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Any 40-ish survivors?



  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    Profbee~ I know your bills are so much more than just like co-pays, but someone told me breast cancer patients can get help with co-pays - maybe the Komen foundation?  A little bit helps I know. 

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    Ok, I apologize for asking this, as it's been asked several do I find the FB page? Is it a persons page or a group page? sorry..I'm confused..wasn't sure what or who I should search for!

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    you can friend me and i will add you... betsy schreier davis

  • marial
    marial Member Posts: 98
    edited October 2011

    Thank you Betsy..request sent,


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Done.. and added you to the 40 something fb group...

    The other group has gotten big and has two groups in it, so I was thinking that the 40ish group is in the 40ish group page, but maybe the Breast Cancer group which is mostly NOLA women get converted to NOLA women... otherwise it may be too hard to chat on like topics.. If you agree, you can leave the BC group and stay in the 40s group.

  • ReadingMama
    ReadingMama Member Posts: 338
    edited October 2011

    Please don't all leave me here and only chat on FB Frown.. . I would be very sad to not hear from my friends.

    Maybe if we tell Ellen/Rosie (who was it, damn chemo brain) we have BC and Beards, then she will call????

  • o2bhealthy
    o2bhealthy Member Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2011

    Meegan - I can see the title for the show now 'bearded bc gals with hairy foobs' next on Ellen!

  • labrat
    labrat Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2011

    I'm 46 now. I was diagnosed when I was 39 too. I finished chemo and radiation in 2005.

    Strangely, I'm here because I think I just got my period back. I finished Tamoxifen in January this year. This happened on a Friday evening, of course. I will be calling the doc on Monday. Time for a PAP smear anyway. Since I've just been in the hospital because I had aneurysms, the timing seems a little weird. I'm not sure if this is to do with stopping the tamoxifen or if it's related to the surgery for the aneurysms. My mom went in to menopause at about this age so I didn't expect to start up again.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    Meegan... not leaving you... but join us.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    meegan, I am not going to leave you.  Hope you are all having a great day,

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Not leaving either. Kmur, your last post sounded like you were leaving. Did I read that wrong? I will miss you if you do.

    Hi Labrat. I don't know an answer to your question. I was only diagnosed in March this year and started Tamoxifen 5 days ago. My onc did say he doesn't want my period to come back and to call him immediately if it did. Calling your doc on Monday sounds like a good idea.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

    I'm not on tamoxifen, got my period back six months later - heavier than ever....then the next month right on time, then nothing.......then MO said this is part of being thrown into pre-menopause because of chemo....

  • burley
    burley Member Posts: 248
    edited October 2011

    Hello ladies!  Let's not leave the group!  I don't think everyone is on Facebook, and I know some people don't want to be.

    Labrat-welcome.  I was on Tamoxifen for about 7 months with no period.  Mine stopped during chemo-I'm assuming yours did as well?  And I was only 40, so it was surprising.  Then I had to have my ovaries out in February, so I am happily forever period free.  Definitely call your doctor right away on Monday.

    Is it possible that I feel slightly less depressed?  Or maybe it's just the confession and road toward solution that is making me feel better?  Either/any way, I'll take it.  I am still having a lot of anxiety and having to take at least one Xanax a day, whenever I need it.  Maybe that will go away once I'm completely off the Effexor.

    OK!  So you went through the tortoise stories with me, are you ready for a fish story?  Long but funny.  My daughter's fish (a Betta) hasn't been eating or pooping.  He's really lethargic and mostly hangs out at the bottom of the tank-very unusual for him.  She's freaking out-like every day.  I do a bunch of research yesterday and come to the conclusion that he's constipated.  Lmao.  So I try the recommended method, which is to cut a defrosted pea into little tiny bits to get some fiber in his diet.  I am not joking.  He does not eat the pea.  More research and I come up with a list of medicines and other things to do.  Told me to bleach his tank, which I did, and promptly ruined it.  Off to the pet store we go.  We bought a whole new tank and set up-water testing kit-live plant-anything else that was recommended.  However they did not have any of the recommended medicines.  Come home, set this damn thing up, wait and test the Ph level until it's just right...and put him in.  Nothing.  Still not eating, still not pooping.  Ugh.  Really?  For a fish?

