Any 40-ish survivors?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Christine, can't you wear the nipple caps just for fun?  I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!  OMG, what about a nipple cap decorating party to raise money for  Seriously... we could get sponsors, get celebrities to decorate nipple caps... make a docu about the process and ... wait for it.... "the lives they touched with the simple, yet beautiful nipple caps."  Nipple Caps for Pinktoberfest!  

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Oh Eema....I know you won't believe this...but I can't think of anything to say.

    Christine...I'm glad you got rid of them and I am equally glad you educated that is our mission isn't it??

    You know what I think would be a good idea? We should contact Ellen or something and have a BC first meeting on the show...not that that would work and I know some of us have kept our DX discreet...but really how many people from so many places get to talk about something so personal yet we are ok with is like pen pals kind of....

    Oh and about being a problem at all...I really don't drink either...I would say once a week I may ( not always) have the olden days...I have to say I did drink...I was not bad though...well, not too bad.

    Enjoy Ladies!!

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    I think that is a great idea, Kim!  Anyone out there got any connections?  There has to be someone lurking here that is part of a talk show.  If not Ellen, what about Rosie?  She's new and needs some topics:).

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      You know what would be funny ....well not funny but part of what happens when you have breast cancer...and a career...for example I know Lisa (and I'm sure others too) has kept things quiet because of work partly but wouldn't it be interesting for those that need to keep hide their faces kind of like the mob squealers.....I just think it would be fun to have our whole group meet for the first time in a setting like that...I know would not really happen but would be fun. Sarah could come in from the UK...Kiwimum from way down her way and Rowen too ..How are you Rowen???  Oh well is a fun thought.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Well yesterday was a truly awful day. My test was horrible and my neighbor across the street passed away.

    My neighbor Linda became an angel last night, for those that pray, please pray for her.  It's been coming for a while.  She had ovarian cancer that had spread to her lungs, had 1 lung removed, had chemo, rads, then back on chemo, onto a different chemo, etc.  She was a great help when I was dx, told me about the best wig shop, went to the same RO as me, had a different MO, but in same center.  We both were there a little over a week ago on Sept 28th. She went into the hospital Friday night and died last night.  Her dh is 81 and I know she was at peace with dying, but didn't want to leave him alone.  But I found out his daughter and son-in-law are moving in, so I hope she knew that as I think that would have comforted her.

    As for my test, it was awful.  Maybe because I was so tired, I had 2 bad nights of sleep, but you are laying face down with the one boob out and then on top of that they compress you like a mammo - worst of both tests!  In and out of machine and the needle makes like a drill sound and she had to come from the outside to all the way near the inside to get to one of the spots. And then in the MRI again and then a mammo afterwards. I came home, found out how Linda had turned worse overnight and just cried and cried till I finally slept.  They said 3-5 days before the results come in...

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Meegan....I wish we could be there with you to at least listen in person....I do pray and will pray for her and will continue to pray for good results too. Please know you are in our thoughts and I have to think there are brighter days ahead.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     Firstly, Meegan,  I'm so sorry about your friend and neighbour - condolences to her family too. I expect she and her husband have been married a long time - very sad. Good luck and fingers crossed to you too for your results - waiting is the worst. Keep us informed when you feel up to it.

     I enjoyed reading all your beach/vacation stories yesterday!  Kim - that incident when you were swept back into shore sounded scary - maybe it was a riptide. Good to laugh at it now, though!  I love the sea and there is plenty of it in Britain. We have lovely beaches in S. Wales and Corwall and Devon in SW England are lovely too - that is where we always go for holidays. We bought a time-share annual holiday in 2000 when my son was tiny - my Auntie had left me some money and it was a good way of ensuring we always had a holiday each year and a lot cheaper than booking it elsewhere. They have properties all over the UK and Ireland and a couple in Spain and Portugal . We have visited quite a few over the last 11 years. Money is always (super!)  tight for us. I don't work at the mo. and the cost of living here is crazy, so it is nice to have a little vacation planned. Most (younger) people here go to Spain or Ibiza when they want to let their hair down. The British have a terrible rep. abroad!  Where is Cancun - is it Mexico? I have heard of it somewhere. New Orleans always looks fun too. I like your idea of all of us going on a chat show with our faces blurred out, Kim! That made me laugh! I love Ellen on her old comedy show and stand-up, but I've never seen her talk show. She always witters and rambles on so funnily! I like your idea of the nipple cap decorations, Eema! I can't really imagine what the nip. caps look like, though!

