Any 40-ish survivors?



  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    I am sooo jealous, go for it!!  My surgeries have been at a large teaching hospital, I don't think my PS can get away with giving away an extra service in this setting. Lipo is nothing I would have ever considered pre-BC.  Just seems like we deserve more for going thru all this crap.  Guess the NOLA doc appriciate that. (The PS I see is also in a large group and they do alot more than breast recon, when I sit in their waiting room, I realize how lucky I am, seeing children, burn patients, etc).

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Man, now I'm having fat-grafting envy AND nipple envy! You ladies are awesome!

    Congrats on hitting 40, profbee! I'd love a margarita or three! I usually just do liquor shots, but I'd add a little flavoring to it every once in a while, for a special occasion!

    We have a gorgeous day here today, and today is DS's sports day. Literally, all day! I go to a BC workout group while he is in two soccer classes, so at least I can get that in. Big Lots sent me a 20% off total purchase price for today only, so I told him we are not doing the last portion of activity day, his circuit workout, in order to go shopping. Because honestly, how much workout does a kid need when there are bargains to be had???

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     Just to tell you, Meegan, that I hope your son has a great 8th birthday party today! Thinking of you and all that awful scanxiety. I agree with the others - you are a lovely mom!  We do so want to protect our kids through all this and it is so hard.

    The Pink saturation over there in the US does seem a bit much. We only have a bit of it here this month - it's present, but not overwhelming! I think I've only seen one tv ad.  mentioning bc funds(for Vanish washing, something or other), but that product is pink anyway! Good luck to all you fundraising this month through work or otherwise - every little helps!

     Love to all, Sarah x

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies

    1st day of school holidays here today and my girls are already fighting over EVERTHING.  For goodness sake, there are about 20 barbies but they both want the same one.  If they don't end up killing each other by the end of the two weeks I'll be amazed.

    My sister has come to stay with her 15 year old son. I haven't seen  him in a year and wow, what a change.  So tall and his voice ... it's deep and manlike all of a sudden. Very hard to get used to.  We dropped him off to a extra study group this morning and I couldn't believe all the boys. They are all as big as men ... not little boys any more. lol

    We are hanging around home for a few days before heading to Australia. I'd better work on finding some activities for the girls to stop them fighting.

    Hugs everyone

    Kiwi x

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hi to all!

    Meegan- hope the birthday party was fun.

    Eema--hope the retail therapy was good today.

    Can't believe tomorrow is Monday already.  I have a long week ahead with an evening meeting on 3 nights (YUK!).  Going to PS in the morning, hoping to get my nip caps off!!  They are really starting to be uncomfortable, not to mention freaky looking.  I think I will take a picture or two tonight, kind of weird, but I may want to look back at this experience and laugh (or cry).  Also hoping to get rid of the tummy binder tomorrow, what a difference a week has made in the pain.  I will be anxious to hear what the PS thinks about the results and what my next step is.  Not sure how long to know if I might need additional fat grafting.  Originally I wanted to be done with everthing before 2012, now I really don't care, I just want to look better and feel stronger.  Since I kind of missed the holidays last year, I don't want to have any additional surgery compromise our schedules.  So I am going to stop rushing to be done and enjoy the rest of the year.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi Ladies,

    Had to pop on to say...Meegan..I hope it was a lovely day today. Thinking of you.

    Eema...Hope you had a successful Big Lots day

    Kiwimum...hope you enjoy your visit...I know about these teenage boys...they change sometimes when they go to bed and get up the next morning. Mine looks me in the eye now and I'm 5'11".  I wish I had an answer to the Barbie situation....maybe a glass of wine for mom?? Lol I bet they are cute

    Betsy...hope it was a great weekend

    Christine ...Although I have been envious of your "special" caps...I hope you get rid of them tomorrow and you are very pleased!!Smile

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Thank you all for your understanding and support!!  The party was a hit and we all had fun.  Christine, that's how I felt - I told you all here so I didn't have to keep the worry to myself!  I didn't think about it during the party so that was good. 