    So she's come to the conclusion that he is going to die, and she doesn't want to flush him down the toilet.  She wants me to bury him.  Great.  She is going to paint a rock for a headstone this weekend in case he dies while she's at science camp next week for 3 days.  We discussed where to bury him-while she is crying-and we decide out front is definitely better so the dogs won't dig him up and eat him.  Lol.  I told her since we just bought a whole new set up that we are definitely getting another fish.  I am not letting this stuff go to waste.  My husband thinks I'm crazy-my best friend is laughing at me and telling me I'm going overboard...I think I'm both.  I dreamed about the damn fish last night I'm so stressed out about him dying.  Talk about an animal lover.

    So which is better?  The tortoise who got chewed on by the dog, or the fish story?  lmao

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    I'm here.  Long day...son has had diarrhea for 2 days.  I had AC on Thursday, so I've been ZONKED today.  

    Hi, Labrat.  I have no clue either.  Isn't it always over the weekend?  I was just dx this year as well...Herceptin and Tamoxifin to start after this round of AC.  

    O2B...I'll never live this down, eh?  hahaha

    Meegan, how's it going?   

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    burley,  Your pet stories crack me up.  In my next life I will come back as one of your well cared for pets.  Glad you are feeling better.

    profbee, wish I could come and help you out, sorry you and your son are feeling bad.  Please be careful and don't catch his bug.  Did you have your last AC??  I hope so, we need to celebrate.

    I am not a huge facebook fan, so I will be staying here too.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Not going anywhere either Meegan

    Welcome Labrat!  I am not on tamox.  Triple neg and have no other plumbing either so I can't help with your question either.  I am sure there is probably some one on these threads that can answer though.

    Burley- what we do for our kids.  There is a disease or something the Betas get, but I can't remember the name of it right now.  I finally gave up on the Beta's, they kept dying.  We had one though that lived for several years, but had to give him away when we moved.

  • profbee
    profbee Member Posts: 304
    edited October 2011

    ONe more AC to go in 2 weeks, then DONE.  Hubby put together a huge lego thing for Jack today..took 3 hours!  So, I'm well taken care of.  I just hate to see the little guy sick, and there's just nothing even to give them at this age--just some water and rice and soup and stuff.  We came up to my bed to watch a movie, hubby crawled in....I think his snoring put Jack right out.  So, they're both asleep next to me....I'm sure I'll be joining them in lala land soon.  

    Burley....missed your post while I was typing.  I totally saved goldfish with the pea thing! I thought I was going the WAY extra mile for a fish too...but it worked.  But then, they were bloated and floating up to the top uncontrollably.  It was sad to see it like that.  And the squished pea (shelled) totally worked.  They pooped..and voila!  FINE!  I think we were overfeeding.  That said, my Beta did NOT live long.  I don't think they have much of a life expectancy.   

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    Hi mamachick!

    Burley, maybe you could just run out and buy a new fish and no one would know the difference.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    profbee,  so we will have something to celebrate is 2 weeks, keep us posted.  My sons are past the lego stage, I miss stepping on all those little legos.

  • proudmom_wife
    proudmom_wife Member Posts: 176
    edited October 2011

    Welcome labrat!  Definitely call your doctor on Monday.  I was also told by my oncologist that women who start tamoxifen in the 40's who were put into chemo-pause, have a 50/50 chance of the ovaries functioning again after they finish tamoxifen.  Sometimes they return enough to cause menstration, othertimes just enough to produce estrogen, but not menstration (bleeding).  Don't know if this part relates to you, but if the plan for you is to go on an AI, make sure they check your estrogen levels first, because your ovaries may be producing some estrogen even if you aren't menstrating.

    burley - love the fish story.  You are such a wonderful caring mom.  Never knew fish could get constipated.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Legos!!!! Argghhh!  I am constantly stepping on them.  My DS is sooo into them.  Hate having to step over them all the time, but also don't want to squash his creativity.  Comes up with some neat stuff, maybe an engineer someday, if dyslexia doesn't get in the way.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Hey Girls....

