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  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited February 2012

    Curlyfry - I have had horrible dreams since loosing my TE. I think the hardest part for me was dealing with the necrosis for so long. Changing that bandage twice a day had a serious effect on my. I have had dreams about mutilation and such... will not go any further.

    This site has been such a lifesaver, and I have made a couple good on-line buddies that have helped me at my lowest points. What you have gone through is so awful, but we are here for you.

    A week on Tamox... the only changes I have noticed is that I sleep all night and feel hungry! Those are the two things I generally need help with, so I am NOT complaining!

    Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Incision line still not looking right! Has anyone had necrosis show up after TE was removed? Not really looking forward to next PS appt, but what can I do. 

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2012

    DM - belated happy birthday…have you spoken with the PS yet? I hope everything's fine.

    DLL - good luck with surgery next week…what a way to spend Valentine's day:)

    All this talk about fat grafting is making me a little jealous. Chick - good luck with yours and Fluff - a full abdominal lipo? Is this just to fill in a few areas around the implants?

    MT - how are you doing? I hear you about needing some fluff to happen. So far, I'm a little underwhelmed with how the implants look in terms of size/shape…hoping it improves. The good news ladies is that implants are soooo much softer than TEs…big improvement! 

    Curlyfry - sorry you've joined the TE trouble group. I"m sure your next TE will work out perfectly. And yes, I had several nights of nightmares, mostly after I had my TE replaced…I was so worried about another infection, but all went well.  

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012

    Happy late birthday, DM!

    Curlyfry, I'm sorry you had a TE infection and removal.  I hit such a low point when mine was taken out.  To help me through it, I purchased a foam breast form to wear inside by surgical bra.  I'm now 7 weeks post op since my new TE, and so far, all is well. With that said, I'm still watching these TEs like a hawk.  Once I experienced that whole infection episode, a lingering fear is still there, for sure! No nightmares on this end, but do have trouble staying asleep.

    We will get through this........


  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    Mich....He will use that fat for the lipo, but I decided if I was already going to be having a little, I might as well do the whole shebang, even if I have some out of pocket expense. It will be the only time I ever do something like least part of it will already be covered.

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2012

    Makes total sense Fluff - I just couldn't figure out how your insurance would cover it, but now that you say you're paying part of the costs, I get it. I'd do the same if the opportunity arose.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2012

    Greetings from my couch. My ribs are sore today from the pocket work the ps did. I am also underwhelmed with my squishies, but they sure are soft!

    I am praying for major drop and fluff. If it doesn't happen, I will be smaller than pre bc. Grrrrrr.

    Hugs to you all. How is Olgah? DLL I bet you are getting excited! The exchange surgery has been a cake walk compared to BMx and TE replacement. I hope you are all well!

  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2012

    MT - What are you wearing for a bra? I've been wearing sports bras but I guess I'll have to get out this weekend and bra shop. I haven't worn one for quite awhile and threw my old ones out knowing they wouldn't fit me again. MY PS said to wear a bra for a month, and no underwires. But I've read here from others (and on the 'bra 101' thread) to wear underwire….so confusing.

    I've had allergic reactions to the last 2 antibiotics I was prescribed, vancomycin and keflex. This time I'm taking clindamycin. My throat started getting itchy late this aft….I hope it's not a reaction. Guess I'll know soon enough. 

  • Rinduty
    Rinduty Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2012

    Hi  am new to posting on this. I have spent last 2 weeks in hospital with cellulits infection. Ended up taking TE on the cancer side out this two days ago. I am so exhausted, anyone out there that has dealt with these infections and IV vancomycin have any insight on when I can get some life back. I had my cancer side removed in May 2009. had chemo and rad. and herceptin all ended about a year ago. So i waited likePS told me to so I wouldnt have these problems. Had propholactic on left side and expanders put i  place on DEC.28 2011. So with in 6weeks been in hospital total of about 21/2weeks. Ending with a nice progression of a boob on left and what seems like a deflated hole on Right. They are reccomending latismuss flap now on cancer side. I just dont know how you girls continue to deal so well with these surgeries and how is a person supposed to hold down a job. In and out of the hospital. But I want boobs back!!

    SO frustrated!!!!!!!!

