Any 40-ish survivors?



  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2011

    Christine47- just posted on the other thread so I won't bore you and rewrite it here.  :) 

    Yeay! For a pool, KiwiMum.  Sounds like you are doing pretty well on the Taxol. Enjoy your vacation.  I must say I liked the Twilight books and movies.  Can't say I have watched Vampire Diaries much though.  I never thought of it as a mid life crisis, but that could be very true.  I like the Hunger Games series of books and can't wait for the movie. 

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Hi girls!  So much to catch up on-again, I need to get on every day.

    Christine-I'm sorry you don't like your results.  Give them time to settle.  I also do not have any cleavage except for one bra that totally pushes them together.  I guess I have a wide breast bone?  And I honestly don't like the shape of mine.  But the TE's had almost a foreign shape, so this is at least better.  My doc also used an implant bigger than the TE's, but somehow they seem smaller.  Oh how I wish for my barely B boobies back!  I hope yours "drop and fluff."

    Reading?  Right.  I can read a gossip mag and that's about it.  I have a book I've started over again twice, but I just can't get into it.  The only thing that I can concentrate on right now is this number game on my iPhone.  I think it's helping my concentration.  Takes about 20 minutes to play the game, so I'm working my brain a little.

    Example-I counted the number of pills and vitamins I take in the morning the other day and it's 16.  Holy hell.  But it has helped the last couple of days to remember to take all of them.  I have a feeling I will have to count every day now.  My memory is definitely getting worse. 

    OK, the big topic-sex.  I have finally gotten to the point where sex hurts.  Damn early menopause.  KY is barely helping.  My poor husband.  Not so romantic for him to have to stop and ask if he's hurting me. I'm not sure what to do.  Were we discussing coconut oil a while back?  Can't remember if it was this group.  Anyone else having problems?

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Ok my TEs look better this afternoon than when I did the unveiling this morning, I think the bandage was partially deforming them.  Lets hope they continue to look better, I see my PS in 2 days.

    I am not able to concentrate like I used to either, even have trouble staying on task around the house not to mention at the office.

    Kim, my gyn recommended a gel that is not hormonal but actually helps with the thinning and dryness of the vaginal lining.  It is not a prescription and is ordered online.  I have the brochure at the office and will let you know the name of it in a few days.  I have not ordered any yet, have not had much of a chance to need it given chemo and recent surgeries, if you know what I mean.  My GYN is not the type of guy who would recommmend anything unless he was confident in it, he offered the information without me asking.  Thank goodness my DH is a patient man.

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Definitely pass the info on, Christine.  I've read that thinning is part of the problem.  And there's such a thing as atrophy?  Holy hell.  I'm still only 40.

  • 37antiques
    37antiques Member Posts: 60
    edited July 2011

    KiwiMum, you're going to invite all of us over for a pool party, right?  Holy cow it's hot!

    Kim, this will pass, and SOON!  In the meantime, pay attention to the details, according to my doctor, it's the testosterone we make that takes care of that.  Yes, testosterone, the muscle guy hormone.  But anyway, make sure you clear your mind and revamp the bedroom a bit to be romantic.  It just won't happen no matter what if you're thinking about that laundry you didn't get a chance to put away.  And scented stuff, lotions, candles, incense.  If you're mind is in a happy place your body will follow.  I'm past that stage, thank goodness, but it worked and it still helps.

    I hear you on the concentration, I found a memory match game I had to play every day to retrain my brain.  I still forget things a lot, but I have stopped trying to answer the remote. 

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    KiwiMum, enjoy your new pool, sounds great!  I also liked the Twilight series books/movies.  I have not watched True Blood or Vampire Diaries.  Hope you are not near ChristChurch, can't believe there were more earthquakes again.  My heart goes out to those that live there.  My sister's 1st half of her honeymoon is in NZ.  They were in Dundein and Te Anauare and are in Queensland now and then fly to Auckland on Friday.

