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  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    specialk I feel for you. Just sucks. I'm sorry you didn't get a second opinion from the doc. I think you are correct on the malpractice idea. All docs are wary of that. But we'll keep praying and maybe that little stubborn spot will heal. Much love

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2014


  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,306
    edited April 2014

    Special - did I understand that you are at a military facility?  Maybe you can try another group.  Even if you have to pay for a 2nd opinion, it might be good just to talk to someone else.  I paid to talk to another PS a couple of years ago when I was so frustrated w/mine.  Turned out this 2nd guy no longer did reconstructions only enhancements, but he had the experience to discuss all my fears & problems w/me.  

    So sorry you're having to go through this.  Hugs.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2014

    minus - thanks!  I have military insurance, and my care is based on referral from the military treatment center, but all of my care is from outside civilian providers for all aspects of my BC treatment.  The only BC stuff I do there is imaging and echocardiograms, they have no oncology or surgical staff. My docs are all in private practice, as is the one I was seeking a second opinion from.  I have one more potential option with a PS that practices at Moffitt, the only NCI designated cancer center in FL, and it is right down the street from me.  

  • AZ85048
    AZ85048 Member Posts: 1,467
    edited April 2014

    Hoping and praying that you can get in to that PS at Moffitt, SpecialK.  (It's about time you caught a break, don't you think?)  

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    SpecialK, I can't believe the 2nd surgeon wouldn't see you. (Actually I can believe it but it just isn't right!). It's such a defensive move. Sometimes seeing so done else who says similar things is what you need to convince yourself that you are doing the right thing. Don't give up!

  • Lissab
    Lissab Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Special K. Sorry to hear of your troubles. I hope you heal up quickly & fully. I'm excited to see if my skin is healing when he takes my bandages off. A week ago I didn't even want to look at it. Funny how time changes things. I'm praying my skin is healing the way it should. I'm ready too move to next steps even though I know it will be a few months. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2014

    previvor - defensive is exactly how I would describe her response, but I guess she values protecting her fellow PS more than helping a patient, and I have zero animosity toward my current PS, I just need some reassurance that we are indeed out of options.  Knowing her rep I was quite surprised by this, particularly in light of actually having met and talked with her several times when with my friend, who is her patient!

    AZ - thanks!  Yes, I would like a break, please!  Do you know where I can find one?  Lol!

    lissa - yay for healing! 

  • Lissab
    Lissab Member Posts: 65
    edited April 2014

    Curious to know when they put expander in 2nd time. Is it as painful as 1st time?

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    Lissa. NO  remember the first time you had a mastectomy! This is a world of differebce. More like an exchange. During one of my re implant TES he did the mudflaps and that was a bit harder but nowhere near my pain. 

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited April 2014

    SpecialK, I can't remember if you are one behind me. It is a three year program. I go back next week for the bloodwork followup. Then, one more injection trip and bloodwork trip in October and I'm done.

    Kind of a bummer because the nurse manager is trying to get pregnant (she is 37, I think). Would have been nice to see her with a little one.

    Lissa, it is a lot easier. However, the day after the implants were put back in, I decided I felt great and would go show a young couple a few houses. That was a mistake, lol. Thank heavens my husband drove me. After the first hour, I was wiped out and really sore. Got home and didn't move for two days. Take it easy for a couple days. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2014

    fluff - I am not a full one behind you - I am done in December.  I actually got a call today from my nurse coordinator to nail down the dates in June and July for my next one.  I just got my plane tickets today - used frequent flyer miles for both, so basically free.  They will continue to follow us on the phone after that so you may still be in touch with your coordinator, and maybe she can email you some pics!

  • NJmomof3
    NJmomof3 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2014

    Hi Lissab,

    Just back from the hospital. My swelling didn't go away, and I started to get the telltale spreading redness of Cellulitis on my left breast so I had emergency surgery Friday night. My PS took out my left TE, power washed my pocket out, and inserted a new TE. I think I'm lopsided now: my right side has 450ccs and the left has 400ccs. 

    From my experience, the surgery didn't hurt much. Laughing hurts a bit, and the drains are painful, but I don't feel much else - probably because the nerves have already been cut. I had to stay in the hospital until Monday b/c The infectious disease Dr put me on some really nasty IV antibiotics - and wanted to make sure I got plenty of infusions until the culture came back. I had a Staph infection (somehow?), but at least it wasn't MRSA!  I was going nuts in the hospital because I wasn't sick - I never had a temperature from the Staph infection, little pain from the surgery, so basically I just explored Mt. Sinai hospital - and it's big!  It was hard to stay indoors all weekend, especially since Central Park was right across the street. 

    I'm hoping this is the end of my adventure and the rest of the reconstruction is uneventful!


  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited April 2014

    NJ mom I'm hoping the same for you. 

    Much love. 

  • Previvor101
    Previvor101 Member Posts: 126
    edited April 2014

    NJM, hopefully all the bugs have been sent packing and everything goes smoothly from now on! At least you feel good (just dont overdo it!)

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited April 2014

    NJ Mom  I'm hoping this is the one and only event for you!


    PS Who is your Dr at Mt Sinai?-PS? and BS?  I had my left MX at Mt Sinai with Dr Mark Reiner.

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2014

    NJMomof3...I hope this is the last detour in this adventure...

    I had the same exactly what the MD's say...I ended with a PICC and IV antibiotic at home.  That is a bigger pain than the drain!!   

