Any 40-ish survivors?



  • torigirl
    torigirl Member Posts: 748
    edited July 2011


    I had the eye twitching as was very irritating, but stopped about a month or so after I was done with chemo....although, every once in awhile, I do sometimes get it back...

    Good luck with rads...I hope your SE are next to nothing...



  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Hi all!  Welcome to the new girls!

    Just popping in...I really need to do it every day because so much happens here when I don't.

    Dealing with a roof leak that went inside/down my drywall and soaked the carpet.  So we had to cut a hole in the wall to put a fan in there, and pull up part of the carpet.  Fun.  Gonna be an expensive fix, which will have to wait until next week.

    Hope everyone has a terrific evening and tomorrow!

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2011

    Coping well Day 2 after Taxol.  I hope this continues!  I'm so glad to not have another AC ahead of me!

    Kim - I hate house maintenance costs!  They always cost heaps of money and don't add any value to your house.  Good luck with the fix.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    Burley - I'm pages behind as I'm mid vacation, but I just want to say my 11 yr old is shaving her arms also.  Actually, my dh shaves it with the electric razor.  We haven't started with the legs yet, but one of my friends told me that have Nair that you can put on in the shower and just wash it out. So I might look for that to start as I'm not sure I'm ready for her to use a razor yet!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    kymm - I finished chemo Jan 2011 and still have hot flashes.  I think the hot flashes will continue until and IF my period comes back.  Luckily mine are not too bad and I don't take any medication.  They also seem to come in waves, so I don't know if that means I'm more likely to get my period back again?

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    ReadingMama, I finished chemo Feb 2011 (last period before that was in Nov 2010).  My period must have felt liberated as it came back with a furry July 4th weekend! lol.  Didn't miss having them, but feel more like my old self now....weird?

  • Rachel2
    Rachel2 Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2011

    Haven't been on here for awhile, as my kids are home for the summer and I've been busy at home and able to do a whole lot more.  However, this morning at an aerobics class I twisted my ankle and I am waiting for he exrays to come back to see if it is broken or badly sprained.  Whatever it is, it is swollen, turning blue and I can't walk on it.  Wahhh!!!!  I finished chemo in March, rads in May and was starting to feel somewhat normal.  Had my 3 month check up and everything looks good.  Oh, well more resting for awhile.  I managed to do the laundry and dishes with a rolling chair.  Will most likely have to get crutches for awhile.  

    The weather has been so so here in Victoria but I am able to sit on the front deck on the porch and enjoy it. 

    Hope everyone is enjoying their summer as much as possible.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    Hi Gina, yeah, congrats that your period came back, at least its good for your bones.  My last period was Halloween 2010, so we will see.

    Chiming in on the nails, my nails seemed fine all through Taxol, but now my big toe on my left foot is messed up somehow.  Can't tell if its coming off, or what exactly is going on with it.  I'm sure my pedicurist doesn't like it so much.  It doesn't hurt, so I've been taking the wait and see approach.

    We are down in Florida.  My sisters wedding was Saturday 7/9/2011 in Naples.  Everything went really well!  We got down here on Wed. night, can't believe how quick the time went!  I'm finally full time wigless and it was nice to see a lot of my parents old friends.

    Now we are in Clearwater at my mother-in-laws and going to Busch Gardens tomorrow.  I probably will not be on the computer again till the weekend, I'll have to catch up on a few pages again!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    Hey girls!  Where is everyone? 

    Meegan - Have fun at Busch Gardens.  I have always wanted to go there but for some reason never have.  I grew up in Florida and have been to just about every park there is in the state multiple times, except that one.  I think Disney always trumped it growing up.  I was just thinking the other day that my nephew would love it.  I may have to plan a trip there with him.

    Speaking of the Tampa area, by best friend from college, who lives in Tampa, is getting in town today for a weekend visit.  I am looking foward to it.  We are headed up the lake for the weekend.  I hope we do not melt.  It was unreal hot here yesterday - the temps have been pushing 100 for weeks, but now the humidity has really kicked in as well.  It is just miserable outside.  Ick.

    Have a good weekend everyone!

  • slg2130
    slg2130 Member Posts: 32
    edited July 2011

    LMichelle - I know what you mean about cancer preventing you from riding.  I did a 50-mile Ride for the Cure in Aspen last August.  Was diagnosed 2 weeks later.  How ironic!

    Kymn - I had an eye twitch throughout chemo (AC and Taxol).  Wasn't too bad, but it was just irritating when it would start.  I'm in front of the computer a lot too, so that probably didn't help!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Girls~ We are back from our "stay home " vacation. We actually did go out of town just a couple of days .

    christine47~ I hope all went well with your switch out and you are recuperating well.

    Kymn~ so good to know you are feeling better and sounds like fun with the RV. Hope you get to go ,go,go!  I do think I had eye twitching too..for sure the watery eye!