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Yay party fun--and gorgeous weather, right?  I'm glad it was a hit!  We broke weather records up here.  We even went to the beach. I'm so happy about it because we did not get there ONCE this summer--and we ive 10 mins away...a tragedy really.  We keep thinking we're doing right by our boy, but you feel bad when you just can't cram in a lot of summer fun--well, not this year anyway.  I'm packing it in now--the circus last week, beach this week.  :)  Thank goodness AC has been kind to me so far!

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Meegan - Glad to hear your party went well.  Is your follow up this week?  Good luck!!

    I had a very lazy weekend.  I threw my back out last weekend and it has been killing me all week, so I spent the weekend laying down. This happens every few years.  This was the first time post-BC, and it did not seem to be improving much during the week, so I naturally had the "it is cancer" worry going on.  It dramatically improved today so, whew!  Probably just the same old back problem I have had for 10 years, which rational me believed all along when crazy BC-patient me was not saying otherwise.  I really hate that everything is going to worry me to death from here on out.

    Did a little vacation planning today which is always fun.  My girls trip that I do every year with my college friends.  We are going to Cancun.  It is not my favorite place on earth, but it is easy for all of us to get there (we are all over the country) and always reasonably priced.  Besides, anywhere there is a beach, drinks, and my girlfriends, I can't complain!  We always have such a good time.

    Well, I am going to bed.  I have not slept well this week because of my back.  Hopefully I can sleep though the night tonight.  

    Good night!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Big Lots was absolutely gross. They gave EVERYONE a 20% off coupon, and where they dug these people up from, I have no idea. I had to leave a cart full of shopping and get the blank out of there before I was done, because I felt a panic attack coming on! A lady tried to block My way down an aisle with $1 pasta sauce, and I had enough. I just imagined all the germs on the cart handle and got grossed out. I didnt want to freak my DS out, so I just told him we were going to another store. He was horrified! "Eema! Why are you leaving all the stuff you wanted to buy??? Eema, thats not nice! Eema, can I get a present?" I have no idea what the hell happened. I've been really fatigued, so maybe my body just had enough.

    Ok, off to sleep. I'm sure my trip to Big Lots will be much funnier in the morning. The Big Lots crowd is almost worse than the Walmart people. Even with 20% off, I couldn't make myself push that cart any further! I imagined the food I had picked out for DS's snack at school had maggots in it. I know Halloween is coming up, but this was all in my head...

    Ok, I just heard a loud bang outside. Hope it was thunder and not a car accident on my block!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone,

    Lisa....hope your back feels better. When my son was little..I carried him around on my left hip all the time and while doing this...herniated a disk in my back...I could walk around but not lay or sit. My husband had to put my socks on for me....Thank goodness with stretching and so on it got better. Just wanted to say I really know what a bad back feels like. Oh...Cancun sounds very fun...I hope you will share your stories with us...cause ....there's ALWAYS a Cancun story  Lol

    Eema....I'm sorry your shopping trip was not so good.  These days I am funny about germy conditions....I bet some of the girls here would feel the same.....with low white counts and all. I will say one thing I do even more....I carry a couple of little hand sanitising bottles in my purse (can't think of the name right now) When we go out to all will think I'm weird,but if I have something that needs ketchup or whatever....after using this bottle I think of the other hands that have been there and I clean my hands with my sanitizer before I eat. Wash my hands often(not crazy like)....We do have to take care of ourselves.

    Tonight I have my SOS meeting. This is the look good feel better part. We get to do the make up and all. Then we are going out for something to eat. These women are so nice and funny. It is amazing the bond you can have right away with people you barely know.

    Meegan....Thinking of you very often....talking to the guy in charge often as well.

    Christine....Thinking of you today...hope all is good and you are happy...I know you have a long week ahead...take care!!

