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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Aw Kymn, so sorry you're feeling like crap.  I had no nausea with Taxotere, but I did feel like I had been hit by a truck after my first treatment.  It caught me by surprise because I had felt fine on the AC except for the first one.  It will get better!  My fingers are crossed you feel better sooner than later.

    Lisa-welcome back!  Glad you had a good trip.  Post some pics if you can.

    Well, all the grocery shopping is done for camping.  Now I just get to pack the trailer tomorrow.  My husband had me picking up parts and tires for my son's quad my Camaro.  I wasn't too happy.  And the guy carrying the tires out looked at me like I was a dumb girl.  I told him my husband wouldn't let me take his truck and he laughed.  Dammit, I hate looking like a dumb girl.  Lol

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    Hang in there Kymn.  I had a horrible time on both but only threw up with the taxol.  So strange how everybody is different.

    Only 6 more days of school.  Why do they pack in so many activites the last three weeks.  Why are they outside ones at that.  97 here today and it was awful already at 9am when they had the fund run.  Not happy that my truncal LE is acting up now from being out in the heat.  Lesson learned wear that darn compression bra Thursday for the next outside activity.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi Kittydog...I know what you mean about the last week of school.  Hope the LE gets better and the heat dies down.  I was just fitted with my new very "stylish" arm sleeve. (LOL). I also got the massage instructions so hopefully we will keep this in check. Hope everyone else is doing well.  Kim

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited May 2011

    Just checking in.

    We have 4 more days of school, and my kids are going to miss two of them since we leave tomorrow morning to go camping.  And they're missing important stuff-I honestly don't know why teachers would schedule things for the Friday before a holiday weekend.  You can pretty much guarantee some students will be missing.  My son (sophomore) has to take some study guides with him for his finals next week.  Sucks.  I know he's not going to do as well on them because of the trip.  Plus he's been "ditching" some school-claiming he overslept and I don't notice until later in the morning that he's still home.  I know he hates school, but this is kind of young to be doing this kind of crap.  So his final grades for the year are not going to be pretty!

    I cant believe it was 97 in SC, Kitty!  Holy crap, and I bet it was humid too.  Like everyone says, at lease we have a dry heat here.

    I hope no one has family or friends suffering as a result of the tornados.  How sad and scary.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited May 2011

    I have a lot of catching up to do, haven't been on this thread in a while, o2bhealthy, thanks for your understanding with the tween!

    KittyDog and Burley, you guys finish school early in SC and AZ!  I guess because of the heat?  We don't finish school until the end of June here in NJ, so still another month to go.

    I finished Rads this week (yeah!!!!), so now I can check this thread more often and keep up to date on everyone.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies just wanted to let you know I have emerged from my chemo fog from round number 4. wow what a week. Ok going to go and doing something fun with my daughter cause I can :)

    hugs Kymn

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Kymn,  2/3 done, soon you will be at the finish line.  Hope you have fun with your daughter. 

    My boys finished school yesterday!!  I may be happier than them, no more homework or projects until fall.  It is so nice not to worry about bedtimes, showers, etc, etc.  Looks like I survived 6th and 8th grade, can't believe my oldest will be in high school in the fall.

    Hope you all have a great weekend, we are at the beach (SC), sand, sun and salt water make everything better.  I am just wearing a baseball cap, it is obvious I am bald, and I could care less.Cool  Seems like everyone is nicer than usual, and got a free drink at the bar.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    your kids are out of school already??? Wow mine are in school until June 28th maybe its a Canada /USA thing

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914
    edited May 2011

    My daughter is in school until June 17.  I think in the southern states, they start earlier and end earlier.  Our schools don't start until after Labor Day.  Probably has to do with the weather.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited May 2011

    Kymn - glad you are feeling better! And almost done!

    So I had my first mammo this week. Everything looked good. I used the digital mammo for the time. MUCH more comfortable. Except for one of the close up views of the tumor bed. It came out blurry so they had to redo it and squeeze for it - I screamed. LOL. I am still sore from rads.

    Have any of you had weird blood sugar issues since chemo? My BS went up about half way thru chemo. At the time, my onco thought it was decadron so we did not worry about it. But then it stayed up. I followed up with my PCP and we did a glucose tolerance test. She called with the results today and she has no explanation for them. The fasting level is still elevated but the test done two hours after drinking that horrible sugar drink is normal. The first one should be the low one. At fiirst she thought the samples were switched but double checking confirmed otherwise. She said she has seen this "once in a blue moon" and that it is definitely weird. we are going to recheck in a few months and is it is still wonky she may have me do the fing prick monitoring for a while to see what is going on.

