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Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    OK I need to show you what my therapist used on me today. Let me tell you is painful and I am sore. This is something she is just trying I am the first to get it done by her. Is call silicone cupping and I think this is very powerful.

    She let me take a picture cuz I told her I may get a set to work on my legs and b lol u know it's cold help break some stuborn fat lol




    Their web site is very interesting aptei google it.

    I found a set for $25 or so on amazon

    I ll buy one .

    I also called my family Dr and I ll see her tmw morning at 11:45am

    I will ask her for a referal to see my bs. I just want to see my bs and ask her opinion on my internal scar just to be sure .it's so hard I wonder if an ultrasound could help easy my mind regarding this scar.

    I must say the new technic really hurt me and I may get a bruse

    I felt sore all day. And I will see her again on Tuesday for more of this cupping lol

    I will have a telephone interview tmw at 10:30 am with a recruiter I hope he can help me find interviews.

    I am now in my bed so dead I wish the night could last 24 hours.

    I must tell you I had another dream which I didn't like last night I dreamed I lost control as of if my blood pressure went really low and it was in my dream a really bad dream and in it I saw my relatives whom are no longer here so I did know it was a dream I even asked them how come they were in my dream. But I felt so sick in the dream I just don't know what to expect from it.

    Another weird thing this morning I woke up and my right arm was totally dead asleep and I could not control it then when it got back to normal I didn't feel much of the normal tingling sensation I don't know how to explain but I was really chock in the past usually a charp tingling overcomes as any part of the body is waking up and my arm acted extrange.

    Anyway I hope I rest tonight and I hope the night is long

    Good night

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    Well the phone call was moved to Monday.


    I had a bood test today . I saw my family Dr. She gave me the referral to see my bs. I already made an appointment on March 08. N I have the day off so she also asked me to come see her that day to do a full physical exam.

    Is about time .she never did one . This Dr is great but never does anything I don't request lol

    Basically I was sent to her cuz my Dr. Moved away. She took me under her care but she is just there if I need her lol is very good I mean never says no to me. Anything I ask her she

    I figures she feels sorry and thinks why do I need to give this soul a hard time? lol

    Today I told her that in march I am supposed to go get a blood test at my MO. N she said "what are they going to check? "

    I looked at her and said " I don't know this is a new guy maybe he just wants to see my liver " that's what they told me last time".

    Then she said . " we never did a full philosophical right? " I said no I dot think so.

    Then she said let's do one . Lol

    So that's good

    I am OK with that

    Bb I wish you get court to give you a break they seem useless . Is like the gov reassessed my taxes last year cuz they saI'd they needed a copy of my train card. I sent the statement but they wanted a photo of the card. Lol idiots

    Then they asked me for my tuitions they just cant leave me alone. But I now worry about this year 's taxes

    Hope all have a great weekend

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited February 2017

    BB - it is very dispiriting but I have faith you will come through.......stay focused and remember you have many tough old birds (us women) behind you supporting you.........I think you said it all really, its so hard to put this in to words but its a kind of heaviness that just never quite goes away.............

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    Hi ladies- end of the week and just reading a few of the messages the past few days.

    E- be careful with the cupping. I knew someone who got into using those and remember she posted a photo on FB of these huge bruises all over her back (I cannot remember if I was more horrified by the bruises or the fact she posted that photo so publicly). She did not have bc, but a lot of anxiety related issues and was in to all types of alternative stuff. I could see how it might be able to loosen up the scar tissue. I hope your physical goes well and know the doctors are always watching the liver and the lungs......

    Lily- I think the hard part of being a cancer survivor is just the constant reminder you had it and the fear of it returning that comes with living with the aches and pains, abnormal blood work, etc. I feel I am not the person I was before this, despite having recovered pretty well from everything. I do feel constrained on some level physically or emotionally, which varies day to day. I cannot do as much as I used to or am sometimes afraid to do things for fear of doing something to push myself back in to a re-occurrence. I know you are still waiting on recon and that really is keeping you from moving more into a fuller recovery.