  • achpurple
    achpurple Member Posts: 245
    edited October 2011

    Hope you don't mind if I join you - 43 at diagnosis, now 44.  Have six kids (don't drink, sorry) - been on several other threads for a while but read the first few pages and the last few pages of this one and think I might fit in.  I don't post a whole lot, but read posts daily and keep up with everyone. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Ok I was going to keep this story to myself but thought I would share.....I could not help but think of all the Cancun stories after Lisa said she is going there....I just had to say

    1.  I was washed back to shore in Cancun....Was not concerned with breathing but just made sure still had bathing suit on...Waves very strong...   not good

    2. I let some guy named Tony Boloney  (yes..that was the spelling) Take me up para sailing....Oh my gosh....what was I thinkin'. I took my camera with me and took pictures of the teeny tiny boat and my rope that hooked me to the boat.  That was back when you could not possibly be hurt by anything...because you know you all remember those days??

    welcome to you achpurple....I am in Kentucky also. I bet your six children keep you very busy. I had a very close friend ..she was one of twelve...when we would go to her funny we would just blend in...sometimes it would take a while for her mom to realise there was an extra child.....Look forward to your posts. The ladies here are very kind...oh and funny too.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Hi Achpurple! I read a lot on this thread too, but don't post as often as well.  I see we have close dx dates, hope you are feeling better and health is being restored.  I don't drink either, I just can't handle it, and since half a beer can give me a buzz....

    Kim, you are too funny.  I read your posts and usually find a chuckle or two.  I've only been to Cozumel, and I did more shopping than water stuff.  My daughter was about 15 at the time and I remember almost having to cover her eyes to get out of a t-shirt shop - no censoring there!  Mind you the sayings were funny... just a bit inappropriate.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    Kim - I am thinking about signing up for some PT to get some stretching exercises for my back.  It is the strangest thing.  I will go for years (about 3 years ago was the last time it went out) with no problems, then I do something simple and out it goes.  The pain is absurd.  I used to think people complaining about back aches were big babies.  My God.  EVERYTHING you do involves using your back.  It is getting better, but very slowly this time.  I think I really really wrenches this time around.  I did sleep through the night last night for the first time in a week.

    As for Cancun, I am afraid we rarely ever have any juicy stories out of our weekends.  We are all old and lazy now.  My friends all have kids so this is their "me" time.  Mostly we lay around and just drink and eat and laugh.  We laugh a lot, which is of course my favorite part.  Honestly, we laugh so much that we usually end up annoying the hell out of everyone around us, but we do not care.  We were on a flight once and you could tell everyone around us just wanted us to shut up.  But as we were deboarding this little old lady came up to us and "I loved listening to you girls during the flight.  You sounded like a bunch of school girls laughing and carrying on.  It keeps me young."  It was so sweet.  Maybe it was less annoying to her from a few rows back . . . lol.

    These are my friends who, even though I don't see them for a year at a time, we immediately go right back to where we left.  They are the only ones I told about my diagnosis too.  I wish we all lived closer so we could get together more often. 

    You are right about the water in Cancun.  The first time I went it was so rough that I could not even walk out past the waves breaking.  There was a distant hurricane, so I thought that was why.  But since then I have heard it is often very rough and quite dangerous.  It was explained to me to have something to do with the sea floor. . . there is a sudden deep drop off just off shore . . .something like that.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Have not been to Cancun or Cozumel, but was at Playa Del Carmen, inland from Cozumel... The water there is protected by Cozumel so it was very gentle... we were there in June  a few years ago, so I planned everything around water (no trips to see inland sites) because it was just too hot... We did some Mayan Adventure tour that was great.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    I would love to see the mayan ruins.  Unfortunately, all of my trips down that way have been three-night quick getaways with the girls, which does not leave enough time.  We are all Florida girls (or at least were at some point in our lives) and have to have our beach time.  If we had a few more days, I would work that in.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    I would only visit the ruins when the weather is cool...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011 too...I used to hear people complain about their back pain...Oh cry me a river for Pete's sake  ( I used to say that in my head only) but.....I think Karma hit and it happened to me and you are right...I think when you have a bad back or a bad is truly painful....I get that now !! Lol  Bowflex saved me is slow and stretched me out.

    Next Sat. I get together with my old High School friends.  We are like that too Lisa, so fun ..we just pick up too as if I just saw them the other day. I do hope you have at least one story...or just make one up for me.

    I would love to see the ruins too...we did not do that...just beach stuff and shopping for us too...know what you mean about Tee shirt shops. in my case though...we had no kids at the time so no worries.