    I am so tired of doctors and tests.

  • Juliebell22
    Juliebell22 Member Posts: 37
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies! Happy memorial day to everyone! Had my mx/ node dissection on tue. So happy that damn thing is out of me! The surgeons did removed a cluster of positive nodes, but felt they didnt look as bad as they originally thought. I have been doing so much better with it then i thought. The staples and drains are a little frightening and shocking, but i am getting used to it. Today was such a good day for me... I washed my hair in the sink, styled it, made veggie soup. and went for a walk to the park with my daughter. I am AMAZED at how fast i feel my recovery is going. Even though i still have chemo and rads to get through.... am feeling like a SURVIVOR!!! love to you all, xoxox

  • nwshannon
    nwshannon Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies, I am happy to see there is a age appropriate thread that I belong to, lol! Nothing like going to my oncologist office and ALWAYS being the youngest patient there. I was diagnosed in June of 2010, 5 days after my 38th birthday not a great present to say the least but looking forward to a better birthday this year and yes for my birthday I get to go do another mammogram and mri, ugh the dreaded 6 month visit. I am already feeling the anxiety! I have been lucky enough to have a few friends that have been thru this experience and without them I would have lost my mind, we are a sisterhood that will be bonded for life. I have no children but I have a wonderful man in my life a kick ass rottweiler that loves me no matter what and 2 horses that listened to me in my darkest of hours. There is something about these animals that I cannot explain but they helped me get thru all of this crazy in my life! Anyways I loved reading all of your posts and would love to stay connected with more people that are my age as well. No family history of breast cancer, apparently I was the chosen one, now I just need to stop being scared that it will come back but be scared that I am letting this stop me from living the great life that I have been blessed with.

  • slg2130
    slg2130 Member Posts: 32
    edited May 2011

    Juliebell - sounds like you have a great attitude!  My only suggestion - do everything you can to maintain it.  As you go through your journey, you'll likely read a lot of "the really bad stuff."  However, it IS possible to go through treatments without experiencing the whole, complete negative.  My surgery (BMX) went great, chemo was fine (first one was unsettling, but everything was manageable after that), radiation is going well (on #21 of 28 and just started getting slightly pink).  I firmly believe that what's in our head largely impacts what we go through, and if you're able to be positive, this ugly journey remains do-able.  Feel free to PM me any time.


    BTW, my advice to Julie is NOT meant to minimize or trivialize the negative experiences that others have as I know that some people do have a really difficult time with different aspects of treatment.  I'm just happy for Julie that her head seems to be in the right spot, and I'm hoping that she's able to maintain that throughout her journey.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

      Hi to all and happy Memorial weekend,

      One more day of school here in Kentucky!!!  Yea!!

     Kym so good to hear you are back at it and enjoying time with your daughter. Hang in there after chemo you will be on your way!!

    Christine 47 - Gosh, the beach sounds so nice. It is amazing how much the beach can lift your spirits! Gotta love the free drinks!!

    Lisa, I have not heard of blood sugar issues myself. My white bood counts are still low eight months after chemo. I wonder if these kinds of things can happen to us girls with all the steroids and other meds we are on. It sounds like they are keeping an eye on you. Know what you mean about the doctor visits and tests but I guess it is better that they stay on top of our changes etc.

    Juliebell, Yea for you! I really thought the MX,TE placement,drains and all was the hardest part for me. I too got better very quickly. Not the funest thing I have ever done but very much doable. I also did not have a very hard time with chemo. Felt a little yucky the  first day but would rebound and did well. I agree with slg2130 every person is so different. What really bothers one may not bother the is so weird .so just hang in there and take one day at a time and before you know it chemo will be done and I think anyone who begins this path with your good attitude IS a survivor. Your attitude will help get you through.

    Slg2130- How great that you are almost done. My journey sounds a lot like yours. I continued to cut the grass...went on vacation twice. I was able to do alot. Very happy about that. I know it is not that way for kind of have to see how it goes when you need it and so on.

    Nwshannon- I was diagnosed just a couple of weeks before my 44th birthday. I was recovering from my MX+TE surgery just a few days after my birthday. Breast cancer is not in my family either. I know what you mean about being fearful,I try to not let my mind go there. I have to think the more distance we put between us and the diagnosis the less fearful we will be.

