Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Yes, I am more familiar with rugby.  In this area it is all  about baseball, basketball and football.  We also enjoy hockey in our family.  Getting to go to olympics in Londay sounds fantastic, I am jealous.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Vegas, baby!  Let's do Vegas.  I would love to meet everyone.

    No armpit problems here, thank God.  That's the first place my hair came back-I didn't even realize it until it was about 1/4 inch long.  Whoops.  Luckily it was winter.

    We didn't do so well as keeping on top of our exercise, did we?  I know I haven't done much of anything, so I didn't have anything to report anyway. 

    After eating like a pig on the 4th and 5th, I'm back on my diet.  Ugh.  And my husband finally admitted he's gaining weight again.  He seriously needs to lose about 30 pounds.  He's diabetic and still eats sugar like crazy.  Totally doesn't listen to his doctors or me.  Lots of fun.

    I hope everyone has a terrific weekend!

    Never used Nair-seems scary to me to use some type of chemical on your skin.  Just my opinion.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Christine47~ That is such a great idea about a trip. There are so many fun places to go. Wouldn't that be fun to put our faces with voices etc.

    Ok laser hair removal...when my hair came back (yet again) I can't just be like everybody else and get hair back on my head...I got some peach fuzz on my face too. I had that" lazered" off. I thought it wasn't too bad and I think it was maybe 9 treatments. I would like to do the bikini area next. I know what you mean christean47 I don't want all that hair business going on..

    KiwiMum~ that sounds like a very cool job. I love to travel too,but have not made it to NZ/Australia. My husband travels often and we did go to Germany/France. I hope you will get right back in there when you get beyond this .

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Kim~  I have become serious about exercising again. It has taken a little while to get back into it,but I find if I do it first thing in the am I'm good otherwise a million reasons not to. I  was going to try a protein diet a girl told me about (she lost 68 lbs) but I like fruit and I don't think I would succeed. What kind of diet are you doing...maybe I will try and we could see how we do.

    You know now I'm kind of scared of Nair...never really thought about it melting hair...

  • pynkkameleon
    pynkkameleon Member Posts: 5
    edited July 2011

    Thank you for such a warm welcome! I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone.

     I did the whole TC combo as well. I started losing the hair on day 14 and immediately grabbed the clippers and shaved my head. Within a few days I had stubble coming back in so I used duct tape.. I know.. what was I thinking right? I wrapped it around my whole head like a shower cap and "swoosh" pulled it off. I don't recommend this method. I have to admit that I rocked the pink striped tape look though. I gave up on the tape and used a lint roller for the remainder of time that I had the loose stubble and it worked like a dream. I had plenty of hats and a wig or two but my preferred look was bald. The kids used temporary tattoos on my head and we switched them out about every week or so. One week I had butterflies, another week peace signs and frogs. If nothing else it gave me a little variety in my life and it definitely was a conversation starter at the grocery store. The eyelashes were the next to go. I also lost hair on my arms.. legs (woohoo) armpits and even "you know where". The one thing I retained was my eyebrows. They thinned but they never disappeared fully. I gladly would have traded the eyebrows for the lashes though. I didn't lose my nails however I did get a crack in two of them. Other side effects included this odd little pimply-like rash that started with my second round and remained until my 4th. I looked like a teenager that worked in a fast food restaurant. It wasn't just confined to my face but was all over the upper portion of my body. I also had neuropathy, pain in my knees and back and for a couple of months I was on a cane due to weakness, fatigue and balance issues (I had fallen several times). Nausea wasn't a problem at all. I was taking phenergen and Zofran to combat that. I gained (Ack!!) 25 lbs during chemo and rads. I ended up in the ER once for some odd allergic reaction that baffled every doctor that saw me. We still don't know what caused it. Lemme see.. I think the biggest issue other than those was really just the fatigue and forgetfulness; both of which have taken forever to resolve. I still have neuropathy in one hand and both feet; lymphodema on both sides plus a myriad of other little things that I simpy blame on the chemo and tamoxifen (cuz I can). My last round of radiation was a year ago this month. The one thing I kept throughout everything, and still have, is blessedly my sense of humor. Not to say that I haven't had my share of bad days but I laugh my lil hiney off at every opportunity.

