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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195
    edited October 2011

    O. M. G. Christine!

    LMAO! Ya know, I used to work with a group of surgeons (general and otherwise), and *those* people have the strangest senses of humor! I had to observe pre-op procedures in the OR for a QI project (on time-outs). First one out of the chute was rolled in for a non-healing groin wound. Poor woman had a "code brown" after the initial anethesia...THEN the surgeon, bless her heart (tongue-in-cheek), invited me over to see the non-healing wound while the nurses cleaned her up. I was trying not to gag behind my mask, and was quite grateful I'd skipped breakfast that morning!

    You guys are nuts! :::sigh::: I miss working with those I just do research administration. Not nearly as much fun!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Kiwimum...I did just start with that group of really has been fun...some of us have really clicked and we laugh...they are older than me,but I think it will be something we will carry on once a month. Do you think you could find a group in your area?

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    I've not tried.  Listening to you ladies I think I should and it would help greatly.  When I did Look Good Feel Better I was easily the youngest lady there by a long way. 

    Gotta log off. My girls have been at a cooking class for the last 4 hours. I'm off to pick them up. Will check in to see if anyone's around when I get back.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Have just really enjoyed our laughter tonight....THANKS you all!! I will talk to you in the morning

    BTW...I was in the kitchen all by myself and just laughed and laughed about you spitting your diet coke crack me up!!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Lisa, that story is so funny!!!!

    And you bought a massage chair for your house??  That is awesome!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Christine - OMG - the whole toe just came off??  I can't even imagine!

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    I think support groups are a very positive thing, if the group dynamics are right. I actually have attended several young survivor meetings and they have been so positive.  Just seeing people with hair is inspirational.  Although I am now up to one funky and artsy inch of hair. Eventually I think we need to move on and recover, but we are all still very fresh to the pain and emotional turmoil of the cancer diagnosis.

     The group I am going to lead is not a support group, but rather a group to gather information on the whole breast cancer experience at our facility, from abnormal mamo to recovery.  I have been very vocal (I know that is hard to believe, lol) about my experience from a medical and personal prospective, our cancer center is trying to improve their outcomes and the experience.  I am really disappointed in the process for ladies who are less informed than myself.  I have met several very young ladies who did not understand their reconstructive options, did not realize they could get second opinions about their cancer, pathology, genetic testing, etc.  I actually went outside of "our health care community" for some of my treatment, which may have upset some of my colleagues.  If there is something good that can come out of all this (hate that cliche) maybe it will be improving the process for someone.  Boy that sure is heavy.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Christine.. that is very bizarre.. you must have great dinner conversations... LOL

    Lisa.. We love the Sands... have been there twice and brought the kids. We stay in a two bedroom condo with beautiful decor, granite kitchen counters etc... I think its very reasonable... we rent a car, go to the IGA and eat in for breakfast and lunch (mostly) and go out for dinner... and I earn American Airline points and fly for free... Grace Bay has the best sand and water I have ever seen... 

    So we should plan a girls week in Turks and Caicos, right??

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011


    I work in the same clinic (share nursing and treatment rooms) with vascular/general surgeon on Tuesdays.  We share breakroom on our floor with infectious disease specialists.  The toe in the sock seems so minor.  The general surgeon had pictures on his cell of a beer bottle that he removed from a rectum today, who would have known people did such crazy things.  Hope I have not offended anyone.

    Kmur, I generally have good manners, but I was laughing so hard at you all.  I am so glad to be laughing and not crying.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    I am all for a girls weekend.  There is a thread of girls that all got together is vegas.  Maybe someday, when we have hair, healed boobs and have not met our out of pocket deductibles.

    Talk to you all another day.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Christine, good for you for making a difference for others.  I've had a great experience at Dana Farber, but the day of my surgery I had to wait for HOURS in the day surgery area.  I finally said to a nurse, "No.  This is wrong.  I shouldn't be here.  This room is crowded and loud and what are they here for bunions?  I'm having my breasts removed today and that is NOT DAY SURGERY."  They found a private waiting room for Larry and I to hang out in while we waited.  I spent a long time as a waitress, and so I never complain about service type stuff---EVER.  It took a LOT.  

