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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Odie - very funny, I like that!

    Eema, glad to "hear" from you, hope all is going okay with you, last I remember you were still figuring out a UTI and in and out of hospital?

    Gina, nice to "see" you also, it's been a while.  I don't have specific knowledge, but I did go to college in Boston.  There are a ton of apartments that will rent to college kids.  Boston has such a huge number of colleges and universities, it really is quite a college town, that I doubt finding an apartment will be much of a problem at all. The only issue may be roommates as I don't remember many apartments that you could rent on your own.  I bet the college would have recommendations and we used to have flyers hanging on bulliten boards for people looking for roommates, but I bet they have something on-line he can use.

    I have been feeling slightly nauseaus on and off for at least 2 days and maybe 3.  Not sure if it could be the antibotic?  Yesterday I was still taking Tylonol, but I haven't taken any today and still have this.  I'm going to PS for post-op visit on Tuesday and will mention it, not sure if it is important enough to call tomorrow on?  Will go for oxygen treatment #4 tomorrow and this is probably last one as I have PS appt Tues. and then back to work.  Still very bruised up, but getting better from top down (gravity I guess?)

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend..  Spent mine cleaning the house, weeding the garden and trimming bushes. Funny but I really enjoy being tired from a productive weekend... Feels so damn normal...

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited June 2012

    hope all had a great weekend.

    odie, isn't normal wonderful.  I love your little poem.

    Readingmama, antibiotics can surely make you a bit sick on the tummy.  I hope things are going well for you otherwise.

    Drove our oldest to camp this weekend, he wil be gone for 3 weeks!  He is 15 and was so excited that he was anxious for us to leave, after 3 hugs, I finally let him go.  Our 14 year old is with a friend until tomorrow, if this is what an "empty nest" feels like, I am NOT interested. 

    Need to get up super early for work tomorrow, good night my friends.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ladies.

    It's been a while since I've been here too.  My grandmother died 2 weeks ago and it's been a busy time.  Even though she was in her late 80's, it's still a shock. My poor father has been very upset, but we are slowly getting there.

    Christine, I have been thinking about you and glad to see you posting again. Gosh 3 weeks camp is a long time!

    My youngest (7) had her first camp in the weekend.  It was a Brownie/Girl Guide camp.  She LOVED it!

    I can't remember who mentioned Zometa on the previous page? I had my first Zometa infusion a month or so ago.  It was pretty uneventful. The worst part was being back in the chemo ward and smelling those smells!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Kiwi~ so  sorry for your loss. Will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. 

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2012

    Hi! I finished my chemo November 29th and rads February 28th (I had really bad burns), but I'm a little concern because  my wbc are still really low (2.6) How long after radiation do low white and red blood cell counts rise? Wonder how is everybody doing?

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited June 2012

    Ralston, not sure how long until your WBCs are back to normal, may depend on your base line?  I see on your signature line you are getting ready for surgery soon, maybe check with your onc sooner rather than later.  You want to go into surgery strong and ready.

    kiwi, sorry to hear about your grandmother.  My emotions have been all over the place in the last two weeks.  I will have my  first Zometa next week.  I scheduled the infusion at the least busy of our 2 cancer centers and am going after lunch, hopefully it won't be to busy.  I can smell that funky smell in my mind, at least I won't pee red and my hair won't fall out! 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    ((Kiwimum))) I am so sorry for your loss and will pray you & your family find peace and comfort in wonderful memories......   HUGS!!!

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2012

    Yes, I will have to get a neulasta shot prior to my surgery (according to my MO), but let's wait and see what my PS says. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    kiwimum, so sorry for your loss.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    hey Girls,

    Hi Meegan, Hope you are feeling better today. sorry for this loss. Prayers to you and your family. Glad to read your first infusion was no problem.

    Christine...hope you are doing well with your nest being a bit empty...I am with you, I do not want an empty nest...may have to get puppies ???

    Odie...Yippee for normal..feels good to do things like that.

