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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Lynette ~ I looked up the ki-67 and found a useful article about pathology reports for breast cancer, but couldn't copy - here is the link.  Hope it helps a bit.

    Sorry about asking the question about the size of your tumor, I think I was looking at someone else's diagnosis sorry.   So yes, my OC said the size of my tumor dictated the chemo, surgery, radiation.  We opted for chemo first, I'm triple neg, and from what I am learning, TN tumor respond well to chemo.  We shrunk it first, then were able to a lumpectomy.  My BS said the odds of recurrence where increased by less than two % from lumpectomy as opposed to MX.  I also went on a radical diet, lifestyle change to decrease the recurrence rate even more 40-80% the studies are still out there.

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited May 2011

    Profbee:  To answer your question I am 43. 

    Sagina:  Thanks for the article, it was helpful.  I am still gathering info.

    My oncologist wants me to get a second opinion in Boston, but I live in VA so it is not exactly close.  I don't know why they can't just review my info.  I'm not exactly sure why I have to be seen in person based on my experience at Duke.  All they did was ask what was in my records and look at my post-BMX with TE body.  Nothing really to see as far as I'm concerned.  Oh well, still in limbo.  Lynette 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Happy Mothers Day to all!   Hope everyone is having a restful and peaceful day.  I went out to brunch with my family and some friends with same age boys.  We had great meal and I had my first post chemo drink, not a big drinker but it tasted great and had a slight buzz after just one drink, talk about a cheap date.

    Lynette, sorry you are still struggling to get a treatment plan.  Waiting seems like the hardest part I am sure.  How soon will you go to Boston?  Will this be your 3rd opinion? 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Hi all!  I hope all of you are enjoying your mother's day.  My mom was in town this weekend to celebrate mother's day and my niece's 3rd bday.  I had the best day yesterday.  Watched my niece at her gymnastics class.  If you have never watched 3 year olds in gymnastics, you should.  Talk about putting a smile on your face!  Then we went to lunch for her bday.  I got her a barbie house and two barbies - it is a huge hit.  She has played with it non-stop since opening it. 

    Then we went to my nephew's last baseball game of the regular season.  He is 7 and this is the first year that he has been physically able to hit out of the park home runs.  He had hit 7 of them prior to yesterday - I am told this is quite an accomplishment for his age. Well, on the last hit of the last game he hit another, but this time it was a grand slam homerun.  And he was pitching - allowing only one run and no scoring for the last three innings, allowing his team to come from behind to win.  Other than the grand slam, the best moment of the game was after his first inning pitching - he struck out the first three batters and as he walked back to the dugout, he said to my sister and I:  Three up.  Three down.  And he put up three fingers then dropped them down as he said it.  LOL.  No lack of confidence in that kid!! He is so great!

    Unfortunately had to work today, but I don't mind because there are now only TWO days left to Greece!!  Going to start packing some tonight.  Woo Hoo!

    I hope everyone is doing well!  I may not be around much for the next two weeks while traveling, but I am taking my ipad with me and may check in from time to time.

    Have a great few weeks if I don't "talk" to you for a while! 

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    Lisa - have a GREAT Trip!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Michelle - I will!  We worked out the last few details this past week and are now ready to go!  And the weather is shaping up very nicely - lows in the mid 50s and highs around 70 with lots of sunshine.  Perfect!  I am looking forward to a nice long break - I have not had one in almost two years. 

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    HI Ladies, just wanted to say Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful Moms out there. Hope all of you are having a wonderful relaxing day.

    Hugs Kymn

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Michelle for the site hookup.  Im gonna give them a try and see if this helps.  At this point I have to start trying different things.  I'm about done with cheo, so I wanna stop with all the pill taking.  Any tips on which one to try first.  I wanna get the right one not just go for the first one that catches my eye style wise.  Thanks!

    Yesterday was a nice day for a wedding I went to.  Its was raining first thing in the morning, then it cleared off.  Thank goodness it did because it was an outdoor wedding.  I loved the theme and the fact that we didnt have to dress up.  It was a camo theme and the bride and groom requested that if ya had camo to feel free and wear it.  For once it was so nice to not have to stress on what to wear and getting ready for it. I did go out and buy a new camo hat just for it though, lol. 

    I hope Mothers Day was a fun day had by all.  Ours was nice, no coooking, whew.  Have a nice night all. 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hi girls-I just typed a long post and lost it.  HATE THAT!  Ugh.

    I hope everyone is having a great day and weekend!  I woke up to danish, flowers, balloons and presents.  It was awesome.  Now it's a typical day with tons of laundry, although my hubby is going to make dinner for me later.  Yayyy

    I haven't been here for a couple of days-I got an I-phone, and have been playing with it nonstop.  I'm also having a hard time typing because it auto corrects your spelling.  Lol. 

    Lisa-have a great trip if we don't talk to you.  Still jealous!

    Kymn-I hope you were able to get out of the house a little bit.