    Thinking of Sarah and all the other girls who were going through scans and so on. Hope you all had only good news.

    Lisa~ Have lots of fun with your college friend~it has been so very hot here too add hot flashes to the mix and it is just not pretty. I sweat more now than I have ever sweat in my whole lady like!!

    KiwiMum~ so happy to hear you are doing well with the Taxol. Hope that continues and soon you will be beyond all this.

    Rachel2~ I'm new here but wanted to say yea for the good report and darn for the ankle...hope you heal quickly!!

    Meegan~hope your trip continues to be great fun~I think all us girls deserve lots of fun!

    Kim~ sorry about the leak...I also hate those unexpected expenses...

    Everyone have a good (night here in Ky.) morning and afternoon for you girls all over!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Hi all!

     Just a short one, as I'm off into town - exciting life, eh?!

     Kim (kmur), you are so lovely to think of us all!  I had my scan on Monday, but onc. is on holiday so I won't get the results till next Tues - annoying!  I'll be climbing the walls by then, probably. Hope I don't need chemo. again - next week will be exactly 1 year since I finished my 2nd lot (taxol), but I'm stage 4 with the collarbone mets and my arm LE has been getting worse, so I am prepared that I will need more to hopefully knock 'em back again. Awful, as you can't plan in advance until you know what's going on. Weather quite nice here - prob. low 70s F/23C - nice to sit in garden.  Lisa, that 100 deg. heat must be absolutely brutal! Hopefully going to see the last Harry Potter movie this w/end. I must say that I preferred the books to the films, which have been a bit samey and 1- dimensional. This one might be better though - after all it is for kids! Hope you all have good weekends planned.

     Love, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Sarah,

    I really hope the LE is just that and no collarbone issues. Yes,I can imagine waiting would be very hard. When faced with waiting I try very hard to occupy my mind with gardening or something/anything. I will say a prayer.

     Love Harry Potter!! We brought one of my sons friends home to stay two days,we thought about seeing it...I don't know if we can even get tickets or if these 13 year old boys would go!! I would love to,the stories are so good (in my opinion) I could watch the movies over again. Sarah- had to tell you my son has me watching Top Gear (the UK version) I laugh every time I watch it!

    Hope all you other girls are doing well. It is 6:45 AM for me. I usually check on you in the morning and again in the evening. Hope everyone is well. We are off to the pool later .

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011

    Good Morning ladies,

    Kim so sorry about the leak in your house, so frustrating to spend that money isnt it when there is so much else being a home owner sigh lol.

    Rachel2 so sorry to hear about your ankle,just what you want more resting hey lol. I am actually going to be in Victoria next month. My SIL is having a 50 birthday party so we are making our way there.Perhaps we could meet up for a lunch?

    Kim(kmur) am so jelous wish I was going to the pool today instead of working. I have never seen one Harry Potter movie can you believe it. lol they have been going on forever and I dont think I could start now.But have heard it is quite the series

    Sarah really hoping that you get good news. Another round would be so tough to do again and I cant beleive you have already had to do it twice. Will be thinking of you.

    slg yes I am in front of a computer alot too so that might be why it started acting up I cant wait for it to stop though as it is quite annoying.

    so I went in yesterday for my CT scan and mapping to get ready for radiation.Going to get 28 treatments should be starting in a couple of weeks. I am really not scared of getting this done as it sounds so much easier than chemo yet when the were mapping me I started crying!!! good lord I was so embarrased I kept apologizing but the damn tears wouldnt stop...eeek what a boob.

    Hope you all have a good weekend with minimal SE and Cancer free thoughts

    Hugs Kymn

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Kymn~ You know I think this whole thing is an emotional roller coaster really. Your done with the hard part but now is hard to digest I think. I had really nice technicians and one of them actually shed a tear with me. I remember telling them ...I STILL can not believe I'm doing this. You are not alone though I'm sure many of us have been right there. You will feel so much better when your hair returns and your strength returns. Hoping you will sail right through them.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    Hello everyone, back from our vacation last night.  Busch Gardens was very fun, we basically spent the whole day on the 3 water rides, only doing a few other things.  Been unpacking and cleaning the (empty) refrig for my exciting Sat. so far... 

    Lost my big toenail yesterday!  Don't know if it was being in the water so much on vacation or the saltiness of the Gulf, but it came off.  It's been discolored for a while, so not a surprise.  There is still some soft nail left, that I'm not sure if I should cut off or leave?  Any thoughts?  This also seems a very delayed effect to me since I finished chemo in Jan, almost exactly 6 months later this happens?  But at least all my other nails seem okay.

