Single life after a mastectomy



  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited March 2014

    Cool organization Jazzy and timely too. My coworker was just diagnosed with Large B cell non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. Came as quite a shock to all of us. She is 40 or 41 and has 3 small children. She is doing remarkably well so far but may be a good site to guide her to. Wish they had the online version of the cancer tool available as she is quite the digital lady.

    Marsha, for some reason, I could not get that link to work.

    I made buffalo chicken dip and strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting fro tomorrow nights dinner. My son has to work and is slightly pissed he won't be able to go with me. Seems New Years and Valentines day are getting to be a regular family evening. That is until I am no longer cool for my "babies" to hang with. Oldest baby is 10 and the twins are 9yo. (they are 16 months apart). actually more like 15 months as the twins were born at 35 weeks on the nose. Maddie is my girl though. Free-spirited red head. I honestly do not know where she gets that from ;)

    I always told my BFF we were going to live together and grow old. Thing is I believe she is still holding out for the man of her dreams. Me, I am realistic and think that while I never rule out the possibility, I can survive on my own too. It's just a little lonely. 

    I would like a place where I can connect with people on occasion. I love my next door neighbor, but she too is bent on finding someone. I don't mean to sound judgmental. I just never understood looking for men like it's a mission. So when women look for men in this fashion, they sometimes push their friends to the side. :( And that isn't jealousy speaking, but something I never did, like I am experiencing with several friends. I know life goes on. I just hate feeling like second fiddle. I guess I am weird. You know the type too.....the ladies who wait for that last minute date and won't make time for you, just in case he calls. UGH!

    I am rambling. I did do over 30 min on the treadmill. I really need to kick myself into gear. I wanna win some prizes in this weight race at work. or at least shed a few pounds for my own well-being. I was down 4#, but I think the scale is not going to be in my favor this week. 

    Ok enough idle chatting and nonsense from me. 

    xoxoxoxo to all the single ladies

    twerk it girls



  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    Oh I's us in 30, 40 or 50 years.

    hope the link works

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    Wow ok i ll check these links, i love the golden girls show and i ll love to do that if i never get a man which i am kind of sure i wont lol

    Ok please watch the movie pleaseee its such a romantic movie with Channing and her Coma wife lol 

    ok here is what i made today ;) 



  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    OMG Enerva, do you make hats to go with the booties?

    I never took to crocheting or knitting and my mother who loves it is by her own admission too slow. 

    I just love those booties. Who do you make these for?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    lol I am a crochet maniac lol 

    I even make adult hats lol go to the stitch pieces together tread and have a look of all the stuff i posted there. ;)) I actually use crochet and knitting to save my mind from going crazy during my Chemo treatment then now just do it in between my courses, as soon as i get my book i put away my yarns lol

    I sent a hat to Blues and she liked it, I will try to sell my creations one day but for now its my hobby ;))

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014
  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    OMG! The crochet sandals are the cutest. 

    Your work is meticulous. And gorgeous! I luv the little cocoon and matching hat sets.

    A local NICU might be happy with a few booties and hats. 

    Just to get yourself out there. But shoot Enerva. You have such talent. 

    The only thing I used to do that was crafty was make fabric covered album covers. No one collects hard copy photos anymore. 

    I made them as gifts mostly for people having babies and those getting married.


    I need a hobby maybe. 


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2014

    So mediation got snowed out today. Now I wait til next Thursday. SIGH.

    And the husband is kind again. I really think he was trying to put on his game face for mediation. So my response was just not being home so I could avoid him. But today we were snowed in together. But he made dinner... helped with the snow... tried to fix the snow blower for me... If only everyday could be nice.

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    aww Betsy, what the heck is up with being Jekyll and Hyde-ish?

    At least being snowed in is a tad bearable with him being nice. What did he make for dinner?

    Sorry your mediation was delayed. Hope he stays on the nice side.

    Here's to better days ahead girl. 

    Did you hear? WE are all moving into a compound together. 


