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  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    KathyMc- sorry I went back and read your post, I totally understand.cyber hugs ))))))))

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Psalm, I never got as far as an implant. BUT ii have been on the boards 18 months and read a lot. There is actually a term, " fluff and drop" for implants as they settle into their permanent place and shape. I will let those ladies who had this happen reassure you, but I didn't want you to worry too much. someone will be on soon to help I am sure.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    Moonflwr912-You are fantastic, thank you for replying.Just knowing that someone is there helps decrease the anxiety.

  • kathymc
    kathymc Member Posts: 21
    edited July 2013

    My first infection was on the left side and they took the expander out. This infection is on the right side and they took the implant out today. Have you talked to your PS? If you suspect any problems call them. I've not had time to notice placement issues with my implants. I've been fighting this darn infection for three weeks. Good luck and let me know how you make out.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2013

    Psalms91 - my infection with TE was on the left. I just got silicones and the left appears to be drooping more - although it's not that noticeable. I hope it evens out with time.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    roadwarrior28-the side that I had to have the TE removed and replaced,now with the implant seems to be dropping more that the side that the expander did not have to be removed due to an infection....Just waiting.

    Will keep you posted

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    BTW I know I should of kept notes along the way,but I did not think I would be here.Fnally! My question to the entire board : I need some Bra recommendations please. No under wire.My PS told me to massage the implant daily to prevent ....something I cannot remember but it helps to alleviate rupture.Anyone heard of this?

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2013

    Psalms91 - I had my exchange 3 weeks ago and wear underwire with no problems. Weird how doctors say different things to everyone. My PS was fine with it as long as it felt comfortable. 

    Massage is to prevent capsular contracture. Mine told me to push mine in and up.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2013

    KathyMC: I'm so sorry to hear you had to have the impant removed! OY!!! Focus for now on healing up and getting rid of that infection. Your body apparently needs the break! {{{hugs}}}

    Psalms: My left implant is lower than my right. Two things going on there: the left side had the TE in for 18 months, so my muscle had already "dropped and fluffed" and the implant has always been lower than my right (trouble) side.  I have an add'l problem, though; my left IMF line was compromised and now rests an inch lower than my right. My right implant took about 4 months to drop. It sat much higher and was very noticable. The skin and muscle on that side had been traumatized with all the TE trouble, so it took a while for the implant to settle in. It is still higher than the left side (despite the IMF differences) and will likely always look different. Unless I go in and have a re-do to fix the left IMF and raise it up. Which I am not in the mindset to do. I want 2013 to be a surgery-free year! But that also means I can't do tatts b/c I'm not even. SO all that is to say that I think it is normal for one side to drop before the other, and for those of us who have had TE issues, it makes sense that one side would behave differently. PS I have some capsular contracture on my righty (TE trouble) side. That has also hindered my right side from dropping any further.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Ok, I'm going to get Lago on here to post the " massage" video. It's hilarious, and yet you will know what to do! LOL.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited July 2013

    Moon..this is for you.

    breast implants cartoons, breast implants cartoon, breast implants picture, breast implants pictures, breast implants image, breast implants images, breast implants illustration, breast implants illustrations

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2013

    Now thats funny. lmao

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited July 2013

    Sorry I've been a bit busy, MIA. I did find the infamous gif. I think they slowed it down a bit though. Much funnier when it went faster:

    I tried to speed it up a bit. Much funnier that way:

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Lago, but, unfortunately, it won't work on my phone. Anybody get it to work? LOL. Thanks, Fluff, that's sooooo true! LOL

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    Oh that the way to massage the implant. I definitely did not use that technique.yes I could view it with the massage being done.

    Rennasus and Roadwarrior28 thanks for the information. I won't panic

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited July 2013

    That's not how my PS has me doing it.  He has me pushing from the outer lower edge, with 2 hands up and over to the middle then holding for 10 seconds before releasing. I think they would both work since you are just displacing the implant but I would check with your PS first.

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2013

    Hey is my implant suppose to do that???? lol

    Guess I will have to work on it.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited July 2013

    Umm... that video is hilarious! Don't think I can do that even if I tried! I just sort of push mine around when I take showers

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Thx, Lago, I knew we needed a laugh on this board!

