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  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited July 2013

    LOL, Lago, you never cease to make me laugh!

    I know I'm only 10 days out from exchange, but I hate how they look so wide and flat! Righty (rads side) is smaller, and seems a bit higher. I didn't expect perfection, but I don't think I expected the width either. I just feel like I look weird. I hope with time, I have more projection, and can get used to these puppies.

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2013

    Living with TE's all year and soo ddamn tired of it.  Surgery was feb 28 and still no surgery date set.  My right side had previous radiation and a large amount of skin removed during BMX surgery and isnot looking good yet.  After my last fill my Ps had me wait 6 weeks-ugg  I just had a follow up and small fill 45 cc and am sent home to wait another 6 weeks!!!  Gawwwd when will this be over?  sorry all, just had to vent a bit.:)

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited July 2013

    Vent away, GreenCowgirl, that's what we're here for. How's the rads side coming along? I hated waiting 10 months between my surgery and exchange, but due to rads, had to wait. The last month was torture! It's not like I even thought about the TEs much during the day, but I couldn't sleep comfortably with them. How many more fills will you need? Hang in there!

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2013

    Hi Andrea,  The trouble is I do not know nor have any answers now.  I have sever pain during the day if i sneeze or attempt any jarring activity and yes sleeping stinks!  My righ side had rads in 2010 and is not wanting to stretch, though skin is good/healthy, they removed all the cance/prior surgical scars and that left the skin very distorted on the right breast.  They are just filling and waiting, the pa does not know and to top it off my ps is out of commission due to a bad bike/truck accident.  He is expected back in clinic in sept, but surgery will be up in the air.  Mayo staff asked if i want to see another PS, and i don't know what to do.  So he cannot give any firm ansers for me, noone know what to do.  I feel helpless and not having a future date to look forward to makes it seem even longer.  I have 700cc implant and i am now at 795.  The left side is done, just hanging out/waititng for right to catch up.  I hope to get the surgery in this year since i have met my out of pocket max for the year, self emplyed insurgance is $$$$.  Thanks for lending an ear when very needed! 

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited July 2013

    That must be so frustrating for you! I know I'd be going a bit crazy not having answers, or at least some sort of time frame. If your PS is going to be out till September, perhaps you should see another surgeon. At least you might be able to get some answers. 

    You're already filled to 795? On both sides? How do you like their appearance? If that size is good for you, maybe you don't need/want any more fills. I was only filled to 310 on the left side, and 340 on the rads side. I don't think I could have gone any larger. I had too much back pain, and my skin felt like it was going to split. Originally I thought I'd want to go larger, but in the end, I decided I was fine with the size they were. 

    I hope things start looking up for you soon. (((Hugs)))

  • mshelton
    mshelton Member Posts: 23
    edited July 2013

    Leslie-- Please let us know how you are doing.  Hope they can clear up the infection quickly.

    My TEs have been miserable.  When falling asleep, a few times when half awake I would be thinking I needed to take off my bra--to only wake up to realize that it was the TEs.  At first it felt like a had an extremely tight belt or at times a wire (I envisioned a clothes hanger wire) squeezing me tight right under the breast area --at what I would think of as the bottom at the bra line.  The muscles that had been placed over the TEs on the top would also be tight, seemed to be digging into and very uncomfortable.  I would have to take hydocodone to sleep at night. It has gotten better over time.  But not enough to ever allow me to forget that I have foreign objects in my chest due to the tightness.  Maybe more time will help. 

    I'm hoping that the exchange will eliminate the feeling.  If not, then I'm going to wish I had gone flat.  Oh, and I wanted to go smaller.  I was filled half at surgery and fully expanded the second time to 700 ccs in each.  One expander is sortof flat and spread out, and the other is higher and perky.  Unexpectedly, now I'm having rads (on the perky side).  No telling how long it will be before i can do the exchange. just going it a day at a time and trying not to fret.  It is what it is.

  • melmcbee
    melmcbee Member Posts: 371
    edited July 2013

    Lago you are so funny. I love your pictures.

    Greencowgirl, I would be frustrated too. I hope you get answers soon

    Andrea, I felt the same way about mine. Hamburger bun effect. I still dont think mine have dropped and fluffed. But Im happy with them.

