Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited July 2011

    Good on you Burley for going out and having a good time!!  I can't wait to have a few drinks when chemo is finally finished.

    We've just been away for a week visiting family. It was a good time despite the horrible cold and rainy weather.

    Yesterday I had my 3rd Taxol.  I'm now down to single digits - only 9 to go.  I've got September 27th circled in my diary as the final chemo day!

    Today I've been at Look Good Feel Better.  I was the youngest person there by at least 15 years. It was OK and I scored heaps of free stuff.  The lady helping with makeup was not particularly skilled so I ended up doing it all myself - in the politest possible way Smile

    The pool is being dug as I type.  It's taken 2 days and the hole is HUGE.  The garden looks like a complete bombsite.  It's going to look worse before it gets better I'm sure.

    Good luck with your scan Burley.

    Your girls trip sounds great Lisa.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    I so wish I had gone to that Look Good thing.  At the time I thought it sounded absurd.  I know how to put on makeup, etc.  I had no idea about all the free stuff.  I love free stuff!!  I wonder if I can go after the fact?  LOL.

  • mom2one
    mom2one Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2011

    Kim:  Just wanted to send a prayer your way for a clean scan.  I'm glad you were able to go have a few drinks and feel "normal" again.  My neighbors and I have had "happy hour" twice in the last 2 weeks because my BF/neighbor is moving to the west coast :(  I have felt guilty after my drinks but not enough to miss out on the next one haha. 

  • bkc
    bkc Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    Just found this thread and thought "that's me" but alas I am 46 might just be over the hump.

    I do have 5 children aged 27,25,21,7,6 and I do have a full time job, I still like sex when I can get the kids to sleep before my Hubby falls asleep and I like a beer or two every now and again. So maybe I still qualify.

    I was diagnosed on Feb 14 2008 and had a bilat on Sept.18 2008 rads and chemo no reconstruction yet if ever.

    My seven year old calls be the Mom with the traveling boobs cause I can carry by boobs(fobs) in a suitcase and whip them out when clothing or occasion requires.

    Looking forward to talking to you all.


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited July 2011

    Brenda welcome LMAO and the mom with the travelling boobs....I LOVE IT. My kids are 18,14,13, and 9,. three girls and one boy. I too like sex when we can fit it in lol and wont turn down a beer if offered lol. look forward to getting to know you too


  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Kim, Hope all went well with your scan today. I think many of us crave that normal feeling again. So I really could relate also . Thinking of you.

    Hi Brenda, I'm 45 with one son(13). Love kids, they have a way with words don't they? Where do you live in Texas? My little  grandmother lived in Orange Texas by Lake Charles years ago and some of my extended family are in Houston. Some of them were in Beaumont too. Like I said though that was years ago.

    Lisa~ That sounds so fun seeing your friends like that ..I bet they are great support for you. I miss working for that reason. Next year I need to get back to work doing something.

    KiwiMum~ Sorry your weather didn't cooperate but that pool sounds very nice. Hope the Taxol treatments are going well.

    Kymn~ That camper sounds really fun. for years we have gone to RV shows,but have not made the big purchase yet. Hope you are getting stronger and the rad treatments fly by. Each week beyond chemo gets better.

    I had my follow up with my ONC yesterday. It seems so weird now. Most of my visit was with the ONC assistant and about 3 minutes with the real doctor. His assistant did check my neck and my chest,but the ONC didn't do anything. Do any of you have this experience? Not sure what I thought he should do though. My next visit will be in Nov. so I guess that's good, He will check again to see if I am truly in menopause and move on to the next drug.

    Hope all of you are doing well. I wanted to say enjoying Summer,but I forget KiwiMum,not Summer yet for you. Anyway ...hope everyone is doing well-

  • bkc
    bkc Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2011

     Hi Kim I am in South Texas about 30 miles from the coast in Victoria it is about the same distance from Houston or San Antonio or Corpus Christi.

    This has been a long week. Leaving tomorrow to take a friend to her family in a little place called Spurger Texas about a 4 hour drive from here. Then back home for a birthday party for my Great Nephew on Sunday.No rest for me this weekend!

    Hoping that by the time we get back tropical storm Don will have left us some much needed rain. This heat is draining.

    Kim my onc appointments are alot like yours but the asst. is really good and Dr does check me. Mostly because I ask him a thousand and one questions but oh well that's what I pay him for. Don't go back until January and by then I'm sure I'll have a thousand more questions.

    My kids are yelling for attention so better go. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited July 2011

    Hi Brenda,

     I hope you had a safe trip with the storm blowing in. I know you-all need the rain so hope you get enough.  I have to agree with you about the ONC assistant. She is very knowledgeable and very nice. I think it seems odd I guess to get to the after chemo part of treatment. I don't really ask any questions even...I'm very happy to move ahead though and hopeful that we can continue as we are.