    Take the time to be a lady of leisure and get healthy so you can finish your journey!!!

    Hugs and prayers it all for an un eventful day!!! 

  • NJmomof3
    NJmomof3 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2014


    I'm taking your advice - I'm sitting on the couch with my snoring dogs - and t's heavenly on this rainy day!  I'm sorry to hear that you have a similar journey.  Is your PICC line out yet?  My PS residents were scaring me that I would have to get one.  BUT, they also told me that they were giving me a Brazilian Butt lift when they were wheeling me into surgery.  Take care of yourself and hopefully this will just be a little hiccup on our path to reconstruction.

    Babs6287 - At Mt Sinal, I had Dr. Elisa Port as my BS, and Dr. Leo Keegan as my PS.  After this weekend's adventure - I have a new Infectious Diseases doctor - Dr. Glenn Hammer.  I have great things to say about each of them (but they are long stories!)

    Previvor and Moonflwr912 - Thank you so much for your words of encouragement!  It means a lot to get supporting messages from women who have "been there" and really understand the emotional and physical trauma of all of this - THANK YOU!


  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836
    edited April 2014

    hi ladies- so sorry you are having difficulties still...why is it easy for some and an ongoing awful process for others? So random.

    But any newbies: come over to the TE A Beginners Guide thread--lots of positive experiences there, if you are just starting this journey dont forget that as in any steps of this whole cancer process most have a pretty good and easy time of it...

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited April 2014

    aviva5675: Wish I had an answer to that! ("Why is it easy for some and an ongoing process for others?"). Probably the same reason some of us get cancer and others don't. In other words, luck of the draw...

    SpecialK: With regard to your bind in getting a 2nd opinion… ask your PS to present your case before his colleagues (kinda like what surgeons do when they present our case before the tumor board). I did this with my PS when I was in the depths of my healing issues. I asked him to please speak with his colleagues since my case was so unusual. He was happy to do it and I think in the end it helped him too because he had confirmation that we were doing the right thing. (My case was an anomaly.) Of course this only works if you trust your PS completely and believe he will be honest with you. Just a thought!

    theBCavenger: This is like groundhog day, reading about you AND SpecialK having issues again! Sorry to hear you are in revision hell. Please keep us posted if you have an infection. Let me know the exact date of your last surgery so I can add you up top.

  • sandra4611
    sandra4611 Member Posts: 1,750
    edited April 2014

    NJmom and any others facing complications, don't worry about getting a PICC line. I've had them three times and will be getting another one the day before my next surgery. One quick sting of lidocaine is all you feel. No more sticks anywhere after that. All your IV's and blood draws are done through the PICC. Getting it out is painless and the little mark from the two sutures that hold it in place will fade quickly.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited April 2014

    ren - he is in a solo private practice, not part of a large department or hospital staff, so I am not sure how he would do that, unless there is a secret plastic surgeon meeting I am not aware of, lol!  There is a time factor in that he doesn't want me to go too long with open skin for fear of infection, like we are probably doing this surgery next week.  I do trust him, he has always been honest with me - and we have had nine surgeries together.  Our relationship goes beyond doctor/patient - we discuss our families, I know his kid's names and he knows mine, and what they are all doing, etc., my DH helped arrange a visit out to the Air Force Academy for his son, and he is active with Special Operations Command on the community level. I know he has discussed this general topic amongst his colleagues previously because he referenced this in our conversation at my appt. last week.  He is married to a breast surgeon (not mine), so I am sure they discuss also.  He is also one of the few PS who will attempt TE expansion after rads, so he does have experience with problematic skin.  He is just not sure why this is happening to me so long after active treatment. 

  • Lakegirl1
    Lakegirl1 Member Posts: 158
    edited April 2014

    NJMomof3...PICC line is out, I agree, it was a god send for antibiotics and blood draws.  When they took it out. I didn't even know they did it!   For me, showering was a pain, just couldn't get the covering to stay well enough to do that.  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited May 2014

    specialK: My PS is also in a solo private practice, and he consulted with his medical school PS friends! Sounds like your guy is on the up-and-up, and if he is married to a BS I'm sure they discuss. Happy

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2014

    The sad news is that the car accident moved the right implant. The port definitely moved, aside from it looks different now.  So surgery is being scheduled to replace it with the same make/model/size.  PS will see when he's in there how much damage was caused.  Car was deemed dangerous to drive until it's repaired due to the airbag lights staying on. We're all thankful the bags did NOTdeploy so no emergency surgery was needed.

    Should learn the date tomorrow.

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Member Posts: 1,619
    edited May 2014

    sorry gal sal!  Hope there's very little that needs to be done?


  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited May 2014

    Me too and Thanks.  It will be replaced and hopefully get some fill.  Until in there he won't know how much damage was done, whether ribs are bruised, any tears, etc.  It was going to happen within the next few weeks since this is the problem side that wasn't filling right any how.  Just a harder way to go about things now.

    I'm thankful the bags didn't deploy and hurt me but concerned on the other hand they didn't.  Apparently a case of failure to deploy.  Scary if it had been really needed!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited May 2014

    galsal - you have to hit in just the right place on the front of your car for the airbags to deploy.  My daughter's failed in a high speed crash on I-75 that totaled two vehicles!  Sorry you are having to have another surgery, but it sounds like it is warranted!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited May 2014

    I hope it's not too much work needed galsal. Sorry about the car!