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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hey Everybody...

    Achpurple...she is beautiful...I bet being the grandma is loads of fun...I had to laugh about your mom and posting...She is mother-in-law called yesterday ..I will not go into the full story too long but the gist of the story is...she and grandpa have no idea how to work the answering machine...nor the cell phone they carry with them..when we see that ad for the jitterbug phone my husband and I laugh.. do you remember those?? Have to admit I'm not far behind them!! So good to hear the news about your dad!!

    Kiwimum..glad you have enjoyed the pool ..has it been cooler than normal? We have had summers like that here are a brave mom..all those girls in one place..Lol I hope it is fun..anxious to hear what kind of cake this are a wonderful cake decorator!!

    Odie..I bet you will have a ball with the girls..good for you exercising while away.

    OK funny story....Today I had some running to do before going to the Y I did not eat. Went to the Y to do a basic spin class....OH MY GOSH.....I felt like one of those  little kids who whine...not out loud but in my head I was saying THIS IS TOOOO HAAARD.....Lol she kicked my hiney...apparently there is a hover move...I had to sit my tushy down...the kicker is that in my class there was an older lady ...I mean older and she did not sit down/stop or probably whine in her head!!  Lol..I WILL do it again but only with fuel in my,I am out of shape!!

    I hope all of you have had a good day...wish we were all close enough to go to the Y or have lunch

    hope you are feeling better Lisa.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Hi Ladies,

    I am freaking out, so I apologize for the cross posting, but the long and short of it is I just got back some CT reports NOT from my oncologist.  From an urologist I saw for the first time today (she says the intense pain after urination is from muscle spasms).  She said, go ahead, have the reports without interpreting them, so, of course, I have to.  

    it says:  I have numerous tiny nodes in my chest and abdomen that are more numerous than commonly seen, and "a few scattered sclerotic foci in the bones...blah blah...Bone scan could be done to evaluate for an (bad grammar!) metastatic osseous disease as needed clinically."  the area is 1 cm and on the left side of L2. 

    WTH?  I *only* had DCIS and was promised there was no chance of bone mets! 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Eema - Are you interpreting this without a doctor?  If so, STOP!  That may not mean what you think it means.  Yes, it sounds scary, but it may be much less significant than you are making it out to be in your head.  Try to stay calm, although I know that is easier said that done.

    Ach - congrats on your new granddaughter.  How fun!!

    Hi to everyone else. I am reading all the exercise posts and feeling guilty.  I did squat on vacation and have done squat since getting back thanks to this cold.  Finally feeling a lot better today.  Going to try to ride my bike for a while tonight.

    Can't wait for the weekend.  I think there is nothing that feels better than the weekend after vacation. . . you drag through the week in vacation hangover mode and that next weekend is so very needed to rest and get back to normal. 

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    Hello ladies! 

    eema, i'd have to agree with Lisa. don't go jumping to conclusions.  talk to your doctor and oncologist right away and make an appointment.   i don't mean to sound sarcastic, but i don't know what doctor guaranteed you there would be no future chance of cancer. keeping my fingers crossed for you and hoping for the best outcome.

    achpurple, so precious!  i love babies, they smell so sweet, usually!  lol! 

    Lisa,  totally agree, it's great to get away, but there is nothing like home! 

    Kiwimum, have a great time at your sleepover and tell your daughter Happy Birthday!  sounds like a lot of little girls, hopefully they'll all get along and no girlie drama :)

    kmur, love the work out stories! gotta check out that brazilian butt lift dvd!  is it like zumba??

    made it again today on my walk, 9 miles so far this week and definitely getting out again tomorrow.  With starting back to work, haven't been able to get my pilates in so feeling a little guilty.  i can't believe how tired i am after working only 12 hours this week.  i keep having to rememembering to be easy on myself,  it's only been two months since my last surgery.  actually pain free the past 2 weeks now, finally!!!  less then 3 weeks til next surgery, repositioning left implant and nipple recon.  lots to do before then.

    checked out the and am using the food tracker and exercise tracker.  even if its only the computer i'm accountable to, it helps. the scale is finally moving in the right direction!!

    getting away tomorrow night with my hubby!  it's his birthday monday.  my sister and her husband gave us a night at a hotel as a surprise.  haven't told him yet, plan on surprising him when he gets home tomorrow.  bags will be packed, babysitter will be here waiting til my sis can pick up the kids and we r off!  can't wait!  i love it when i have something good to look forward too!  sorry if  i'm blabbering on!  it seems i always have such long posts, lol!

