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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    KIWI.. I was looking thru your photos... they are great... sorry for your wig woes... someday soon it will also be a distant memory.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      I have to think how great it is to have the Internet least you could google how to fix your wig would think they wouldn't charge so much to fix them. It is amazing what you can learn by google-ing (sp) . I know also that we will all have our hair and we will move on. That's funny about pulling your own hair out with the girls getting older. I often wondered that too so far though my son has been so very hopefully we will continue this way...When will rads start kiwimum?? I know soon but couldn't remember exactly. How are you doing with the shingles now ?? Hopefully all good now.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Hi Girls,

    It has been a while! We had another three day Holy Day deal, and right before t had had the endometrial biopsy on Wed. That night our holy days started, we don't answer the phone, use the computer, spend money, etc., and wouildnt you know the phone message, my cell that I only give the dr the numbers rings, no message....I KNOW it is the doctor about the biopsy. Wouldn't you know first thing Thursday morning the phone rings again, and of course it is the dr. Her surgical scheduler says I have to have a colposcopy and maybe biopsy STAT. So Friday morning, instead of going to synagogue and having a great time and maybe getting a little drunk, I had to have a colposcopy and biopsy, because, of course, she found a spot that she could actually see with her naked eye. she THINKS it is just vasculitis, but says she can't be sure, given my history. Since my track record isnt that good, I'm nervous. Tomorrow and monday are my last real days to get any thing done before the hyst/ooph. Tuesday will be spent on the toilet, and we think my surgery will be about 730 in the morning Wednesday. I'm more nervous about this than the removal of my boobs.

    Ok, since I'm exhausted, I think I'd better go to bed. I need to find my Funny bone!

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Eema- I am so sorry for what you have been going through and will be going through this week.  I hope your rest is good. Will be thinking about you this week.

    I never did the wig thing. Couldn't find one that looked like me. Had long culry hair that I bobbed before my BMX.  Went with a hair halo, so still had to wear a hat, but I ditched that after a while too.  Too hot. Can't believe that you can iron it.  I too will move on.  I only get email from this one because you ladies keep me entertained and to also keep up with those still in treatment and/ or having struggles. Well the dog is whining to go to bed just won't go without me.  Guess I need to get off.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Legos are the new obsession around here, but I love it because it gets Mommy, Daddy, and Jack all on the floor playin together.  Fun!  But yes, they are RIDICULOUSLY expensive.  And this past summer I didn't get to the tag sales like I usually do!  Darnit.  Larry picked up a big set on sale yesterday though.  I wanted to save it for Christmas, but Jack has had an awful weekend here with what we call a "sad tummy."  So far, lots of hand washing, I'm fine.  :) 

     Eema--so sorry that you're dealing with all of this right now.  I hope the holy days will give a peaceful place to come from to start these tests.  It's just always so nerve-wracking! 

    Oh, I know there will come a time when we will move on, but new people will probably join this thread when they need it and it will continue...right now I still feel IN it since I'm still doing the chemo...and thinking about going back to work full time in January has me a bit excited and bit flummoxed, and I know some of you have worked right through.  It's just been so wonderful to meet so many up, encouraging friends who can laugh and still share the down times and questions and nerves with each other.  For me, still here!  :) 

    Lots of love, friends.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011 is just not supposed to work this way...I will be thinking of you and when you are able please let us know how you are...feel I have gotten to know you through this cyber world here.

    mamachick..that's how I was too. I had two wigs...they were not cheap..but I couldn't wear them..they were hot to me too and they did not look like me so I did the- not sure how to spell it -is ( do-rag? du-rag? a scarf anyway ) I think some must have just the right facial features and so on and can really do a wig.

     I thought about taking that giant leap from BC and getting on with it,but I have to say I still need to check on Meegan and all of you in active treatment. It is also fun to hear what all of you are up to. I enjoy this connection we have from all over the make me laugh with your expressions and Eema..I can understand your funny bone is not in working order right now...but all will be well and I will meet with the big guy again..Do take care.

    kiwimum....I have not heard about the game ...will have to see if I can find something on google...

