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  • keepswimming
    keepswimming Member Posts: 8
    edited June 2013

    Thanks Sweetandspecial and Andrea623 for your reply's. Good to know this isn't a forever thing! Good luck to you!

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited June 2013

    Road and Psalm - been a while since I've been on, but so glad you both finally had exchange. Michele, I'm sure you and I have the same new babies from Kaiser, and I am liking mine.

    The fat grafting was great for my tummy, noticeable difference, but he didn't put enough into the hollows of the cancer side... I am determined to not have more surgery unless an emergency pops up, but today when I was changing, my daughter asked why I have so many ridges in foob... I smiled and shook it off, but the reality is, after everything I have been through, shouldn't they be perfect? 

    Also wanted to add to a post I read a couple pages back, I have a friend that has had her squishies a while now, yet developed bad infection and has been in and out of hospital... think we always have to be careful and play it safe :)

  • Keke713
    Keke713 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2013

    Hi girls...I am scheduled to have my last chemo on Monday, and had my last expander fill on Wednesday and had my swap surgery scheduled. So I was so excited to have everything moving along without an issue..well I noticed a few hours ago that my left expander was shrinking and a lot smaller than the right. So I called my PS and she said I must have ruptured it and they would call me Monday with a date and time to switch my expander out with a new one. So my question is, how is that surgey and recovery? And also, since my last chemo is Monday, how can they do the surgery? I know chemo and surgeries aren't usually done around the same time..

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2013

    Keke713: I doubt that it is your fault that the TE ruptured. It is more likely it was pricked during your last fill! I would ask your doc if you can just have your exchange surgery as soon as possible post-chemo... I don't know how long that generally is. When did they have you scheduled for exchange? That will give you a good guesstimate. Hang in there!

    DM13: I know what you mean about being over having surgery (and we have both had our fair share!) and still things don't look as good as they should given all we've been through to get here. I'm with you. As much as I'd like to be more even — my left IMF is an entire inch lower than my right IMF — I'm unwilling to have any more surgery right now. I had my exchange last September; it's only been the last 6 months that I have moved out from under the "cancer" rock and started to do more of the things I used to do. And so I feel more like myself (even though I still feel my right implant 24/7; lefty feels a lot more natural, though I still sense that one too). I am putting up with less physical perfection because I'm putting off more surgery, if that makes any sense... I may change my mind in the future, but I don't want to tempt the skin-healing gods right now! LOL!

    Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and staying cool/dry (depending where you live)!

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited June 2013

    Well I had my exchange two weeks ago Tuesday. My rt breast has damaged skin from rradiation seven years ago. This foob gave my ps a hard time during surgery. Since surgery it has done nothing but weep. I woke up today and both sides are very red and I'm running a fever of 102. She put me on an antibiotic for the next 10 days. Has anyone experienced what I'm going thru?

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited June 2013

    Keke-The exact same thing happened to me!  I was in between chemo 3 and 4, and had my last fill.  My PS waited until 3 weeks after my last chemo to swap TE's to be sure my blood counts were up.  He said he probably punctured the TE during a fill early on and once it reached a certain pressure inside it couldn't hold the saline.  We then refilled which went quickly.  The whole process took about 3 months.  My PS was VERY picky about things.  He liked to overfill.  He also like to let the filled TE sit a minimum of 6 weeks, but preferably longer.  I asked if I could just go straight to implants instead of swapping the TE and he said I could but if I had waited that long why rush things.  In the end you have to do what makes you and your PS comfortable.  I did not find the second TE surgery and fill process to be any trouble at all.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited June 2013

    kathymc: I'm glad you've been in contact with your PS. Is your fever any better today? Please keep monitoring. If you feel worse or the fever does not abate, call your doc ASAP. It's possible you have an infection. Or your body could be trying to reject the implants, or you may not have adequate blood supply to heal properly on the radiation side. In other words, hang in there!! It's hard to know what the peoblem is, time will tell you. I did not have radiation, but had lots of "weeping" from my incision line when I had my TE's. My body also was over-producing fluid (sebum) in response to the surgeries. I did not have adequate blood circulation on my right (cancer) side. I dealt with the weeping/leaking for 5 months, then had the right TE taken out, and we let it heal for 5 months. That was enough time for my body to develop adequate blood supply in the area. I had the TE put back in and though the incision line did not heal right away, it never weeped or leaked again. 9 months later, I had my exchange, and all went well with healing after that. But there was a period of time when my PS thought I would need a LAT flap due to my healing issues. This may or may not be the case for you. I know you have had your exchange already, and you want to be done, and I hope this is simply a response to the trauma of surgery. You know your body best; continue to be aware of any changes or lack of improvement and keep your doctor posted. Keep us posted too. Sending you healing hugs!! 