    keep up the good work and you guys definitely keep me inspired to keep my butt moving!! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    Yes, it does sound sarcastic and even a bit  hurtful.  When I was diagnosed in April I asked for a scan and was told since my cancer wasn't invasive, I had nothing to worry about.  Going to cry after a xanax.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012
    Eema -  I know I would be doing the exact same thing as you and freaking out, and I would be going to go to every website I could think of to research what every word combination could possibly mean.  And my DH would tell me to STOP, take some deep cleansing breaths and try to relax, and first thing in the morning contact your doctor, oncologist, etc... and request that you either be seen immediately or they personally call you back with an interpretation of the report.  I know this probably doesn't help, but definitely try and relax, (easier said than done) either through meditation, exercise, prayer, the help of xanax or something else.  You need your sleep so you can tackle this tomorrow morning as soon as the doctor's office opens.  Sending you good thoughts and {{{HUGS}}}.
  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    eema, really not meant to be hurtful.  i know things are tough for you right now. but doc's definitely shouldn't be guaranteeing something they can't deliver.  its great for them to say just forget about it and try to go on with your life, but guarantee?  sorry if i hurt your feelings, totally didn't mean for it to come across that way.  sorry!!

  • alliesmom15
    alliesmom15 Member Posts: 66
    edited February 2012

    I am sorry Eema, please just breathe and if you believe pray and pray some more that it is not mets, wait to see what your Dr says (I know easier said than done).  I will be praying for you and thinking of you.

    I didnt have any treatments either but was not guaranteed that it would come back.  I had three different opinions on my treatments and the majority thought any treatment would probably do more harm to my health than good.  I had some focal microinvasion too but I have to live with the decision I have made and pray that it will not come back.

    Are you on any supplements or anything?  Were you Her+? 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Thinking of you Eema.  I agree with ProudMom.  Get on that phone first thing in the morning and demand answers. 

    Blueyez - 9 miles is heaps.  You are a machine!  Enjoy your night away, what fun!!

    Kim - I am planning a sunflower cake and it's on my list of things to do tonight.  I'm feeling a bit tired as I went to another Spin class at lunch.  I'm a sucker for punishment!  Love it and hate it in equal amounts. Kim ... you are also an exercise machine!

    I googled the Brazillian Butt Workout and it looked hard.  I was keen to buy it and now feel my enthusiasm waning.  One step at a time, right?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Oops, we are all posting at the same time.

    I know what you meant Blueyez.  Doctors shouldn't ever guarantee something like that.  How can they? There are so many unknowns in life.

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Eema - Nothing can be said to ease your mind at this time but please know we are here for you.  ((hugs))

    Archpurple - What a cutie!! Congrats! Glad your mom & dad are home and doing well per the

    Kiwi - You are a brave woman having so many young girls at one time. I am certain the drama would do me in... (maybe that is why I had 3 boys... ha ha)

    blueeyes - Enjoy your trip. Sounds like you & hubby will get a nice break...

    Lisa - Welcome home.

    Last day on business travel for me. Heading home tomorrow afternoon. Did manage to run another 2.5 miles on the treadmill today and am alittle sore. Good thing I go home tomorrow as I may need the day of rest....

    Wishing everyone a good night.....

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Hi Girls,

    eema... we have this figured out as we have chatted already so wont repeat myself . I will be saying prayers for all of us tonight.

    I want to leave you all with a good story tonight. I saw Helen today my little old lady BC friend at the Y and she said she believes when we go to heaven we are perfect with no worries or concerns...she said because we must be perfect to be there she must have a that she can get the workover to then go on to heaven because she knows she is NOT perfect. Me neither!!

    Tracy posts are always long ..I just feel badly if I do not acknowledge each of you..I feel as though I am ignoring...

    if I get too windy you all can skim mine..Lol

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     We are posting at the same time...Kiwimum....I think spinning may just give me a stroke!! Lol

    The DVD's are tough,but I can now do the ab workout with no stopping...I like the leg/butt workout..hard but good

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited February 2012

    Eema- I can't say anything that hasen't already been said.  Will be thinking about you and praying for you.

    Tracy I hope you have a great time with your husband, would love to kidnap mine sometime and get away even for just a night.

    Lisa- I hope you get the rest you need this weekend and get rid of that cold. 

    Kim- keep the stories coming!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    eema - hugs and prayers to you and hope you can talk to your dr right away in am.

    kiwimum - Happy Birthday to dd and a sunflower cake sounds very nice.  I have never made a cake, can you believe it? 

    kmur, always like your stories!  I agree, I am definately NOT up to spinning yet!

    Y workout yesterday and walking today, so this week is good so far.  Hope to get 1 more walk in tomorrow. 