    Despite bc being very treatable compared to most cancers, I feel very badly when I hear sisters here are moving in to Stage IV or have not survived the disease. Been too much of that these past six months here on BCO. When my male friend died here last summer of another cancer, it was like being right back to the beginning again. You are not alone friend. Everyone's story before we got bc is different, how we got through treatment is different and how we are recovery is different. Just be very kind to yourself, no self judgement.

    Is your breathing better friend? I know you said you were having problems walking?

    Simplicity- I hope you got through another busy week and can get some rest this weekend.

    Wishing everyone a good peaceful Friday evening and some fresh air and sunshine this weekend

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    oh bb u mean the cupid quote's .I am so sorry I didn't mean to be rude I guess I have no simpathy for love and valentine day? No harm intended

    The cupping is supposed to give bruses so far I did get a small nothing to worry but the feeling yes it's sore all over. It seems my scars are just very deep and hard it honestly feels like a tumor but till the bs tells me other wise is in the mind it freaks me out.

    Remember how my poor siter got a second tumor I always have that in my mind :(

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    OK finally got home now I was waiting for the bus .

    I must say it was nice to be with some friends for a drink they all seems so happy . Well I only can say I knew 2 people but u was introduced to 10 more and all from the international area.

    Is going to be the way to find another job just go out and try to meet up with different people maybe someone will be able to pull me out.

    So I must tell you something that happened today at work. We were call for a teams meeting and it was to celebrate a birthday for a coworker and the manager gave the coworker a cupcake . 1 cup cake only for the birthday person and the rest of the team just stood and stared. We all were chocked cuz in the past we always have a cake to share from the department 's butget well the manager has now more people under him so the team double the size so he decides that a cup cake to the birthday person is enough.

    I must say it was kind of extrange and one of the new members said it outlaud he said. I always wanted to be part of this team to be in the cake celebration we all saw you guys had and now that we are part of your team you decide to stop that tradition?

    Yes well that is the person we report

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    BB. I agree I felt so bad the moral of that entire team is already down and that manager does not care. But like you said we can collect and get it done ourself but he is an as s hole. The co ap student went and told him that the team wanted to take care of the birthday thing and he told her "no I will handle that myself " so basically he did not allow the team to get the cake either you see he is a sick man. Sad but it seems this man just needs to feel in power and if that means to make the team feel bad and unwelcome then that is what he ll do.

    Another coworker 's birthday is next week and this lady I take lunch break with along with the students. She told us she will try to work from home next Friday to avoid been in the office for the cup cake. I told her we will get her a cake only the 5 of us who take lunch together . I told her if she is wfh Friday then on Thursdays lunch we will cut a small cake among us 5. And she smIle . You know me I never care when it comes to my own birthday in fact I usually call in sick or book it off lol but I know for normal people a birthday is a special day and they feel loved and good when you celebrate their birthday.

    Anyway this last thing from that manager made me feel like really get out there and find a job asap. Is a toxic place to be part of and not for me. Is sad and pathetic 1000%

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    E- glad to hear that you had a good time at happy hour. Sounds like some good people you knew and more new people you got to meet. I hope you can go again!

    And wow about the cheap boss. I know in organizations that birthday celebrations can become expensive with large teams, but there are better ways to that than buying a cupcake and making everyone stand around and watch that. Talk about no social skills! That manager would have been better off just dropping off the cupcake to the person and wishing them a good birthday and leaving the rest out.

    I once worked for a consulting firm that would do a once a month birthday celebration with a cake and celebrate all the birthdays in the office that month. It also turned out to be a good social time for the different teams working there to connect with one another who were in the same office but worked on different things (transportation engineering, environmental, etc.) Like BB says, you guys could do your own thing if you wanted for each other.