    Hope everyone is doing well,


  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2011

    Hi girls!  Welcome Brenda-you fit right in.  This is a terrific group of ladies-glad you found us!

    Had my PET scan Thursday-no big deal.  Maybe because I took a Xanax?  Lol.  I'm claustrophobic, so they always recommend one.  I think I even took a little nap when I was in the tube.  Can't exactly remember.  But I did nap while I was waiting the hour beforehand.

    Power nap must of have done me good because I busted out of there and went grocery shopping, came home and unloaded then, picked up my daughter from school and hit a second grocery store (I follow the sale ads.)  Whew.  But then I took a nap.  Very strange day.

    I don't expect any news, but if there is some my Onc will call me early next week.  Got a call from a PT and that appointment is Tuesday morning, so we'll see what they say about possible LE.  If anything, maybe they can help me with my arm pain.

    I really like my Onc and he doesn't have an assistant, so I get the full on exam from him every time.  He's super nice but very quiet.  Get this-he's examing me on Monday and tells me my reconstruction turned out nice.  I think I blushed.  I said, yeah, she did a good job.  Lol.  What was I supposed to say?

    Yay Kiwimum on the single digits!  You'll definitely have to have a party for yourself in September.

    Kymn-I hope you're feeling well.

    Everyone else, thanks for the well wishes on my scan.  I think about you guys daily, and hope you're all feeling well physically and mentally.  It's nice to be in this together!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    Hey everyone!  I hope everyone is doing well and not burning up in this heat.  It has been so hot in Atlanta.  

    Not much to report here.  It has been kind of a dull week.  I have my first post-treatment MRI on Wednesday.  I did not think I would be nervous but I feel the anxiety creeping in.  Nothing too bad, but it is definitely there.  I am actually really glad to have them checked out, but I hate the thought of something showing up.  Ugh. 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2011

    Hello to all my 40 ish friends.  I have been busy this week and looks like I missed alot here.  I had my exchange surgery 2 weeks ago, that went easy, but I panicked abit about my initial results, but now things are look pretty nice.  Saw PS yesterday and he was quite pleased.  my new right breast maybe a millimeter higher than the left, but so close only he and I would notice.  He thinks I still have some swelling between the new girls ( I think it is fat).  He gave me a breast band to wear above the breasts to push the rt one done slightly, I am afraid it might push the other one donw and it is perfect.  Not sure how much I will use the band is I would rather error higher than lower (does that make sense).  I will see him back in 4-6 weeks to start planning for nips then tats.  I think my PS may think I am a crazy women, LOL>

    I have both of my boys home, my youngest went to beach with good friend and the oldest was at a Duke camp for 3 weeks.  I missed them both so much.  DH and I had some nice meals and wine out. while they were away.  Last night we had a lovely hotel room. after fabulous dinner, and drinks, we both fell immediately asleep, oh well maybe he is afraid of the new boobs.

    Irr4993, what will they MRI your breasts?  I will be thinking of you.  Seems like not much time can go by with our group without scans, MRIs, Labs, surgeries, etc.  Just all part of the cancer game.  We all need to keep cheering and stay on our A games.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited July 2011

    Yes, it is a breast MRI.   I will get them annually from here on out.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies, busy week, I didn't get to check in.  Walked 3x during week, so I was glad to meet my goal there.  Didn't walk this w/e, but we went into the city so I thinked I walked the 40 minutes anyway - at least! 

    My parents offered to babysit, so we took a last minute trip in, stayed at my sisters aparment (she is still on honeymoon) and went to the discount booth and got 4th row seats to see Jersey Boys.  It was great - highly recommend it if anyone is in NYC or it travels to you!  Then today (Sun) a neighbor brought my kids and hers in and we went to the Hotter Potter exhibit in Times Square, it has a lot of the props from the movies, has hagrids hut, the kids can pull up Mandrakes and throw quaffles through rings, it was quite nice.  A fun lunch at a singing waitress diner and home.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    Hi Everyone,

      Can not believe it is August now. Seems like yesterday I was saying it was the last day of has been very hot here too as I guess for most. Dry too.

    Lisa, I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday..will send the good thoughts your way. I don't know why scans and even follow ups can make me more on edge. I hope with time I will let it go. I'm sure you will do great though.

    Christine, I'm glad to read you are feeling better about your implants. Sounds like you enjoyed that time with your husband. I am still not sure about my implants. I will follow up with my PS at the end of the month. I may just need more time to get used to them.