    I'm so mad at myself.  I forgot to where my LE sleeve & glove on the plane ride home.  Just completely did not even think of it!  I don't have LE yet, but wanted to be preventative and spent all this time and worry buying the glove and sleeve and then I forget.  I wore it down to Florida, but I guess I packed it next to my wedding shoes when we went from Naples to Clearwater and I didn't even see them when I was packing to leave.  I don't seem to have trouble today, so I hope I'm okay.

    Lisa - have fun with your college friend.

    Sarah, sorry you have to wait, so annoying!  Sending you hugs and good thoughts.

    Kymm, most of us found radiation to be so much easier than chemo, hoping you will too.  Hopefully you are on a Rads thread also, I found that helpful.  The annoying part of course is having to go everyday, but it goes much faster that you think it will.  One great idea someone on my Rads thread had was to buy 28 (or # of txs) scratch-off tickets and do one a day. 

  • Mocity
    Mocity Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2011

    Hi all,

    I was dx in 2008 at 37 and am now 40.  I a bilateral mastectomy, chemo, herceptin and am now taking Lupron.  I also have the cohesive gel implants which I am not all that happy with.

    I thought I would past since I fit the topic! 

  • Mocity
    Mocity Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2011

    Reading Mama - When I went through treatment I lost both my big toenails and all my fingernails separated from the nail bed.  I am so sorry you are having to deal with that!!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    HI Meegan- welcome back from vacation~sounds like you had a good time. I didn't lose any of my toenails,but lost all fingernails. I don't know if the two grow in a similar way,but I also had the soft nail under. I left mine as they were and now they are normal. I'm not sure if my fingernail situation would be the same though so I don't know if this is helpful.

    Kymn~ I forgot to say the up side again to rads much easier for me too than chemo...I really hope you will find the same.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Meegan~ Forgot to say~ I bet your arm will be ok. Try not to worry..I would think if it were to flare it would have done so ...maybe some of the others will be of more help,but I thought with flying and LE you would know fairly quickly. When my LE started I could tell the same afternoon. Hope that helps...

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Hi all on here!

     Thanks to all you girls for your good wishes for my scan results - you are so caring!  Kymn - good luck with your rads - last leg of it now!  It's a lot easier than chemo. but very tiring - travelling there everyday  - I used to go by train and bus mostly which was a pain in the bum - had a few lifts though. You also get very tired with the effects of the rads themselves.  Also - remember to drink plenty of water as they can be dehydrating and slather on the cream they recommend regularly. 28 seems a lot to do!  Are you going back to work after it all?  Ha!  Just re-read your post and you mention working!  Well done to you for keeping going through it all!

    Readingmama - glad you had a super vacation in the Gulf. The water park sounds great! Sorry about you toe-nails - I never experienced that .

     Kmur - never got to see  good old Harry Potter today!  My son took against it  - I think he saw on the cinema website that it was a cert. 12A and even though he is 12 and watches all sorts of gory animal programmes on TV - eating each other etc - he prob. thought  that you can't switch it off  on a cinema screen. We'll prob. watch it on DVD - never mind!  It had good reviews too. Yes, we love Top Gear here - they are so naughty and funny!  My son's in a Simpsons phase at the mo. Luckily, I love it - who doesn't!  He took against all US progs for a while esp. the Disney channel - he still has a massive fit if we even mention Hannah Montana etc!  But he seems to be back on some stuff. One of my fave shows at the mo. is Nurse Jackie - brilliant! - but they have moved it onto a channel we don't get - so I can't watch Series 3. Annoying!  Your son sounds like he is an excellent swimmer. Supposed to be good for LE so I am definitely making the effort to go this summer!! I love to read but can't seem to concentrate on it these days - I'll start a book then abandon it through boredom and apathy!  Sorry to waffle on!  Love to all ,

     Sarah x

  • Janeybw
    Janeybw Member Posts: 16
    edited July 2011

    Sarah-  I am a nurse and I love Nurse Jackie!  It is kind of controversial among nurses--we don't want to tarnish our reputation and such--but I just find it so compelling to watch.  I get the channel but am late to the game--just now catching up on season 2 on DVD.  Doing it by rental through the mail so taking a while!  I think Edie Falco and Eve Best make that show.  I teach nursing and the whole Zoe thing is so very out of the reality that it is easier for me to just view it as entertainment.  Sometimes it is nice to just be in an imaginary nursing world instead of the real one.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Hi to all my 40-ish friends,

    I am having a great weekend, just lounging around.  I had my exchange surgery  and port removal on Thursday and all went very well.  I did stay in the hospital one night because of previous anesthesia reaction.  No nausea (Kmur, I got the patch behine the ear) and very minimal pain.  The nurses kept wanting to give me morphine and oral pain meds but so minimal pain.  Not sure about results yet, he used bigger implants than the TEs but they look smaller under binder that I am wearing, I am taking it and the dressings off tonight to shower, so I will let you all know.  I am almost afraid to look.  I have the entire week off to recover and feel like I will be able to do alot as I feel so good.  Hard part will be keeping pink binder on and finding summer clothes to disquise it.  It is really hot here so this will be a chalenge.  Thanks to you all for the successful surgery wishes!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Christine47~ So so happy for you. Had been thinking of you. That surgery was not so bad for me either. Really hope you will be able to have a restful week. Hope you like your results when you peak!