    I have been working quite a bit in the yard and "at work" had a party this weekend and did a lot of cooking/cleaning.  My arm has decided to swell more than normal..Today was quite humid and the swelling made it to my hand for the first time...on a good of my "customers" asked today about my sleeve and when I told him I "had" cancer He said you are a survivor..he asked if he could give me a hug...LOL Oh gosh ..he is either very kind or the opposite....LOL...He is from India and spoke about Karma and you can cover some pretty deep subjects while at a greenhouse. I did appreciate his kind words. Knew you all would understand my odd humor.

    Back to the pump for me. I really dislike this swelling this time.  We have been giving the greenhouse job some time to see if I can do it with the LE and it has been ok until today.

    Sorry to whine and be windy again.

    Love to you all

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Ps...I forgot Ralston..I am two years out from chemo and I still have low white blood cell counts. Mine run about 3.9. I never had the neulasta not know why??? Anyway..ONC says he is not concerned ..

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited June 2012

    Thanks! My WBC count was 3.38 at the first post-chemo-time-to-begin-tamox and 2.4 post-rads. Three months later was checked again an its 2.6. Of course, I will have a bone marrow biopsy next week, but my MO thinks that could be just a normal SE of the chemo and rads or a rare SE of tamoxifen. Undecided Anyway, I don't want to cancel my surgery, so my MO suggested to use neulasta before my surgery. I am happy that she was really pro-active and offer me a solution to keep with my "recovery plans", but I am still wondering what is normal or "new normal".

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Ralston...I really have not had a good answer to that question myself.  I was concerned with infection etc. but I have not been sick with colds or virus  ( knock on wood) .  I was like you in that mine have been lower. During chemo at one point 1.9 then 2.6 the last time it was 3.9 ( about 5 months ago). I did have echange surgery with what everyone thought to be low white counts...I have had no infections with surgery. I bet you will be all good too. Glad your Dr. is ahead of the game for you!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2012

    Hi ladies!

    I'm all hooked up to the IV and waiting for my surgery. They are taking fat from my belly, not my ass, because the surgeon said w such a small amount of fat taken, there would be no difference . My belly doesn't have much far to begin w, so that will make a big difference. As long as the boobs look better.

    Man, I need a vaca.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Thinking of you Eema....let us know how you are when you get a chance.....speedy recovery my friend

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited June 2012

    Eema - thinking of you and praying for smooth sailing for your cancerific self.  . . .

     Kiwimum - so very sorry about your loss. . .. many prayers for peace. 

    Odie - yipppppeeee for normal!   One step forward.

    Gina - that was me who mentioned Boston - do you want me to ask some friends / colleagues about it? 

    Christine - oh I understand the feeling . . . . when they all leave I get a moment of relief and then think, "it's far too empty here...."

    I am in San Jose, CA this week for an internal Marketing meeting for my company.   This my first big dip into the company "pool" since all the BC crap came raining down on my head. . . . kinda nervous as I look slightly different (ha!) and kinda guilty as it's summer - kids are home, I am not.  :(  Weather is cool and gorgeous . . . .  Better then 50 degrees in Boston last week.  Wow - travel two weeks in a row.  No more denying it - I am back to work.  I would like to say this feels normal but I don't think it does. . . . maybe soon.

    Thanks for the NY info . . . hubby interview went well but don't think he was too impressed with the company.  Lovely - !  The layoff is fast approaching . . . .  does this make me part of the 99% or the 1%?  hahahaha . . . .I am feeling like I'm living a reality show. 

     Oh - question for y'all - in reading your posts, boy it seems like y'all see your MOs often - do you?  I don't see mine much at all . . . just wondering if I need to prod someone. .  . .   would love your input.

    Happy Tuesday . . . .  

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited June 2012

    Christine - agree! At least with Zometa I didn't pee red or lose my hair.  My hair is coming in well.  It's been 8 months since my last chemo and I wish it would grow faster! I'm not a patient person by nature.  I REALLY REALLY want to tie my hair in a ponytail.  I'm nowhere near that now ... maybe another 8 months?

    Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone. Christine, I hope each day is getting a bit easier for you.

    Kim - I'm sorry your arm is swelling heaps.  BC really is the gift that keeps giving! That's very sweet of the man you met wanting to give you a hug. I'm not a very touchy person and I'd run for the hills if a stranger asked to hug me.

    Eema - saw your update on FB.  I'm pleased you are through surgery. Hopefully they get those pain meds sorted!

    Kelleyod - I worked throughout my treatment last year. It helped me feel "normal". I see my Onc 6 monthly at this stage. I am due for another appointment next month I think.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Eema, hoping surgery goes well.

    Kelly, I am at 3/4 month schedule with both PS and MO, I see them both in two weeks and will find out where I go from here. 

    Went back to Y yesterday, a week and a half after Stage II surgery.  I did not do legs though, only arms, back/chest.  I'm still trying to decide how to make the most of the two days I go, either to split the muscles like this week and do 2 or more sets or do 1 set of everything and keep increasing the weight.  I didn't go last week, but the week before I split the workout and kind of liked that, I was able to do 2 reps on most things, 3 on some... 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

     Hi to all you 40 somethings....LOL   Gee you all are so quiet..I hope you are having a great weekend.  Monday for kiwimum though. Hope you are doing well kiwimum.

    Kelley...thought I would say I do see my ONC and my BS every 4 months. This may be because of stage though?? I will be asking about the Zometa shot again..and push harder.

    Meegan...that is awesome you are still hitting the Y.  Not sure how the Y's work elsewhere, but this Thursday, I will be going with our Y's Livestrong folks to a local farm where free range chickens, grass fed beef and fresh organic veggies are grown for a tour...the Y here has said because I went through the program I can join in the classes for life!!  I am so for exercise I have not done real exercise, but I have been working my hiney off doing flower beds,trimming trees, and working at the greenhouse. I will join the Y in the fall and do real exercise again. are you feeling and what do you think of your results so far???  Also...several of the girls are on FB on the 40's site....I think you would like that site/group

    See you girls....I have 8 dog paws that need my attention...they get dirty outside!!  See you soon

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    Hi to all, glad to see I am not the only one who has been busy and not posting a lot.

    Eema - hope you are finally on the road to feeling better.

    Trying to go to the Y 4-5 days a week.  Getting stronger and a better range of motion.

    Still working on trying to get my gardens in shape(yes Kim this is exercise, especially in the heat).  Wasn't able to do any work on them last fall.  Busy working this time of year, and yes I consider that exercise too as it is a physical job.

    Yesterday was my daughter's last day of high school, a bit sad and a bit happy.  Bought a newer car yesterday (2011) felt like an investment in the future.  A bit of a statement before my MO apt yesterday.  He seemed very happy which in turn made me very happy, except he wants me to see a gyn about SEs from tamox.

    Feel like I am moving forward and starting to get my life back. Which I guess is really the point of all of this.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Hi everyone.  If you facebook, we have a 40something private group there too. We've been quiet there too.  Life goes on, we get busy, and that's a good thing.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited June 2012

    Hi girls!

    I'm recovering slowly from the last surgery. But since the fun never ends, this past Monday my doc called to tell me I had a weak positive for cutaneous lymphoma. I had a DEXA scan today which came back normal, which is usually good, but now means the lesions can't be blamed on osteoporosis. Blah.

  • Dutchie
    Dutchie Member Posts: 37
    edited June 2012

    Hi everybody! I'm fairly new here but threads like this one are the reason I joined...incredible ladies like all of you who are in the same age group as me, facing similar life issues. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello! I was diagnosed at 39 and I am now 43, with two daughters (15 and 13) and a husband of 17 years.

    I look forward to getting to know you!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

     Hi Dutchie and welcome to our group of lovely 40 ish girls. The girls here are wonderful and supportive. Look forward to getting to know you. I have a son (14) and a husband of (ok) I think 18 years...good grief! !994 ..I think that is 18??? I hope with the tests and get answers and a plan to go with it...I really wish I could drive on up to ( I guess what amounts to Canada) to hang out and try to laugh and forget all this stuff!!