    Good night ladies and sweet dreams.


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    Yes Sand please start to crochet i try to make Blues but she chicken out lol

    I have made so many things and hope one day i will be able to show it to a store but i am a bit shy still lol 

    Bday hope things pick up soon, i am glad ex is kind again.

    Good night and please expect all those roses tmw lol

    I am sure i will get lots from my Channing lmao

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2014

    Happy Valentine Day my single ladies!


  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    Back at ya Jazzy and the rest of you wonderful ladies



  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited March 2014

    Just checking in quickly before I hit the treadmill and get ready for my most awesome Valentine Date(s). Mad-dog, I-rissa and Daniel-son. The nicknames for my little folks. 

    My son is making me mad, but I am going to let it go. My kitchen sink is leaking, so is a pipe downstairs and something in the bathroom upstairs. I am dying living in this house. I need to sell and get out from under this albatross. 

    OK....I am going to have fun tonight! Yes indeedy. Wish you all could be with me and my wee ones. If they are all I have in this life time....then I accept this unconditional love that has been bestowed upon me. I am getting mushy. (not to mention what a good cook my sissy is and what a wonderful BIL I have)

    I really came on here to ask each of you to entertain the thought of doing a random act of kindness/or a Pay-it-forward deed. I would love to hear what you did and how it made you feel. Hell, maybe we can start a new thread about it. In the meantime. This day of all days has some lonely souls or people just trying to get by. My leaky pipes don't compare, to what some go through in this lifetime.

    Today, My son and I were running errands. The red light went green and I could not understand the stop and go to get through the light. Suddenly I happen upon a woman walking along the side of the road (there is construction and a jersey barrier) it's a wonder she wasn't harmed. I stopped, unlocked my doors and asked her to get in the car. I really was fearful for her well being. 

    Besides...I always think....what if that were my family or friends.

    Here she had been with her BF and had a spat and had jumped out of his truck. She was from a little town about 5 min north of where I live. I picked her up about 5-7 miles from my house. Nothing but a main route for her to walk on and at least 10+ miles or so from her town. .I drove her to her town as she said she lived a couple blocks from where I dropped her off. 

    She offered to send me money-which I declined. It wasn't all that far out of my way. She has a 16yo who is interested in graphic arts/design. I told her of my friend in OH who now runs her own consultation business from home. She said she was so excited, she felt we were meant to meet. She couldn't wait to tell her son. :) When I dropped her off, she said she would find a way to pay this forward. I responded that that would make me so happy.

    And's just the little things....

    Luv to all and have a very happy, humble and wonderful day


    Piper .

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited February 2014

    Piper - That was a great Valentine's gift you gave that woman.  Btw, everything in my house has been falling apart and going wrong, too.

    Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!  In celebration, we all should treat ourselves well today.  :-)

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    Happy V dayyy!!!!  sorry i was not on line all day, I had some bad news from sister. Her doctor called her ant told her he wants now to do Chemo first she lost control and started to cry and argue with him them i got a mgs from my brother to call her and calm her down etc etc 

    After talking to her i asked her to talk to him again and in a calm manner explain to him of her fears. I just hate how doctors play games with us and one day say one thing and the next another. Basically he told her that if he does the surgery first he can assure her that C, could come back in within two years. How dare he say something like that???? I am so angry, I am definitely  taking a flight home, as soon as i see my PS. i will go home i am so upset i need to be there. I ask her to calm down and write everything down then call him back and have the discussion once more.  

    Sand you are a sweet heart, I am glad you did pick up that lady, but please be careful yes i am sorry i am afraid of picking up strangers. As you know i have a trust issue with the entire world lol as blues will say Yes mom lol

    Jazz Thanks for the mgs i wish you a beautiful day , 

    I got a mgs on my black berry from my ex saying happy V day miss rock lol

    long history, i used to call him Rock cuz he had no feelings in his heart at least not for me. Now he says it is me who has a rock instead of a heart lol

    If you guys have a black berry or whatsapp let me know PM me it could be nice to be in contact that way.

