Single life after a mastectomy



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    hi girls .hope all having a good weekend.

    I survived the night lol I must said this was a very difficult thing to do lol but overall positive. I feel so good now. I really think I needed the cleanse. I don't recommend it unless you do some prep before like drink lots of water and apple juice the week before which I didn't I did the water but I hate applease juice. I did my own apple juice mix with carrots and pineapple. Anyway I feel way better and I hope this will help my digestion and overall health.

    I just had a soup with some vegetables and a toast and so far so good.

    I have the appointment this week and I hope the dr. Gives me her opinion as per the fibroids. If she says is all ok I ll see another and if the second one feels the Same I ll just keep eating vegan and see if on my own I can get them to go away. No much to do just hope my body can clean itself with a little help?

    I am happy tomorrow I will go to Venezuela s embassy. I will be allowed to vote against the government in vzla. This will be an important day for my country to stand for its freedom

    Also wanted to share something special that I saw in my balcony this morning ;)



  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- beautiful flower ☺

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    jazz I was surprised. I was told the plant could only flower in 2 years lol and well I ll see two flowers I am very impressed.

    Bb regarding the liver flush I took 1/2 olive oil and 1/2cup lemon juice. Before bed time

    But is something you need to prepare your body 4 days before you do it so it does make u sick.

    I feel great now. Bit last night was bad lol

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited July 2017

    BB - gosh what a hassle to go thru that ordeal...

    jazzy - thanks for asking.i am feeling better now, the nose is 80% dried up, no cough and throat is clearing up......summer flu is just very weird to deal w....

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    June is good you are better. Flue is just so hard on us. I am surprised I didn't get one yet.

    Bb the prep is simple. Just for 6 days or 5 at least drink applenty juice every day and lots of water. I feel amazing. I must say that yes it did some good detox for me.

    Oh I went to vote today and so far the result is 7,186,170 votes so is very very good

    Hoping for Venezuela to be free soon


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    jazz we need one of this tshirts lol


  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- love the photo of you and best wishes for a good outcome for VZ. That t-shirt is perfect!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    lol I want one Shocked

    I went to the gym and my neck hurts lol I ll take a hit shower do some neck streaching and review some accounting problems for tmw .then bed I want to re watch episode 1 tonight Heart

    I I better no lol

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    well honestly the politics there is just a big mess. But the dictator who is in power now needs to go. He has lots of property and $ now in rusia and it is said hI'm and his family will be taken by Rusia but I wish he doesn't scape all the money and all they have is blood money stolen from Vzla so I wish they are sent to jail to pay for all the students dead now. The political prisoners etc

    It was a huge mistake the public made by electing chavez he was our ruin. Now this president is trying to continue on and is just sad. A county so rich in all natural resources to see it like this.

    Thanks for all your kind words

    I am now on my way to work then school

    Is going to be a long day for me.

    Have a great day ladies

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- what classes are you taking now? I signed up for a free class through Stanford on Economics. Think it got offered to me because of the cert program I did there a few years back. I have never taken any economics in any of my previous studies, but think in the world of changing global economics, it should be helpful to me and my business. Going to get started today.

    June- I am glad you got through your crud. Such bad timing with the new job starting. I hope you are getting settled in to the new work culture and like it.

    Lilly- are you out there friend?

    Artista- how are you doing?

    Simplicity, BB, and everyone else, hope you are doing okay too.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    jazz I am not done with accounting level 2 .

    It ll end on August . Is a long course :(

    Plus is only 1 I need many creditd to get the certificate for book keeping.

    I am not sure which one I ll take next

    I ll decide next week or so.

    I am so tired today. I have a meeting at 3pm cuz the other kid is working from home. It was her to do this meeting and I am stuck now. Anyway I sent my resume to another area today which may have some options as per jobs.

    I ll keep fingers crossed for an interview I wish to change department so bad.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- oh for some reason I thought you had finished that sometime in late June. Hope you will be done soon! Keep working towards the certification.

