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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi Marial....I don't know how this happens.but I think several of us have had this surgery thing happen on or very near our birthdays...that's not a very nice present ( in my opinion) Lol...I hope you will enjoy this group of crazy ladies...they are funny and very supportive...welcome.

  • marthah
    marthah Member Posts: 195
    edited October 2011

    I have to get mushy here for a minute, so pardon my mush...

    I have to echo and punctuate what Sarah1968uk said. I am kind of fudging with this group b/c I'm not quite 40-ish...turned 50 during my chemo tx's in July. 

    Anyway, I've been reading the stories of all of you wonderful women with children still at home -- going through this harrowing journey, small children still at home, with husbands or single moms, working...well, my heart just goes out to all of you. I feel I'm a little more fortunate in that my kids are grown, mostly...DD is 31, DS is 28, DSS is 21 (still in college). I have 4 grandsons and otherwise am an empty-nester. 

    I know how hard it was to tell my grown kids about my dx. I can't imagine what it must have been like telling your little ones. And keeping up your strong appearances through all of your surgeries, chemos, rads... well, you all are my heroes. 

    Thank you for what you do every day -- and getting up out of bed and doing it each and every day. 

    Okay, I'm done with my mush. Blame it on Sarah! Tongue out

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    I'm in for he fb group.  I'm going to try to find you through Lisa.  Hi Lisa can you see me on fb? lol.  I can't remember your name, will go to my PM to find.

    Yes Marthah, I can't imagine doing this stuff and raising small ones.  My is 20 and off at college.  It broke my heart to tell her last year.

    ps is Burly ok?

  • cruzer2
    cruzer2 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone,

    I am 44 years old. Dx on 12/09. Completed my treatment of chemo & rads on 8/10. I was triple positive so, I had herceptin.  I have 4 children 26, 23, 15,10.  I had a lumpectomy (which is really bothering me these days) I have an onco appt. next week and will insist on getting it checked.  I'm worried. I am busy as heck like the rest of you with my 15 and 10 year old.  They keep me going!! 

  • cruzer2
    cruzer2 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone,

     I am 44 years old.  I was diagnosed on 12/08. Completed my chemo & rads on 7/09. I was triple positive so, I had herception.  I have 4 children 26, 23, 15 & 10. I am busy as heck with the 15 & 10 year old. I had a lumpectomy, which is really hurting these days.  I have an onco appointment next week and will insist on a MRI.  I had ovaries removed on 2/10. I have hotflashes...all the time!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    I am 48 (47 at dx) .. my daughter had just left for college (freshman) so it was really hard to tell her... My son (15 at the time) took it hard... they are both better now, seeing how I've made it thru chemo and surgery and all I have done since December is to prevent a recurrance...

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    I am friends with Burley on FB - looks like she is doing ok...I sent her a message.

    marial I was dx'd with an unrelated ThyCa just a few months after finishing my BC tx...found mine through a thermography scan...did you have a full or partial thyroidectomy? 

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Hi everyone. Lying in bed trying to sleep and hot flashing. I have had this for months with chemopause. It's only day 3 of Tamox so can't figure out if it's worse or not.

    Good work setting up the FB page Betsy. I was looking at the members trying to figure out who was who from their BCO names.

    Ive had a good day. Work is busy and I'm feeling much more back to normal after finishing chemo. I shaved my head again last night as I had some growth during taxol but it was only on the sides. The top was bald. I'm hoping it might come back evenly now. I definitely have fuzz on top and am very excited.

    My girls are still on school holidays. Tomorrow they are planning the Smurfs movie with some friends. I can't believe how the year has flown and that it will be Christmas soon.

    Has anyone heard of American Girl dolls. My 6 year old really wants one for Christmas. Of course you can only order them online from the States. I ordered her one + some clothes the other week and it arrived today. She is going to love it. Of course once you buy it, pay postage and take the currency exchange rate into account, it cost a fortune. Definitely not going to tell DH how much. Lol

    Welcome cruzer and marial.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi everyone...

