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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    dll - sometimes it is good to drive a tank!  My dad had a cardiac event while driving in a parking lot, hit three cars and then had CPR - he survived, thanks to the kindness of people who stopped to help him, but also because he was driving a 1968 LTD!  The car was 28 years old at the time, lol!

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2012

    Question: Can you do DIEP if you suffer too many infections with TE and Gel implant?

     I notice quite a few on list as having had TE or implant removed due to infection.

    What's plan B, other than going without recon, when one implant causes recurring infections?  



  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    kat - I think most of the infection ladies can have, or have done, a re-do on the TE to implant plan.  Not sure about the autologous recon after infection, most I have seen as plan B have been because of skin healing issues.

  • Katarina
    Katarina Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2012

    Thank you SpecialK -- my infection could have been due to nipple recon that didn't heal. I have a hole where the nipple and skin never healed. I'll see my PS on Friday. I was just curious if anyone has taken an entirely new approach to revision after a number of failed surgical procedures?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    kat - sorry you are experiencing problems!  There was someone who posted here on this thread a while ago who had healing issues after a recurrence.  She had TE but because she had rads with her first dx she had skin issues.  She went for a flap consult but elected to have the TE removed and just go with prosthetics.  You might check on the DIEP threads, they have been around longer, and you may find some ladies whose TE/implant recon failed who chose that route.

  • MondaysChild
    MondaysChild Member Posts: 161
    edited August 2012

    Oh, DLL.  Sorry about the accident. I hope that gets all bad things out of the way for you.  Watch out for yourself going through this final process and be your own best advocate.  We are all rooting for you!

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2012

    DLL - Thank you again for the thoughts.  Sooooo sorry about your car, but glad you are approved for time off.  Hope your pre-op appt goes well.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited August 2012

    Rosetx-Hope your mom is showing signs of improvement

    DLL-Glad you are OK.

    So the packers come today.  I don't think I told you all.  We are moving to Bismarck, ND.  DH got a job offer he just couldn't refuse so in a matter of 3 weeks we have bought a house and started moving 1000 miles.  All my doctors have laughed at me when I said I needed a reference for Bismarck!  We have someone coming to look at our house today.  Things don't sell too quick around here to please saya prayer that maybe we will luck out. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    chick - I know the stress of moving as military wife of 28 years - I hope things go smoothly for you, and that your house sells quickly.  I know how hard it is to move away from everything that is familiar, friends and family.  I hope the new job is all you DH hopes it is, and that your new neighborhood is full of nice people and new friends.  At least this is not happening in the middle of treatment, so your reference request for docs in Bismarck isn't an emergency!  I don't know if it makes you feel better to know that we will be right here, but I hope so.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited August 2012

    SpecialK-Funny as it sounds, but it is comforting to know that I take all my friends here with me.  Don't think the showing this morning well.  They supposedly have their heart set on another home.  But that is under contract and they need a house fast....Already know the neighbor on the left is a heart surgeon!  They have a 3rd grade girl that will go to the same school as my DD and be in her class.  DD is pretty excited.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    Good luck with the move & your hub's new job, chickadee! 

    Thanks, MondaysChild :) Hopefully I will have a well-matched set by the next time we all get together. 

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87
    edited August 2012

    Hi everyone.  I think I need to join your TE Trouble club.  Yesterday I was at the PS and when the PA started to inflate my left TE there was blood. Enough blood that she called the PS to come and do it.  My BC was in my left breast.  My PS was concerned but not that concerned. My left breast (what's left of it) was radiated in April and also had re-excision surgery the end of January.  This was also the first time this year that my left TE was re-inflated.  My RC had my PS deflate both my breasts for radiation.  Has anyone else experienced this problem with blood when there TE's were inflated?  Thank you.  Everyone take care.


  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited August 2012

    Rosex, hope you will be healed shortly.  Thx everyone and SpecialK for the TE length in survey,wow, square boobs for life? Dunno about that,hope the gel implants are rounder.