  • Rinduty
    Rinduty Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2012

    omg!!! I am in the same boat as you Curylfry1! Last sunday when my incision on the cancer side started seaping and splitting I called the onccall doc and he met me at his office so that he could maybe save it and and keep me from returning to the hospital. For a 2nd time. I had only been out of a a weeks stay on vancomyicin 2 days and here we go. He laid me on that table on Sunday in his pjs  using the longest qtips i have seen digging for a culture of infection squeezing out anyting he could by th time he was done i was in shock laying there with a 2 1/2 inch gaping wound he restitched with no numbing! i dont have feeling on most but some did! I  ended up in the ER by early next morning with high fevers .they removed the expander on tues and i just got home last night. I am whipped and scared as hell now how do we have the strength to go back through all that again! But now i look even worse than I did DEC 28, 2011. ANd I want boobs why is it seem it not meant to be? I dont know how much more my family can go thru for me to get boobs.

    I also have had some very wierd out of character dreams too.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    Rinduty and curlyfry....i cant imagine whay you went through. I was whinng when he hit an unumbed spot on the tatoos. I would have hyperventialed or stroked out I am sure.

    Rin....give yourself a week or so to heal and then maybe get a couple of extra opinions. They may be recommending other options because the skin was compromised due to the infection. I know if my second attempt at te's had failed, my PS was saying no more expanders.

    I think the removal was the roughest time of it all for me, other than the initial diagnosis. Sending you strong, positive vibes.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2012

    Mich i sent you a pm

  • jbennett38
    jbennett38 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2012


    Yes, I had fat grafting at the time of exchange.  It was not too bad.  I was a little sore but nothing you can't handle.  My PS really didn't say how he would follow me.  I think I was so shocked that I wasn't getting a follow-up appointment that I didn't think to ask.  I am assuming that after the tatoos, he will want to check things out??  I have small dog ears--one on each breast-- that he said he might need to fix.  So I'm assuming he is planning on seeing me again at some point.  I just don't know when.  If the dog ears do not flatten out, I will call and make an appointment.  He said he could fix them in the office with a local.  Overall, I am very pleased with my result.  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2012

    Welcome Curlyfry and Rinduty, sorry you are both in our "club" — yikes, you both went through a lot. I echo the getting good sleep — if you don't already have something to help you sleep from your doc, please ask about an Rx. Very important to get solid sleep BUT it's really helpful to shut off your mind. I always had a little trouble shutting off the mind chatter myself, but since BC, Whoa Nelly! That is what drugs are for. They are a Godsend. As for how to get through this? The same way we all do: one step at a time. Focus on the next step you need to take to get well, then the next. That is how you do it. And the ladies here are wonderful!!!

    Re: Dreams: The bad dreams won't last long. It's just your mind's way of processing the trauma of having the TE removed. Again, meds can help you get past that. Def. mention that you're having nightmares/yucky dreams the next time you see your doc!

    DM: Happy Birthday!

    And a healing shout-out to all the ladies recovering from surgery!!

  • jbennett38
    jbennett38 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2012


    Good for you for going for the whole shebang!  I wish I had done that.  I had fat grafting with my exchange and he took some fat from my abdomen. It does look a little better but I wish I had talked to him about taking all the fat out.  I guess I missed the boat on that one!

    Another bad did it hurt when you got the tatoos?  I'm probably getting mine in about 6 weeks and just want to be mentally prepared.


  • tuffgirl
    tuffgirl Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2012

    Hi all !! I will be undergoing my 6th general anaesthetic for the last part (nipple) of my re con soon Yey!!

    I had 2 failures and it was caused in part by the fact that the PS hadn't really beeen blowing up the other side, nor had she panted a TE the right size as my remaining boob for a match. so when the exchange happened of course it was a failure trying to jam in something that wouldn't fit. But I now have a match!!

    I remember well the days of having no breast tissue at all. I would look in the mirror and just look and feel "cancer" so wanted to get rid of it. I wanted, frankly , my cleavage back!

    And for those out there worrying, I was radiated to death,a full 30 days from 6 angles. skin hung in there thank god. You will see below my diagnosis which prompted them to blast me.

    have a great weekend all!!!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    canadianmum - we love a success story!!

    welcome to rin and curly - sorry you find yourselves here!  This is a great group of ladies - all rooting for each other!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited February 2012

    Jbennett-i started a thread about whether getting tatoos hurt. Most said no. My PS gives a local first. That hurt like shots. I am a big fan of emla cream to numb a couple of layers, but he feels that does something to the tissue and can affect the tatoo so didnt want me to use it.