    Blues Happy V day!!!!!!

    Tessa please feel better and come back to us...

    Happy V day Marsha and all the singles out there ;))))

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    I thought this is funny


  • bdavis
    bdavis Member Posts: 3,192
    edited February 2014

    Piper... He made Mexican. 

    So today, I went to the grocery store, and couldn't help myself and bought a chocolate heart for my husband. I said to him, even though he doesn't want to be married to me, and doesn't feel for me what I feel for him, I got him a heart. And reminded him that 28 years ago today we had our first date. He thanked me.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2014

    Piper- what a nice thing you did for that young woman. Made you feel good! Have a nice evening with the wee ones!

    Enerva- not great news about your sister. I don't know how a doctor can tell you your cancer is coming back if you don't do what they say? If you don't get it treated, that is another story. Do you think you can get down there to help? I know you are far away and also have your own health. Can you Skype?

    I went to see my breast surgeon today and had an interesting an unexpected conversation about more genetics testing. More on that later, as I have to get out for a walk now. I have a tough time with this doctor as she is a poor communicator (most surgeons are).

    Going out with a friend to hear some music and see some dance tonight! Hope everyone has a lovely evening!

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    Hi, yes i will go home even if i have no $ right now, i ll use my credit card and i ll go, i need to be with my family right now i ll go after i see the PS since i need to know when he can do or not do something for my surgery. I am down today i feel things are just coming and we are not prepared that doctor has no right any way. I ll keep u all posted. 

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    Betsy-what a nice gesture and a beautiful expression of your love. Bittersweet. 

    Oh LIfe my house depresses me so much.

    Hugs E. It has to be hard to be so far from the family and try to piece together what is going on with sissy. And I do know I shouldn't pick random people up.  I am reminded of the chance that myself or a family member may be in the very same position. I am not a trusting person and some might even say my poor old heart is becoming very hard and impossible to penetrate. Truth is, I need to know that there is still a shred of kindness and concern for anothers well-being. And yet the harsh reality smacks me in the face too often. If that woman does something for someone or even for herself (like staying out of that unhealthy relationship) Then a little piece of the puzzle made it's way into place. I never felt unsafe and my 19yo was with me.

    Jazzy hope the music and dance was enjoyable. The "deed" made me feel good, but the woman was feeling better for having been "rescued" from the onslaught of traffic.

    awe Debs, I am sorry they chose this day and at the start of the weekend to deliver those papers. You are not alone. I wish you could have been with us this evening. Of course being with your mom counts for a heck of a lot (and so does being kind to ourselves first)  My family is so little. It is just me and my sissy. I adore her 3 kids. Luckily, they still adore me. hahaha. I am so fortunate to be close with those wee ones. Even though my son is 19, he still enjoys being with them too and he and my sissy are very close. What would we do without family and sometimes we say "oh what to do with them!" :)

    TY for your kind words regarding my recon. My sissy and I were discussing that tonight. And she remarked that my PS is a perfectionist and did right by me. (even though she personally did not like him) LOL! She respected the relationship I had with him and the incredible work he did.

    On that note, Deb-you made me feel so good about myself. It helped to have an opinion from someone outside my circle who understands this surgery. 

    TY TY for boosting my self esteem a bit. So actually did a good deed for me. ( I truly mean that)

    Hugs Tessa and Marsha and anyone I may have missed.

    Off to catch some Z's

    Sweet Dreams

  • grayeyes
    grayeyes Member Posts: 533
    edited February 2014

    Very true, BB, there are people who care about us.

    Bdavis - Maybe the two of you still have a chance.  It sounds like you're so sweet to him.  I can't understand why he would even want a divorce.

