kim~your mirror story reminds me of a few weeks ago at the sermon the priest opened up a umbrella and all the little blue haired ladies gasped, out loud. He told them he was okay he was in church. (we all cracked up) After his sermon, he closed the umbrella and said, if you keep an umbrella over your head all the time, then grace can't rain down on you. So here's to grace raining down on you and your broken mirror!

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    ReadingMama, I had bi-lateral breast cancer as well.  The mammogram only showed a suspicious spot on the left, but my breast surgeon ordered a breast MRI and we found two additional spots on the right breast, one cancerous, one pre cancer.  My breast surgeon says only about 2% of breast cancer presents as bi-lateral.  Lucky me!  I am just so thankful my breast surgeon went the extra mile with testing.  Some doc's would've just done a lumpectomy and referred me on to oncology.  I strongly recommend to everyone I know, if there is any suspicion at all in one breast, please go for an MRI.  It can lead to a lot of biopsies, there was a total of 16 spots that were suspicious.  We discussed it and opted for going for biopsies in order of suspicion, as much as I could handle at a time, until it was conclusive enough that he felt comfortable suggesting a bmx.  I underwent 3 different biopsies, 3 spots first biopsy, 6 spots second biopsy.  Last one was a rebiopsy of one of the initial biopsies to confirm more conclusively.  It was a tough road, but am so thankful that my Doctor's were thorough.