    Betsy...your walk was good and good weather too?  Hope you met some nice folks.

    Gina...had been thinking of you all in Texas...hope that rain helped down there.

    You know..what was ( I guess)  funny about being washed to shore was well first I lived....second...after I knew I lived..I imagined what I must have looked like with random arms and legs poking out of the water...and the entire time the "life guard" had no clue...he was chasin' girls. When I sat next to my "friend" who also did not know...she said what happened to was not a pretty picture ..I will not describe

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      BTW...I do have additional stories about that same trip, I'll stop going on for now and save for later..Those stories involve dressing like a bull...and losing my toenail..Oh and another one about being called Kimberly in the toilet paper lady

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Yes.. walk was good... and BEAUTIFUL weather.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    The rain was wonderful!  I'm sure the seven homes that were hit by a small tornado here in San Antonio wish it was just rain!  We got 2-4 inches Saturday late night, through Sunday. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011


    I'm sorry to hear about the tornado...I didn't know that. Have not seen the real news in a few days because of fall break and everyone else has the T.V. The last I heard you all were to get much needed rain.  I'm sure you could use more. It will be interesting to see how the winter plays out. I have heard wonderful things about San Antonio. Do you like that part of Texas? 
    Diagnosis: 4/7/2010, IDC, 2cm, Stage IIIa, Grade 3, 4/19 nodes, ER+/PR+, HER2-

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    I do love this part of Texas.  Our city is huge, but spread out...We joke that it takes nine hours to get of Texas ( it really can) but the vitamin D from the sunshine is great!  This last summer we had 110 degree weather which is not normal for SA at all.  I bet we have the coldest winter coming.... 

    The tornado was small and no one was injured.  Tornadoes are rare in SA.  We are tucked in to Texas just enough to get out of the tornado alley, hurricane paths, etc. but we are just a couple of hours from the beach, a couple of hours to the desert, a couple of hours to the forest's a great location. 

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    This might be a little long since I can't seem to get on often.  First let me say welcome to achpurple.  Looks like we were diagnosed about the same time too.  I hope you are through with all you treatments and such.  I too am not a drinker, but I don't think the girls here care about that stuff.

    Kmur-Kim you crack me up, that is all I can say.  I was never one to walk on the wild side so I will live through your stories!

    Besty- glad your walk went well.

    Megan- still thinking about you and totally agree with you on holding your news for you son until after his birthday.  Wish we could have held the news like that last year for a while, but mine are too observant and knew there was something going on and my son just came flat out with and asked if I had cancer. Still wearing the silly band he gave me the day of diagnosis.  He gave me a white heart and said that he wanted to give me his "heart" to make me feel better, he was 8 at the time.  My 6 DD couldn't be one upped so she gave me a red heart the day before my BMX.  Still trying to figure out when to take them off.

    Haven't been watching the news either to hear about the tornado's in TX. Glad you all got some rain though.  All I remember about TX is getting a speeding ticket when I was 22 trying to get home from NM.  The truckers were even trying to slow me down.  Long stretch of nothing but road.  Embarassed

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Welcome, Achpurple!  It's a great group here. 

    Oh, your talk of sun and sand!  Our last vacay was Sandals in St. Lucia for our honeymoon 8 years ago!  ugh.  We have dreams of a 10th anniversary return, but this whole BC thing made hubby say, "Seriously, we need to start setting money aside for a vacation for us."  :)  Money's been so tight, but then I think about the money we wind up wasting on things.  You know how it is. 

    Mama--how sweet!  It's amazing how the kids come through all this.  When  I think that we are raising sons with such love and compassion and sensitivity--so much better than things used to be.  What lucky partners they'll someday have! 

    Betsy--yay for the walk!  Congrats!  I can't wait to hear about your next one! 

    Kmur--you crack me up.  I'll bet that losing a toenail story is better than our chemo losing toenail stories!  LOL. 

