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  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited February 2012

    I had drains after my TE was put back in. I had a lot of scar tissue cut out too. I had a lot of output. I can't remember for exactly how long but I was draining over 75ccs a day for awhile.

    I went to my PS yesterday. My right side looks ok. He wants me to continue taking the antibiotics. He's sure it was just irritated. He took aspirated most of what he had put in on Wednesday. So I'm basically flat again. He wouldn't fill it back yesterday. I have to wait til my next appointment in mid-march. Even then I'll probably only get 30ccs once a month or so from now on. I was not very happy. At this rate I'll have TEs for two years. :(

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2012

    Sorry, mrochon :( I'm really glad that it is probably just irritation, though.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    mrochon - keep repeating - slow and steady wins the race, slow and steady wins the race.....

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited February 2012 r the tats? I got tomorrow to discuss my next step.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012

    I had 2 drains when my infected TE came out. I had none when the TE went back in.

    Mrochon, so glad to hear you are feeling better..... Like, SpecialK said, slow and steady for those refills --it seems we all have our own pace. Hey, I see you are sending more rain down my way!

    SpecialK, your day is right around the corner! Yeah!

    Take care,


  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2012

    SpecialK: Your PS sounds smart, not digging after the scar tissue and just putting in a new TE. That was the magic answer for you! And now look at you, nearing your exchange date! Yippee! 

    Mrochon, so sorry to hear you are on the slooooooow TE train. But agree, as long as you are moving towards the goal, you are doing alright!

    Mich and MTnest: Let us know how your surgies went today. Thinking of you!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    Tatina and Ren - It was actually kind of funny right after the surgery because the PS said he kind of opened the incision, slid the TE in, and closed and ran away.  I am exaggerating of course, but that is pretty much what he did!  I don't know how things are inside there although the TE's look remarkably uniform and symmetrical, so maybe ok.  I have very thin skin on the lower front of the left (where the excisions were) so I hope things hold out ok.  I am nervous!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    special k...mine is fat grafting around the area I have that is super thin also to help reinforce it. That will happen on March 30 when he makes the nips and does the lipo and any other minor cleanup.

    TATOO TUESDAY....waiting for Daughter to come home with some guaze and bacitracin, so I haven't checked them out yet. He thought they looked good, and so did the nurse.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    fluff - i just posted on triple pos about the fat grafting also.  I believe that mine will do it on my thin area later too.  That is the area I am most worried about with the exchange.  I had nipple sparing so I already have those - but right now they are not symmetrical.  It remains to be seen if he can fix that - it is from having the TE out for so long. Makes me with I had not kept them, but who knew at that point, right? I still have a pinkish cast to my skin curving from that area around to the cleavage side.  I think it is vascularization because it gets pinker in the shower in the hot water than it goes back to normal (pinkish) when I get out and cool off.  PS has looked at it every time (because every time I ask him to, lol!) and he always says it is ok.

    Yay for your nips!  That sounds really wrong!!!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012 foobs upper part turn pink in the shower also. And I still hae a lot of feeling in my. I wanted nipple sparing, and he said "I wouldn't do that...look yours are not symmetrical...I can make them look much better." LOL

    I will say that he wanted to put in 450's, maybe even 475. He ended up putting in 425's because he was really worried about the thin skin area. Said even that was tight. He did not want to go through the skin. Thatis why he wants to put some extra on the top part also.

    March 30....Maybe I'll call it Friday Fat Day. What board are you on? I ended up on the one where they are all doing full fat grafting reconstruction(which I am jealous of I might add). It isn't as applicaple to me.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    fluff - right now I have 575cc in the left and 650 in the right - he says I will end up with two different implant sizes.  I need to ask him what the plan is - he over filled - so the implants may be 550 and 600ccs.  My thin side is the 575 and it is overfilled by 25ccs, the TE are 550cc Mentor.

    Wish I knew then what I know now on the nips - I am going to have to deal if they are not even.  Oh well, if that is the worst that happens I am OK with it, but it does bug me.