    Do you think you may go all the way through for a BA/BS in accounting? I know it can take a long time when you are going part time. I went FT to college (4 years) and to grad school but also worked through both and it felt like forever.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    Jazz I ll keep going as much as I can.

    Needed to share with you all the size of my flower from my lovely dahlia lol


    So so beautiful and 2 more are about to show I am so excited this is such joy I just need to keep that squirrels away lol

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited July 2017

    wow...beautiful flower....and nice hair E!!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    Thanks June .bangs are growing lol got tired of them.

    Only thing with those flowers is that there is no fragrance :( I was surprised. Such big flower no a fragrance? Oh well so beautiful I forgive her lol

    My roses give the best fragrance and the lime tree also lol

    On my way to work. I will not go to the gym today I ll skip and go tmw. The new hard core class I want to try is on thrusday. No sure I will be able to do it but I ll keep trying.

    Last night I had the lower back pain again. It comes and goes. I am hopping is just a scare this stupid feeling sucks.

    Simplicity how was your camping trip?

    Bb hope your mom is better now?

    Lili hope you are having a great summer.

    Artista is your pet doing well now?

    Jazz if I get offer a contract job I ll concider it

    I am at a point that what ever comes my way I ll say yes lol

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- I love that photo. It is a keeper and one to share with your family. It shows your beauty and also your love of the garden.

    Contract work is definately better than FT in the IT world. You get paid by the hour. You would get paid for the time on the weekends to do the releases if that is in your future. And because you have socialized medicine, you don't have to worry about health insurance. We seem to have a temp reprieve here on them yanking out the ACA.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited July 2017

    Jazzy - just read your signature, you're on your fifth year....and i recalled you just had your it's a BIG congrats!!!

    E - it's also 5 years for you....fingers crossed for you.

    I got a lot more responsibilities at my new job, there's nobody around to bounce ideas......i am a little bit stressed out.

    sometimes i wish i could just sell $1K shoes and $ 10K hermes bags for a living....less stressful. i met a SA who sold and still sells i believe chanel for a living....he made 6 i want a stress free life...

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    Hey June- well thank you for the good wishes. I am not quite done with the follow up process and do a bit more than the rest of you no doubt, as I had a double lumpectomy vs. either an MX or BMX. I joined this thread because well, it was a singles thread and was welcomed by all. The group has changed with time, as they do, but love you ladies!

    I had the imaging done last Friday and this friday I will go see my BS for an office visit (she also reviews the films). I went yearly with her as of last year, and expect that will continue going forward. I see the MO the following Friday and likely will be seeing him every six months awhile more until I am done with the AIs next spring. In the home stretch.

    My actual cancerversary will be November 14th, which was my surgery date. Always confused about what marks the actual five years. DX date? Surgery? End of chemo or rads? My docs say it is the surgery date that they use. My sister will also be to five years this winter (she had her surgery right before Xmas of that same year). What a crazy ride it has been......

    Oh and I am with you on the less stressful job thing. Always think about it when in the throes of anything difficult. My fantasy job is stringing puka shells for necklaces on some tropical beach somewhere......

  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Member Posts: 723
    edited July 2017

    Morning ladies. June, glad you are feeling better. You too E. Artista, how is the healing coming along?

    No colonoscopies here yet, but not far from I am sure.

    Been busy here. Camping trip was great, always is. Fatigue has been bad lately, lots of issues at home with kids. Wasn't able to get my prolia shot couple weeks back because they wanted a co pay because the Dr wanted to see me even thou I had just seen him 2 weeks prior. Ugh.

    I hope all have a great day! Sorry I haven't been around. Not very talkative lately. I'm good. Just, adjusting daily

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    Good afternoon friends- part 2 of my follow up completed this morning with the BS. Good visit there, turns out I am 25 lbs down from my visit last summer. I know I dropped twenty this year, but thought I was higher last summer. She was pleased and wanted to know what had been happening? So talked about my work with the endocrionologist and getting in to the pool more. My next apt with her is July of 2018.