    Healing hugs to all

  • charlee114
    charlee114 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2013

    New to the forum.  Here is my story with TE.  In Jan. of 2011 I went in for TE surgery.  My doctor used to 'ancient' expanders that has external ports instead the newer updated versions that have the ports built into the expander where the nipple would be.  I had complications with these ports hurting and causing debilitating pain.  The left port was placed near the breast fold on top my ribs and the right one was on the side under my arm pit.  The left side hurt so bad I couldn't move.  I would scream bloody murder just getting up from the couch or bed to adjust.  I managed to makeshift a band using the elastic bottom of a sports bra. I was able to lift up on the port then place the band on it. This bruised me but bruises felt better than the excruciating pain I was in.  About a week after the surgery I woke up and the right expander was FLAT! I had to go in to have it replaced.  Then a week after that I woke up and the left expander was FLAT... (they had the same lot number). On Feb. 22 I noticed a change in color of my left breast. It was fire engine red. I called my PS (she was an hour away from me and out of town for a convention) She told me if it got worse to go to the ER.  It got worse..that evening it busted open. If you have ever watched a gore film and the effects they use when someone gets an appendage cut off..thats what my boob did..a bloody watery substance spewed out like an artery when cut.  I went to the ER. I was given Vancomycin until the culture came back...I started itching, swelling and welts began to from all over my on top of the infection I was allergic to Vancomycin.  I made an appointment and was point on antibiotics..unfortunately I was unable to keep the expander.  The infection compromised the TE.  It was removed in March 2011.  My right side was replaced with an implant in Aug of that year.  I had a couple surgeries to help reduce scar tissue on the left side.  My plastic surgeon didn't complete my surgery as she felt the need to abandon her patients to move to TX to get married. She gave me a weeks notice, others were not so lucky as they found out by driving to the office and seeing a letter posted. When I asked her to recommend another surgeon she told me to talk to my general surgeon that performed my double mastectomy whom I hadn't been a patient of in over a year.  After a long search I found a doctor that would take my medicaid. It was a 2.5 hour drive but after I met him It was worth it.  I started over with my TE surgery.  This time the better TE were used.  I had no complications with the expanders until my last fill. I was filled to about 400cc wanted to go bigger but my skin was telling me a different story.  It was finished with expanding and I had to listen.  On April 1 of this year (2013) I had my transfer surgery.  On April 10th I had to go in for an emergency surgery as the incision on the left side opened up. There was no infection this time but knew time was crucial.  He put outside stitches that time along with the triple inside stitching. The scar is more noticeable now but at least I have boobs and since then no problems.  The left side looks different and profile isn't has high because of scar tissue. The right side always feels numb and aches frequently.  This I believe is due to the nerve damage from axillary dissection. My implants have never felt as if they were a part of me...simply a foreign object inside me that sometimes I wish I could rip out but this is it for me if I want to have boobs.  With time the numbness should get better..but more than likely will never go away.

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2013

    Andrea,  I am thinking about seein another ps in the group i have heard excellent things about.  The left is done at 650 becasue i have lots of extra skin on that side.  The right side they keep making bigger becasue it looks deformed due to the large amount of skin removed during bms surgery and the prior radiation fromm 2010.  So its not about how big i want to be, its about trying to get a decent apperance witht hese things working against me.  they want to keep going to stretch it out more.  Right now i will need a reduction/lift on the left breast skin which will be sized to match the problem right breast.  I have to wear genie bras with pads to try and even things out.  the right side is high and tight and the left side is low and loose-hahah, am i painting a pretty picture???  Yes the back pain is out of this world!  I said i would be willing to go smaller but they said it does not matter, we still gotta stretch the deformed boob out or it will look funky at exchange.  Exchange, whenever i get there will be a pretty big deal, lots of alloderm on right with fat grafting from thighs.  Also may have a reverse trunk lift to bring more skin up to create mammo fold.  The left will have reduction/lift, and fat grafting.

  • LilLadie
    LilLadie Member Posts: 22
    edited July 2013

    Hi everyone! It's been several months since I have been on here. Everyone was such a great support system. Aug 9th will be my 1 yr anniversary for being cancer free. My baby girl just turned 16 months and is completely healthy! Wow, she is a trooper to have been in the womb and gone through this with me! We both remained strong through the chemo. In March I had the left TE placed once again. No infection this time and its coming along nice. On July 17th I underwent a complete hysterectomy, tubes and ovaries removed. Also, my doctor performed an appendectomy because studies are showing men and women are beginning to develop cancer in the appendix that can go undetected for some time.

    Well, after 3 days after the surgery and I'm already up and walking around. I feel great and like a new woman! Going through all that hell is worth it sometimes. I have a new outlook on life. Many of the women here were an inspiration and help me through the bad times. Thank you ladies!

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited July 2013

    LilLadie, glad to hear everything went well and that life for you is good. Congratulations on a happy, healthy baby girl!

    Today lefty is looking a lot larger than righty (rads side). My left side naturally was a little larger, but now it's noticably different. I hope it will change, because I'm not really very happy with how it looks right now. 

  • andrea623
    andrea623 Member Posts: 572
    edited July 2013

    Charlee114, wow, what a journey you've been on! How are you feeling now?