    Sarah & Jane~ I have not heard of Nurse Jackie. I live in a house full of males so I usually watch whatever they are watching,but I will have to look into it.

    Sarah~ I can not concentrate on a task right now either. Have not read a book in I don't know when. I also find myself starting a task only to leave it half finished. I really don't know why. My head does not seem to be in the game with me and I seem forgetful too. A few friends saw the movie,but we didn't. The boys wanted nothing to do with it. I'll be like you and see it on DVD!!

    Hope everyone had a great weekend~

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    Thanks for thoughts, my arm seems fine so far, fingers still crossed on that.  I haven't seen Nurse Jackie, but I love "The Big C" - I'm a big fan of Laura Linney.  I also love "The United States of Tara", I think Toni Collette is so talented.  I haven't watched Season 3 yet.  My mom and I watched Season 2 together as our post-chemo, steriod up late nights activity!

      I still love reading, but did find it harder to concentrate while I was on chemo. 

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2011

    Christine47- I am glad you did well with your surgery.  I am curious to hear what you think.  I love the scope patch before sugery, it really helps with the nausea.  I think you will notice that recovery will be so much quicker this time.

    Can't weigh in on TV programs, we don't have cable so I read a lot, which I can say I wasn't able to do as much on chemo due to concentration issue. Chemo brain stinks and add it to menopause and I don't know that I will ever recover full brain function.  Laughing 

    Reading Mama- it sounds like you are doing okay with your LE, but you could always wear your sleeve for a few days if you aren't already.  I was told to wear mine a couple hours a day as a precaution. I do forget most days.

    Hope all of you had a great weekend!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Ok, I removed binder and dressings and my implants do not look like I expected.  I do not have any clevage and not much definition around the implants, not sure how to explain it.  The incisions look great and no pain.  I have heard people speak about hamburger bun look, but that;s not it.  Maybe swelling around implants?    My TEs looked great, I am a bit disappointed.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Hi! Me again!

     More TV views - I must sound like a terrible square-eyed couch potato to you all, but I do move away from the tv screen occasionally!  Readingmama - I saw the Big C recently - really disliked it at first  - not just the subject matter being a tad close to home, but couldn't relate to the characters and found some of the language in it a bit much!  I'm no prude and everyone does swear here in Britain, believe it or not!  Later, I really got to enjoy it and liked the Laura Linney character a lot. Ending was poignant. Still prefer Nurse Jackie, though!  I think Showtime do it - not sure if that is a US channel. Maybe HBO - I think they do that kind of thing.  I can see why the nurses in New York were up in arms about the show - she's brilliant, Edie Falco, but the character is a painpill-addict, not exactly moral, (although Catholic ) nurse.  Zoe is funny, but it's not real life.  I don't know why I can't concentrate on reading;  I am a qualified English teacher and have always loved to read. I blame the femara I take. Weird really. We haven't got "The United States of Tara" here yet - sounds good. Liked Toni Collette in Muriel's Wedding and About a boy. She was also in The Hours, I think, now that's depressing!   Excuse my's almost 3am sleeping's crazy. Hope you're OK, Christine, I expect the implants need to settle down a bit.

     All the best, Sarah x

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2011

    Hi everyone. Can't comment on Implants as I'm not at that stage yet.

    I love the Big C. I think Laura Linney is great. I've not watched Nurse Jackie. Might give it a try. One of my favorite shows returns tonight to NZ tv - True Blood. I have to confess to liking vampire tv/movies. Even though I'm not a teenager, I like all the Twilight books and movies. I'm also watching Vampire Diaries. Maybe it's a mid life crisis, lol. Anna Pacquin who plays Sookie Stackhouse on True Blood is a New Zealander, very proud of her!

    We are busy this week. It's the school holidays and we're off on holiday for five nights on Wednesday. Tomorrow I have Taxol #2. Later in the week our big garden landscape project starts. A digger is coming Friday to flatten the garden and remove hedges. Monday a bigger digger comes to dig a big hole for our swimming pool. We are VERY excited! After 12 months planning we are finally underway.

    Anyway, enough rambling from me. Best wishes to all.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Chritine47 ~ Just thought I would say mine did settle some in a couple weeks time. I don't know if others had the same. I think mine have settled even more now (radiated side for sure).

    KiwiMum~ Have a wonderful week,enjoy the girls and your new pool!!

    Have a good day everyone!