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2012

    eema.. I am also thinking of you... I am sorry the doctor promised good health and now you are worrying.. I think we will all worry regardless of our diagnosis, as nothing in life is a guarantee. It was also wrong of the urologist to give you the report and not explain it... wrong, wrong, wrong I agree to follow up first thing tomorrow. I must say that my MO doesn't give scans to early stage cancer patients because he said there are SO many things that can look like a problem and are nothing (false positives), and yet the doctor then has to follow up to make sure.. He said a lot of unnecessary tests happen this way... I now understand this, as this summer I had a pelvic CT for my DIEP flap surgery and the report came back saying something about fluid blah blah... so I had to have a D&C (what fun) and it was nothing.. and yet we had to pursue to be safe.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

     Good Morning ,

     We were all posting together last night and I wanted to say ..I would love to see the picture of your sunflower cake kiwimum...sounds so pretty and you are very good at that. I have a cupcake one and in the very middle you sprinkle mini chocolate chips. I love all the icing tips etc. Have fun with those girls tonight ...tell them to stay away from boys! Lol Would love to hear all that girl talk!!

    Thank goodness I get to get rid of my bake sale goodies for the Y today...I made red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese butter cream and chocolate cupcakes ( can you believe the batter has hellmans mayo in bad can that be??? ) Lol I got new icing tips so the icing looks like a spiral..then little red sprinkles. I tested one last night..Lol  ..I may have to test another today just in case. I also made caramel popcorn with pretzels.

    Today I will do the brazilian one then go to the Y and see what kind of trouble I can find. I meet someone new all the time and really enjoy that.

    Hope all you girls have a good travels for you odie

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    odie, hope you arrive home safely, there is nothing better than sleeping in your own bed!  awesome for you!  i don't know that i'd ever be able to squeeze in my exercising if i was traveling. great job!

    kiwimum, thanks for the words of kindess.  was def more upset with the doctor and in print, it must not have come across that way.  we'll have to ask kmur for some photos, before and after brazilian butt lift dvd to see if its worth it! lol!  i am barely motivated to walk sometimes!  i always try to do homemade cakes for my kids. would love to see a pic too. 

    kmur, you keep me going with your stories!  love to hear them.  great job on your work out today!  i don't know how you've been living with all those cupcakes.  there would be nothing left for the bake sale at my house!! 

    mamachick, definitely looking forward to tonight!  my hubbies birthday is the day before valentine's day, so traditionally we always go away for the night around this time of year.  it's our one night guaranteed to ourselves the whole year.  hopefully you'll get a night away soon.  i highly recommend it!  when my kids were littler, my husband and i used to get to the room and sleep and watch movies!  heaven!

    totally agree betsy. i think cancer coming back is my biggest fear and worry.  glad to know i'm not alone.

    did my walk today, only 2.5 miles, cut it a little short with so much to do today.

    have a great friday everyone!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

      Hi Everyone...

    OK I can now say I have done Zumba in public....LOL...If you all had been would be laughing...Oh gosh too funny...I am old crack me up...those cupcakes are evil ( like fritters) they know my name and call me all the time....and So funny you said that about the butt lift thing. I did that this morning and I was throwing away the box it came in and found the "pencil" is a measuring device by which ..if you need to work on your butt....your butt can hold the pencil there...if you have a Brazilian butt it should not stay???? I'm sure this is scientific!!  Lol...I did a different workout this am it is sculpt and it is far I really do like it. It is shown on cable so you can see what it looks like..some moves I am not strong enough to do but I will keep plugging.

    Kiwimum...I am impressed with your spinning...That is very hard for me...did you know they make spinning shoes??  OMG!!   I need Zumba shoes!!!!

    Have a good night ladies ..I will be with my guys tonight....

    Hugs to you girls in treatment and prayers for good test results and clean scans!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

     Hi all!

     What a worrying time for you, Eema. I was wondering why you hadn't been on for a while. I agree with Kiwimum that you need to have someone clarify the situation and get some answers asap. Thinking of you.

     Yes, Kim, we do have summer here - of sorts - starts around May.  Britain and Ireland are pretty northerly in Europe, though, so it is rather cold now and, being in Wales, as you know,also rather wet! I braved the hills round here to actually go for a walk round my neighborhood yesterday! Inspired by you girls and my father-in-law who is nearly 80 and still goes to the gym regularly. Aiming to lose 21 lbs (or 1 1/2 stone, we say - 1 stone=14lbs), by July !  

     Happy Birthday to your daughter, Kiwimum. Hope you survive the party intact! Yes, let us see the cake. I love putting edible glitter on mine - very disco-y!

     All the best, Sarah xx

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited February 2012

    Hello ladies.

    Thanks for the well wishes. I am now safely home, fed thanks to the wonderful Chinese delivery guy and sufficiently relaxed after a well earned bubble bath... Thought I would take today off from exercising since I wouldn't have time for the treadmill but apparently didn't need a treadmill as huffing it through the airports proved to be quite the haul. There truly is no place like home. 