    Meegan, That just sounds like so much fun.  I really hope to make it north someday to take in all of the sights. Each time you have mentioned walking on the Brooklyn Bridge, I have tried to imagine what it would be like,but I'm sure it is one of those things you have to just do. I just imagine all the people and the sounds. I would love to see all of the food too and a play or something. I hope you will continue to feel like all that walking and I will keep imagining what it all looks like.

    Kim, I'm glad you have the scan behind you. Hope the arm pain will let up for you. I have been seeing an LE PT and have seen some improvement in my arm swelling so hopefully it will stay under control.

    Hope you all have a good day,


  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited August 2011

     Hi all!

     Good luck to Kim and Lisa for scan results!!  L.E. is a real pain too and has got me down at times - hope everyone's puffy bits stay under control. Damp and mild here - no heatwave yet!  Hi Meegan!  My sister-in -law and niece are in NY at the mo. - having a super time. They are the rich side of the family! ( PS - Not being bitchy!)  We hope to visit it someday!  I'm planning for 2015 - we'll have to make do with hols. in this country till then. Unless, of course, we win the Lottery or something. Meeting up with a group of women on Weds from UK Breast cancer care - looking forward to it - but a bit like a blind date!  Will be good to share experiences and have a nice drink/meal.

     Love to all you girls in US/Canada and Kiwimum in NZ.

     Sarah x

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited August 2011

    Well, I found a way to avoid bad scan results.  Just don't do it!  LOL.  I went for my breast MRI this morning.  I don't know if I had a panic attack, have PTSD from the last MRI (it was horrible for me . . . worse than chemo) or if I was just too full from my super antioxidant fruit/veggie smoothie I eat every morning, but every time I tried to lay down on my stomach to get in position, I could not breathe.  We tried about 5-10 times and I finally said forget it.  So, I got up at 5:30 this morning for nothing.  Dammit.

    I have to reschedule it now.  Next time I am having only some ativan for breakfast.  

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

     Hi Lisa,

     I'm sorry you didn't get the MRI today. I don't know if it helps or if anyone else had this..when I was first diagnosed, I had a time period where I would feel as though I couldn't breathe,thought I was having a heart attack - it was a very real feeling and made me feel not in control I know in my case it was a panic attack,but I had never had one. Over time I have not had them anymore,not even during chemo. I wonder if they can give you something to make you feel more at ease? I have to say I do still get nervous before scans and appointments and I do have hot flashes too that impact my chest in some hard to describe but before a hot flash I feel pressure or something in my chest. Do you think in time we will relax more? Anyway don't know if this was at all helpful,but wanted you to know I think many of us have felt the same way.


    I hope your meeting with the UK Breast Cancer Care went well. Sounds like a good thing to do and to be able to share in that way. I'm not sure if all states here have is called Friend For Life. With this organization they match volunteers with similar cancer diagnosis to help the newly diagnosed. Not sure about it hard to find the right words to help someone in the right way( if that sounds right??)

    Anyway hope everyone else is doing well. Have a good night .


  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2011

    Meant to come right back on, but somehow its 3 days later already.  Anyway, also meant to say Hi and Welcome to Brenda, I think you fit right into this group. 

    Sarah, hope your meet up today went well and Lisa sorry that you didn't get your scan, yes maybe somesort of relaxant would be order before next time.  I agree, I hate MRI's, I still don't understand why they have to be so loud! 

    Feeling very sluggish this week so far and fighting a cough/cold.  Worked from home today, so slept in 2 more hours, but still feel like I could sleep for days... Been getting to bed fairly early and actually sleeping well, so blaming it on the cold.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited August 2011

    Irr4993, sorry to hear about your bad day with the MRI.  Ativan for breakfast made me laugh, I was thinking  maybe you should have a cheesy omlet, bacon and buttered toast, followed with a tall double bloody mary.  All kidding aside, bigs hugs to you.

    I am having a rough week, just can't seem to keep up at work, home, etc.  I am behind with everything and I feel like my brain and body are just working in slow motion.  Today I had a mini meltdown, oh, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited August 2011

    Christine - if I ate all that I definitely would not be able to breathe laying on my stomach! Or in any other position!

    Speaking of bloody marys, I heard of the most interesting and yummy sounding twist on them today - make them with bacon infused vodka. I googled instructions on howg to make bacon infused vodka and am going to give it a shot.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited August 2011

    bacon infused vodka, not sure if that even soulds good to me.  My boys think bacon should be a food group, LOL.  Let us know how those bloody marys taste.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited August 2011

    I am not really a bacon eater.  I hate the fat.  But I love the smell and taste of the meaty part.  From what I am told, it gives the bloody marys a smoky taste.  Yum!  But it takes several weeks to infuse the vodka.  So it may be a while before I report back!