    I am with you, never like to have that stuff acknowledged at work. I always found that employers have a way of not doing things like that well. In the self employment world, it is easy to opt out of that stuff.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    good morning ; )

    I totally agree with all of you. I wish you all a good weekend. I learn yesterday that a lady whom I admire so much she is a yoga instructor. I think I mentioned her hirtory to you all before she suffered from a colon condition. She is from Colombia and in 2012 like jazz bb and I she got bc. I had contact with her by email before I found this site .she was a hero I lookup to her. Anyway she was so young and beautiful yoga instructor her name is yulady saluti I learn that in 2015 she had to get a colomsty bag permanent. And I just feel so sad. If you can see her blog is beautiful history and her husband is such a sweet man. They post sometimes but no often now. I feel sad for all her and her kids (6) must bee dealing with.SickTired

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    E- I am wondering if that woman still teaches yoga? I had a friend from college who became a roommate at one point who had colitis and she was trying avoid getting the bag. I will say I watched her live around the bathroom so much of the time. Colon disease is a hard one, and so many lifestyle issues to deal with.

    And six kids, that is a lot to deal with even when you are well. I hope she has a supportive husband and family.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    She does have lots of support . And I do think she still teaches yoga she is very famous if you Google her name you will see her website . She so young it breaks my heart but I love to see her yoga videos she is amazing and very talented and brave. Beautiful just one of those people to look up to?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    BB- that is too bad about the nutritionist not being more helpful. The one I worked with made me count carbs when I journaled, and wanted me to stay to 45 per meal. I did but could not loose weight so we dropped it to 30 and it was really hard so I went back to 45. Your situation is a challenge with the blood work and having to gain weight is a tricky one. You need more calories but clearly not anything with sugar or carbs? Can you eat more often during the day.

    Testing your blood sugar takes some getting used to. I find the inside of the pad on my middle finger usually gets a good spot with enough blood to fill the strip. Be patient, sometimes it takes awhile to get it right. It will help you to see what foods spike your glucose (for example, you asked about what happens after you eat a slice of pizza and this will tell you).

    I saw my nutritionist a couple times over a few months and she told me I had things figured out. When I have strayed on the carb front and eaten too much, that is when the A1C has gone up. I have given up a lot from not drinking much, not eating sugar, and few carbs. Kind of sucks really?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    BB- so the goal of the monitor is to check your fasting levels (should be below 100) and then 2 hours after meals. All these should be within a range. The American Diabetes Association is a great resource for information. Read this link and it will tell you what to expect when you test your sugars:

    Since you are pre-diabetic, she may not want you to watch the carbs right now, but just keep the sugar down. If you can give it up completely, you will see a difference.

    And A1C is a 3 month average. I had my last one in late December and going for my next one before I see my endocrinologist again end of February. My fasting blood sugar is really good now (like low 80s) and expect to see an improvement.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    bb I know you told us you have always been thin . The doctors ever said if it was cause by your theroid gland. I had once a friend she was In Europe she had some condition . At first people use to say she was doing the vomoting like models to be always thin but as I got to know her I learned that was bs, she was sick. I just cant remember what she told me she was dx with. Only was in my life through a short period of time when I was in Europe. I have a friend here in Canada the one that went to cosco with me. She is diabetic now. She also test her blood but I must say she has been not caring about her food for as long as she was a child she was always a big child and it is very hard. At cosco she bought a few healthy things said she has a Dr appointment and she must lower her sugar levels before that . I just have no idea what will happen to her. I am her friend but I was never successful at helping her with the weight thing . I gave her books and articles and after some times I just acepte she is the one who needs to want to get a hold of her health :(

    I hate how now a days there 's nothing for this issues. Specially the junk that is available to us .is very hard to educate people to eat right. But for some it is a condition and it seems so much more than what we know.

    After chemo the only thing that helped me to go back to my normal weight was starving after 4pm or if I get too hungry grab a fruit or a yogurt or some pepers or some raw vegetable's

    Now jazz reminded me of popcorn lol I forgot those I like those even plain so I must make some and have during nights I get hungry.