    Kiwimum...the hot flashes at night can be not good...I too hit chemopause...I really do think they have lessened though and for some time actually not bad at all.. they are a little more intense again....I hope maybe this is my last go round with them.

    I know what American dolls are....I think we even have stores scattered about here in the states. I bet she will love her doll.

    Hi cruizer2.... Oh gosh hot flashes are not fun. I remember my mom having them years ago when she hit menopause and Oh gosh ...she would nearly freeze you to death in the car...I swear one time I could see my breath   Lol   Anyway....I guess in the big picture...I will keep plugging along sweating and trying to find some humor in it all....welcome

    Martha....that wasn't mushy ...that was such a nice thing to say....

    I am Kim Muraski on facebook and you all can send a  request my way anytime....I know in the future I will move on to life after dx so would be a way to know how you all are doing...I guess I would have to get better about saying something on FB....I rarely say what I'm doing there

    Have a good day everyone.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Hi Kim sent you a FB request so I can find the group there.  So I think you might all appreciate this one - I'm laying in bed this morning, awake but comfy with the tv news on, not wanting to get up, when I feel a gentle rocking of my king size bed, I'm rocking with the bed and thinking to myself, is this real, am I really moving.....

    So I decide it's time to get up, and I am perplexed for the next 30 minutes trying to figure out if ghosts are real....did I really move.....what else could it it a new side effect.....when there is breaking news that about 15 miles from house a 4.6 earthquake was registered!!!!!!!!!!!! An earthquake in San Antonio Texas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We can't get rain but we can get an earthquake! lol.  So glad I'm not nuts!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi Gina...Hope your house and you are ok....I got your request and sent you a message...So good to see you out there in the real cyber world??? Lol  Take care of yourself...I will have to turn on CNN ..I just don't get it the fires and now earthquake....

  • Slainte
    Slainte Member Posts: 55
    edited October 2011

    I am 45, and have three children , 19, 17 and 15. It has been a year since I started chemo and had surgery. My kids where really fantastic through the past year. I am Er- so I am not taking tamoxefen and I realized these past few weeks I am not really having any hot flashes anymore! They were very intense after the taxol chemotherapy. I also think I am getting just a smidgen go hormones back. I have to say I feel a bit more myself with my natural micro dose of estrogen. I feel a bit guilty though, even though I am not a candidate for hormone therapy, it somehow makes me feel like it is not good for me. Lol


  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Hi Christine. Welcome to the group.

    Gina, earthquakes are scary. I hope you and family are ok.

    Thanks for setting up the FB groups Betsy and Kim. It's great to see photos of everyone to put names to faces. I also like the 40ish group. Kim, I was trying to figure out who was who and think I've got it better now.

    I can't remember who asked about Burley, but as Michelle said, I'm FB friends with her and she's fine. I did see she was out drinking and playing bingo until really late the other night. Maybe she's had a headache. Lol. Good to see a BCO sister having a good time. I'm planning on a big night out this weekend when NZ hopefully win the Rugby World Cup. Go the All Blacks!!!

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited October 2011

    Oh my gosh, I'm sorry girls.  I've been neglecting my wonderful friends here!  Michelle sent me a FB message and said you've been asking about me.

    I've got lots of things going on.  Right now I'm in the middle of preparing paperwork for our personal and business taxes for 2010 (no, we have not filed yet).  I'm having to go back to January 2010 and recreate stuff because I didn't do ANYTHING in regards to the business(es) since I had the mastectomy that month.  And I didn't do anything except payroll for the entire 6 months I was in chemo.  It's biting me in the ass now.  Plus I have chemo brain so it's hard for me to remember exactly what was going on.  (I keep telling my husband it's a real condition and he should look it up.)  We owe approximately $90k in back taxes.  Feel free to feel sorry for me now...