  • bkc
    bkc Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2011

    Hi Ladies,

    I am with you on the feeling sluggish thing. Don't know what is wrong with me this week. I have been on edge and cranky. Not sleeping well. Maybe it's the heat but my chest has been itching like crazy when I get hot mostly on the radiated side. Lotion helps but not much. And have started having these darn hot flashes. Have a gyn appt next month and I figure he is gonna tell me I'm starting to go through the change. Not sure what I'm changing into but sure Hubby, kids and coworkers are hoping this grumpy bithchy me isn't here to stay.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited August 2011

    So I have a general question.  When or if do you celebrate your cancerversary?  The date of dx?  The end of treatment?  For me, I was thinking about the end of chemo since I had chemo first and the lump was then all gone by then (and happens coincides with my birthday).  But I was also thinking about dx date since that is an easy date to remember>

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited August 2011

    I dunno on that one Meegan.  My last chemo was valentine's day.....radiation last day was June 6, "burned" in my mind forever! lol.  I think I 'll go with that date!

  • Unknown
    edited August 2011

    I've always "celebrated" my diagnosis date - that was the day when my life changed forever, right? I usually plan something nice for myself to do that day, that reaffirms how far I've come in my recovery. For me, that's usually a nice long work out, maybe a tasty and special lunch (all defined by the school day, before my daughter comes home, of course!). Now I have two cancerversaries - Nov. 5, '01 and June 6, '11. November's will be interesting this year - hopefully I'll be in pretty good shape after my 9/19 BMX!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2011

    Hey girls!  I hope everyone is doing well, and feeling well!

    I'm with everyone on the sluggish feeling.  I feel that way most of the time.  I can blame most of mine on hot flashes that keep me from falling asleep, and wake me up constantly through the night.  Some days I take my daughter to school then come back home and go to bed.  Then I feel guilty of course.  Oh well!  I feel like my body is still recovering from everything-chemo, all the surgeries, etc.

    So I went to PT on Tuesday and I do not have LE, but I have tendonitis and a frozen shoulder in my left arm.  Nice.  Until he made me do some stretches, I never paid attention to how messed up my shoulder is.  Ever since the MX I have trouble putting my bra on/off, pulling things over my head, etc.  I guess I just got used to it.  I never thought about that causing me so much arm pain.  I had to come home and take a Percoset that day it hurt so bad.  Yesterday went fine, but today when I did all my exercises at home I aggravated it and I'm in a lot of pain.  Ugh.

    And my eyelashes are falling out at an alarming rate!  Scary.  I honestly hope something comes up on my bloodwork that we can correct because this is crazy.  So once I stopped chemo, my eyelashes came back in, then fell out again exactly 6 months later.  Now I'm exactly a year from the end of chemo and they're falling out again.  I think that's really strange.

    Geez, will we ever return to some sort of normal?

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited August 2011

    Good news - my period has returned.  Bad news - my period has returned.  Ugh.  I have had two mini-periods in the last few months, but this one appears to be full blown, including sore boobs, lower abdomen cramps and low back aches.  I very rarely had cramps before; like once every few years.  I hope this is just a "getting started again" thing and not permanent.   I feel like crap.

    Burley - re the eyelashes.  I have read comments here about the cyclical loss of lashes.  It seems it is attributed to chemo putting your eyelash hair growth in synch instead of staggered, so when they fall out (as they all do eventually) it is at the same time.  I don't know if this will help, but I have been trying to pluck mine every once in a while so they are on a staggered regrowth scheduled.  

  • rowan47
    rowan47 Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2011
    Hello ladies, have just found this thread. My name is Rowan, and I am married with 4 children - 2 girls 2 boys (19,17,16,12). We live in New Zealand, in Christchurch...lots of quakes!!! We lost our house in the big Feb quake, so have moved 20 km out to our country home. Have had over 8,000 aftershocks, so between cancer and quakes, life quite stressful. I was dx in February this year (age 47). Was about to go into surgery for lumpectomy on rt boob when M6.3 quake hit. Had to flee the hospital with hookwire still attached! Couldn't get it removed for another 30 hours, due to damage at hospital etc. Finally had op 2 weeks later, then another a week later due to margins. Had 4 rounds of AC - how revolting!! Vomited with each round. Was due to start taxol x 12 then rads, but have decided on BMX (without recon). Just want to feel "normal" again and get on with my life!! Hope to have BMX next week. Quite nervous, but know it is the right choice for me. Also considering having ovaries removed...will this mean I won't need tamoxafin??? Any thoughts appreciated!! So great to have this wonderful sisterhood Smile
  • rowan47
    rowan47 Member Posts: 64
    edited August 2011

    Forgot to add, the cancer I had (have??) is quite rare It was 2.5cm invasive papillary carcinoma...