     Hope you're enjoying the Rugby - Kiwi!  Unfortunately (!), England are out and as you know, I imagine, are the talk of the press here due to their bad behaviour!  They are always going to have lots of publicity though, with their captain being married to the Queen's grand-daughter. Wales are still in  - hurrah!  I never watch it, but everyone here is very excited. Is your chemo.over today? If so - congrats!!!! You'll be enjoying your pool in no time - is it hot and summery there around Christmas?  It's weird for us in the N. hemisphere to imagine it! The internet is such a wonderful tool for shrinking the world, kind of!  God, I'm so articulate, I don't think!

     Must go and nag my son to do his homework - Henry VIII again, I think! Not the nicest of men!

     All the best, Sarah xxx

     PS - Welcome to achpurple!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Meegan, so sorry....praying for you and your neighbor.

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Meegan, sorry to hear about your neighbour and test. The test does sound horrible and I wish we could all be there to give you a hug.

    Sarah, we are loving the rugby. I was at the England vs France match on Saturday night and saw them lose. We had quite a few English fans with us who were bitterly disappointed. Our beloved All Blacks are still in and play in the semi finals this weekend. Wales are playing France - go Wales. I will cheer them on for you. Maybe it will be an All Blacks vs Wales Grand Final. The Mike Tindall blonde in a bar incident certainly got a lot of press here.

    Yes my chemo is over, it's been a week now. Rads starts in 2 weeks. I'm constantly rubbing my head to check for any growth, even though I know it's too soon. My hair did grow during Taxol, but only on the sides. The top is still smooth. I have male pattern baldness.

    I don't know where Cancun is either and am interested to know US based ladies.

    It is warming up here for summer. Our pool will hopefully be finished in the next few weeks, fingers crossed. We are looking forward to a long hot summer.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone,

     Gosh this talk of beaches and now I have to ad Fiji and South Wales to my bucket list....Sounds so very nice. Cancun is in Mexico kind of right on the tip if you were to imagine Mexico as a letter  C it would fall at the end of the C as you are making the letter...Good grief...I'm sure that made no sense...but look this is a short post.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Meegan- so sorry for you loss.  I will be praying for both you and your neighbor.  So sorry about your experience with the biopsy. The worst of both worlds-yuck.  Here's hoping you won't have to wait as long as you think for the results.

    We don't follow any sports in our house except for our kid's teams.   People think we are crazy because we don't even watch American football.  My husband has never been a sports fan so it is great for me, I don't have to be a sports widow when it's on tv.

    Kiwimum- I remember those days of rubbing my head to see how much has grown.  It was just this summer.  When it really starts to grow it grows pretty fast.  At least you should have some hair before it gets too warm for you to wear hats or is it already getting warm.  I too get confused about the different hemispheres.

    Had my first pedicure ever yesterday and now hoping I don't get any infections.  She really dug and cut my big toes to where my toenails are finally growing back, but that means they are really short.  Loved the pampering though.  Had a gift ceritficate from some women my husband works with.  Had to wait till I had fingernails and toes to work with. Hope you all are having a great afternnoon/evening/morn?

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Sorry I got the date of your chemo. wrong, Kiwimum - I should read more carefully. Hurrah for finishing, anyway!

     We do have lovely beaches here, Kim, but the weather is another story!  Talking of bucket lists  - I'd love to be able to surf and to see the Northern Lights - not at the same time, of course! Got others if I think of them - anyone else?!  The more outrageous the better!!

    Glad you enjoyed your pedi. Stacey. Never had one. My niece recently had the fishy one - don't fancy that!

     All the best, Sarah x

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    I totally went to the Rosie show and suggested us as a topic!  LOL!!!!  I'm sure nothing will ever come of it, but how hilarious would that be? 

    Meegan--so sorry about your neighbor.  I've been honestly surprised by some of the people who have supported me through this--an old friend from high school I hadn't seen in years, neighbors, etc.  I'm sure you were there for her as much as she was for you.  Keep us posted on the tests.  Sorry it was awful.  I didn't have to do another mammo after, and it was pretty irritating, but I don't remember it being that long.  At least they're being thorough, eh? 