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited July 2013


    LMAO too funny is this what we should expect when we get exchange

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited July 2013

    Mine don't displace that much but her boobies are bigger than mine  (-•-)(-•-)

    Glad I could make you all laugh. I've never been on this thread before. Little late for me to join

  • Binc
    Binc Member Posts: 71
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies- I haven't posted in a while, but I do read this thread pretty regularly as you all were very helpful during my TE infections! I'm still waiting for my exchange surgery, which is finally scheduled for October 17th. I needed a mental break from all the surgeries and just wanted to enjoy the summer without having to worry about more Picc lines and complications. My TE's are still unevenly filled, but even my PS was reluctant to mess with my right trouble making TE. Once the second infection cleared, we decided to leave well enough alone!

    Lago- that video is hilarious! I can't imagine my girls ever having that much mobility again. It looks like she's going to pop her implant!

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2013

    Ok, BINC, you're on the surgery list.

    Lago: Thanks for the levity! I def. do not massage properly according to that video! LOL!

    Psalms: Stay cool and calm!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited July 2013

    Wow looks like photobucket feels that image is obscene. Had to host somewhere else. Too funny

  • mamasixtaz
    mamasixtaz Member Posts: 156
    edited July 2013

    Loved the massage video, too bad they stopped it! Needed that after PT as I was so wiped out! No way can I do that with these TEs! My muscles are so sore and tired, burning and tight, but will keep up the therapy, hoping it helps! Still cant wait for exchange Sept 25Th, seems so long to wait.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Well, it was fun while it lasted! LOL. Have a great weekend, everyone!

  • dragonfly220
    dragonfly220 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    Yes - that video is hilarious!

    Can't wait to get the permanent implants in to see if this is what my PS recommends - but at least I know now to ask!

    On a different topic - I want to ask a question.

    I had my DMX on May 9th. I have had 5 fills to my TE (two more planned) with the switch from TE to implants scheduled for Aug 19th. Of course my PS goes on Vacation this last week and naturally I thought - Yeah - I will get a break from having a fill this week and relax some and hopefully be in less pain. Well that was not the case.

    I was feeling pretty good up until this Wed. In fact, Monday I felt the best I had ever felt since the surgery on May 9th (my fills are generally on Tues). Then all hell broke loose and I woke up Wed morning in terrible pain in my left exterior side. I made it to work but with extra pain meds and only made it until lunch. Had to leave early everyday this week due to the pain. The more I moved the more it hurt. Its doesn't feel like an feels more like the expander got twisted somehow and is rubbing in all the wrong places:-). it is even starting to bruise on the exterior side of my left breast. Since my Doc has been on vacation all this week I kept telling myself that the pain would ease up and I probably just over did it since I was feeling so much better.

    Well still not feeling any better and actually feeling worse. I am scheduled for a fill on Tues and nefarious as heck that I won't be able to handle it. I emailed the doc yesterday to give him a heads up on what is going on, but have not heard back from him yet.

    Has anyone had their TE become twisted or out of place and been in pain bc of it?? what does the doc do??  Will I have to have it removed? Since I only have two fills left I think I may opt to just have smaller implants and deal with pain until the surgery. Any Advice??



  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited July 2013

    dragonfly220 just because your PS goes on vacation doesn't mean he won't have some other doctor covering for him. You should not be in that much pain, all week. It could be you just have too much of an fill and they need to let a little out till you're ready for the next one. I had 10 expansions but the last 3 required Aleve for about a day.

    call the doctor's office! They have people on call.

  • dragonfly220
    dragonfly220 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Lago! I think I will call today. I have had to be on valium and Norco during this whole process off and on (especially after a fill). And I never take meds unless I really need them. Up untill the surgery I had not had antibiotics for over 4 years or any meds for that matter.This week however, I would not have been able to take care of kids and work without them.. this week has been unbearable. Ill call...thanks again.


  • dragonfly220
    dragonfly220 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    Ok texted my doc and he is going to see me tomorrow. YEAH! Still not sure what is causing so much pain on one side in one area.

    Anyone else have this problem?? It kindof feels like something is poking or rubbing the skin against the TE on the outside area under the arm. I have not had this much pain since the initial dmx.

    Hopefully it is nothing serious and the doc can simply rearrange my TE??

    Just know I can't handle a fill with this pain. Hopefully the PS will have some answers for me tomorrow.