    When the lady started giving me the massages I saw an improvement and it helped me start my own personal exercise at home but I wish I could join a gym this year. I ll try in spring. It's so cold here I get no motivated at all to go anywhere

    I started watching a new show called this is us. It has a lady who struggle with her weight. I wonder how will this show end. Is hard to watch but is a reality .is pretty good

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    good morning friends.

    Bb how I wish I could exchange metabolism with you :( mine was like your's till I turn 25 lol

    From 16 to 20 I did lots of weight exercises and trained eat 6 to 8 times a day and was taking things to gain muscles .

    Then I came to this country and my entire body took 300 degree change .

    It was a huge mistake to stop the weight training I lost all my muscles and became just a food processor lol I had 3 jobs and never eat at regular hours for 5 years it was a way of dealing with a broken heart I did work and work and was not able to go to school only a few courses here and there .

    But my metabolism changed and all I eat could go straight to my b or hips. Then after 30 things really started to show and I had the chance 10 bl up and down I would lose 10 the gain it back withing months.

    I am surprise chemo didn't change your metabolism but again I rather have a fast one than mine. I hope you find something as food that can give you the calories but with low sugar .how about high protein? I found something about protein I must share here.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    good morning friends.

    Bb how I wish I could exchange metabolism with you :( mine was like your's till I turn 25 lol

    From 16 to 20 I did lots of weight exercises and trained eat 6 to 8 times a day and was taking things to gain muscles .

    Then I came to this country and my entire body took 300 degree change .

    It was a huge mistake to stop the weight training I lost all my muscles and became just a food processor lol I had 3 jobs and never eat at regular hours for 5 years it was a way of dealing with a broken heart I did work and work and was not able to go to school only a few courses here and there .

    But my metabolism changed and all I eat could go straight to my b or hips. Then after 30 things really started to show and I had the chance 10 bl up and down I would lose 10 the gain it back withing months.

    I am surprise chemo didn't change your metabolism but again I rather have a fast one than mine. I hope you find something as food that can give you the calories but with low sugar .how about high protein? I found something about protein I must share here.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    the thing is that everything I git is to lose weight . I must search for oposite for you bb.

    I use to love food but lately not so much.



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    bb I don't watch the game's but I can't wait for the commercials lol I love the horses comercial and I want to see what they this for this year lol

    I am bore doing laundry and baking my week 's bread that is about it here is a pick



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    bb I don't watch the game's but I can't wait for the commercials lol I love the horses comercial and I want to see what they this for this year lol

    I am bore doing laundry and baking my week 's bread that is about it here is a pick


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    OK bread is ready and 30 more minutes for my cloth to be dry .


    My lunch today was depressing I had cuscus and lentils :(

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    BB- sorry to hear today is a hard day for you. I have never been routinely involved in the yearly Superbowl rituals, but know parties are big part of today. Maybe make your own ritual today instead?

    I used to get invited to parties awhile back but some of the friends that did that are hard core drinkers and don't care to be around that anymore. I cannot remember the last time I went to a superbowl party but it has been a while now.

    We have mild weather today so I am taking time to enjoy that! Feels like spring, we are getting spoiled at the moment as winter will return.......

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    bb I am honest when I tell you come over we can share my place is small but enough for two. I will love to welcome you to Canada. I think you can stay here for 6 months no questions ask then go back and forth lol I don't blame you guys your country is a place of chaos with all the politic stuff . It's so unreal

    People always asked me "how did the people gave power to chavez?" "How did the people allow thus to happen to your rich and beautiful country? "

    Now I see it happening all over again :(

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    Friends I just got a pm from a new gal from a rad tread she gave me some information regarding my scars issues

    She says to look for

    HBOT. There is a place not far from you that provides HBOT. Radiation fibrosis is an appoved indication for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, by Health Canada, the same way it is in the US. It makes a hugedifference .

    So I am very excited I will look into this tmw

    You see my team at my hospital tell me anythi g even the therapist saI'd she doesn't understand why there is no clear dx as per my scars and limitations which they know I have cuz they took lots of messurament's from my back shoulders arm. I am not able to reach far with my right side at all.