    Which board? Was that for me?  I posted on triple positive.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    1sorry, I misread. I was going to look for one that talaked about their grafting arond the implant. I wouldn't worry about the nips too much. In my case, they weren''t all that attractive at that point, so I am sure they won't be worse. They only thing I miss is the sensation when fooling around, but we have worked around that issue. I just liked it better that way. lol

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    fluff - I know that the member kate33 went to Miami to see Dr. Khouri and had fat grafting on top of her smaller implant - is that the one you were talking about?

  • Mimi8
    Mimi8 Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2012

    SpecialK, I was just diagnosed with IDC in the left breast. I saw on your post that you had the skin sparing, nipple saving surgery. If I am a candidate, that sounds like a good approach in spite of (I'm very sorry) the trouble you have had I see my surgeon on Thursday so I am full of questions. We live in Clearwater, FL. Any suggestions you have would be most appreciated. Hope all is going well for you now :)


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    Mimi - sorry, just saw this.  Sent you a PM.

  • farmerlucy
    farmerlucy Member Posts: 596
    edited February 2012

    Hi ladies - Can someone tell me how long I will have arm restrictions after a BMX with TE's? What about lifting restrictions? My PS said I should not raise my arms for fear of the expanders getting moved around, but she didn't say how long. I'm not having any nodes removed. Thanks in advance for your help!

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2012

    Hi Mimi,

    I'm in Clearwater as well:)  Also had IDC but couldn't do the nipple sparing surgery. Welcome, keep us posted! Look forward to chatting with you. Laughing

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2012
    Hi ladiesI'm doing pretty good. I was told everything went well yesterday but didn't see the surgeon. Waiting to hear about a follow up appt. She was bringing in 3 diff't styles of implants into the OR (2 round and 1 anatomical) so in the end don't know what I have although I seem to recall someone saying I got the anatomical (or maybe I was dreaming). I'm a little sore/stiff/bruised but it's not nearly as bad as post mastectomy pain, so that's good and the pain meds help….although I hardly slept last night. She also did some lipo around the underarm areas so hopefully I won't have the dog ear look. She was planning to do some pocket work to bring the right implant a little closer to the centre and was going to lower the left side a bit.  She said my existing incision scars look really good and she didn't want to disturb them so was going to go in on each side….curious to see how that incision will look. Can't remove the bandages til tomorrow so hard to tell how I look. I was sick a few times yesterday and night from the anesthetic. Had to eat food to take the antibiotics and shortly after it all came back out of me. Unfortunately for DH I puked all over the floor for about 15 feet before I made it to the toilet…poor guy, I felt so bad. 
    The surgeon had originally said I'd be off work for up to 2 weeks, but yesterday she wrote a medical note with a return date of March 1st…..I'm not complaining:) MTnester - I think you're due to arrive home today. Hoping all went well with your surgery. Let us know when you can.  Olgah - good luck with your surgery tomorrow. Thanks everyone for the good wishes:) 
  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2012

    Glad you are home, Mich! Sounds like things went well. Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Hope MT is doing also well & good luck, olgah! Congrats on your tatts, fluffqueen! Was it painful?

    Mimi, I'm also in the area, a bit north of you, but I drive into Tampa for all of my doctors. 

    Less than a week for me--I am so excited to get back on track! 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    farmerlucy-I coudn't life anything heavier than a coke can for 6 weeks. I could start exercises after drains were out, but the above the shoulder stuff had to wait a couple weeks.

    To all my fellow TE problem girls.....This will hopefully make you laugh.

    I went to change the guaze pad over my tats and freaked out.Literally. I was looking at a very good half a tatoo on each side. Top half on one side, lower half on the other. I was getting all worked up thinking somehow the ink had absorbed, or something weird had happened, since I seem to be prone to weird stuff.

    I chickened out on texting him, so called the office in a panic, telling his manager that something had gone terribly wrong. She burst out laughing....saying that is how he does it. He finishes the other half when he makes the nipple and does any cleanup/revision then. She said he told me, lol....all I must have heard was tatoo, tatoo, tatoo! halves look really nice, good color, and the spot is inked for the nipple and it looks good...and i am calming down.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012

    Fluff - cracking up over here! Oh, my gosh.....I would have freaked out, too!

