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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Kymn glad to hear your smile! I had a five week break after chemo/surgery and between rads.  I was feeling sosoooooooo good then.  Now in rads, back to tired....good luck with the new med.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    Thanks Sagina I am tying to stay positive that it will be much better. So nervous .

    Hugs kymn

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Just keep thinking 4 down 2 to go.  Time will go by really fast.  I remember going in for my first treatment and seeing someone in the waiting room with a scarf on her head and I thought wow that is so far away for me - 12 days later it was me.  Then the next visit I saw someone there for a three month check up, and I thought how far away that is! May 27 I see my MO for my first blood test since completing chemo....You can do this, it so sucks, but you can do this!  We are all waiting for you on the other side of chemo! I got a "chemo chicken" when I finished from my nurses!

    So I'm sending you a big hug, but of course it's a lopsided hug!!!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hey Kymn-glad to hear you're feeling better.  I bet you had a lot of work to catch up on.

    Hey Gina-how goes the weight loss?  What's your stats?

    And...where is everyone else?  C'mon ladies, check in and tell us how you're doing.

    So-since I got my i-Phone on Saturday, I can't stop playing games on it.  I have turned into a 40-year old gamer.  My kids are starting to get frustrated because they're talking to me and I'm like, sssssh...I'm trying to build a word on Scrabble!  Lol.  And I have figured out that my phone has a potty mouth.  Whatever word I type into it, it doesn't auto correct for me like my friend's phone does.  So we had a swear fest yesterday and I was laughing so hard I was literally crying.  I have not laughed that hard since before cancer...BC.  It was very refreshing.  I've gone through so many emotions on this journey, it sometimes seems like I'm numb.  Anyone else feel that way?

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    very much Burley. There are still days I go in denial of stuff.  Specially my LE.  There are days I just can't stand to have compression on and will not wear it.  I figured I need a break.  I think that is why I like going to my moms.  There are no memories of sitting here or there crying my eyes out or being sick as a dog.  It's a refreshing break.  I somtimes wonder if we had the money that a move would be a great thing.

    I have been mad at my computer ever since Firefox update itself to   4.0.   I an a Facebook gamer and Frontierville will not load.  Somebody suggested IE on Firefox's site.  I tried it last night and it tells me I need something in order for it to work.  Click on the button to download and it does nothing.  I miss my games.  Tonight, hubby will be finding a fix or trying another browser.

    I have a nasty cold.  Broke my temp last night so I didn't go to the Dr. today.  Now I am second guessing myself after folding clothes and having a coughing spell and wheezing.  There's always tomorrow and urgent care.  I just hate spending our hard earned money and the Dr. thinks it is still viral come back in so many days if it's not better.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Hey girls,

    Well today marks 2 weeks since my last chemo, must report I am feeling really good.  Still tired, but emotionally much better!  For those of you still in treatment, hang in there.

    Tomorrow I go and see my PS, not sure if I will have one more fill.  I like the size of my TEs, but think maybe I need to overexpand alittle to keep this size with exchange.  I also hope I can talk him into getting my port out sooner rather that later.  I am lucky that I really like my PS, he is young, but very compassionate and communicates better than any surgeon I have ever met.  So far his work looks pretty good.  I can not wait to get my TEs exchanged, but not sure when I will have time with summer vacations, etc.  I also want some hair back before my surgery!

    I am off to have dinner with some friends tonight.  We go out once a month (working mom's group), I have not been out with them since my diagnosis, so should be fun.  Hope you all have a great evening.  Hope you feel better kittydog, I hate spring colds.

  • tougherthanithought
    tougherthanithought Member Posts: 270
    edited May 2011

    Kim, I sooo get the addiction to the iPhone.  When I first got mine, I was the same preoccupied w a game and beating my high score.  An I am definitely NOT a video game person!  The obsession wore off pretty quickly, Thank God!

    You have to checkout the website

    It lists examples of text messages that were sent inadvertantly with the wrong words.  It is hysterical!


  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Hey Kittydog-sorry to hear about your cold.  But yes, it's probably viral.  Don't you hate going to the doc for them to tell you that?  I always force mine to give me antibiotic anyway.

    Congrats Christine!  Glad to hear you're feeling well.  If you at all feel like you want another fill, do it.  I didn't do my last fill, and I regretted it.  So I had 2 exchanges-one in August, then another in November to go a little bigger.  I'm now an exact C, and before the second exchange I was a small C.  Eventually I'll get up the courage to to get fitted for a bra...I hate my boobs (scars.)  Maybe when they're not so red.