    Pre-teens shaving... My daughter (Who just got married over the weekend) started shaving her legs when she was 11. She did not ask me for permission.. nor did she tell me until after the fact. I think I was much less upset about the legs as I was about what else she decided to shave.... her arms. The lil booger had shaved every last hair off of her arms. Now the hair is thick and dark and she still shaves them to this day. *shaking head...*  Kids!

    I have the whole crater thingy going on in my armpit too. Thankfully I have only 3 hairs that sprout out of there. The other side isn't nearly as bad since I didn't have the axillary node dissection. It's still difficult to shave but not nearly as scary as the other side is.

     Oh.. and some good thoughts please. Brain MRI Tuesday and Bone Scan Thursday. Booby fill in Wednesday and hopefully results from my recent bloodwork back on Monday. *sigh* Sometimes a boring life would be nice


  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2011

    Pynk:  Good luck on your MRI and bone scan. 

    Just went for a fill today of TEs.  Last fill scheduled for the 27th and exchange surgery scheduled for September 13th.  I will be glad to have that surgery over with.  Can't wait to say goodbye to the TEs!!!!

  • Hoolianama0508
    Hoolianama0508 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2011

    christine47and mom2one, and everyone:

    I had a tooth pulled back in March and experienced severe left-sided migraines. It was so bad that I went to the ER and they did a CT scan and saw a lesion on the right-side. They immediately sent me to the larger hospital for an MRI however because tissue expanders have some magnetic strip, they had to be removed. The MRI is extremely strong and the hospital refused to take a chance. 

    After all was said and done, the MRI showed that the lesion was not metastatic nor was it related to the breast cancer - AMEN! The doctors were still curious about the lesion and want to remove it. I am due to have another MRI before anything else happens. 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2011

    Pynk - good luck for the scan and MRI.  Its horrible the anxiety they cause.  You made me laugh with your duct tape adventure. Sounds painful!

    Kim - I've been reading a hair thread somewhere on this site where everyone talks about the face fuzz that grows after chemo.  Pretty much everyone lazered, waxed or shaved it off and it never came back.  Talk about a cruel joke!  No hair and then facial hair - aargh!

    I've never been to Germany. It is on my list of places to go.  I have been to France, but it was brief and I would love to go back. 

    Burley (Kim) - my exercise has been non existent also. I did walk once last week but nothing since. I was planning on getting out today but it's too cold and I'm too lazy (ha ha).

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Pynk~ Oh my gosh..all I can think of with the duct tape is owww!! I really will be thinking of you too this week. I think lots of us are starting a new treatment or having tests this week. so really is good to laugh with all of you even if it is not face to face. Know I'm thinking of you-all.

    mom2one~ yea for expansion! You will love the way the implants feel compared to much better!!

    Hoolianama0~ Gosh I hate that you had to go through all of that~but very happy that it is not breast cancer related. Hoppe the next scan shows nothing of any concern.

    Have a great weekend everyone. My husband is on vacation this week(we were going to Fl,but will do things more local) so I may not be glued to my laptop as much. I will try to catch up with all of you in the evenings.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    Vegas would be great!  I stayed at Vdara last year in city centre - no smoking or casino which I loved and the rates are reasonable for an awesome room.  Casinos are a short walk away.  I am also dying to stay at one of the Wynns.  I love vegas because the weather is seemingly always sunny and dry.

    For those who may be uncomfortable with the vegas madness, lake las vegas is a good option.  very low key and a beautiful setting, but an easy drive into town for night life/dining if you want it.  I read recently that they have reopened what used to the ritz out there - gorgeous hotel.  I have also stayed at the loew's (sp?) which is nice as well.  We have done two girls trips to LLV and loved it. 

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Hi all on here !

     Hi Pynk, yes, I had a good chuckle at the duct tape bit - you're a lot braver than me!