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited June 2013

    Does anyone have any good tips on getting Steri strips off? My PS told me to take them off in the shower, but they won't budge...

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited July 2013

    Road, mine were on forever. so was the glue. the glue was so bad that when i went in there once, he said, are you planning to keep your foobs glued together for life? I just started laughing. told him I didnt want to disturb anything. He said it was gross and promptly came over and cleaned it all up. 

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2013

    roadwarrior: My last ones were on a really long time. Weeks and weeks. I was told to cut back the peeled part as it lifted off, which I did, but it didn't want to totally come off. My PS removed the remainder (like fluff's did above)... you don't still have them on from January, do you?!?

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2013

    Rennasus - no, they were just put on June 18th and PS said to take them off this week. In the past they've just peeled off on their own but these ones won't  budge...

  • Suerabs
    Suerabs Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2013

    My PS said to soak the strips in baby oil over night and peel off. It works pretty well. There is still glue but it will peel away over time. Soak a cotton ball with baby oil. Soak the strips. Overnight is the key. They also indicated vasoline may be used instead, but I used the oil.

  • sharons
    sharons Member Posts: 177
    edited July 2013

    Hi All - I have been away quite awhile.  Finished chemo 3 weeks ago and feel that my RBC have finally made an appearance.  I have one TE still in that only had one fill, my other one was removed because of an infection.  Had told myself that I would just wait awhile and get my strength back, but wondering if an exchange is possible for the left?  How do you feel afterwards?  Is the recovery quick.  I coach Cross Country and need my strength back to at least ride my bike for workouts when my team returns Aug 25th.

    Not sure what I will do on the right, try the TE again or just let it be.  That side had been radiated with my first cancer 5 years ago and that may have contributed to the poor healing.

    Any advice appreciated.  Should I keep doing what I am doing now, or go ahead with the exchange on the left?

  • MichelleRN78
    MichelleRN78 Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2013

    I saw my PS today.  He says we have options regarding the TE leaking.  Right now we are going to try to fill it every week to see if we can stay on top of keeping it filled.  Fingers crossed.  

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited July 2013

    Michelle, have you thought about having DIEP done instead of implants?

  • MichelleRN78
    MichelleRN78 Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2013

    I am not a candidate for DIEP.  Not enough tissue.  It did not sound like something I would be interested in when it was discussed. 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited July 2013

    MichelleRN-I hope you can stay on top of it.  My PS said that he strongly felt that I would not be happy with the results if I didn't get a new TE and start over with the fills.  I hope this works for you!

  • MichelleRN78
    MichelleRN78 Member Posts: 19
    edited July 2013

    We shall see.  I am still doing chemo so this is the only option at this time.  We can always do an exchange if needed.  It should be a small leak considering it was made with the needle during a fill.  I think last time the fluid took about a week to leak out.

  • dwill
    dwill Member Posts: 248
    edited July 2013

    HI Ladies, I've had four fills at 100 CCs. My MX is on the right side of my chest. My chest is extremely tight and I had to go on pain meds to get through the first coupled days after each fill.  My chest seems to be expanding mostly high and sort of near my underarm.  When I am shopping or completing any activity, the right side of my neck and back becomes so painful.   I also find myself walking around supporting my TE with my left hand. It feels so heavy and tight and so-so uncomfortable.   I take Tylenol--or Vicodin for the pain--not allowed any NSAIDS due to a bleeding issue.  When I am supporting my TE by my left hand, I know people probably think I am holding a breast --sometimes I am  out in public places and feel the need to support it.   When I go to my PS this next time on the 8th, I am going to ask him how come the fills are so high and close to my underarm. I get 100CCs every two weeks but he won't give me a time line of when I am done with the fills. There's also -- like a lump at the bottom of the incision--but the incision area, itself doesn't seem to be expanding much.  Does anyone else have this problem?

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2013

    I too had 100cc fills and had to ask PS to slow down!  50-60 cc fills were sooo much better.  Thanks for the advice found here! Have PS slow down and ask how much he is planning on doing.  The pain will still be there but more tolerable.  I have 800cc now and still have the burning and iron bra feeling.  I have been known to be foob holding as well! It does get very tiring putting up with the weight and pressure.  It felt so much better to tell him this was too much and be in more control of my care.Laughing

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies. I had my first TE fill post surgery on Monday and that night my left breast felt like someone was punching it. It is infected and I'm on antibiotics. Is it normal to have severe pain after fills?