    Have a great Memorial Weekend Everyone!!

  • rondajean
    rondajean Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    Juliebell, It was nice to see your post.  I knew you would feel good.  I remember just being glad it was over! and i eventually got anxious to start the next phase.  Now I am almost at the next phase and I am shaking in my flip flops! 

    Keep in touch and as always if you need anything, call or text


  • MWS
    MWS Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    YES... this is just the kind of site/post/support group I have been looking for! I had a bilateral mastectomy on 4/20 with immediate reconstruction.... and will have to have a hysterectomy soon... but very lucky that I will not need any sort of treatments... but I am so glad to find a place to talk to people my age, I am 41, I work full time and I have two sons 9 and 12... I am looking forward to learning more about you all... and learning from you all.... anyone have any info on nipple reconstruction with skin graft?

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    wow its been quiet in here for a few days, so not luck us sure hoping everyone isnt down with SE. WElcome MWS I am 41 also with 2 children 9 DD and 14 DS. I am 4 rounds into chemo, 2 more to go. i look forward to getting to know you too.

    Hope you are all having a SE Free monday and are just out busy living your lives :)

    Hugs Kymn

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi mws,

    I had a bilateral MX with immediate reconstruction too. I have a son 13. So great that you will not need treatment. I do not know much about nipple reconstruction as I have not made it that far. My switcheroo sugery was just about 31/2 weeks ago.  I will see the plastic surgeon in about two weeks to see what the next step is.  I would like to wait until summer is over so that we can swim etc.  I bet some of the other girls could tell more about that. Look forward to getting to know you too.

    Kymn, Hope you are still feeling well. Only two left!!

    Hope everyone had a great long weekend and hope burley had a wonderful time camping!

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Member Posts: 656
    edited May 2011

    We get out of school June 2 and we start back August 17.  So yeah we start earlier than most. If they would take out all the extra in service work days and half days, we would get out like we use to the third week in May. 

    Glad all are doing well on chemo.  Hang in there you can do it. 

    Glad the surgery went well.  I do think it is so much easier before chemo.  Gosh I didn't get up and go anywhere until week 3 when I knew I had to get my strength back because my mom was leaving the following week.  

    Heat wave for the weekend.  Currently calling for it to be 100 on Sunday.  Anybody want to move here for the summer?

    The beach sounds lovely but our vacation isn't untill August.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited May 2011

    Kittydog... i am coming to SC in June for  business... wig and all.. please tell me I won't melt... I live in NJ and today was super hot... just awful. I have already showered twice and will probably need a third before the day ends.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2011

    Hi ladies

    Chemo day for me today .  Low white blood count again yesterday but just got the call saying it has come up enough.

    That's 3 down. If someone had told me 3 months ago I'd be excited about chemo I'd be shocked.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited May 2011

    Hi to all,

    Back from our days at the beach, it was hot (SC) and also hot in NC (home) too.  Good thing about the south is air conditioning everywhere.  My kids go to private school and got out last week, so great no more homework.  They are almost 13 and 141/2, this year I am letting them stay at home alone while I work (1/2 days), we will see how that goes.  I worry most about them killing each other, although my oldest rarely gets up before noon.

    KiwiMum, now 1/2 way done!

    Kmur-  since you already had your exchange surgery, how do you feel?  I was thinking about waiting until end of summer, but am getting so tired of the rock hard TEs.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

      Hi Christine 47,  I didn't have any problem at all with the switch out.  The surgeon had said it would be about a 21/2 hour sugery ( she removed my chemo port also ) . That afternoon I was home. I ate and felt fine. I had TE for almost a year because of chemo then radiation...I didn't realize just how hard they were.  The replacements are much more comfy. I hope your switch out will go very easily for you.


  • MWS
    MWS Member Posts: 13
    edited May 2011

    I am still so excited to find this sight... you all are welcome new friends... I have had a quiet weekend... I have a pain in my armpit, that PS said was normal and to lay low, so I did as I was told but not still hurts... I can function... just does not feel right...I had no nodes taken so not that... had the last fill a week ago... always something... my boys enjoyed the pool today and have their summer color and smiles on and that is the best medicine... only 2 more days of school! 

    I did go see the movie BRIDESMAIDS... laughter all the way.... great medicine!!:)

    I look forward to getting to know you all... you are all very strong!