     Kiwimum, that sound like a brilliant job. Netball is quite popular here in Britain too - I used to love playing it in school - I was always" wing attack"(!). Can't imagine doing it now - it was always the tall, strong girls who were good at it later. I am neither, but I am fat (now) !  Not really a positive quality for any sports!  Rugby too is popular - especially in Wales. The big rivalry here is with England, of course. My OH loves rugby and will support France and Italy over England. I imagine the Scots and Irish feel the same way!  I am torn, because I was born and raised in the N. of England and live in Wales. We tried to get Olympic tickets for London 2012, but failed - so annoying! My son was keen to see Usain Bolt in the Men's 100m final, but the ticket ballot was massively over-subscribed. Will have to watch it on TV!  Hope you get to London to see it - hotels etc. already shamelessly hiking up prices, like they did for Royal Wedding in April. Very cynical and irritating!

    Sorry you're postponing your vacation, Kim. Will be better for you, though, when the weather is a bit cooler. I'd love to meet up in Vegas, but can't see it happenening! Good for all you US/N.American girls to do it, though!

     Love, Sarah x

  • Janeybw
    Janeybw Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    Jumping in!  I have been posting on some other threads, but have just found you guys.  I am 44.  I actually had my birthday while hospitalized for my bmx with TE placement in late May.  I was VERY lucky and don't need chemo.  I am two weeks into tamoxifen with little to no side effects.  Although the TEs are a strange shape, they are filling nicely and are getting big.  I was a big, heavy, saggy D before and am going for a cute, perky C now.  Maybe a fill or two more.  I teach nursing at college, so I don't have time for exchange surgery until mid December so I'm stuck with the TEs until then.  There are worse things.

    I have three teenage boys (19, 18 and 15).  They are all home right now, but the two older ones will go back to college in the fall.  They have been very helpful and wonderful throughout this, but don't really want to hear me talk about my breasts much!  They've made it clear they are all very interested in breasts--just not their mom's breasts!  I have had a spinal fusion in my neck in the past, so my poor husband has had to live through a fair amount with me.  He has a very positive attitude and we just move forward.

    I don't have time to go through all of the pages, but it is nice to meet you all!! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Lisa and everybody~ I HAVE NEVER BEEN TO VEGAS!!! That would be fun. I actually looked up Lake Vegas wow looks so fancy and nice!! I would love to go where ever if I am able at the time the trip is planned,would love to meet you-all.

    Hi Sarah~ Thanks for thinking of me about vacation. I do think the cooler time would work better and we will use less of our Marriott points going off it is ok. I hope you get to travel to the states~I remember you mentioned it in an earlier post. So many pretty places here. I have not been to Britain. Always looks so pretty with the gardens and all.

    Hi Janeybw- You are very lucky to not need chemo...that is not a fun path to travel. Not a fun way to spend your birthday though. I did the same thing kinda. I was recuperating from my BMX on my birthday a year ago. That was so funny about your boys being interested in "other" breasts...gotta love boys,they are so funny. I hope as you get through your fill-ups you will find they do get more shapely. They can be not so comfy,but the implants are much much better. Look forward to chatting with you. BTW- my husband is also the positive one-  I have learned so much about facing each day with a good attitude...if I do that ,it helps set the tone for the day.

    I will check in with you-all later.Smile

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    Kim - lake las vegas is a great area.  It is an interesting story.   Mega millions development that has in large part gone bust with the economy.  I understand it is a bit of the poster child for the las vegas real estate bust.  But the hotels are beautiful and the village area has some good dining options and the last two summers has had free weekend concerts on the lawn overlooking the lake. The hotels are, in my experience, very reasonably priced, I assume because of the need to draw in visitors to its out of the way location.  Most people go to vegas for the strip - it is not the strip.  Very quiet and laid back.

    I am open to staying on the strip too.  The newer hotels in LV are magnificent. 

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2011

    Hoolianama:  AMEN indeed!!!!    Hope everything else turns out well.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2011

    For the Vegas trip how is everyone going to know each other?  Do you just look for the ones with short hair, fake boobs and LE stockings? 

    KiwiMum - I wish I were in your neck of the woods or world.  Don't do summer well and I could handle 2 winters.  I am crazy, I like cold and it is so much better on the hot flashes.