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Kiwi is at a quidditch match!  :)

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011
    Like Betsy, I was totally into chemo threads during chemo, then additcted to the hair thread.  Now I enjoy checking in on everyone here, and still look at some of the reconstruction stuff.  I somehow feel like I am most connected to this group (feel like I would have been friends with you all in college).  We all have many things in commom, our age, hair woes, young kids, pets, careers, sports, etc (and of course BC). Ok, I am rambling.   You all serve as my social fix, I have lots of great friends, but sometimes I still feel like they don't get it.  They don't understand my excitement over 1/4 inch of hair, new nips and fat grafting, not to mention my excitement about getting tatoos.Tongue out
  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Profbee...I think we posted at the same time...I just wanted to add my son was so into legos we got him the lego magazine and oh gosh he would study that each time it came in the mail....I am ashamed to say...I would study the pictures for the "this is how to put this together" booklet and I was so very slow...he got very good at it over time...we let him have the dining room and we called it "the lego room" like Christine though it is mostly xbox 360 now.

    Christine...I feel the same way...I do feel as though we would have been good college friends (causing trouble maybe) Lol...I do not speak about cancer with the girlfriends as I do think it leaves them not knowing the proper thing to I do tell you girls more about what really is going on I guess.

    OH....BTW....I do love a good thriller or scary movie in October...I don't know why..anyway...last night we rented the movie 'what lies beneath'  Oh my was a good movie had Michelle Pfiefer (sp.) and Harrison Ford. It made me jump a few all may not like movies like that and it may be an older movie everyone else has seen already.

    Enough rambling from me ...good day everyone

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Loved What Lies Beneath.  We rented that a while back.  Don't let the kids watch them.  They all have nightmares with that kind of stuff.  I guess my kids are a little wimpy.  2 New Years ago we watched the Shining instead of the ball dropping.  Like suspense movies.

    We haven't gone with any electronics except for the Nintendo DS.  My have to get a WII or something sooner or later, but it keeps them playing outside if there is nothing to stare at inside.  My son actually has asked me at times to take his DS away because he is too focused and obsessed with it, talk about a shocker! 

    Eema still thinking about you!  Let us know how you are doing when you can. Profbee- I know I will be staying here too.  I wish I had found this site during treatments, not after recon.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    We are such homebodies and rarely go to the actual movie theater...I think the last movie my husband and I saw was 'Dances with Wolves'  Lol...My son was playing video games with friends and we( I guess you say) ordered the movie from the cable co. so my son didn't see it...Oh..he would have not liked it..even at 13,he is not into scary stuff at all. I thought it was a very good movie though..

    Mamachick...that is very good that your little guy sees the good in taking a break from video games...mine would play forever if we let him...don't know about you all but in our younger days we were always playing outside...kickball and so on....

    Still thinking of Meegan  ...hope you are hanging in there..and know we are thinking of you this week.

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     First of all - well done All-Blacks - NZ team - for winning the Rugby World Cup!!! Enjoy your celebrations, Kiwimum!  Hope your wig held up! I too loved your pics. on FB - you have a lovely figure and look like a film star in some of them. I am envious!  All the pics I saw of you girls are lovely - you are all slim and attractive with lovely smiles too. Your families are beautiful too. I must bite the bullet and get some done, although I ressemble a large, pale blob! 

     My son is heavily into Lego at the mo. - read - obsessed!  He loves the Hero Factory stuff and the house is filling up with a whole army of them - they all look the same to me! His birthday (13th) is approaching next month and that is all he wants. He'll get sick of them eventually. From ages 4-12 he loved electric trains and we spend £1000s on them and a massive board and track thing to run them on. Guess what? Now he hates them with a passion!  He spent a lot of pocket money on an X-box 360 in the summer, but hardly looks at it now. Fickle kids and their fads!