    Hugs to everyone else-I hope you are all feeling well :-)

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Have a wonderful trip, Lisa!  I am very, very jealous.  I loved Greece, but went there when I was pregnant, so didn't enjoy it as much.  It was way too hot for me! ;)

  • kindlelover
    kindlelover Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2011

    I'm so happy to find you all!

    I'm 45, married to a great caretaker (who knew?!) and we have three children - 14, 12 and 9.  

    I start chemo a week from today and have long, thick hair, red hair that's never been colored.  I think I'm more upset about losing my hair than I was about losing my breasts.  Crazy, I know!  I was wondering how you all handled this.  Should I get it cut short before I lose it so it's not so traumatic?  Or just leave it and let it go in its own time?  

    I can't wait to get to know you all better!

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    I buzzed my hair once it started coming out.

    Morning all.  I had a rough night.  Darn neuropathy gave me a fit thanks to the nice hot house last night.  I don't know how I am going to make it through summer this year.  We can't afford to keep the house as cool as my numb feet and hands like it.  

    I had a great Mother's Day this year.  A busy day and my child was sweet as can be all day long!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies well first day back at work since tx number 3. Still tired but at least I am not sick today, I threw up again yesterday arrgg. My arm hurts so bad from the iv I do not know how on earth they are going to do 3 more treatmenst from these veins, or how on earth I am going to get through 3 more sigh.

    Welcome Kindlelover, I had the hardest time accepting the hair loss too, its just so damn unfair. As you can see from pic I had nice long blond hair, I am not gonna lie I miss it terribly but you just learn to accept it and carrry on, really what other choice is there. How many treatments are you getting? I am half way done now 3 out of 6 I cant beleive how the time has flown by it really seems like last week I signed up here and its been almost 4 months. Sorry you have to join us but looking forward to getting to know you too.

    Hugs to all


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011
    Kindle I cut my hair short just before my 1st chemo. I figured if I was going to loose my hair, it would be on my terms! About 10 days after chemo, my kids gave a a buzz cut and by day 17 my hubby shaved the last remaining stragglers.   The funny thing is my first hair cut was the hardest, I cried every time I looked in the mirror the first week by the time all my hair fell out I found it anti-climatic, I was ready to embrace the bald (my husband was not, he cried the whole time he shaved my head Frown). 
  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Welcome kindlelover!  Glad you found us.

    My hair started to fall out day 13 after my first treatment, so I had my husband shave it.  I've heard of some ladies who haven't lost their hair, or it just thinned out.  My advice used to be to go ahead and cut it, but now I'm not so sure.  Maybe wait and see?

    I still have one long stitch sticking out of my boob from the nipple surgery.  I keep pulling on it, but it isn't coming loose.  My PS pulled on it the last time I was there and it hurt like hell!  I know she'll do it again in a couple of weeks, so I'm trying to get it out on my own.

    Kymn-glad to hear you're feeling good enough to go back to work.  I hope you're back to 100% soon!

    Have a great day ladies.

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    I also did the preemptive buzz cut before it fell out around day 15 after 1st tx. I didn't look until it was all off. It was very weird at first but after I got used to it I sort of liked it!


  • shooshoo23
    shooshoo23 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2011


     I also had thick long hair and it was the hardest part for me as well. I actually had a haircutting party. My hairdresser came to my house and I invited family, friends and co-workers. Everyone came to my house and I had my haircut with them all around me. It was such great support for me and it also allowed everyone to see my 'new do' all at the same time. I was dreading all the surprise and comments and sympathy each time someone new saw me with short hair so I just did it all at one time and got it over with. I served pink lemonade and pink cupcakes, pink and white pretzel rods, etc. It really helped me to have all that love and support around me as I was beginning the journey. I left it short until it was falling out and getting in my food, yuck! Then my mom and sister shaved it for me.

    My last chemo tx was Jan. 31 and I actually have quite a bit of hair. It is very gray and before it was dark but it's hair! It's even starting to cover the tops of my ears!

    Saw my MO today and he prescribed the 5 years of Tamoxifen. I'll be starting when it arrives in the mail. He said, "Tamoxifen is easy." We'll see. 

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011


    My hair started to come out day 12, and it hurt!  I was surprised about the painfulness, like needles sticking in my scalp - my MO couldn't medically explain but said about half her patients say the same thing.  I think it depends on the meds they give you whether you loose it all.  My MO said without a doubt I was loosing the hair, and of course you may know already, you loose it just about everywhere, and the other "everywhere" went first for me!  Eyebrows and lashes were last to loose and first to return...

    I had a very short cut before I started treatment, and then shaved my head with an electric razor!  I bought a wig, wore it twice....TLC on line has great hats, fake bangs, fake "hat hair" etc.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone. I'm happy to find you too.

    I'd been reading the 40-60 posts but didn't fit. I'm 40 with two children aged 9 and 6.

    My second AC tx is in 3 hours. I'm having 4 x AC, 12 x Taxol cocktail.