    Janey- I too enjoyed your comment about your sons.  Mine is still young, 9 today, but he always liked to bounce his head off my TE's before my exchange. I guess he didn't think of them as real. Welcome to the group by the way.

    Pynk- I loved the duct tape story.  I just walked around with velcro head until I decided to just shave it in the shower one day.  I wish I had of know about the tattoos!  My kids would have loved that!!!! Will be thinking about you this week with your tests and scans.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Mamachick~ I laughed so hard about how will we know each other!! Oh my gosh we would be quite a crew!!

    lisa ~ That place looks really beautiful. I will let you girls decide when and where this shindig will take place and I will pack my sleeve!!!

  • MWS
    MWS Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2011

    Hey everyone!!

     Went to PS on Wednesday and actually had CC's take my FOOBS are not way up under my neck, and  actually look a tad more real... and they actually move, and are not rock hard...

    LOL on  the boys... my boys are just disgusted that all my drs are BOYS!!!

     I so enjoy reading all your posts... makes my night when  I read it...

    Stay postivie ladies!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hello to my 40ish friends~

    Just wanted to say again good thoughts to all of you having scans and treatment this week.Take care of yourselves and let us know how you are doing.

    Thinking of all of youSmile


  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Hi to all,

    We took both of our sons to camp today, 13 year old for one week and 14 year old for 3 weeks.  I already miss them.  So while they are gone I will clean house, work and get ready for my exchange on thursday.  We should have planned better and took a trip without the kids!  I will be checking back often as I am getting nervous about exchange and missing my boys.  Hope you are all ready for a great week.

  • LMichele
    LMichele Member Posts: 88
    edited July 2011

    Hi, I have been reading this thread can't remember if I posted or not! Anyway I'm 47 and have 3 girls age 13 and under... I have TE's had my last fill Thurs last week so in 2 weeks I am allowed to exercise again but NOT swim this summer! WAAHHH. Hard for a stay at home mom. Today my husband biked 100 miles in an ACS bike ride I was signed up to ride too... (65 miles for me). I was so upset that cancer kept me from doing the 'cancer ride'....

    Hi janey I think we're on the May thread? I also didn't need chemo and take tamoxifen. So far I've noticed a few dull headaches but not nearly as bad as I'd feared..

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Good Morning everyone,

    Christine 47, thought I would send out a bit of encouragement your way just to let you know in my experience the exchange surgery was the easiest part of this whole crazy path I'v been on. Hope you will find the same. The same day of surgery,I really felt fine. I don't know if any of the other girls had this,but for this surgery my anesthesiologist asked if the knock out meds made me nauseous after surgery ( sometimes they do for me) anyway he gave me a little patch behind my ear and I had no post surgery sickness at all. I really look forward to hearing from you and hope you will be so much more comfy with implants.

    LMichele~ Hi and so happy to hear you didn't have to go through chemo either.  Do you take part in long distance rides often?  When I had my exchange surgery I was given orders not to exercise either. My PS knows me too well. I lift weights and dig in the garden and do all kinds of things she knew would get me into trouble so I had to be good. That was one surgery I didn't want to goof up. So hang in there and you will be riding and exercising in no time.

    We were supposed to be on vacation this week,but instead I painted the kitchen and we did other work ...funny when you have a stay home vacation seems more like work. I will check in with you-all this evening then we will be gone a couple of days and I will have to catch up with you later. 

    Take care and hope it is a good day!!

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited July 2011
    christine47 - Good luck with your exchange surgery.  
  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2011

    Hi everyone. I hope everyone is having a good week.

    I'm off for my first Taxol in about half an hour. I'm hoping I am "typical" and find it much easier than AC.  I'm planning on going to work tomorrow, so here's hoping.

    Mamachick - In a lot of ways it's good to be going through treatment in winter. Hot flashes are easier than in the summer heat and I'd imagine wearing a wig is also hard in the heat. My hot flashes are mostly at night. I wake up 3-6 times a night and throw all the blankets off in a heat frenzy. 2 mins later I'm cold again and ready to snuggle under the blankets and snuggle up. The interrupted sleep is getting annoying.