    My memory is very bad now also.  I haven't done anything specifc to help it, maybe I should.  I sometimes do the crossword or Sudoku, but not on a regular basis.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011

    Kim I know what you mean, I have a bit of bleeding now everytime like he is scraping the walls not at all like period blood ,very pink, not much but enough to know its different in there. I do hope it goes away DH and I have maintained somewhat of a sex life through out all of this sure dont want it to stop.Christine 47 looking forward to your post to let us know what your Doc recommends

    Hugs Kymn

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Had my scan results today - still in remission!!!!! I'm naturally very happy and relieved. Thanks all for your support.

     Enjoy your pool, Kiwimum - I'm envious. I expect you'll need to wait a few months to use it, unless, of course, it's indoors. Sex life - what sex life!? I have absolutely no urges in that dept. any more after treatment, hysterectomy and anti-deps. I will have to make more of an effort!!!

     Love to all, Sarahx

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Sarah~ All I can say is yea for the great report!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Yay Sarah!  Absolutely terrific news :-)

    So...since I know my tortoise stories entertain you, here's a new one.  Yesterday I was out "walking" him in the backyard grass so he could get a little sun.  He seemed stuck in one place so I picked him up, and he had a piece of dog poop jammed in his mouth!  OMG.  I ran into the house with him and started prying it out with Q-tips, then a butter knife...little bits came out but not much.  Literally, his eyes rolled back in his head and he stopped moving.  I was sure he had suffocated and died.  I started running water into his face and he jerked awake-I swear, he must have passed out!  I called an emergency vet and we were pulling out of the driveway when he poked his head out and started moving.  I picked him up, and he had apparently SWALLOWED the poop.  Holy crap.  I'm thinking the water I ran into his mouth helped it go down.  We didn't end up going to the vet (I don't have $300 to spare), so I fed him some greens to further help it go down into his stomach.  Today he's fine.  But he did make a HUGE turd, so I think he passed it. 

    I hope you all get a good laugh!  It's funny today, but yesterday it was very scary.  Lol

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    LMAO Burley.  That turtle is trouble.  

    Sarah - great news on the scans!

    I had a good weekend with my friend and her two daughters.  Lots of fun.  And they introduced me to Modern Family.  I had never watched it.  It is so funny!! Best think I have seen on TV since Everybody Loves Raymond ended.

    Just got home from a birthday dinner with the family - my sister's bday is today; mine tomorrow.  My niece made me a card.  She is too young to write, but told my mom what to write in it for her.  It says "Happy Birthday Cake, Aunt Lisa."  Too cute, although not quite as cute as last year's "Happy to you!" 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2011

    Congrats Sarah! Great news.

    Burley - what was your tortoise thinking eating dog poop? Obviously they have no sense of smell or that would have put him off. I'm glad he survived and you didn't have a hefty vet bill.

    Lisa - we love Modern Family. Great characters and always makes us laugh.

    Everyone is welcome to the pool party. I think it will take a few months to finish. It will be in time for summer here. Sarah, yes I think I will have to wait to use it. I'll probably be having rads by the time it's finished and. Ive been reading some of the rads threads that said no swimming. It will be a bummer to sit and watch the rest of the family swimming ... but I'll be able to eventually!

    Sex life?? What's that?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Happy Birthday Lisa!! Glad you had a good weekend Smile

    Kim~ Jeez I thought turtles were supposed to be low maintenance critters....I thought my dogs were trouble!!

    KiwiMum~ Hope your travels are good and just know will be in that pool before you know it.

    I have had my LE arm wrapped for the last two days ( picture the Michelin Man ) that's how big my arm looked with the wrap on it ,but I'm very happy to say we took it off tonight and my arm is almost the same size as the otherSmile

    Was wondering if any of you gals have heard much about fat grafting to hide rippling and to add more shape around the implants?? Seems this may be where I'm headed for Sept surgery.

    Thanks and have a good night ( US) It is morning for some of you!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Kim--LOL the turtle saga continues....