    Mich_M - so glad you're home. Sorry you had a rough night.....I'm hoping you are napping throughout the day.

    FarmerLucy, it was a month for me. Also be mindful of pulling on things such as the dishwasher (mine is sticky after a cycle), refrigerator door, etc.... I actually strained a muscle with pulling.

    Mimi- Thinking about you.....

    Have a fill tomorrow.....filler' up!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    farmerlucy - your surgeon should specify your restrictions.  Mine did not really say much about movement, more about weight.  If you are haing a SNB be especially careful on that side(s).  I think a couple of weeks of fairly quiet activity is good - like general moving around but being careful while getting dressed and showering, etc., plus being quiet keep the drain situation more under control, and you get them out in a reasonable time frame.  One of the things I had the most trouble with was reaching back to put my seatbelt on - I often needed help!

    Mich_M - sorry you were sick!  But yay for success!  Take it easy...

    dll - excited for you!

    mimi - did you get my PM?

    fluff - you are a funny girl!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    Special is my PS that is the funny one. Really...who does half a tatoo. I havent read about anyone on here doing that. He emailed me this afternoon to see how I was doing. Told him I was in the hospital for a heart attack brought on by sudden panic.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2012

    Mich_M: Good to hear you are OK! Poor DH, on the cleanup committee! I hope you feel less neasous today.

    Olgah, good luck tomorrow!

    DLL: A Valentine's Day implant! Lucky you! ;-)

    Fluff, I added your March surgery to the list. And I too would have freaked...never heard of 1/2 tattoos either!

    Wish I lived in FL I would get together with you all! Preponderance of TE Trouble in the sunshine state!? 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    fluff - I probably would have had a heart attack too!

    ren - come on down!  This is the time of year we are all happy to live here!  Then again, you are in my homeland - I'm a Cali girl.

    dll - hope your PS will be your valentine!

    olgah - thinking of you!

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2012

    I'm home! My chest is a little sore,but no where near the post BMX pain. I had Lipo under each arm, it's a little tender. No drains, Right now I'm dealing with all the gas in my body fom the hyster-oopherectomy. My shoulders hurt so much! Tomorrow I get to shower and do the big reveal! From my initial peeks, they seem small. probably because my gut is soooo bloated.

    The hospital was awesome about treating my potential nausea. Mich, so sorry about your tossing your cookies! How are you today?

    Sending my best wishes to all of off to take a pill and grab a nap.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2012

    Ps, my PS told me to keep the surgical bra on until I see him next week but after that, bras are optional!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    yay MT - glad you are home and all went well.  Wait for the "drop and fluff" to see what they will really look like!

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2012

    MTnester - My bandages come off tomorrow also and I get to shower. We'll have to exchange stories about how we think they look. Glad you're home and feeling ok.

    Fluff - have to agree, I've never heard of half tats. I can't believe he forgot to tell you….what a shocker! 

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited February 2012

    Mich and MT - congrats! What size did you end up with being placed?

    MT - did you have the hyst/ooph at the same time??? The gas is the worst. I think mine has finally all escaped, five days later.

    Someone posed a question to me. Have I tried creams on my chest to help my skin with stretching? I haven't done any of that. Should I start doing that? Will it help? The dr says my irritation was most likely from activity right after my fill making it rub against my skin. If that's true, do I just do nothing after fills for a couple of days? The pain I felt from it was underneath the TE against my chest wall. Should I be doing anything specifically for that? I stretch now and have great range of motion. Sorry for all the questions. I've just been thinking alot today about my dr wanting to go even slower. I certainly don't want him to rush but if I should ve doing something in between fills, I certainly want to be doing it. Did any of you feel that pain under the TE after a fill? I only had 45ccs put in. Also...scar tissue, does it build up more if the skin is stretched so slowly?

    Lots of questions... I just want to make sure I'm not just sitting around feeling sorry for myself when I could be doing something. But I also want to make sure I'm asking my dr good questions and not accepting just any answer. It's been a bad day. I have the worst headache, bleh.