    It was just outrageous.  Some people brought like a dozen people with them all talking and joking around--about DEATH of all things--and there I sat nervous about my surgery, and nervous that I would ever wake up and see my baby again and they're acting like it's happy hour.  And the children running around! And the one jerk who sat there eating a sandwich right near the sign that said please most of these people haven't eaten for over 24 hours!   One of these days I'm writing a letter about it.  I even told them I just didn't understand how everything was always so lovely at DF and then for the surgery I'm in a bus depot with no windows (where my hubby was expected to wait after hours for me to come out of surgery).  ugh.  Apparently, I'm still too hot about it to write the letter.  

    Okay ladies, my Ativan's kicking in.  G'nite friends! 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    I just wanted to clarify that I don't think nurses are like waitresses.  I just meant that I don't ever complain about stuff--especially when you know it's not that person's fault (like problems in the kitchen aren't the server's fault, the surgery being delayed had nothing to do with the nurse).  I hope that's clear....cuz nurses are just the best!!!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Betsy - I am all for a girls week in T&C!!  Ha! You are right, the sand and water there are amazing. The only place I have been that may be better is Anguilla.   But it is close.

    Christine - LMAO at the beer bottle.  When I was in college on of my friends was the daughter of an ER doctor in Miami.  She used to tell the craziest stories.  Your story reminded me of one of her stories.  Warning, this is a bit crude.  One time a man came in with a vibrator stuck in his rectum - AND IT WAS STILL ON.  The funniest part though was my best friend's reaction to hearing this.  She is honestly the funniest person I know.  She immediately broke into an an imitation of the convo with the doc:  

    Dr: What seems to be the problem?

    Man: *sitting on the examination table, shaking*  

    Weeeeellllll doocccctorrr, wwwhhhaattt haaapppenneeddd isss. . .  (this is supposed to read like a voice vibrating).

    I still laugh myself sick every time I think of her doing that. 

    Sorry if this is too crude!!!   

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Aargh - why do people put things in their bottoms?? lol  And a beer bottle - I'm sitting here laughing at how that appointment went.  Same for the vibrator.  Too funny.

    Profbee - your surgery experience is outrageous and you would be right to give them feedback ... as for the guy eating.  What a twat.  Some people are just so self absorbed.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011


    On a serious note, I understand exactly what you are saying about your surgical experience.  Give feedback!!  In health care there is to much complacentcy.  What becomes ordinary or routine for health care providers is far from ordinary for the patient.  I always tell my patients that surgery is minor when it is on you and not me.  Hope that makes sense.

    KiwiMum,  4 hours of cooking class?  Hope your young ones are learning alot, sounds like fun.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Prof... just copy what you just wrote and mail it...unbelieveable.... sorry for the bad experience.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Okay couldn't sleep, decided to see what you all were up to! Now I am trying not to laugh too hard to wake my family up.

     Christine- I understand the humor being an old has been nurse.  You just have to find the funny in it all. My poor Dad he had to learn to eat during all the gross stories that my mom, sister and I would tell during meals. Mom is a nurse also and sister is a lab tech.  Seen a lot of gross stuff in the past, but nothing like Lisa's story.  Still laughing over the conversation replay.

    Profbee- can relate with the hospital stuff.  I still try not to think about it.  I still get hot about it and I let them know on my survey. Actually I didn't even get out of the hospital before they knew.  I a usually non-confrontational, but I had the chief partner of the surgery group and the head nurse in my room before I was discharged.  All I can say is don't send a 40 year old woman or any woman home after having her breasts removed, to change her own dressings and having never seen the surgery site because the dressings weren't changed in the hosp.  Nurse or not it shouldn't be done. And to tell her that her that she just has to deal with the pain, because there is nothing going to change about the drains.  Heard that from a resident.  I guess I am still a little hot about this too.  I just hate that other women might have gone through the same things and didn't know that it wasn't right!  Okay I will get off now and put my Flintstone feet to bed.  Talk to you tomorrow! Or today since it is so late.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Boohoo.  Off to Melbourne in the morning and my shingles have come back. I've just come back from the doctor with another prescription. I'm feeling very hard done by.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi Everyone,

    First...Kiwimum...I am so sorry to read this...I hope you are still able to enjoy your trip. I don't know much about shingles..I will have to look it up....I know you will but I have to say take care of yourself.