    Yesterday I was in a meeting when a hot flash overcame me.  It was all I could do not to rip my clothes off ... it would have shocked the pants off the men I was meeting with! lol

    My children's last day of school is this Friday before they break for two weeks holiday. We are planning on visiting my Dad for a week. Dad lives about an hours flight away in Wellington (the capital of NZ).  Wellington has a really cold, windy climate and as it's the middle of winter its not the best time to visit!  We will be packing lots of layers.

    Best of luck to everyone else having treatment this week. :)

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited July 2011

    Christine, good luck Thursday!!!  Kiwi, have a great vacay!  I hope it's relaxing for you!  

    It's HOT as can be here.  My family is all arriving on Thursday for my son's 5th birthday on Saturday.  I'm so looking forward to it!  

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011

    Good Morning ladies, sorry I have been MIA for a bit, just not feeling chatty you know. I am now 12 days out of my last chemo ,went back to work yesterday although I really feel like i could use another week off. It is takeing a long time to rebound from this last one but hey its the last one :)

    I meet with the radioligist oncoligist lol is that what there called??? lol. on thursday to find out my next course of treatment. From what I have read here it sounds like 25 to 30 sessions is the norm yes?? Also what is a boost??

    I was very sad to hear about the period returning stories was kinda hoping it wouldnt come back figured that was the least we should get out of this deal hey.

    I love Vegas if it worked out I would definetly be into a trip and its so cheap to get there. DH and I were planning a trip there when this was all over anyhow.

    We bought a new Travel trailer last weekend I am so excited its like a condo on wheels lol much better than the 18 foot 1978 scamper we had lol. What the heck I deserve to camp in comfort now.

    did anyone else get eye twiches as a SE. I have had an eye twich in my right eye now for about 4 weeks it is driving me insane. Hoping its not nerve damage and I havent read of anyone else getting this.

    Still feeling really bloated I got some water pills from the doc to try and relieve it I feel like my skin is stretched as far as it can go of course the 20 lbs I have packed on from Chemo dont help do they.

    do the doctors let you loose weight during radiation?? I really want to drop this and I phoned Jenny Craig yesterday and the require a doctors note to let me sign back up sheeesh its just a portion control diet for petes sake. I so want to feel normal again.

    Welcome to all the new girls Hugs to all


  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    Kymm - Congrats on being done!  Hopefully the worst is over for you.  That rads course of treatment sounds normal.  A boost is a rads treatment that is focused just on the tumor bed, rather than the entire breast.  It is shorter and easier on the skin than the other txs. 

    I did not have eye twitching, but I think I read something about that being a side affect.  I tend to get eye twitching when I am very stressed and tired, so maybe that is a factor too?

    Cool about the camper.  Yes, you should camp in comfort.  I know I insist on that.  And by camping I mean a hotel in a wooded location.  LOL.  :)

    Kiwi - have a great vacation!

    I hope everyone else is having a good week.  I am off from work on thurs and fri because a friend is visiting.  Looking foward to seeing her and her girls.  Sort of a staycation for me.  But as usual, I am paying for it with a busy week beforehand! 

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited July 2011
    Kymm - I had eye twitching when I was taking the AC part of my chemo regimen.  It stopped about 3 weeks after I was done with AC and on the Taxol part.
  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011

    Thanks Lisa and proud mom I was getting a bit freaked out by it should have known someone would have had it lol I dont think I have had one SE that someone hasnt already had kind of relief if you know what I mean

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Kymn~ yeah for big steps! Being done with chemo is a big step.  My period came back last week so I'm hoping the hair on my face will stop growing! lol.  I actually feel more of my old self now.  I worked through rads and I asked for the last appt of the day.  I did go home sometimes and nap in the early evening.  My last week of rads was beyond exhausting, but different from chemo since I didn't feel sick all over - just tired.  I called in sick two days after rads were done, I slept the whole day. 

    On the weight loss, they told me they like us to maintain our weight through rads for positioning.  I had completely changed my diet for the better by that time and surprisingly didn't loose a pound those seven weeks, but I didn't gain one either.