     Hoping to claim some disabilty allowance for my arm probs. I have applied for a Christmas job at a store in town then realised that there is no way I can cope with it. My arm has limited movement and I have had 3 very painful muscular attacks in my chest in the last 3 months or so, when I have overdone things. I can't even do up my bra unaided most days. I do feel a bit like I'm sponging off the state, though, as I already claim benefits due to my son's autism. We have a very generous benefits system in the UK and there are those who abuse it - never working and having loads of kids and it isn't worth them working anyway the amounts they receive. I hope I'm not one of those!  But I know that if I hadn't spent the last 4 years with cancer and tx I would be contributing a lot more to society by now. I do worry about that anyway!

     Talking movies - we all watched the Dukes of Hasard film last night. It was good fun, but a LOT ruder and sexier than the TV show we watched as kids. Not sure it was entirely suitable for a 12 year old!  I love The Blues brothers too, which I think is quite similar, but again the language is rather choice for kids. Dan always says - "can I watch so-and - so? Has it got the F word in it?" as if I know each TV show and movie off-by-heart! 

     Hope all goes well for you, Eema. You are going through and awful lot. Thinking of you too, Meegan.

     Love to all of you,

     (from another bearded lady!),  Sarah xx

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    We did the wooden trains with Jack--the Thomas stuff--when he was younger.  It's in the attic awaiting next summer's yard sale!  I pretty much got them all at yard sales in the first place. I try to stretch the dollars.  We did splurge and get Jack the Wii game system when we came back from my surgery.  He was so good for his Nanny (my mom), and we had never been away from him for days like that before.  He's been playing the Lego Batman game on there with Daddy, so I think that's where the extra lego influence came from.  Jack moves on from one thing to another, but never wants to get rid of anything.  We steal the stuff away and put it in the attic for that future yard sale.  :)  Or, I bring a box of stuff to good will. 

    Gosh, I saw that "What Lies Beneath" movie when it camee out!  LOL.  And funny story about "The Shining"--my husband and I watched that while dating.  I got such a fit of the giggles when he was chasing her up the stairs..."Wendy...Light of my life!"  Hubby knew I was the gal for him! 

    Sarah--go easy on yourself.  It's not the lottery.  I'm sure you're getting funding you need because you NEED it.  You'll be on the mend soon, but if you continue to push it, you can really hurt yourself. 

    In other news,I had lunch today with an old college friend, Andy.  It was SO great to see him...catch up on life...get out without my son saying "Mommy" every 2 seconds...okay few minutes these days.  :)  So,  I'm dead tired now.  I'm sure I'll zonk out before Jack does tonight, but it was worth it. 

  • rowan47
    rowan47 Member Posts: 64
    edited October 2011

    Yippee!!!!!!!!!! Go the All Blacks!!!!! We are the champions!!! Lol

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Funny thinking about all the trains ...I will never forget years ago on Christmas Eve my husband putting together the Thomas Train set...we got all the engines etc. at a store going out of business so everything was 50% off ...but on Christmas morning ,he opened his first box of matchbox cars...that was the bees knees...he could care less about Thomas and drove the little cars on the you Christine...we still have all of the Thomas stuff for the grandchildren somedaySmile

    Rowan and kiwimum....yay for your All Blacks....sounds like the game was a real nail biter!!

    Sarah....I agree with profbee....don't be hard on yourself....You sound like the best mom and dealing with all that you have should be so very proud of yourself....Sounds to me you have done much with teaching and I know what the LE is like...just today I was using the pump on my do take care of you too and I will send a cyber hug your waySmile

    Oh My Gosh...I thought The Shining was so scary...sometimes we watch the show about ghosts (or haunting I guess) just gives me the heebie jeebies...I really do love a good scary movie..not sure what that says about me Lol

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Yes Sarah... you need at least ONE photo...MAMACHICK has 100 pics.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    betsy..I was going to say your pics are fun...all your girlfriends with you looks like you have a great support team!!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Thanks Kim... My friends have been spectacular!!