    Anyway this is very good news that there are some options still for me to discover ?

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    BB- for the meter, you should be looking for a fasting number 100 or less and if you test it two hours after meal time, it should be no more than 180. The 113 is in the pre-zone. Your AIC is very good actually, at the very beginning of the pre-diabetes zone. That is all included in the link I sent you plus more. You should also ask your endocrinologist for a good book on diabetes. I have one somewhere but just went looking for it and cannot locate it at the moment. You need something to wrap your head around all things blood sugar.

    My fasting blood sugars have were between 100-110 for awhile, seen a few higher numbers on occasion. On the Trulicity injections, that number is now in the 80s. So I expect my next A1C I am about to do will be much better.

    My endocrinologist did not say anything about different numbers for cancer survivors, but did say that insulin resistance and cancer have some relationship. She is trying to get that turned around for me to help reduce my re-occurrence risk.

    The superbowl game will be on here soon so that is my signal to go to the gym for a nice swim! Should be quiet over there.

    Have a good evening friends

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    oh bb yes I would love you here. We could go on road trips I miss that I used to take mom and lucky on to short trips on weekends .

    Now I haven done much of that only Ottawa which turned out cap cuz the canal was close.

    Wow it seems there is a lot for you to learn on the sugar thing.

    Bb what helped me with colesterol in the past was I eliminated all fry foods Spanish people fry a lot and I cut the oil from my place long time ago but I remember once I did that my physical every year showed a significant improvement regarding previos colesterol test. I remember my family Dr been super impressed asking me what did I do? And I even had no clue at the moment then I started thinking what I had changed ? It was the oil. I stopped so when I cook now if I cook meat I do it so the fat from the meat cooks my meat I don't fry at all my platin or anything in the past was very normal due to our cultures foods.

    I am sure you don't eat fry stuff but watch for any oil in your food. I will keep an eye for things for you if I see any interesting video.ThumbsUp

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    My car was broken in tonight at the gym. Second time for this car and same window. They stole a bag of yoga props.

    Got stuff to deal with this week and a trip out of town on Friday so will be off line for awhile.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    oh jazz that is so bad. I am so so sorry.

    One of my friends told me I must never leave a bagpack or anything visible in the back seat. But I think is just plain bad luck that from all cars they pick ours?

    It happened to me many years ago and I had a very old car nothing of value was taken it was just for fun .it was winter and I was far from home had to ask a store to lend me tape and plastic garbage bag to put in the paSanger window drove it got so cold .is just not what anyone needs to deal with .

    I have a quiz tmw and one next Monday . I ll post to let you guys know if I have the interview tmw with the recruiter

    Also toffers tell you about my cupping appointment Tuesday at lunch time.

    Hope you all have good week.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    quiz was not so bad and I had 2 telephone interview hoping I get another interview soon from those guys. Then this week I will meet another person for another job. It seems luck is somehow changing?

    I missed the g dame street car this morning so took a bus north and now transferred east. A lady is eating chicken on the bus right at 7am lol I am so hungry people are disgusted by it I am thinking I would love some chicken lol

    OK almost at work I have a very stressful week and working all Saturday starting at 9am till 7pm :(

    I can't wait to get out of thus job

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2017

    HI ,

    I feel the intervie went really well but I am not sure . They seems pleased with my experience overall and told me that they need someone who can work with both the developers and the end users so

    They know I am already in that field where I am providing support to clients and working on fixes or bugs as well as new implementations etc

    Sso fingers all crossed we can just now wait also I want to know about the $ how much will they increase my salary since it is a level up .

    I guess I will wait for them to contact me and see if I get an offer ?

    The another guy contacted me today told me that next week the position in his area will be posted and that he will send me details for me to apply

    The recruiter did not contact me again so I still have no idea if I ll get an interview with that other Co. But at least I had an interview today and all went positive.

    Bb me too I can't wait to leave that toxic place

    You all know these has been very hard on me over all

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2017

    Yay for a good interview! Fingers crossed for an offer!