    One more apt next Friday with the MO for my check up there as well as to get my Prolia shot.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    lol girls so I stopped at a tea store today and wth?

    I never knew how expensive tea can cost

    I bought some tea to help with sleep and also a mint tea and wow I was chocked $27.00 2 kinds of tea lol I could buy a top or even a pair of jeans lol hoping it last is just supposed to be amazing real leaves and flowers all mixed . I must tell you I haven't have any coffee and it's really crap lol but yes I do feel healthy so that what matter?

    I will show you the tea later when j get home.

    Hope all have an amazing weekend

    I will be studying for my final which is in which weeks

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- tea shops can be very expensive. We have one here I love but like $10 per bag of loose leaf tea.

    Good luck with your final!

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited July 2017

    simplicity - thanks...finally got rid of the flu.

    jazzy - happy for you.

    E - yeah tea can be very expensive. i love tea, coffee...haha...

    have a great weekend ladies!! waiting for my hair to dry then head out to do my grocery shopping.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    hi girlfriends lol ya tea is brutal and I was told not to drink much of the green tea cuz it has more cafeine than coffee lol wth I had no idea so many things I was so ignorant about when it comes to tea. I am just trying to clear some stuff at home and makin space for some of my plants to move them inside cuz the squirrels won't give up lol

    I am waiting for tonight to see game of throne.

    I can't wait.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited July 2017

    i saw the game of the opening of the first episode of S7 was awesome.....i don't have HBO, so i'll binge watch at my friend's place around the labor day weekend...

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    June I haven't have cable or HBO in 2 1/2 years lol I bought a magica box and I watch all I find with an add on call kodi. Google it.

    I am waiting now in 45 minutes I ll be able to watch second episode Loopy

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- second episode pretty quiet, although I like the scene with the wolves. That thing at the end though, WTH?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited July 2017

    jazz I was crying but got upset when she turned around and took off.

    So here is what I heard. Remember when her father told her that one day she was going to marry a noble king and have kids etc. She told her father nop that is not me. Well now I heard when she says to nymeria that is not her. She means her wolf is not longer the puppy who could follow her home . She is free and wild and she won't go to be cage again. Others say that Aria herself is no longer aria and that nymeria could see that. I have no idea I am still upset. I cry so much I just needed to see her hug her dog and cry of happiness for seen her alive. Instead they killed my heart by just ending like they did. Lol I am so sorry I am spoiling for some here lol

    Ok so tmw I work half day and I go to the gynecologist at 1pm. I shall see if she tell me to just wait or if she has some compassion and orders more test.

    Oh Bb an update on the liver flush. So I was I bit worry cuz my stomach was not all settled the past week so I read it is a great idea after a liver flush to have a colonic therapy done. I had not clue this was something out there and I when to Groupon and voila got a cupon so I had it done on Sunday yesterday. It was a very wierd thing to do but I am glad I did. The lady explained all and she gave me some great advises she also told me to take lots of probiotics and she told me I had a very good colonic sesion considering I had never done one. That I was clean or my colon was clean and that I need to build back the good bacteria and a lot of information. So today I feel as a brand new body ha ha ha .

    Tmw I ll see what is the opinion of the dr.

    Gave a good night all I ll go to bed I am tired and my lower back is hurting too.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited July 2017

    E- be careful with the colonics. I went through this stuff with a friend who was big in to it and many of them try to lecture you can avoid cancer by doing regular colonics.

    There are cleanses you can do for the colon similar to what you did for the liver that don't involved water pressure up your rectum. Ways to just flush your system. Remember that your colon is designed for things to flow down and out, not up.

    I have to watch the GOT again because I really did not understand what happened at the end with the big attack, the ships, those women, etc.

  • juneping
    juneping Member Posts: 634
    edited July 2017

    MedicatingNerdyyou guys are building up my anticipations....