    Because I have to share stuff that really does not dog Hank,hurt his (I guess ) dog knee and can not climb stairs...well, Hank weighs more than me..and I tried to "help" him up the stairs and in doing so hurt my neck!! husband said did you take anything..."yes,yes I and lemon aid...all is good!!

    Thinking of all you wonderful ladies and wishing we could all share a vodka drink...or tea ..tea would work too!!

    Love to all

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415
    edited June 2012

    Welcome Dutchie! This is an incredible group of ladies and we look forward to getting to know you too! I was diagnosed at 40 (failed my baseline mammy, go me! ) and have 3 grown sons.  Husband of 15 years, think I'll keep  

    Kim - love the pain reliever of choice!!!

    Eema - gentle hugs!! Hoping for positive news from this point on for you!

     Enjoyed some hydrotherapy with a girlfriend today to beat the heat so I am ready for a good nights' sleep. Wishing sweet dreams to all....

  • chantal10
    chantal10 Member Posts: 34
    edited June 2012

    Odie16, funny... "failed my baseline" ...I did too! Didn't expect that I'll say! I was fine, going about life, no lumps, no signs... Cancer is a sneaky bitch!

    Welcome Dutchie! I'm 41 now and have a husband of (only) 5 years and a daughter about to turn 5yrs and a son that will be 3 yrs old soon. It's amazing how life works itself out, so many huge life changing events crammed in to 5 years for me. I'm hoping the next 5, things will slow down some and be relatively uneventful. I wish that for all of us!!

    Kim, I like your style! I love a good lemon drop!

    I've been eating really strange lately, constantly thinking of food. I find myself standing in the pantry and just EATING! I'm nervous about my next surgery I guess. I scheduled the pre op appt today and it sent me in a spin!

    Eema, how are the bruises looking, feeling?


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited June 2012

    Hi Ladies!!

    So good to chat with you all make me laugh....I forgot to tell you my other reason for having a vodka drink on a wed. night...I made tea infused vodka and wanted to try was really good with lemon aid. I still watch what I drink though....I don't like moderation...I want to eat 6 cookies/drink 4 drinks ( in one evening not week) I will be good though!!

    Odie..isn't that something...your first mammo?? I will have to google hydrotherapy..LOL...I am goofy...does that mean you had a drink or is there really a hydrotherapy kind of thing??? Either way..sounds like you enjoyed it!!

    I agree...BC is very sneaky....

    Chantal...I can't remember what surgery you have next? Just wanted to say..after chemo was over with and my taste came back ( everything had a paste taste while on chemo) anyway....I ate everything and everything seemed to be the best thing ever!! So had to stop myself and with chemo induced menopause..I can not eat like I once did. You will do fine with this next one just "holler" if you need anything.

    Today my livestrong "family" will go to Foxhollow Farm.  It is a farm that offers Grass Fed Beef/ free range chicken and organic veggies. We get to tour and have lunch. I saw my group the other day and just love them.  I would recommend the program to any cancer is wonderful.

    Have a good day you all

  • bgirl
    bgirl Member Posts: 435
    edited June 2012

    Welcome Dutchie.  Diagnosed at 46, 3 kids 18,20,22, 2 siamese cats and a husband of 24 years.

    Eema - hope you finally get some answers.  You have been on a crazy journey.

    Kim - Have had chronic back issues over the years (spinal injury when I was 12).  Always thought that a glass of wine worked better than any muscle relaxants dr ever gave me!  Had a good laugh at the mental pic of you trying to haul this dog around. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited June 2012

    Hi Kim, yes, still trying to go to the Y.  Inconsistent lately before and now after surgery.  New role at work has been crazy and that contributes.  I really enjoy it and have to work harder to fit it in.

    And I'm not on Facebook, otherwise I would definatley join.