    KiwiMum, pool party at your house!

    kmur--now I am 6 days out from exchange and feeling better about my results, but I can see a small "divot" in the clevage area that will need something like a fat graft, and I also would like some fat put under the arm where I had the node disection.  The size of my inplants seems great and he extended my incisions under my arms slightly and made this area super flat, which looks great.  I do think fat grafting is possible as we briefly discussed the possibility at my consent visit.  I see my PS again next week.  Interesting the girls who have the DEIPs, TRAMs, etc have major lipo and fat grafting done from reading these threads.  Glad to hear the Michelin Man is gone, maybe this exteme heat is responsible.

    Hello to everyone, tomorrow I am going into my office for a few hours and I will get the name of the "magic hormone free gel/cream" my Gyn recommended and pass along the info.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Christine~ I'm glad you like how things are coming along. I do think it takes some time for the implants to settle in.  I have had mine since May, my radiated side is still kind of tight,the other side is better. I hope to fix some of the other issues with fat grafting,but I don't know if this is a permanent fix? Or even how much fat can be used. I guess that will be some questions for my PS. I will see her in August and then surgery Sept 6. I know what you mean about the other means of surgery...I have seen this too about the lipo and fat being positioned just so ??

    Thanks and yes the humid weather is the is better now.

    Well take care all

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Hi all and thanks for the good wishes!

     I'm still feeling elated after my scan results  - I feel incredibly lucky!  Celebrated with some nice red wine with dinner and later a full-on binge of mississippi mud cupcakes. Not advisable everyday - but delicious!

     Kim - I had my arm bandaged like the Michelin man a couple of weeks ago - it was awful as I had a headache, a pounding heart and raised blood pressure. I lasted about 10 hours then had to go to the ER  who told us to cut it off! My LE nurse said it was caused by anxiety and she may be right but it certainly wasn't nice. I'm pleased yours appears to have worked. I have a new sleeve with fingers now which seems to be helping.

     Weather here typical British summer - quite cold and wet/occasionally nice. My son broke up from school today - he has been so happy this year  ,done really well and has had excellent support for his Autistic tendancies. Hope to have some nice days out and a trip to Longleat for a few days in August (safari park). I really must try to get a job in the Autumn as the cost of living here is horrendous. I also want to learn Welsh and Spanish, as I really enjoy languages. Just have to get off my backside and get on with things!  Also - Kim - hope the tortoise made a full recovery! I've got this image of you prising the poop out of it's mouth -I'd freak out as I have a bit of a poo-phobia!  

     All the best, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Sarah and everyone, I have been so happy for you as well. It is awful to wait for results,but I'm sure when you heard such great must just feel wonderful!  Do get out there and learn a language,and have fun on  on your trip. I think good news makes us really want to do it all. ( and we should)

    I have been ok using this LE arm. I go see the LE girl again today. I still do what I want. I love to cook ....yesterday I made a blackberry pie with wild blackberries someone in my husbands office picked for me. It turned out well,the crust has vodka in it and is tasty! I don't need that pie,but it sure hits the spot!!

    Hotter than blue blazes here...Jeez,hope none of the gals here have melted! Sarah,we need some of the coolness from the UK here!!

    Well, must get the day rolling here. Good thoughts to all for a good day(evening) ahead!

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2011

    Hello Everyone:   I have been enjoying all your posts.  Kim, I have never heard of a turtle who gets into as much trouble as your little guy.  I thought my two dogs were bad :)  I now have a DD who is starting to drive (say a little prayer please) and has her first real boyfriend (say a big prayer please).  But I will say so far so good.  Volleyball practice for her school starts in August so we will soon be busy with that schedule.  Just checking in to wish all of you the best!!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    I know!  Crazy tortoise...yesterday I had to stand a few feet from him while he walked around the grass and got his 20 minutes in the sun.  And it's damn hot here-over 100 and humid-so standing in the sun was torture.  That and my neighbors are probably wondering WTH is she doing standing in the middle of the sun in her yard...the little guy is too small for them to see in the grass.  The things we do for our pets.