    So very good to laugh with all of you last is like therapy really. I don't talk about all this stuff to anyone but my husband...I know he probably needs a break from it

    profbee...I am sorry you had to go through that in that way. I will be honest in that I really feel like this last year has been a blur and I do not remember some...I remember you once saying  "taxotears"  I had forgotten about my mounds of tissues with my eyes and nose just running...until you said that....I won't go into my experience good grief would take me forever,not bad just sort of lonely I guess.

    mamachick....same for you...I just wish no woman had to face this stuff like that...

    Christine....I think that is wonderful you are able to shed some light with an insiders view to maybe help those that come after....I just know you will do great things.

    And oh my gosh....I am trying to imagine how this conversation may have happened with the beer bottle...I mean you are sitting around drinking some beers and does IT go THERE??  Oh and at what point do you decide help is needed...I really feel for you all that have to undo what a drunken "idea" can turn into...

    Have a good day/afternoon/evening all

    Meegan ...talking to the big guy at mass again...I hope you are doing ok today.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    good morning ladies!  The one night I don't get on my computer and I miss all that!!!!!!! I'm checking in tonight for sure!  I was having a hurried and rushed morning, but reading last night's conversations, well, it's gonna be a good smiling day now!!!!!!!!!

    My dx anniversary is tomorrow, at 3:30 pm cst.....Going on a retreat that starts tomorrow night, was a gift from a friend....can't wait to unplug from the world, but sure am going to miss my BCO friends.

    Kim, don't know if you visit the Catholic intentions thread, but I see you mentioned mass.  Someone is taking the intentions to a Shrine in Australia, just thought I pass that along.

    Profbee, come on down to San Antonio we are in a quieter natural disaster area....floods once a year or so in the low lying areas....and flip flops are pretty much year round here!

    Thank you all for the chuckles, see you this evening!

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Hi, Christine, I think that's great and brave of you, anything you can do to make a better experience for others is wonderful, esp. if you have the knowledge to do it.  I agree, many people don't seek second opinions.  I ended up seeing 3 BS, but then went to the MO and RO that the BS I choose had recommended, in the same center. I never felt a need to question to MO or RO with a second opinion, but would if necessary.

    I'm all for a girls get together, never been to Turks and Caicos, heard it's nice.

    Kim - thanks for thinking of me.  Just waiting for the results now, I'm telling myself I will not hear till next Monday, so its good if I hear before. The wake/funeral is set for my neighbor, wake on Friday and funeral Saturday.  I had to back out of a parent charparone for my dd middle school Spirit Night on Friday so I can go to wake, I feel bad, but she seems okay with it, she understands why.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Kiwimum-  I hope you can get rid of the shingles soon.  I have never had them, but know of people who have and the say they are miserable.  Hope your trip goes well.

    Christine- I too am thankful that you are able to speak on patients behalf as a doctor who has been there.  I know things would be better for patients in general if medical personnel could be in their shoes.  I know when I worked, I didn't think as much about what someone was feeling emotionally.  I know I was better that way when I went into home health and I had time to sit and talk to my patients about more than just their medical issues. I will say that most medical professionals have gotten better with bedside manners, but some still just don't get it. And I am not singling out doctors, sometimes the house keepers have more compassion than the nurses.

    Okay I really need a vacation and with all the talk of the beaches, I might just have to run away to get one.  Maybe the mother daughter weekend in Charleston coming up will help.  Will just be me and my oldest!  Going to teach her to shave her legs while we are gone.  Have a great rest of the day! If want another friend on Facebook I am Stacey Banks, same pic. as on here.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    one more thing, I just wanted to let Meegan know that you are still in my thoughts this week especially. 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Good morning ladies. It's 6.50am here. We had to be at the airport at 6am, which meant waking up at 5am. Definitely going to need a nana nap later.

    We've already had a small drama. We were just pulling into the airport carpark when our 9 year old winds down the window and vomits. Great! (not). So here we are waiting to board our flight with a vomitting child and me with spots on my face. I don't care. It will be nice to get away for 5 days, and I always like going to Australia to shop. I definitely deserve a new handbag (I hope I find one I like ... at the right price)

    Gina - wow dx anniversary. Is it your 1st? I'm not sure how I'll feel March 3 next year.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Kiwi, yes my first - dx oct 13, chemo by the 1st of nov, last chemo feb 2011, surgery march 2011, radiation late april to's been a quick year, didn't think it would be last october....