    I'm glad I got my nipples done, but it was definitely more for me than the husband.  He has kissed one twice, and that was it.  Damn.  Lol

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi Kim, just down one more pound since last week, but I think I'm having phantom PMS I'm hungry binge?  There's only so many veggies I can eat to fill up!!! lol. I have not hit the exercise like I should, but getting out of bed with Rads is so hard then work for 8 hours, then rads every afternoon.....excuses I know, but when I get home in the evenings I so tired sometimes I don't even want to bother with food.  But there aren't vegan drive through's so atleast I'm not gaining! lol.

    Hello my name is Gina, I'm a facebook that how the confession goes!!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Burley - you are my age so you may remember the arcade game,centipede. I put that on my iPhone, along with ms. Pacman. They are EXACTLY like the arcade games. Won't help your addiction, but who cares - it's fun!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Great, thanks Lisa!  Lol.  Just what I needed.  Are you in Greece yet?

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    Diagnosed 3/10 surgery 4/22 left side BMX and right MRMX.  I was freaked out when they told me 6 positive nodes and made it 111a.  Ill be 40 in august and I had just lost 40 pounds.  I would never have felt the 4 masses before the weight loss.  The anxiety I feel right now is killing me.  I finally see my oncologist on the 19th. It's driving me crazy since I read how other people who had surgery at the same as me have already had ct scans and pet scans etc.  I live in columbus ohio and thought I was going to the best hospitals and seeing the best doctors.  Now I question everything, I don't sleep at night and I am starting to "feel" sick.  My daughter turns 16 on 5/28 and son turns 10 on 5/25....I havet planned parties or anything.  I don't feel motivated and I don't know where to start.  My mother comes and visits often and it is helpful but my kids act like punks when she is here.  I know they feel the stress and I am feeling very lost in my own emotion.  I stopped reasearching the type of cancer since the info I was reading what not all positive.  Its 3 weeks today.  I used to work out 2 times a day and all my good friends are people i exercise with.  They come over before or after they exercise and it makes me sad and can't tell them that.  I think i am going to go to the gym next week and start riding the bike or walking.  I really am thinking that will lift my spirits.  I will turn 40 with no hair and it's really making me sad.  Husband said we could go somewhere after chemo but I can't think that far ahead right now.  Anyone from central ohio? Im afraid a big support group is just to much for me.

    Thanks for the ears,


  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    (((((HUGS))))) Rhonda.  First you are not a statistic so quit worrying for now.  Right I did the same thing.  I wonder all last year if I would still be here in a year...and look here I am.  I started out with a 10cm tumor and 1 node positive before I started chemo and my DD was only 6 when I was DX.  You can do it!  So sorry you are having to join our group but welcome to a wonderful group of ladies.

    Hoping everybody has a great weekend.  I am going to my moms.  Oh darn that reminds me I need to go and get her a Mother's Day present so see ya later.  lol.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Hang in there, Ronda.  We are thinking of you with lots of hugs.  Keep us posted and we'll be there for you whenever you need us.

    Gina:I know how you feel about the drive thru.  It used to be my guilty pleasure, but now I can't go without totally cheating big time.  Hopefully, not going to the dirve thru will help in the end, but so far, I am at a standstill as well.  The beginning of rads threw me for a loop and I haven't lost an ounce!  I keep saying to myself that there will be plenty of time after rads to continue, but I fear I've lost my momentum.  I planned on losing about 5 pounds during rads. I will be going on my European vacation at the end of June and I wanted to be within my normal weight range by then.  I have about 12 pounds to go :(

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Hi Rhonda- welcome to our group, I think everyone who has been here will agree the hardest part is waiting on a complete treatment plan.  Be easy on yourself, hopefully you will have more answers once you meet with your oncologist.  We are all here for you.

    Congrats to you all who are dieting and losing weight.  I had lost about 30lbs prior to my diagnosis, now have gained back 10 with chemo.  This weekend will start back to healthier eating plan, now that food is starting to taste better.  I also need to get back to gym, just hate having to wear hat or scar, and I am not the topless type.