     . I did want to test the FB thing ..I thought it would be private for those of you who may need to keep the BC stuff quiet. So I logged out of the BC groups and then looked at them and I can not tell that any of you are in this group and can not see any posts. So it really does work. i am not a FB person and I rarely post there. I do log on here though. I would like to move on sometime and not think about BC anymore...I am now a year post any of you ever feel this way...but I have really taken a shine  to so many of you crack me up

    BTW ...We have legos too (still)  They are not cheap pieces of plastic!! I would love to know how much money we have in legos....( I think)

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    Love the fish story Burley. The things we do for our children.

    My girls have no interest whatsoever in Lego. In the interest of giving them equal opportunity and not stereotype their toys, I bought Lego, Thomas the Tank, diggers, cars etc. Neither of them have ever shown any interest and last year I gave away hundreds of dollars of wooden Thomas, tracks, trains etc to my little nephew because they were barely used. When i asked the girls if the minded, they shrugged with disinterest. My nephew loves them.

    I have one daughter who loves dolls, babies, barbies etc. and one daughter with a soft toy obsession.

  • christine47
    christine47 Member Posts: 846
    edited October 2011

    I have given and thrown away hundreds of dollars worth of legos.  I am keeping all the Thomas the Train stuff for my grandchildren to play with.  Since my boys are 13 and 15 it will be along time (I hope) until we get Thomas back out.  Now all our toys are electronic.Frown

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    We did the train thing too, but I must say my son never really got into the wooden trains.  We did Geo tracks, but out grew those fast.  Still likes hot wheels, Legos still the favorite.  Kids actually have Lego classes at their homeschool co-op that teaches them mechanical stuff.

  • mamachick
    mamachick Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Sorry Kim- I meant to respond that I feel like you.  I am ready to move on and have somewhat, but also have grown attached to you all here.  I really don't read too many other threads unless I am in the mood.  This is the only one that I have emailed to me.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

     mamachick... I have not set up the email thing . I also do not post (well hardly ever) on any other thread. Here is about it for me. Like I said is funny...I hardly ever say to my Fb friends what I'm doing and all..I mostly just read what they are up to and comment on all their adventures.

  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited October 2011

    When I was in chemo I was totally into the chemo thread, and then when I was obcessing about hair, I was reading the hair thread... these days, I read this one and my NOLA thread (still in the midst of recon) ,and the DIEP 2011 thread... but when recon is done, I assume I will move out of that thread too... and hope that someday soon(ish) I wll move off the website almost altogether and start LIVING... so at that point it will be nice to stay in touch on fb... so this is a good transition.

  • kmur
    kmur Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2011

      Betsy...that is kind of how I feel too....I want to sometime not think about BC each day. At the same time...if I did not log on here I would not be able to see how Meegan is doing...or tease mamachick about her big feet or check on Christine and her fat grafting...Oh and laugh with Gina so many good ladies here Oh and I get to see how many walks you do too....and I know there is more...

  • kiwimum
    kiwimum Member Posts: 485
    edited October 2011

    I hear you all and agree. One day this will be a distant memory. I'll no longer have to wear a bra because the new "girls" will sit up on their own, my hair will be long and lucious and my teenage girls will be the ones causing me to pull my hair out. Lol

    We are off out tonight to the Rugby World Cup Grand Final. Before the match we are going to a drinks/dinner function with friends. I specially washed my wig on Friday because it takes 2 days to dry usually. It's a black bob and some of the front ends are frizzy. Twice I've taken it in for a recon but am sick of paying $60 each time. I just googled "how to remove frizzy ends from a synthetic wig". As a result I've just ironed the ends with the iron on low/synthetic temperature. It worked perfectly. I did test a small patch at the back first to make sure I didn't wreck it. Very happy with the result.