  • sarah1968uk
    sarah1968uk Member Posts: 327
    edited October 2011

     Hi all!

     You are all very kind ladies, thank you!

    I can't watch ANYTHING scary! I hate stuff about the plague too!  I watched "Restoration" a lot on video because I had a massive crush on Robert Downey Jr(!) at the time- but the bits about the Great Plague of London scared me silly!  I was even scared of the parts with the goblins in "The Hobbit" book. Hoping to see "The Help" soonish with my Mum - it's had good write-ups and the book was very enjoyable. Glad you had a good lunch, Profbee, with some grown-up time.

    . That was quite a while ago, Kim, that you visited the cinema!!  It's so expensive here - I think the last movie I saw was Madagascar 2 or Wall-e , so,- a few years ago. We're in a film DVD club so get lots through that.  I  usually choose French films, so always get them sent quickly as no-one else seems to like them!  I'm a bit sick of them now, though - I prefer The Simpsons - always brilliant!


     All the best, Sarah xx

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Hi Girls,

    I'm reporting from Thomas Central. My DS is 6 and still is in love with Thomas and his friends. I have already told him I will not purchase any more of the Island of Sodor's Prince of Darkness and his evil henchmen Percy and James! Very Useful Engine my @ss!

    Gotta say, the waiting is the hardest part. I just want the results already. Of course, I have already self-diagnosed with the symptoms I've been having and that the NP said she didn't

    Know what it was. I'm trying hard to practice breathing! I wasn't even this nervous for the results of the breast biopsies.

    Ok, I'm going to drown my sorrow in mindless TV. Too bad I talk more than I actually tie one one, or I'd be having a few right about now.

    Have a good night, ladies! Xoxo

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    Riiight?  I am never able to have a drink when it's the time I "should" have one...when I'm upset, drinking anything grosses me out.  Eema, you crack me up with the very useful engine.  Hang in there, babe.  We're waiting with you.

    Scary things never bugged me before I had my son.  But since then, they do creep me out.  Hubby is watching The Walking Dead on TV, and he wants me to watch it with him.  It amps me all up.  

    Jack's had diarrhea for 3 days school for him tomorrow...and he was asleep by 6;30, so I know I'll be up at 5 am tomorrow.  I'm hitting the sack!  

    G'nite friends! 

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011 are funny...We even had the Thomas books I'll not forget the line "Percy was put upon" There were others too ..can't remember now and Sir Topem Hat being cross....those were the days.... do try to not worry and I can't drink while worried either..bad combo for me.

    We have been to the theater,but not for big people films...sorry I didn't really make that very clear...I have seen Cars,Star Wars,The Bee Movie...but the last big people film..pretty sure it was Dances with wolves...but as you do Sarah, we rent movies and I really enjoy that. I read The Help but have not seen the movie'll have to give some feedback as to what you think. I read all of JRR Tolken (Hobbit series) those books.

    profbee...hope Jack feels better...always worried me when my son was sick...try to rest for yourself too and hope you get some good sleep.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    I hate Sunday nights!  Realize the weekend is gone and I never get enough done.  I did have a nice long walk with my youngest and just watched 60 minutes with my oldest (all about Steve Jobs, who is a super hero to my son).  Wish we could go back to the Thomas days, teenage years scare me some.

    Emma, how soon until test results??

    profbee, hope your little Jack is feeling better tomorrow. 

    kmur, last movie I saw with my husband at the theater was Titanic.  I occasionally see movies with girlfriends, and love anything Disney or Pixar with the boys.