    Saw my PS today, got one last fill 50ccs on each side, so tight tonight I feel like I could bust.  In the past I have had 75, but this time we stopped after 50.  Just took a pain pill.  Looks like July for my exchange surgery, Yeah!!  Anyone else having exchange surgery this summer?

  • Cynthia1962
    Cynthia1962 Member Posts: 236
    edited May 2011

    Hi All,

    I just discovered this group and am excited to join!  I had just turned 44 when I was dx'd in Jan '07.  I have two little kids, an almost 6 yo son, and a 9 yo daughter (my hubby and I got a late start on our family).  I was recently dx'd with mets to my hip, but Arimidex knocked them down.  Now, I'm dealing with what appears to be my menstrual cycle returning.  It's been 3 years since I last had a period, then I had bleeding for one day 2 weeks ago.  I'd always suspected that I wasn't really menopausl and the Tamoxifen was keeping my estradiol down.  I see my onc next week and find out what my hormone levels are now.  I knew I should have had an ooph!  LOL  One of the challenges of having BC in one's 40s, I suppose. 


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455
    edited May 2011

    Ok I just found out that there is another case of breast cancer on my block!  that makes 5 women in the last year!  There has to be something going on.  Either that or maybe it is because there are many baby boomers around 60 living here?  That would be fine, but I am 42.  I am the only person under 60, but something still does not seem right.  There are only 30 women total. That's 1 out of 5. We definitely need to moveFrown

  • Paula66
    Paula66 Member Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2011

    Susan I cuoldnt agree more.

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    today was a rough one, I walked the 5k koman today and went on the state house steps with all the other survivors.  I went up when they said people under 1 year so I was front and center and then it happened....i started to cry.  One tear then ten then 20.  My friends were way back in the crowd,  Let me tell you no one acknowledged that I was upset.  No other survivors hugged me or tried to comfort me.  It was awful.  I didn't even stay there the whole time.  I ended up squeezing my way out of the crowd and left broken hearted.  I don't know if I will ever go back :(

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2011

    RondaJean, i am from cols also! In grandview. Also new to this site. I feel the same way about big support groups. I am surprised they have not done a ct? Where are you being treated? I am stage 3 also. I have positive nodes under my armpit, so they are taking all of them... not even getting the sentinal node biopsy. Im wondering if that is why I had the ct so fast. would love to chat with you! Pm me anytime. 

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    Juliebell, I am seeing dr sweeney on thursday. (columbus onco- dr lilly did the surgery, Dr heck is making my new girls) I have consulted with a out of town onco thats a brother to a friend.  He said he is sure a ct will be ordered this week, probably both contrasts.  He said they can't even start treatment until 4 weeks until I am totally healed from my MX.  I didn't know I had positive nodes until SNB and I had such small girls that keeping them wasn't really an option so I think they didn't rush also the original biopsy came back 2 instead of 3.  I worry everyday but like you, im hormone based and I was told that is the best kind and the most treatable.  The removal of the nodes is pretty painful and if you ever need anything please ask.  I would love to have another warrior friend in the area.  

    On a good note, yesterday was my 2 month anniversary of my DX and I spent it walking with 52,000 of my closest friends :))

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone, hopefully I will be better about checking in here and posting after I finish Rads - only 6 left yeah!!!

    Can we chat about Chemopause?  Are you all having hot flashes? Did anyone get their periods back? What else does this mean, like is this worse for our bones? 

    I haven't had a period since Halloween 2010, but my MO said it could come back for up to two years.  (I'm 44).  Hot flashes during day and at night, only a few during the day and these seem to be getting less as time goes by.  Night ones are not as bad as others I've heard of, no pool of sweat or anything. I do wake up during night, but never stay awake (and not sure if its from hot flash or something else).  I'm not taking any pills, it doesn't really seem that bad to me and I'd like to limit the pills I'm on for now.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011


    I am not an expert in Chemopause, I am sure some of the others will be along soon.  I just finished chemo 2+ weeks ago, no rads, and have not gotten my rx for tamoxifen yet.  I had one last period after my first chemo in Jan, none since.  I am 47.  Hoping to stay in chemo/meno pause, for us hormone positive girls I believe this is desirable.  I have hot flashes too, but not to bad, I take ambien at night and occasionally they wake me up, I flip to the cool side of the pillow and go back to sleep.  I have fewer during the dayLaughing, don't remember any today. 

    Congrats on almost finishing your Rads.  Do you have hair yet?  I am bald, but hair obsessed.