    Also, I have been severely depressed and having panic attacks.  I have been on antidepressants since I was 18, but my pysch nurse practioner added Effexor a couple of months back to help with the hot flashes...apparently it made my other medicines not as effective.  I saw her yesterday and I'm weaning off of it.  Thank God.  I was freaking out and crying on Saturday night (home alone) and I called my pharmacist.  I love my pharmacist-she knows me by name.  She told me the medicines were clashing, and talked to me until I calmed down.  Then I suddently decided to go to BINGO with my best friend.  I got seriously drunk, and my husband had to come get us at 2am.  Poor guy.  But I did forget about everything for that evening and the next day.

    Good stuff-my son got his driver's license this week.  Yay!  He's so excited.  I've become addicted to a game on Facebook that takes my mind off everything.  Wow, I'm 40 and addicted to a game.  Funny.  My hair on top seems to be growing a little bit finally.  Still no bangs to speak of.

    I sincerely hope each of you is well and enjoying the end of summer/Fall weather.  I miss you guys and am sorry I've been absent  :-)

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited October 2011

    Oh and welcome to the new girls!  You've found an awesome group.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     Glad you're off the effexor, Kim - it's evil stuff and murder to come off once you've been on it a while, as I have. hope you are feeling better now. 

    Kiwimum -  Go All Blacks for the weekend!!!  France - boo!!!! 

    I'll have to sort out a photo. for the Facebook thing, instead of my Dragon avatar - it's Idris from a BBC 70's kids show called Ivor the Engine - don't suppose any of you know it!!?  He's a lot cuter than me in the flesh, but we do need to see everyone's face to correspond properly!

     Love to all, Sarah x

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi Everyone....

      It is a bluckey day in Kentucky ...40ish degrees and rain.

    First welcome to you slainte...I did Taxotere...Same kind of drug I guess...and it put me into chemopause also, the hot flashes were more intense then...I still have them..but not quite as bad. I hope you are doing well post chemo. I miss estrogen ( I think) I do think it impacts my brain function...I have so many DUH moments...I will forget a point in the middle of talking and lots of other things like that...but I guess if the worst of it is these kind of things..that's ok

    Kiwimum...I will hope for a win for you...I will have to see if we can see that game here in the states. was really good to see your post. It has been such a long year + ...I am sorry to read you have had the med issues....I was also given a low dose anti dep. for hot flashes...but I just couldn't take made me feel not my self so I decided to suffer through the hot flashes. I am glad you are on the right track and they caught it . I think we all need to just cut loose every now and then and to feel normal is a good thing . I hardly ever let myself drink more than two drinks..but I said not long ago when it was a perfect day --beautiful out-- it was that kind of day ( in my younger years) I would love to just drink however many drinks I counting. Take care of yourself...I think each of the girls here enjoy hearing your stories and a good laugh is sometimes really needed

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hey Sarah...I missed your post..I was looking for you on FB ..but could not find you??

    Forgot to to go make dinner..will check with you all later

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Sarah - yes boo to France.  I'll cheer for Wales tonight playing Australia for 3rd/4th playoff.

    Kim - with all these meds rattling around in us, it's not surprising we get reactions.  I hate the way we get drugs, then more drugs for SE's, then more drugs to sleep and it goes on and on. Glad to hear you got the support you needed from your pharmacist.

    What's for dinner Kim? It's nearly lunch time here and I intend to go shopping.  I bought a new dress last week in Australia. It's navy blue with a pattern. When I put it on to wear to work today I decided it would look better with nude coloured shoes ... so I am off to buy some at lunchtime. Any excuse!

    It's a long weekend here. Monday is a public holiday. Fingers crossed for nice weather to enjoy it.  Our pool is still about 3 weeks away from completion.  Swimming is getting close.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi Kim and Betsy - I've put in friend requests to you both (I think!). I am quite clueless about Facebook and only use it occasionally. Hope that's OK.

     Sarah x

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited May 2012

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hi Everyone..

    Kiwimum...I wish I could make up some fabulous thing I made for dinner...but I would not be tellin' the husband is on his way back from Orlando Fl. on when he is away we sometimes have easy I made black bean soup and grilled ham and cheese...but it is cold here so was good. Yay for new shoes ..Oh yea..did you get that new hand bag while in Australia..I think you said that or maybe only in my imagination?? Lol Anyway..have fun shopping!!