    Ok, here is my dilema of the week--my tail bone, just slightly above the bottom has been very sore for about 1 month.  Hurts on one small spot to press and certain ways I sit, no pain with walking or exercise (exception if I try to do a situp on the hard floor, so I avoid).  I have an appointment with PA at gyn office this week for annual exam, should I mention this?  I can't feel any lump or anything, probably just from increased activity or getting old.  If I mention it she will probably recommend xray or scan.  I mentioned some strange sternal pain to my onc last month and had to have a CT, (which was normal), I hate to feel like a hypochondriac!  I never went to doc before BC, other than for annual exams.  Feel like a wimp if I say anything.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     Hi Christine...If it were me ...I would mention it only because I no longer trust my body so I am all about getting the all good from the doctor..if I mention stuff and they are not concerned then I feel better ( I think)

    Teenage years scare me far so good though...he will be 14 next month....

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    kmur, thanks.. I know you are right.  I just hate that I now have to think about every ache or pain differently.  Not trusting your body is a great way of putting it.  I trusted that if I took good care of myself I would not get cancer (so much for that).  The PA I see at the gyn office has known me for a long time, I guess she will already be seeing my big butt and might as well be the one to examine me.  She has been doing my annual exams for the last 8-10 years, better her to look than my onc.  I am comfortable flashing my new boobs to anyone, but not my bottom.  Maybe she will tell me it is from exercise and I should stop, or it is from sitting on my butt and I should get up and exercise more.  I will let you know how it goes.

  • lrr4993
    lrr4993 Member Posts: 504
    edited October 2011

    For those of you with kids that love Thomas, have you heard of his tour?  I think it is called "A Day with Thomas" or something like that.  It is a life sized Thomas that is attached to a real train and you can ride it.  We took my nephew when he was younger and Thomas obsessed.  He loved it.  I don't know if it is the same everywhere, but we did it in Chattanooga and it was at a train museum, so there were tons of train cars that he got to wander through.  He was in heaven.  If you have Thomas obsessed kids, you should see if it is coming to your area.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011


    We did the Thomas thing several times when my boys were little, I have the cutest pictures and great memories. It was pricey, but worth it.  It was at the NC train museum.  Hope you had a great football weekend!

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    OMG I am watching the end of 'the Shinning' right now...loved 'what lies beneath'...I love any end of the world, doom and gloom, supernatural and most of the older horror movies.  I prefer suspense and intrigue and am not sex, blood and mayham although I will say the original Halloween with Jamie Curtis is still one of my favorites.  I had to cut back on my cable bill so I don't get AMC any more, kinda bummed cause I liked 'the walking dead'...   

    My DS loved lego's until he was about 13...I miss those days!  It's now all about xbox 360 and there have been times where we have had to cut him off.  Like a typical teenage boy he has no self discipline or concept of time management.   My DD is currently into puzzles and we have completed TWO 500 piece puzzles in the last week.

    Eema the waiting is the hardest...we are here for you.

    Meegan how you doing?

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      I know Christine...I know what you mean...Because you had the scan just recently is probably nothing to worry over...but if you are like me and it just lingers in the back of your mind...maybe just let them know for your piece of mind...

    I would really like to see What Lies Beneath again...Do you remember the part where the eye is suddenly in the fence hole...Oh My gosh I jumped...there is another movie it is an old one called The Changeling or Changelink something like that..I remember that to be scary from along time ago..need to see that again.

    Lisa..we used to live close to a town called Lebanon Ohio and the Thomas train would come son was a Matchbox kid though so friends went but he didn't care to go. It always looked like so much fun

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Christine- I would definitely say something to the PA. Better to be safe. I am like Kim, if it gets in my mind then I just think about it all the time.  That is why I went in and had my PET a month earlier than scheduled.

    We never did the real life Thomas.  A little too rich for our blood. 

    Betsy- lol sorry if you dug through my pics.  Have a lot of out of town family and friends and FB is how they see my kids grow up!  I am sure that Sarah would not lump me into the "slim and attractive"  if she saw my pics.  Never been labled that.  Barbie and Ken we are not. Laughing Definitely will not be posting any of me from the beach this weekend!

    My son still loves matchbox cars, now he just builds houses and garages for them out of Legos. Though I still must say that it is not unusual for a kickball game to break out in the road once and a while.