  • shooshoo23
    shooshoo23 Member Posts: 12
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies, been gone awhile. My 15 year old went to Disney with the HS band for a few days and I was a mess! Is that sad or what?? Poor kid's gonna need therapy! Is it bad to be that attatched to your kids?

    ReadingMama- Im 43, my last chemo was 1-31 and Im just now having my first period. I was hoping to stay in chemopause because my OBGYN wants to do a hysterectomy due to fibroids and heavy menstral cycles but I HATE being cut on. I'm sure the hyst is coming. In the meantime at least the hot flashes have stopped.

    Speaking of hot flashes, I got my Tamoxifen today and Im afraid to take it! Ive heard terrible things about SE's. Anyone here on Tamox? 

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2011

    rondajean, just saw this post about the race. So sorry that happened. Next year, i will go with you, and we will stand as survivors together!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2011

    Ok, darn chemo brian, meant to also ask if chemopause is what is causing my "fur" on my face.  Very fine, very white, but definately there.  Been afraid to shave it as I don't want it to grow more.

    Cheryl, my last chemo was in Jan also, 1-18-11, but no signs for me yet. But I am on Herceptin, don't know if that interferes or not, I wouldn't think so, but you never know.

     Christine47 - I tried Ambien, but it always woke me up.  I now take an anti-anxiety (can't remember name now) about 1 hour before bed and 1/2 unisom at bed.  This was working, but maybe my body is adjusted because I have not slept well recently.   I'm 17 weeks PFC, so have some hair but very slow growth and the Herceptin definately slows down the hair re-growth.  Fully covers scalp (almost) and just starting to get some tufts up.  The Hair thread has some good pics of people's progress.

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    deal juliebell22! 

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    I get hot flashes too, mostly at night or maybe thats just when I remember them although I do get them during the day too haveing one right now lol. I have had 3 rounds of chemo and still getting my period weird dont know if it will go away or not. I certainly have the emotions of chemopause though sheesh

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Welcome Rhonda and Cynthia!  So glad you found us.  I'm loving the group of ladies here.

    Meegan-chemopause for me meant my period stopped completely and I began having terrible hot flashes.  Those have continued unfortunately.  Apparently I also suffered some bone loss according to a bone density scan.  And yes, sorry to say, but that's probably the cause of the fur on your face.  I have the exact same thing.  I had both sides waxed once and I broke out in the most horrible rash-it looked like I had a beard of zits.  Ugh.

    Cheryl-I was on Tamoxifen before I had my ovaries out (now on Arimidex.)  Sleep problems, creaky bones, aches and pains in my joints, obviously hot flashes...the usual side effects.  I have the same complaints on the Arimidex with a little more joint pain.  Fun

    Where's Michelle?  I know Lisa is off in Greece-so jealous!

    Hi to everyone else-nice to see everyone coming and going.  Makes me happy-very comforting to know I've got a place to go to talk.  I talk to Sherrill on Words with Friends (iPhone) so that's nice.

    Not much new around here-I started working out diligently and I am SO sore!  At least I know it's working.  Lol

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited May 2011

    I am here Kim!  I have been a bit tired lately, I think I need to reevaluate my thyroid supplement.

    I have been reading, just not posting much. 

    Welcome to all the newbies, cynthia196, rondajean. juliebell22, readingmoma!  

    ShooShoo - I am the same way when my son is gone (16) on trips away from home for an extended period of time.  Miss him like crazy!  It is hard to slowly loosen those apron strings. 

    I have a bit of a rant...I ask for copies of all my progress reports and records every quarter from my onc. I just received this last visits progress note and am sooo frustrated!  I told my onc's assistant back in February over the phone that I could not bring myself to go back on tamoxifen due to QOL issues. She said she understoo, would let my onc know and note my file.  I told the nurse who inputs all my vitals and reviews my med's just before seeing the onc the same thing and had her remove all rx drugs but my thyroid since I have been weened off all of my pain meds, etc... needless to say I was a little frustrated when my onc didn't mention anything about the tamoxifen or other alternatives.  I figured she just wrote me off... I even attempted to mention that I was still have regular and heavy periods but she seemed distracted (I took as 'doesn't care') and just dropped the subject.  Well it looks like the assistant never noted my conversation in February and my onc does not read the updates prior to seeing me or during my appointment.  Not only that but apparently I am officially OBESE.   GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!