  • MamaMia41
    MamaMia41 Member Posts: 35
    edited May 2011

    Hi everyone!  I have been away from this thread for awhile and I've been skimming the posts trying to catch up.  It seems like it has really taken off, way to go Burley!  I have been spending the past couple of weeks pretending I don't have BC and now that is coming to an abrupt halt as I have another surgery scheduled for next Wednesday.  This will be my second re-excision of lumpectomy done on 3/22, my BS feels optimistic that this time we'll get a clear margin and that I don't need MX (because of the location of the close margin), which I suggested.  I was able to wait and schedule the surgery around my schedule which is nice, but now this is just postponing rads.  How is that by the way?  Should I expect what is left of my boob to shrink?  I met with PS to discuss partial recon and will wait until after rads to decide if I want it, I'm thinking not. 

    Well, I'm glad to be back, I'll check in more often.  As always, I am inspired to read your posts!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi Kiwimum,

     Glad your counts are back up...I know how weird it sounds to want chemo...I always wanted to continue moving forward too.  Hope your girls are doing ok or hopefully they didn't actually get sick??  Did you feel ok with the low counts?  My counts would always drop after chemo and at my follow up appt. I would be put on an antibioic just in case.  But I never felt badly with the low counts...I was surprised when they would tell me.

    Hi mws-  With your recent surgery and fill ups, it is likely to take some time for everything to heal up. You are so fortunate to have all of your nodes. Summer at the pool or beach is the best and I think seeing the kids lovin summer is great medicine too. Keep doin' all that fun stuff that keeps you laughing and your mind in a good place.


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited May 2011

    Hi MamaMia41,

      I wish you a speedy recovery for your upcoming surgery. It is nice to forget about all that breast cancer business. I think everyone is so different with how chemo-radiation feels. For me I was so happy to have the chemo part behind me I felt like the rads were easier, I did not get tired but I did burn at the end. For me it has made my radiated side tighter,but it's not bad. I had very thin skin though so my situation may be very different than some of the other girls. I had cancer on one side but decided on a bilateral. After childen and real boobs were sad. So I can wear the little dresses with straps and tank tops with out tucking my bra straps. The new ones I'm sad to say are better than the real ones.


  • Calopa
    Calopa Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2011

    Hello Ladies. I am so glad to find this site. I am almost 42. Was dx in 2009, Had Lumpectomy, then BMX, Hysterect/ooph (BRCA1) and have TE's in till my exchange surgery in Oct. My mom is a two time survivor and my sister and cousin were dx in 2010.  I had Femara for a year and was miserable. Just started Arimadex every other day and am still miserable. Took a month off in between and it was heaven. I was wondering if anyone in our age group are having success with the hormone therapy. If I was 60, my sex life would be less important, and my bones already achy, and i would be tired but near retirement. I have 3 boys ages 10-15. Work 4 days a week. I am cook, cleaner, driver, banker and slave. LOL. I was a active triathlete and now I am just a frustrated triathlete.(And have gained 15 pounds)  I want to toss the pills in the garbage but they havent ruled out mets yet. (I have an enlarged IMLN ). I Have to have a 4th cat scan in oct.  Am I just being a whiner or does our age make these side affects that much more unbearable? And yes MWS....Bridesmaids, hilarious, great therpay!!

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited May 2011

    I miss my hair :(

  • Calopa
    Calopa Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2011

    Hello Ladies. So happy to find this thread. I am struggling with my hormone therapy (Was Femara, now Arimidex) and was curious if it is because my age. I figure women in their late 50's or older would not find the constant hot flashes, night sweats, joint pain, sleepless nights, painful intercourse, loss of libido, belly fat and fatigue that much different from the affects of aging. I am 42 with 3 boys age 10-15. I was an active triathlete and now I am a frustrated triathlete. I have gained 15 pounds and struggle with my workouts. I would throw the pills out but I am waiting on a 4th Catscan in October to rule out mestatis as I have a enlarged Intermammery lymph node.I am a Brca1. Recurrence is very strong in my family history.My mom is a two time survivor, my gran lost her battle on her third recurrence. My mom is being scanned right now for a lump in her chest. She had a BMX 10yrs ago. My sister and cousin were also dx in 2010. Is it just me being a whiner or is does this suck because I am younger than the average BC (had oopher/hyst in 2007).  Oh and yes MSW....Bridesmaids was hilarious, best laugh I have had since DX.