    Exhausted from search for new oncologist (first one took me off Arimi and refuses to give me anything else,my fiance is worried sick and i am concerned)

    Called the F....g insurance 5 times and they just refer me to their website which keeps going down,thinking of writing to their hdqtrs to let them know what a crappy job they are doing!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    lyn - was there blood withdrawn in the fill syringe, or did you bleed on the skin surface from the syringe puncture? I did have one fill where I bled from the puncture, pretty copiously - got blood all over the gown and soaked through the gauze put on afterward.  It was an isolated incident and didn't continue, or happen again.  Be careful about aspirin or ibuprofen intake - I know some ladies take it for pain relief when getting fills, but it can cause bleeding.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    I had one fill with the adjustable saline implant in which blood started backing up into the syringe. My PS had me wait another week or 2 before we attempted again & everything was fine. I think that in my case, it may have been post-surgical swelling that caused it.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited August 2012

    Rose - so sorry to hear about your mom and am sending goos thoughts your way....

    DLL - are you okay?!?!

    Chick - I had no idea you were moving this quick!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited August 2012

    Special K - No, I didn't have chemo or rads. I've probably been slightly anemic all my life, and the HGB was the only thing that was slightly low. It has to do with my absorption rate or something. 5 surgeries in a year probably didn't help lol. I was in the 13 range last time, hopefully it goes up when I see Onco again in September.  We just got back from a baseball tourney in Atlanta, and DH and I are off to Vegas on Monday. Cannot wait! We are like 2 little kids when we get there. I've got a great shirt that says "Yes they're fake, my real ones tried to kill me". Should be a hit, especially in Vegas haha. 

  • CMartin
    CMartin Member Posts: 237
    edited August 2012 sorry about your mom. I've been off here for a few days.

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2012

    Thanks Tatina and Cindy.  These are long days at the hospital!  That's where I'll spend my birthday tomorrow, but that is so not important right now!  I'm celebrating the fact that my mother is still alive (while hoping there will be quality of life which is yet to be determined).

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited August 2012

    rosetx - you and my daughter share a birthday!  Happy b-day tomorrow!  I am sorry you have to spend it at the hospital but I know there is no toehr place you want to be, hope your mom is gaining strength and holding her own.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited August 2012


    Happy birthday tomorrow....I know how hard it is to have an ill parent....I know it will be a comfort to both you and your mom that you are together tomorrow.

    Many hugs,


  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    I'm fine, thanks Tatina!

    Happy Birthday rosetx & SpecialK's daughter.

    I didn't have to get out my ID or insurance card for my pre-op at the hospital today, LOL. 

  • rosetx
    rosetx Member Posts: 70
    edited August 2012

    Thanks so much Tatina, DLL and SpecialK for the b'day wishes.  And SpecialK, happy bday to your daughter!

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited August 2012

    CRAP, CRAP, CRAP!!! my right noob is starting to drop again.... for now, I'm not telling anyone other than everyone here. okay.  UGH :(

  • GreenMonkey
    GreenMonkey Member Posts: 291
    edited August 2012

    OH, I should have backread first - HAPPY BIRTHDAY rosetx~  (please ignore my rant).  have a beautiful day!

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited August 2012

    GreenMonkey - I just checked out and subscribed to your blog, and wow! I can't believe the mess your original PS created. I hope everything works out OK.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited August 2012

    GreenMonkey, has your PS given you clearance to wear a bra yet? I'm sure that wearing one 24/7 will help keep them in place as soon as you are able to do so.

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2012

    Rosetx- Happy b-day! I hope you receive some good news about your mom today!

    GreenMonkey- I hope your boob stays put!

    To any future wound packer who reads this thread someday looking for comfort- wound packing really does work! It's disgusting as hell, but 2 weeks post surgery my ginormous open surgical incision and TE pocket are healing well! Saw my PS yesterday and he was impressed at how quickly my hole is closing. And I've been doing all the packing changes myself for the past week. It is amazing what we are capable of accomplishing-both physically and mentally - when put to the test!

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2012

    Fluffqueen- btw thanks for suggesting I do a search for wound packing. I don't know why I never thought to do that- but there are a few others of us out there!

    Also- someone had suggested protein shakes to help with healing. I've been doing that- maybe its helped, maybe not. Either way, it's really delicious! If anyone's interested, i use 3/4 cup of almond/coconut milk, 1 banana and few frozen strawberries. (it would taste great with a shot of rum too! ;-)

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited August 2012

    Forgot to mention a scoop of protein powder in above recipe :-)