    Enerva - That joke you posted was funny.  Thanks for making us all smile.  As for your sister - I'll bet some of us have top oncologists, and not even they can predict the future for us.  Apparently, your sister's doctor is trying to scare her into doing the chemo first.  Thank goodness she has you to talk with her and support her. 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    well here i am just thinking away not been able to sleep, i wish i could drink but i never do and in the past i try to buy wine n never found one to like always ended up cooking with it, now i dont even cook lol so never buy, if u know a nice wine give me some tips. it would hurt to have a glass one day. i am always an ignorant if i enter a liquor store lol  

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    You should just do a big old shot of whiskey or tequila. Why waste the energy and time in drinking wine! LOL.

    In that regard almost everyone I know enjoys Moscato, It is a light fruity, bubbly wine and you can get it pretty cheap. 

    Hugs GF. I know your mind is racing. I wish I could help you in some way besides posting Channing pics and maknig jokes. :(

    big old hugs 



  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    ha ha ha whiskey? oh no way i honestly never drink lol if i had a shot i could get drunk in seconds lol well i heard the wine supposed to be good lol i have bit idea. Its ok i ll stick with hot chocolate or chamomile tea lol 

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    I am drinking hot water and lemon. 


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    ha ha ha that is so true.

    How is every body s weekend? 

    i feel like someone hit me with a baseball bat i need to pick up a few things from the supermarket but at the same time i dont want to get out of my place. One of thoae days.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2014

    Hi single friends- whew, yesterday was hard on everybody, wasn't it? I had my trip to the breast surgeon, others getting court papers, some struggling with others in the family with bc. I am glad V-day is over. I plan to buy myself some left over/half price flowers today at the grocery store to brighten my home. A little trick I learned awhile back, day after any holiday there are good deals in the store on flower arrangements.

    The outing last night was very enjoyable. My friend who invited me is always good at showing up to get me out sometimes when I need it most!
    The dance troupe was from LA and called Contre-Tiempo. They did a performance called Full But Still Hungry about our industrialized food chain and getting back to eating natural foods. Loved it! The theme, the dancing, the venue, etc. The show was just an hour and my friend and I had a couple glasses of wine before hand at the performance center and caught up on our lives since we saw each other at Xmas time. She was one of my greatest supporters during my bc treatment. She is dating three different men, but had no plans for V-day and said "I refuse to stay home tonight!" I am not dating anyone right now, so was not really even anything I thought about the holiday outside of sending the few cards to people I care about. But it was great to go, see her and see some great contemporary dancing. 

    Tonight I am going to a dinner for a good friend whose mother died this week, as I probably mentioned. The week of many passings in my friendship network. All the sympathy cards have been sent, this gathering this evening is the only event I will go to. Everyone else is either in another state or not as close in my network these days, and the cards are acknowledging the things I cannot be present for. Decided all that is more than enough for one week!

    Here is to no more icky couple-ish holidays for awhile.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985
    edited February 2014

    Jazz that is so nice, i have my best friend in Denver, and only a few people i go riding with but dont see them much during winter. They do get together during winter but i never make it. I lost contact with people from the office cuz they really were not nice to me wile i was there so not people i need in my life. I think its due to my ex that i had not a big group of friends since i spent most weekends up north. Now i will start by meeting new friends hopping to find great ones like all of you here ;) 

    This year i must start fresh 

  • sandpiper1
    sandpiper1 Member Posts: 508
    edited June 2014

    I have to work the next 2 nights. I did the dreadmill and now need to grab a quick nap. 

    I had a nice time hanging with my family. We had crab legs, asparagus and asian salad.

    I got lot's of hugs ;)

    I have a plumber coming out Thurs. (UGH)

    Off to snag a few Z'sss

    Catch up with ya all later and have a nice day that involves doing something for you. 

    Oh yeah flowers and Chocolate are 1/2 off. 

    Darn I missed it.

  • jazzygirl
    jazzygirl Member Posts: 11,994
    edited February 2014

    BosumBlues- never say never. Friends are good to have right now and may the old friend will become an even better friend. Sometimes people come into our lives, only to take a greater role later on. 

    I think we all just have to try to stay open to meet new and better people in our lives. Smile