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Yes Sarah ..that is great I will hop over and ok it

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Sarah... you are now on teh BC facebook page

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Hi Girls!  I don't think I can catch up with all the conversations so if I leave anything out I apologize, or repeat myself.  I am good at that.  My DD reminds me all the time.  I just chalk it up to menopause and chemo.  Don't get me started on hot flashes again.  Don't stand a chance probably for another year or two, due to surgical meno. I did freeze my DH out last night. Made him sleep with the windows open and wore a tank top.  Slept pretty good! Still got hot though.

    Welcome to all the new girls! Sorry if I can't remember all of your names right now, but I will catch up sooner or later.

    Betsy- congrats on the walk.  Sorry about the foot.  Hope it gets better soon.

    Christine- I am use to being called a big or broad girl.  I just laugh it off now.  My DH loves me so that is all that matters.  Just wish the surgery was over though.  I am ready to be finished with it all.

    Burley- I hope they can straighten things out for you.  I hate the out of control feeling you get.  I have been on anti-dep. in past too.  Hate the way they take away all my emotions though.  I do like to cry sometimes.  It is cleansing for me.

    Kim-  I PM'd you about FB, would love to join the group. Your dinner sounded really good!  Never heard of a bluckey day I must say.  Have a great evening or day girls!

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Betsy how do find the group on fb?

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    You should have gotten a message that you were added... and Stacey PM me too with your name

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Will do Besty.  I just realized I didn't give Kim my full FB name. Same picture as here.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited December 2011

    Hi all!  You guys always make me smile.  

    Kiwi:  Hubby shaved my head yesterday too!  American Girl dolls are expensive HERE.  I can hardly imagine shipping them overseas.  There's an American Girl shop in Christmastime the girls bring their dolls with them for tea.  It's NUTS.  I'm sure it's expensive, and the number of girls in outfits matching their dolls is just sheer crazy.  I was there one year for a conference right after Christmas and they were everywhere! 

    Gina:  We had an earthquake here the day of my mastectomy.  FUN!  It wasn't much, but people were flipping.

    Slainte:  Welcome!

    Burley:  Hi, honey!!!  Great to see you back.  Sorry things are stressful.  We have debt too...and it keeps me up nights...and then I take Ativan and go to sleep.  :)  I just hate it all though.  I made hubby take over the bill paying when I was preggers 5 years ago.  I just couldn't handle the stress of it.  AND...we must be on the same page.  I think I had a full-on panic attack last week.  I think it was the hormones and meds.  Nice that you had your pharmacist there to help you.  I've never had one before and hope never to have one again, but now I think I should have just taken the damn Ativan and gone to sleep!    ugh.  NOT a fun SE.  

    Hello, Sarah!!  I'm going to assume you're talking sports. Sorry...I am CLUELESS about sports.  

    I'm on FB.  I'm on a LOT though, so I might drive you nuts.  It's the only way I keep in touch anymore.  Well, and here with you all.  :)

     AC 3 of 4 today!  HOME STRETCH!!!  THen it's just exchange surgery!  (I'm not really counting Herceptin and Tamoxifin...but when those 5 years are up it will def be another celebration!)  Thanks for keeping me going, gals!

     Oh, question for you all.  I know I saw something about this somewhere on the boards.  I feel like although I'm losing my hair, and I shaved my head, I'm fuzzy like on my front of my ear...edge of jaw...and even...oh boobs seem to be a little fuzzy.  Am I nuts?!  Anyone else?


  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    You guys might push me over the edge to actually join Facebook so I don't miss out!  haven't yet, but since dd is 11, I know it's coming.  Once she is on, then I will definately be on.

    KiwiMum - I bet your dd will love the American Girl Doll.  My dd had several of them, we bought the "period" dolls, so she had Josephina from old Mexico and another one I can't think of now!  We bought all the books that were about their lives too, they were nice.

    Am seeing BS tomorrow and hoping to get some more answers.