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone,

    Firstly...Kiwimum...I hope you made it to Australia without anymore sickness...hope she's feeling better. Hopefully you can enjoy your trip AND a new handbag.

    I just had to say I really love my BS...and her helper Sophia. My BS is our general age and she told me from the getgo...she just could see herself in my shoes (except as shoes would be really big on her). she talked to me at length and made suggestions that I am happy I followed..after my BMX surgery she and Sophia came to see me in my room....and in her office when we first were gathering info...I had myself a mini melt down with tears...I usually do not cry like that,but Sophia put her arms around me and hugged me. It really meant so much ...but like I said this DX can be a lonely one at times... so enough sad thoughts from me...

    I called Ellen today...ok well I called the studio today....gave my pitch to a girl who probably thought I was completely insane...maybe someone else should call or send e-mail...she was nice and kept saying "Yes...that sounds like a great idea...did you visit our website and pitch your idea" Yes, I said. Doesn't she know she was supposed to transfer me to the gal/guy to book us???  Lol

    Gina...thank you I will check out that thread..and I still can not figure out what date to use...sounds like you girls are using DX date??? I had been using end of I'm not sure which to use...maybe you all could advise and I'll follow your thoughts.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Kim, still deciding myself.  Thought I would use dx date, but when it rolled around, I didn't really feel like it was a celebrating day, I think both because I certainly have not been cancer free for 1 year and I don't know, it just didn't seem like it.  Now I'm going with end of chemo or surgery date, not sure which.  I had chemo first, but that ended the day before my birthday so maybe I'll use my surgery date to have a reason to celebrate something in Feb.!

    KiwiMom - good luck on your trip!  When we went to Florida, my son threw up on the ride from the wedding to my m-i-l's house, not fun I know.

    mamachick, thanks for the thoughts!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Gosh Kim - you've got a brilliant go-for-it attitude! I like the way you guys are like that, I'm full of British reserve, which as Monk would say "Is a blessing and a curse" - mostly a curse, very, very occasionally a blessing!  I told my Mum about the Ellen thing and she thought it was hilarious! She's 75 this weekend and we're having a family party. Starting slimming again next week so will stuff my face before that!

    I enjoyed reading the thread yesterday -  I liked the toe-coming off story and the "code brown" bit, although it took me a while to figure it out! Funny stuff - and the inserting things in certain orifices. Afraid I've not got anything to add to it! Sorry you had such a horrible experience at the hospital, Profbee. They were so insensitive! You did well not to have a massive fit at them. I tend to get very anxious when in hospital and have behaved quite badly (IMO) a couple of times. The nurses have always been great, though, and calmed me down.

     Hope you have a great time in Australia, Kiwimum - enjoy the rugby! Sorry about the shingles rearing their ugly head again.

     Meegan, thinking of you with your friend's funeral and your results.Tough times.

     Stacey, enjoy the mother/daughter trip - sounds good! Nice to do girly things together!  Don't get that with sons! I have to nag mine to wash and clean his teeth and when he breaks wind, he insists I smell it - nice!  He's a teenager in a month, so hoping all that will improve. He's already an inch bigger than me at 5.6 - little,fat Mum, he calls me!

     All the best, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Meegan....I thought about using DX ,then thought end of chemo would be better for me so that is what I have been saying Sept. but even after sept I had the 28 that would be Nov. ??

    Sarah...Really I'm not forward either. I did call the studio...they had a phone number listed on the web and sure enough when I called the number they transferred me to an Ellen customer service person I guess...anyway I explained in my rambling way the idea and she said "that sounds great...and said to send it via e-mail...How wonderful to celebrate your Mom and her 75th birthday!!  Hope it is a great celebration.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Kim, Just let me know what I am supposed to wear when they come and pick me up in the limo for the Ellen show.  I am sure she will put us all up in a luxury suite, we will have so much fun.  If that doesn't work out, you , me and mamachick will need to meet for lunch and a sleepover in Ashville.

    I am using my anniversary date, seems lucky that my first anniversary will be 11/11/11.

    Kiwi,hope you and your family feel well and enjoy your holiday.

    Meegan, I continue to send good thoughts your way, let us know when you know something.