    I've been putting off going back to see my PS for this indentation in my boob...totally cosmetic, but it makes my cleavage look weird.  But I never wear anything that shows my cleavage that much, so I don't know how big of a deal it is.  I forgot to ask her about how creepy my muscles look when I flex them-like my implant is folding in on itself.  I'm sure some of you have experienced it-look in the mirror while you wash your hands or clean the sink.  Yucky.  I'm wondering if there's something she can do.

    Picked up my son's school schedule yesterday-junior in high school!  Where did the time go.   And tonight is "meet the teacher" at my daughter's school-6th grade...11 going on 16.  Loads of fun.  Now she complains about the stubble on her legs and wants to shave them every other day.  I told her the more she shaves the quicker and thicker it will come back in.  But she doesn't listen to me.  Oh well.  Lol

    I dread this time of year with all the back-to-school shopping...all the money I spend and the crowds.  Ever since I started chemo I really hate crowds.  I was a real freak about germs for one thing, and I felt so self-concious without hair.  I'm hoping to tackle most of it tomorrow during the day while there's less people out there.  Fun for me!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2011

    Yeay for good scans, Sara.

    Kim- I too am enjoying your turtle stories.  DD wants a rabbit.  Has been begging for 3 years now.  I told her last fall that she couldn't have one since I was going to be sick all winter and told her maybe this year for her birthday.  She so kindly reminded me of this not to long ago and her birthday is in Sept. So guess we will take the plunge.  Anyone have any experience with rabbits? I am a dog person myself.

    I too have the funny muscle thing with my implants. I can flex my pecs and make my boobs move. Never thought I would be able to do that. My onc. cracked me and compared me to Arnold in his Mr. Universe days.  Then he got embarrassed.  I think he thought he would offend me, but I thought it was too funny.  I needed a good laugh.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited July 2011

     Hi all!

     Gosh, you girls over there really are suffering with the heat - that's just too much!  Unbelievably, I had the heating on today as it was so chilly!  Summer, eh? I think I prefer it like this than too hot, though.

     Kim - like the sound of the blackberry pie you in the crust - I've never heard of that before...intrieging  (I know I've spelt that wrong!)  I love to cook too, but I  try to limit the cakes etc. For some reason, though, I think that homemade ones are better for you than shop-bought!  I do love my grub!  There was a programme on yesterday when a woman was making a lovely-sounding mexican fruit salad with mango, strawberries, tequilla, lime juice and brown sugar, garnished with shreds of mint. It sounds really nice and quite healthy - may give it a go!  

     Kim(Burley) - hope you get some joy with your boob-dent!  Mine are totally different sizes now, about 2 cups different too and the nipple on the bad one points upward weirdly. Hope not tmi! I wear "chicken fillets" - do you call the sillicone inserts those?! - but they do slip around. Need to get a better solution, I think . Love to mom2one - 2 big steps for your daughter and you too!  Hope you manage it all OK.

     All the best, Sarah x

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited July 2011

    Burley - so funny, your turtle story.  Who would think a turle would be so much work?

    Picked a bad week to try to re-start my walking.  I did walk Monday (1/2 way over Brooklyn Bridge again), but no way could I do it yesterday or today, way too hot. So my modest goal of walking 40 minutes 4x/week will likely not be met this week.  I did walk Wed. night though so if I can walk once over the weekend then at least that will be 3 times. 

    And I'm very proud of myself for taking all my vitamins on vacation (forget if I posted this already!). I usually don't, but only missed 1 day out of the 10 and have been good this week as well.

    Baby steps I guess...

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Checking in!  Where has everyone gone?  : (

    School shopping today-my daughter has decided to start wearing short shorts this year.  Crap. I mean they're not super short, but still  I was so happy that she liked long shorts and capris for so long.  And we bought Converse tennis shoes for her!  Can you believe it?  I wore those when I was in high school 22 years ago.  Funny how things come back in style.

    I hope everyone is feeling well!  Have a terrific weekend!