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2013

    Jnprsn - do you have any other symptoms like redness, heat, etc? Did the infection set in after the fill?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone. I'm back! LOL. Been awhile, my last try was a year ago in august. I have a new TE scheduled to go in on my left side August 14 th. Here's hoping third time is REALLY the charm! My right is sitting at 500, since the last fill in Jan. Of 2012. He will put in the left tE at 500 as well. I think he's a bit more than halfway to full. He likes to overfill, but first we have to have the TE stay in long enough to fill. Fingers crossed, been waiting 18 months to have both bumps again.

    Jnpsrn, sometime fills do hurt. There are a lot of people who have pain. But if you are running a fever and you are on antibiotics, call your doc again. He may need you on a different kind.

    Everyone makes it out like reconstrucgion is so easy, and for many it is, however, not for all. So take heart, most people do finish anyway! Much love.

  • jnprsn
    jnprsn Member Posts: 59
    edited July 2013

    One of the drains got infected 3 days before removal. The fluid was dark green. I was put on antibiotics that day (Monday). No other symptoms. Just major pain the night of the fills. Drain site still hurts too. Im hoping the pain is better with next fill.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Jn, maybe you should just hold off on the fill till all the issues are gone? Because of what happened to me, perhaps I am too cautious, but, you are in charge, and if you want to wait a bit, or get smaller fills, so what. The point is to finish, not be the fastest. Much love.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies! Moonflwr, WOW your story gives all hope. You have been very patient and patience is rewarded in the world of TE's! I added you to the surgery list.

    For the ladies dealing with pain from the weight of the TE's: It sounds like you may need a compression vest. I know it's summer and that is a major PITA but, that is how I got through all my TE trouble... many of you probably already have one; you are usually sent home wearing one after MX. (Yes, that ugly thing!) Although it was challenging to hide the straps and the high V neck of it, I found the compression factor very comforting and comfortable. It needs to be a vest (not a bra) because a vest will cover you at least an inch or two below your IMF line at the base of your foobs and provide you with support. And a lack of support may be causing some of you to feel the need to hold up your foob. 

    Happy 4th and may this summer bring needed healing to all! Embarassed

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2013

    Rennasus-What a roller coaster I've been on. Saw infectious disease dr on Monday. She took a culture and scheduled me for a picc line on Wednesday. I went back on Tuesday for my first round of antibiotics. After being stuck four times and them not being able to find a vein they sent me to the hospital to get the picc line put in. I then had to go back and sit there for 90 minutes while the first antibiotic went thru. I administered my own antibiotic at home Wed and Thurs and went back to the dr today. They got the results back and felt the antibiotic I was on wasn't strong enough. They also thought the infection was getting worse so I am now scheduled to have the right implant removed on Monday. I developed a bright red bubble underneath the incision that doesn't look good. At this point my PS doesn't think she can ever put another implant in. I'm going to take at least a six month break to research my options.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Kathymc, hugs. Boy, do I know what you are going through. I needed a picc line for my first TE failure. They had to insert it in the hospital-- after they took out my TE. Then I was Ion antibiotics for six weeks. I had a nurse come every day. Not fun. My second try was, I think, way too soon. I did it just two months after PFC. And just six months after the first TE. Not good. My PS wrote in his notes, " I WILL NOT BE IN ANY HURRY TO REIMPLANT. " Yeah. Was on abx for 6 wks the infectious disease Dr put me on. Gave them to myself via my port ( had to go in, have it acessed, every week. And keep it accessed. ) for three weeks, and two weeks on oral. But, the past year really made me heal. When I went in to see him last months he asked if I wanted to try again. Get that? HE. ASKED. ,NOT ME! So of course, I said YES. A lot is riding on this. If this implant doesn't make it, my knees will never get dine. My ortho would not do my knees because of the chance of infection, and as he said, "Removing a breast implant is one thing. Removing a knee implant is another !". so I am so hoping for this to work. Oh, sorry I said so much, I guess I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. And that there is hope even after that implant comes out. If your ps won't do it again, you'll just find some one who will talk to you and get it done. Much love.

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2013

    Thank you moonflw912. I am looking forward to surgery. As crazy as that sounds I want this implant out. I need the recovery time mentally and physically. I will certainly take my time making the decision on where to go from here. I wish you luck on your surgeries.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    KathyMc- Your silicone/or normal saline site got infected? Are is it the TE side that has become infected.?

    I am asking because I recently had silicone implants, although I don't think there is an infection..They are not perfect.One side is noticeably different one side appears that it is dropping while the other side appears higher and firmer.The side that I had the infection on a year ago is the side that appears to be dropping and softer and smaller.anyone out there please comment.I am having anxiety thinking has the implant Ruperted or what.What is the normal progression, if there is such a question or answer.