    Greencowgirl, I think seeing a second PS would be a good idea. The new one may have other ideas that will work for you than your previous PS, and I think you'll feel better knowing there is someone there who can answer your questions right away. Good luck, and keep us updated!

  • GreenCowgirl
    GreenCowgirl Member Posts: 80
    edited July 2013

    Andrea I think yo are right about seeing another ps, but it feels like cheating on the first one.  How silly, right, but you get emotionaly invested in these Docs.  the one i have is crazy good, so do i want to risk second best??  Well there is plenty of time to wait while my damn right boob get with the programs.  back pain helll today compliments of Te's and 45 cc fill.  Good times!  So i rode my horse anyway, just cant get to crazy yet.  thanks for your support, really needed it!!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited July 2013

    Lillady, I am happy things are working out for you.

    Green, I vote for a second opinion. And I am sorry you had a bad time. I am trying for a third time.on my left side. My right side has the original te placed on Dec. 9,.2011. that's right, been sitting at 500 cc for almost 20 months. I am hoping third times the charm, and that the right side lasts and can take the fills to come without leaking or blowing out! LOL. I think he's going for over 700. I was large to begin with, they removed over 640 cc tissues in one piece each side during the bmx. so I definetly feel your pain.

    Charlee, welcome and so sorry you had such a rough time.

  • dragonfly220
    dragonfly220 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    Well a while back (July 9th) i woke up in a lot of pain with my TE. I hadn't had a fill in over a week and was feeling great the day before so I made an appt to see the dr. He said most likely something became "detached". Does anyone know what he meant by "Detached"?. Is he talking about the mucsle that is used as the pocket for the expanders?

    I had had 5 fills already and was scheduled for 2 more with my my exchanged scheduled for Aug 19th. Due to the increase in pain I opted to forego any more fills and up my surgery to Aug 1st. Which I am very glad I made that decision two weeks ago bc I am still in a lot of pain and on pain meds around the clock. 

    I am so glad to hear that most of you say the exchange is going well and you feel much better now. I am very nervous about the increase in pain and hoping that with the exchange will help the pain go away. The doc said they did not look infected and that I would have to wait it out until surgery. Basically just rest and take meds. I can hardly work or even drive at this point.

    I'm soooo ready for the exchange!! Can't wait. How long was it before most of you went back to work/daily routines after the exchange?? I only took off 3 weeks off after the BMX, so I am hoping 2 weeks off the exchange?? Am I dreaming??  

    I am so sorry to hear about Lesley's infection - hang in there and glad you went to the ER. I am also sending you prayers:-). Kick that infection's BUTT!! rest and let the doctors/nurses take care of you. I hope you are already feeling better! keep us posted.


  • dragonfly220
    dragonfly220 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    Well - after reading more posts this morning, after posting myself this morning, I want to give a big "SHOUT OUT" to all of you!! I really can't complain about a couple weeks of pain considering what everyone else on here has gone through! I consider myself very lucky that I did not have to have rads and only waiting a few more weeks for the exchange is nothing compared to what most of you had to endure. I will be praying for all of you and glad this sight is available - it really has helped me put things in perspective and made me realize how lucky I am. You have all given me Strength!

    Peace and prayers,

    Dragonfly (heather)

  • Suerabs
    Suerabs Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2013


    I was off 3 weeks BMX and 1 week post exchange. It's doable for sure! Good luck to those in pain, struggling, or just healing. I am fortunate that my journey has not been horrible.

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2013

    I understand the tern iron bra now.I definitely felt that with the TE's.I am still aware of the silicone implants.Very strange.However softer than the TE's.I am just waiting since I am only 5 weeks out.

  • dragonfly220
    dragonfly220 Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2013

    Thanks Suerabs!  How long did you have the TEs? How are you feeling now?? 


  • Suerabs
    Suerabs Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2013

    Had the TEs for about 6 months. I am feeling great! Back to mowing and trimming, running on treadmill. My attitude was to slowly get back into normal things when I felt able. I am not one to sit. I have 3 kids and we are constantly busy. I had no time for down time! But like I said this journey has been good to me and I'm so very fortunate that my recovery has gone well.

  • Lucky777
    Lucky777 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2013

    I don't know the best place to post this, but here goes. I have 500cc TE filled to 800cc, I look huge. My PS says he always overfills.I was a 36C before bilateral mastectomy. I have told the PS that i want to be be the same size. I just bought a sport type bra it is a 40 DD! I have to go to work next week and I am having a hard time finding clothes to wear. I work in a blue collar job with all men. I am not looking forward to showing up with these monstrosities. Does anyone have some come back to comments by insensitive men? I will probably cover up with big shirts. I usually wear t shirts but one of the TE is way too far to the side so I look deformed in a t shirt.

    Thanks for any help.