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2011

    Hey ladies.  I asked this question on breast reconstruction but have not gotten an answer so I am hoping one of you can help.  Areola reconstruction - my PS says he takes a piece of skin from your arm and "builds" the areola.  I am curious if anyone has had this tattooed on instead.  Any thoughts or suggestions.  My exchange is set for 9/13 and I think nipple reconstruction is about 3 months later.  Does the areola come at the same time, before or after?  I just want to know what I should ask the PS.  Thanks for any help. 

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited July 2011

    mom2one- I actually had the skin grafted areola and nipples.  They were done at the same time.  Mine also were done at the time of exchange.  I will say that I am very happy with the areola and nipples.  It gives a more natural look in my opinion then just a tatooed areola. There is a definite difference in the areola than in the breast skin.  I will have them tattooed in about 2 months to give them some more color. My PS also took the skin from under my arms when he removed excess skin and tissue to make everything look better.  Hope this helps a little.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011

    Hi ladies just checking in, was away camping for a few days in the new trailor it was great but boy oh boy am I pooped. I cant wait to start getting some energy back, I still feel like I have lead in my arms and legs. so I am starting rads on Aug 3 I am getting 28 treatments sure hope it goes by fast I am so ready to put this all behind me

    Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your summer

    Hugs Kymn

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    I had "skin origami" I call it to make my nipples, just using skin from around my incisions.  And I just had the areola tatts a couple of months ago.  I'm happy with the tatts, and haven't seen it done any other way so I wouldn't know the difference.

    Saw my Onc yesterday and we discussed a bunch of stuff.  He ordered a PET scan because of my arm pain-that's always comforting.  Especially when they call me today and say he ordered it for ASAP.  Hmmmm.  So I'm getting it done Thursday afternoon.

    Discussed how my hair has hardly grown, is getting thin again and my eyelashes are falling out again.  Reminded him I'm a year out from my last chemo.  He said the thinning could be from forced menopause, but ordered some more tests with my usual bloodwork to check my thyroid and vitamin D levels.  I'm happy about that.

    Discussed how I've gained 15 pounds in 3 months, and he said it is also due to the forced menopause.  Asked me if I was exercising-I was ashamed to say no.  After all, shouldn't I be taking better care of myself now?  So he told me to start exercising.  Duh.  Lol

    My follow up with him is in a month, but I'm sure they will call me in right away if something comes up on the scan.

    So I went to Bingo at a casino on Saturday night and won $250!  Yay me!  And I have to admit, I got totally drunk.  I partied and giggled and was nice to be totally mindless for 6 hours.  Although I did trip on a chair and fall down between two tables-I have a huge bruise on my back to show for it.  Sometimes I just need to check out of the reality of my life, you know?  It's been 18 months of constant worrying, surgeries and stress.  I'm sure you can all relate.

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011
    Yep sometimes a few stiff drinks are needed and well deserved Sealed
  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited July 2011

    Burley, I just love you.  You crack me right up.  :)  I read here all the time, but don't post here too often.  Thanks for the laughs.  I can't WAIT until I can have a fun fall-down evening! 

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    "I partied and giggled and was nice to be totally mindless for 6 hours.  . . .Sometimes I just need to check out of the reality of my life, you know?"

    I can totally relate, as I am sure we all can.  In fact, I felt this way before cancer too, although perhaps not as strongly.  Sometimes you just have to let loose and be silly.  I have girls trip with my college friends every year.  We have done it for about 10 years now.  We all so look forward to it, in part because it is the only time we all see each other (we are scattered all over the country now), but also in large part because it is a few days that we get to act like we are 21 again.  No husbands, kids, job stress, aging parents, cancer, etc. that occupy our lives every day.  We drink a bit too much, eat whatever we want, and laugh non-stop.  It is so much fun.   Everyone deserves a little bit of time like that every once in a while.  

    I hope everyone is doing well.  This thread has been slow lately.

    Burley - good luck with your scan.  I would be a nervous wreck.  Not because I think you have anything to worry about.  I am just generally a nervous wreck about stuff like that now.  Ugh.