    My hair is all gone. It started falling out day 15 and I shaved it on day 19. I'm glad it's gone so I don't have to worry about watching it go bit by bit.  I've got a great wig and lots of groovy hats.  I must say I'm finding them all quite hot and can't wait to rip my wig off as soon as I get home every day.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    For those on Tamox, did your MO prescribe baby asprin to avoid clots?? Mine did.

  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited May 2011

    Welcome Kindlelover...

    Do you know what your chemo cocktail is yet?  Once you know yours, know that there is a thread about it on this forum...also, if you haven't yet, find the thread for those starting chemo this month.  You will find others that are starting when you are as well and those getting the same treatment as you...

    Also, keep coming back here...we are here for you!


  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2011

    Kindle, i am with you on the hair as well. i am ready for surgery... take this poison thing off of me. I am however, having a horrible time with the thought of hair loss, and being sick from chemo! I have about 5 weeks to plan before hair loss, so i think I am going to try a few different haircuts beforehand ( at least Im in the business) I have worn my hair past my shoulder for most of my life. I am looking at this as being forced to try out alot of different styles! I also plan on using Nioxin throughout treatment. It is pricey, but it does help with hair re growth. I know its going to be so hard when it comes out, but I have to realize its because I am going to kick cancers butt!!! lol, I just had a cheesy visual of Demi moore in GI Jane. ( yes I really said that out loud) too bad I dont look like her, lol!  Good look with your treatments, I will be here going through it with you. xoxo

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Cheryl-I am SO jealous about your hair growth!  Down to your ears already?  That's awesome.  I guess my chemo really stunted my hair growth (on my head.)  Everything else came back right away, armpits and legs first.

    Gina-I had the same painful scalp feeling.  It actually hurt quite a bit, especially while laying my head on a pillow.  It went away when I shaved my head.

    Welcome kiwimum!  Glad you found us.  Good luck with your treatment today-or was that yesterday?  I get confused about the time zones where you are.  We're here for you-utilize the boards and us for support.

    Betsy-no baby aspirin for me.  I wonder what that's for...

    After being on Arimidex for 2 months, I can honestly say I feel like an old lady when I get out of bed in the morning.  My knees are killing me, and I stumble around for about the first 20 steps or so.  I didn't have this much aches and pains on Tamoxifen-sigh...and I wake up with my left hand cramped every single morning.  I can't figure that one out.  My knees make it hard to exercise, but I'll keep plugging along-just trying to take it easy.

    I hope you all have a terrific day!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    Burley... baby asprin is to prevent blood clots... don't want those... maybe ask your MO??

  • dena44
    dena44 Member Posts: 10
    edited May 2011

    Julliebell22 I too has pain with my tumor, and the same as you I listened to everyone telling me cancer doesnt hurt, should have listened to my inner voice telling me something was wrong....

  • Rachel2
    Rachel2 Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone:

    I was looking at the 40-60 posts but didn't feel like I fit there.  I am 48 married with two girls aged 11 & 13 and a hedgehog.  I finished chemo 4  X AC and 4  x Taxol March 14th and just finished 20/20 radiation treatments yesterday.  Feeling kind of lost now but I am sure things will get better.   

    I used to have long curly red hair which I cut short then shaved in December.  It is coming back in black, very bizarre.  My eyelashes fell out in March and are already growing back which surprised me.  

    I hope everyone has a good day. 

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Congrats for finishing rads, Rachel!  I saw you over there on the April Rads thread.  I know I am going to feel the same when i am done.  I am actually enjoying going it to get my treatments because I have met so many wonderful people.  I know when I am not going in, I'll be at home(I don't work outside the home) with my own thoughts.. I think i am going to have to make sure I get out with people so that I don't dwell about my future.  My tumor was very small (3 mm) but there is always that chance of recurrence, though small (I think it is 7% with lumpectomy and rads?).

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2011

    Hi, I;m glad I found this post too!  I'm 44 and have two kids, dd age 11 and ds age 7.  I haven't read through all the pages, but I'll definately be visiting here more often.  Oh, and I work full time, I am the sole breadwinner as my dh is a stay at home dad. 

    Kindlelover - love your name!  I love my Kindle also, take it everywhere with me!  I agree with others, I got a buzz cut about 10 days after 1st treatment before it started falling out. I think's its traumatic and not to mention messy to have it fall out in clumps.  Once the buzz cut started to fall out, I would rub hard in the shower to get as much out each day and wore a sleep cap (but it was Oct) that would catch the tiny hairs.

    Have much would love to talk about, will be back...

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Welcome Rachel and readingmama. Glad you found us!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies, been MIA for a couple of days just so busy with work and trying to get all I need and want to do before I have to go back to the chair. Just wanted to say hi and hope you are doing well. Its nice to have a few days where I feel like myself again. Really dreading next treatment but holding out hope that switching drugs for the next 3 will be easier.

    Hugs Kymn