    Ugh...hubby and I had a nice argument today.  I guess I needed a good cry.  He's quitting smoking in the middle of all this, so he's a bear, and I've just been amped up and anxious lately.  I am wondering if the AC is affecting me in this way.  I got anxious when I was first diagnosed, but nothing like this.  It's just been crappy for so long it's hard to remember when we were happy--I mean, we're completely in love with each other, but outside CRAP just keeps landing and I wish we could sit back and enjoy, y'know?  Man, I think we really do need that vacation!  It all ended as usual with kisses and hugs and I'm sorrys, but I just wish it was easier on all of us.  (You gals included)

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Profbee maybe Rosie would like to meet ChrissyB? and her amazing travels! especially her Texas portion! lol. 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Profbee...I have not even finished reading yet but I totally went to the Ellen website and  wrote about us...she has a show idea topic page so typed mine up about us. I know...nothing will probably come,but would that not be a fun way to meet each other...Ok back to reading

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Now I read...profbee...I know what you mean....I do think the chemo kind of builds and you may also not be getting the kind of sleep you once is not easy and wears on all of us I think. I hope you three get to get away even if for a long weekend to re group and just have fun....we all need more of those days you described  long lunch along the water worries...and fun

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Thanks again ladies for picking me up!

    Lisa - the trip to Cancun sounds wonderful, I wish my college friends and I still got together like that.  I agree Cancun isn't my favorite place either, but its a beach and your friends will be there, so I'm sure it will be a blast! 

    It's DH and my 15th anniversary this month and we have not done any planning at all...I would love to go away for a 3 day weekend, but not sure it will happen at the moment as my parents (who would be the babysitters :)) are getting ready to move.  Maybe a delayed trip...

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    probee- had ACT and I think as Kim said it builds and you know our husbands are not allowed to have a bad day when we are having a bad day.  They should know that.Smile  How many more treatments do you have.

    I would love to have a vacation.  We are actually going to the beach this weekend, but I would not call it a vacation since the in-laws are who we are going with.  Don't get me wrong, I love them, but they are so different then we are and are very controlling about what gets done when.  I would like to just have time with my immediate family.  Hoping to talk the DH into Disney next year.  It will be our 15th anniversary and we usually try to take a trip every 5th year.  Want to take the whole family for our 15th.  DH says that is not romantic, but we can't afford both.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Oh, and I love Pedicures!!! I got my first one last year and got them all summer and then continued this summer.  I was/am getting Herceptin every 3 weeks and would go treat myself to a pedi afterwards.  I did lost my bigtoenail to Taxol, so I just covered with a band-aid.  But the massage chair is so relaxing and so is the calf massage they do!

    Sarah - I heard about the fishy kind, can't imagine enjoying that, seems yucky

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    ((((Meegan)))) what a crappy day!  praying for b9 results...

    Profbee this cancer crap can be so hard on relationships, add quiting smoking to the mix and ugh! what a blessing that you and your DH are able to communicate and remember what you love about each other...

    I cannot imagine paying for a fish pedicure, however, my family has a favorite hike in the canyon and there is a great little spot where we stop to rest, soak our feet and my DD & I get a mini pedi for free...


  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    sorry the picture is so big...I cannot figure out how to make them smaller

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Ok because I seem to put my 2 cents worth in each time....OMG I seriously have hillbilly feet. I garden and I would not want anyone to see my feet......for a while I had no idea what a fishy pedi was. reading here..didn't want to look completely silly  thank you I know..I  maybe I should get one though in an area far away from where we live so that when they talk about me when I leave....I won't know  Lol!!!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    O2bhealthy-lol love your pic.  I can't imagine doing the one with the fish at the salon though.  Yours looks like it was fun.