    Lisa--I have a bad back.  I have some pretty severe scoliosis, and so I'm at risk for throwing out my back.  Last year was the last time and it was AWFUL.  I really found that the only thing that works to make me better when I throw it out is exercise.  I highly recommend getting a PT and getting things moving.  I hate exercise, so if I'm saying you should--ugh, I haven't found anything else better--and I've TRIED.  LOL!  :)

    I'm sure I've missed someone.  Love to you all tonight!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi everyone,

    Gina ...All I can think is I have to live a long time because there are so many places I want to see. San Antonio is husband and I are out door people and there is a really pretty river we want to canoe too..I think this may be closer to Austin though. My grandmother was born and raised in Beaumont Texas and I always loved how proud she was to be Texan. When all of her sisters would travel north to visit us...they would say how cool it is up here, always thought that was funny. In my view it was very hot...

    Mamachick...That is so sweet with your little ones.  It is really amazing how they are able to read us.

    Profbee....My husband and I put off vacations for a long time...we had an old dog that lived forever...I love dogs,but he was kind of not nice in his old age...anyway...when he passed ,we did take our son to the beach and he saw the ocean for the first time at 8 years was the best see his face ...I will never forget that. If you all can do is so good to completely take yourself away from all the day to day stuff ... and yes...losing my toenail was way more fun in Cancun than more recent nail stories!!  Lol

    I truly don't know if I can ever just post something short...I don't think I'm able   Sorry..I will try harder.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Hi Ladies, and welcome achpurple!

    Boy, you miss a minute and you miss a lot with you girls!  Today was Columbus Day, which meant NO SCHOOL which meant it was ALL DS ALL DAY LONG!  I LOVE that we had the time together, but the day started at 7 am and ended when I left an event at school at 7 pm because my DH came a little later than I did... I told him, "tag!  You're it!  and left before he could say no!

    Purell hand sanitizer?  I think I'm going to start carrying them.  You are right, Kim, I think it was the germ factor.  I thought about all the people that were in that store and got grossed out.  We went to 5 Below, which was much better.

    We have another crazy 3-day holy day period coming up.  I have to cook for 3 days tomorrow... I gotta get to bed or I'll never make it! 

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hi Girls, including our new member achpurple!

    Where did archpurple get the idea that we all drink?  Could it be we are all abit crazy??  Trust me I am silly enough without a drink, we all talk a big game.

    Eema, cooking for 3 days, oh my, I have not cooked 3 days in a week forever.  My kids don't ask what is for dinner, but where are we going for dinner?

    Went to PS today, NO more nipple caps!!  All my stitches are gone, and he thought everything looked good.  Told me it would be months before we know if all the fat will take, promised he will do more if I want/need it.  Also told me he would take from my butt or hips next time (if thats what I want) now we are talking!  Probably the fact that I begged him and the good looking young residents to take lots of fat got to him.  I believe he thinks I am a nut.  He asked me how I made out with the nip caps, told him it was a good thing I could wear layers last week.  He did not suggest any additional protection for my new nips (they are about 1/2 cm long now), just told me to watch them, lotion and continue implant massage.  I hear about them shrinking to nothing for some ladies, so I stopped at the Baby Super Store and bought some protectors.  The nice young clerk asked me what I needed, so I told her nipple protector and she asked what type the "new mom" needed?  Explained what I needed them for and gave her a lesson on breast reconstruction.  She was very helpful, I bet she is still talking about the crazy lady she met today.  And in case you are wondering, I did not show or let her feel my boobs, but did mention my nipples were up where they belong.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Funny Christine. I agree. If they are going to take fat it may as well be from the butt or hips. The lady in the store will have fun recounting her story to her friends.

    All this talk of holidays is making me want to go on a nice relaxing beach break. Down this end of the world, when we want to get away we head to Fiji. It's glorious! There's nothing to do but enjoy the sun, swim, snorkel etc. Last year we headed to Rarotonga for a change. We didn't like it as much as Fiji but it was good to try.

    Off for another CT tomorrow. Then Physio because I've managed to hurt my calf muscle. This body of mine is falling apart.

    My big sister is here staying with us at the moment. Guess what we're watching?? Dirty Dancing. Love that movie. Nobody puts baby in a corner.