  • Suerabs
    Suerabs Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2013

    My 2 cents is to layer. Tank or tee with shirt over that. When you go from pre breasts to reconstruction or TE they are wider for sure. Just how the implements sit. I work with all women so I can't shed any light on that. Just be comfortable.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies...

    Final (hopefully) surgery is scheduled for August 14th.  It's a revision on the left side to even everything out.  The tattoo guy said that he didn't want to put any color on until the PS had everything even.  I agree with him.  So PS is just going to "clip" the skin down underneath left breast.  Shouldn't be anything too horrible. 

    I'm getting an endometrial biopsy on Monday.  I thought my periods had stopped, and Onco thinks that I'm in the beginning stages of Peri Menopause and said that my cycle would fluctuate that that's pretty normal.  Now I've had 2 periods in 3 weeks, which of course causes some worry.  I called Onco & they weren't concerned with it.  Called OB and she wants to do the biopsy.  I guess it's a good thing, being proactive and all that stuff.  It just bothers me that taking Tamoxifen could cause harm to other parts of my body.  Cross fingers that everything is OK:)  It never ends, does it?

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited July 2013

    Anyone hear from Green Monkey lately?  I've been thinking about her.

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2013

    Hi ladies...I am in so much pain with my TE. I had 120cc filled yesterday and it is so big it feels like it is going to explode! I had to work which was rough and I have to work tomorrow.  I am on medication to help prevent scar build up but can't take anything during the day but tylenol...which isn't helping at all!  How long did your pain last and is there anything to do to relieve pressure?? Should I try to stretch??? Ughhh...this sux!! 

  • Suerabs
    Suerabs Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2013

    I never had a bigger fill than 60 ml. That's a lot for the skin and muscles to stretch on. Maybe you could ask your ps to do smaller fills.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    edited July 2013

    CLYDAY my PS filled slowly as well. Probably 60cc or less. The last 3 though I had discomfort for about 24 hours. I took an Aleve right after the fill. If it's bothering you that much your PS can take some out to relieve the discomfort.

    CLYDAY Member Posts: 40
    edited July 2013

    That was my last fill thank goodness. I'm hoping the pressure eases up. I can't take alleve due to other meds..only tylenol during day...I hate taking pain pill but this hurts! ThAnks for sharing!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited July 2013

    Hi Ladies, been away from the boards for a bit but wanted to give a shout out to all still struggling.

    Andrea623: Wait for the drop and fluff, which can take months, but you will notice improvement in hiow high the implants sit. Not sure about width issues. But I am also uneven. Nature of the BC/mastectomy beast!

    Charlee114: Thank you for sharing your story about all of your complications. I am so glad you are on the other side of it now. It's helpful for others to read about *all* of our stories, good and bad, so that we can learn what to watch out for with regard to TE Trouble. Again, thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about the implants feeling like foreign objects still. I still feel that way too.

    Greencowgirl: I understand the feeling of allegience to your PS. I've also found that, even in a big city, the PS's that do recon all seem to know each other (or know of each other). That makes it feel even more like cheating when you get a second opinion! But as with everything in this whole cancer ride, we have to do what is best for *us* and no one else. So listen to your gut. If it's telling you to get a 2nd opinion, do so. ;-)

    Lilladie: Rest up and interesting about the appendectomy!

    Moonflwr912: Girl, you take the cake for having a TE in the longest I think! I know you will continue to keep us posted.

    Dragonfly22: Resume your activities slowly. You can get a feel for how you'll heal after exchange by the way you healed after your MX. If you were slow to heal after MX, expect the same after exchange. Always best to err on safe and slow side. 

    Momof3infla: Sorry to hear you need a uterine biopsy. :-( Please keep us posted! I will add your revision surgery to the list above. Regarding GreenMonkey: She is done with radiation! (see her blog post last week) And she is back home and enjoying summer before her Sept. surgery to remove her tumor.

    Psalms91: I still have the iron bra feeling. Well maybe now it's just a plastic bra feeling. But it's a feeling that never goes away (like SpecialK also said). Some women do not even notice their implants; I think we're all different, our muscles are different, we have scar tissue and other trauma, so we all feel things differently. All that matters is if you feel good! Or good enough. Because heaven knows recon isn't perfect. I wish I felt better about all my reconstruction and my outcome, but I'm over having surgery and I just want to move on and if I am still bothered by my uneveness in a year or two, I'll consider going back under the knife. But for me, right now, it's more important that I feel strong and normal again (or at least a semblance of normal!). You have been through the mill, I suspect normal is also what you are after. We will get there!

  • patriciahurtado
    patriciahurtado Member Posts: 85
    edited July 2013

    Ohhhh all this trouble for our life's to get back.... But slowly but surely my ladies FAITH....... I'm still with radiation ... But I hope my skin heals good for recontruction no TE on my right but I will lotion all day thanks sisters!!