    Meegan- when I got home yesterday I told my husband that ped/manicure was something I was going to have to continue.  Your right, it was relaxing with the massage chair and and the calf massage.  I love the time without kids asking for something and it being a time for just me.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Kim-LOL My kids had to come into the room to see what I was laughing about.  Hillbilly feet!  I will be honest that is the main reason I have never had one.  I am 5'3 with size ten wide feet.  Let's put it this way I have a man's foot.  I am from farm stock built wide and low to the ground. Okay I am still laughing.  Need to go cancel soccer practice because of the much needed rain.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    OMG - I remember hearing about that fish pedicure thing.  That would completely freak me out.  I do love regular pedicures though.  I am fairly low maintenance with the exception of my pedicure obsession.  I try to get one every month.  Although I no longer live in Florida, I still have the Florida flip-flop habit - if is even remotely warm enough to wear them, I do.  I get some crazy looks here in Atlanta where most people seem to follow the "not after labor day" rule.  So, pretty feet are important to me.  It damn near killed me not to get one during chemo.  That was the last thing I did before starting chemo and the first thing I did when I was finished.  And I kept my nail unpolished during chemo to watch for any signs of problems . . . ugh . . . my toenails require polish.  They are not naturally pretty.

    And I love the massage chairs. I actually ended up buying a massage chair for me house.  I love it.

    So, funny and completely random fish story.  This probably will not be nearly as funny in writing as if I were telling but, but here it goes:

    One of our girls trips was to the Turks & Caicos Islands (highly highly recommended by the way).  The beach there has very calm water that allowed us to pull our lounge chairs into the edge of the surf so we could lay out and stay cool at the same time.  The water was just deep enough to cover about 3/4 of the way up my thighs.  There were all of these little fish swimming around us - literally thousands of them.  This little girl - maybe 2 - 3 years old was playing near our chairs.  The fish kept swimming around her and she would run out of the water to her mom screaming.  I was on the end closest to her and took it upon myself to convince her that the fish would not hurt her.  As I was telling her that they were just little tiny fish and they do not bite or hurt people, the fish suddenly went crazy and all of the thousands of them started flipping around on the surface of the water.  Because of where I was sitting with the water almost to my lap, when they started flipping around tons of them were landing on my legs and in my lap.  I screamed bloody murder . . . "GET THEM OFF OF ME!! GET THEM OFF OF ME!! GET THEM OFF OF ME!!"  That poor little girl ran like hell, crying the whole way.  My friends were cracking up.  To this day I worry that she will never again set foot in the ocean because of the trauma of that experience.  LOL.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Ok hold on did not read all yet but had to say....mamachick....I laughed too my son said what is so funny when I read your last post....OMG  We are like Mutt and Jeff ( is that how you say it?)...I am 5'11' but my foot is size mom used to say I had clod hoppers!!!  so very funny!! Me too but I have big farm hands too....OMG so funny  I'm still laughing... ok have to read Lisa's story now

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    LISA.....oh my gosh too funny I am laughing so hard my son is saying WHAT....WHAT.....

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    LOL Okay I am going to have to pull out the poise pads if you girls don't stop. 3 kids and a hysterectomy and my bladder can't handle it.

    Kim I have the man hands too!  When being fitted for the LE stocking in gauntlet I asked for the large gauntlet due to the man hands and it FIT!!!  No wonder I didn't have many boyfriends growing up.  I could have taken most of them out if they tried something I didn't like.  Still tell my husband I could whup him if I needed to and he doesn't deny it.  And yes my feet are the same size or bigger than his.  Thankfully the kids take after his side of the family.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      mamachick....hold onto husband says I can punch like a man  LOL

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Lisa---HI....larious!!!!  I'm SO LOLing!!!!!  That poor kid!  Too funny!!!

     My story is not as good, but once I was dating this really cute guy and we went snorkling in Key West.  I couldn't convince myself that I was breathing under water, so every few seconds I'd pop up gulping for air like a beached whale or something--so embarrassing.  I wound up leaning over a kickboard and doing alright, but I definitely did not look cute doing it.  Ah, to be 24 again!

    I've said before "toes are private" and "toes are not work-appropriate."  LOL.  I guess it's those of us with ugly feet that have imposed these rules on others.  I'm size 10 too--5' 10" and I have bunions and just ugly feet.  I have promised my dear friend (who is quite short and calls her hands "paws") that if she ever lost a finger, I"d give her my 2nd toe.  It would probably be longer! 

    I've got neuropathy--feels like someone is always squeezing my 2nd and 3rd toes on both feet.  It's so annoying.  I used to LOVE foot massages and now I don't even like them to be touched at all.