    Kiwimum - Good luck with the girls tonight. Hope they have a great time and your daughter has a wonderful birthday! Would love to see a picture of the cake too!

    Hope everyone has a great Friday evening. I am going to spend mine doing laundry and chilling out. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited February 2012

    Eema - Hope you talked to dr today???

    Any good plans for the weekend?  I have memorial service for great-aunt (97) tomorrow am and then family party for dd at 4pm.  We ordered main dishes and I am only cooking sides, so it shouldn't be too bad, I hope to be home before 2pm.  Sunday we just have church and ds basketball.  I hope to find time in there to finish thank-you notes to all our wonderful friends who have bringing us dinner 2x week, what a help it has been, I think I have 3 or 4 left for the last two weeks. 

    And hopefully I can walk Sunday if we don't get too much snow tomorrow, we are only planned to get 1 - 3 inches.

    kmur, I think I would be afraid to do Zumba in public, good for you! And I still can't quite picture the Brazilian butt lift, maybe I'll have to Google it.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012

    Been thinking about you today Eema, praying everything is OK.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited February 2012

    Here's the sunflower cake.  I got cramp in my hand piping the icing! It took so long.

    All good here so far. Swimming and gossiping! All they really want at this age is for adults to "go away".

    Pizza for dinner and then a DVD. Fingers crossed everyone is asleep by midnight!

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited February 2012
    KiwiMum - OMG!  That is amazing!!!!
  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited February 2012

     God - that's brilliant, kiwimum!  I would never have the patience to pipe all those rosettes on it - well done! Hope the party was enjoyed by all.

     Love, Sarah x

  • blueyez
    blueyez Member Posts: 73
    edited February 2012

    kiwimum that cake looks amazing!!  you did a great job!! hope all went well last night. 

    had a great night myself.  nice dinner and a relaxing night to ourselves. 

    hope everyone else's weekend is going well.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited February 2012

      Kiwimum...your cake is awesome and I bet with all those girls ....gossip ...I am trying to imagine how they must sound....were your asked nicely to leave the room??  Lol... Is it Sunday there now?? You have a birthday rolling around here..I get so confused though cause I think your birthday will be my Monday and your Tuesday ( good grief... Lol )  Wish we could all have cake!! I know maybe we should synchronize our watches and have a toast at the same time!!! Everyone could pick their poison!!

    Tracy...glad you had a nice dinner...isn't it great to have that time with our guys??

    It is a cold Sat. morning here...You all can call me far I have made two rounds of breakfast and now two rounds one eats at the same time around here....I love it though.

    Have a nice afternoon everyone.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited February 2012

    Kiwi - Your cake has inspired me.  I have always wanted to try cake decorating but never have.  I particularly love the fondant cakes.  I went out today and bought some supplies and a book and am going to give it a try.  I am sure it will probably take a few weeks to actually do it.  LOL.  But I am excited.

    It is sooooo cold here today.  It is really just uncomfortable outside.  I have been hibernating.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited February 2012

    OMG, kiwi mum, what a beautiful cake!

    So first, Friday morning I called and talked to the nurse. I said, "just tell me to stop freaking out, it coiuld be something else.". So that is exactly what she said, and told me the onc would call later that afternoon. Since I observe Shabbat, that had to be before sundown yesterday, so around 2 I screamed to G-d, "G-d! This is your child Eema! Please have (insert onc's name here) call me now so I dont have to eat my stomach waiting!" wouldn't you know the phone rang just then??? He looks out for me!

    So she was wonderful, told me to call any time, and that of course she would want to know right away, too. She also has BC, so I know she knows how it feels. She told me she applauded that I research my own reports, and anyone who told me not to was wrong. She also said I need to ask questions to feel better, which was fine.

    The upshot? She doesn't know why it would be from my BC, since it wasn't invasive. It would have to be a third cancer (had melanoma). But, I DO have lesions in my illium, largest is 1 cm, and more, plus widening between L2 and L3, so she wants to be aggressive and get a bone scan right away, monday or Tuesday, and said thank for not waiting to call, because that would have delayed the bone scan... So good idiot urologist gave me the reports, bad she didnt explain them, and good i still have an appt on Thursday to go over bone scan.

    I also asked her for Ativan. Just a couple to break the stress cycle.

    Whew. We know nothing now, but will soon. oh, if the bone scan lights up, she said she was going to have to stick a needle in the lesion. Sounds like fun.

    On top of it all, I am fighting with our ex land lady who stole our $1500 security deposit, I played the cancer card. Next I will evoke the wrath of G-d. Her son is a rabbi-- I hope it works! It would piss me off, but I would feel guilty enough to give it back. No, I wouldn't steal someone's money in the first place!