    Then, he started the tatoo. All was fine for a few minutes and then he hit a spot that started to hurt, but tolerable. Then he hit another spot that hurt like crazy. He stopped immediately and injected some more lidocaine and all was fine after that.

    Told him my brother in law, my dentist also has a hard time getting me numb. He siad he believed that as henused almost a whole vial of stuff.

    Recovery hasnt been bad or painful, except when I changed the bandages and realized he only did half a tatoo plus the spot for the nipple on each side. I freaked! I missed that i. The conversation. He finishes it during the fat gafting and nipples and makes any necessary revisions.

    If you are squeamish, dont watch. Its kind of gross. I dont know how pwople can get tatoos. Hurts like mad with no local, and is like scraping upmyour skin. Yuck!

    My kids are giving me a hard time teasing that I have threatened them within an inch of their lives if they came home with tatoos (although I have no control Over that now), and now I am the one getting them.

    Told the PSi wanted a big vining flower that ended with the nipple in the middle and a hummingbird with his beak in the flower. Had him laughing so hard, I was worried about his skill. Then when it hurt so bad, I told him a little circle was just fine!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited February 2012

    MT & Mich _ Are you guys getting fat grafting?  That might help, especially MT.  I am very happy with my foobs.  I was small before and breast fed 2 kids a year each.  I was basically either breastfeeding or pregnant from 2001-2005.  The real things looked like hell, so these are an improvement, divits and all. 

    Help me out here...what are dog ears? 

  • carol6026
    carol6026 Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2012

    Good morning ladies. I have not been on in a long time, fell into a deep depression after having the te removed, months ago. I figured I went back to work, so I have been working atleast 60 hours a week. But it is finally time to try again. Very nervous about having it put back in, but I am sure it will be fine, just can't wait for it to all be done. Hope all are doing well.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012

    Carol - I know about the nerves getting the TE replaced.  Going on 8 weeks, I'm just starting to relax a bit more (a little bit).  I'm sure it will get better as the weeks pass.

    Rinduty - When I was hospitalized for my TE infection they blasted me with tons of IV antibiotics including vancomycin.  I remember it well........  when I got home, I ended up taking probiotics to help my system get back to normal and it really did the trick.  I also took acidophilus which helped, too.

    Take care everyone!


  • jbennett38
    jbennett38 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2012

    Chick - dog ears are areas at the end of a scar that has a little too much skin.  They stick out a little (like a dog's ear).  I have them on each scar near my cleavage.  He said to fix them, he opens them up and then restitches it.  He is hoping they will settle because it makes the scar a little longer.  We will see.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012


    For those who got their new TE refilled after it was removed, have you found that it took longer to take the form of a breast? Right now, I have 350 cc's in there and the front portion isn't popping out as much as the other side (520cc). It's pushed out but flat in the front. Wondering if it's a combo of needing more saline and/or giving the TE time to expand?

    Thanks and hugs,


  • Kyta
    Kyta Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2012

    T - As I recall, my replaced TE looked pretty much the same as it did during fills the first time. 

    Had a terrible sleep last night. I've had an allergic reaction to the antibiotics the past couple of days but it's been manageable so kept taking them because I worry about infection. But last night the rash/itchiness in my neck just about drove me insane. Tried benadryl, cortisone cream, calomine lotion, ice pack against my neck…finally had a good sleep from 6 to 10 am. I'm not going to take any more antibiotics….I only have a few days left and hate to stop early but what can you do.

  • MTnester
    MTnester Member Posts: 147
    edited February 2012

    Ladies I am sitting. Here sobbing. At my pre op we talke dabout what profile the ps would use and he said they always use high profile in their bc patients. I looked at my card this morning that I got after surgery and for the love of goe why did they put moderate profile in me instead of high profile? I am physically sick. I'm a large woman. I need projection. Wtf?

  • 1Curlyfry
    1Curlyfry Member Posts: 45
    edited February 2012

    Thank you all for your comments.  It is funny that it feels better to know I'm not the only one a bit frightened about the future.  I want my boob back so I'm going to fight through this bump in the road.  Have a happy day!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited February 2012

    MT - wtf is right!

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012

    MT.....UGH! Your PS has some explaining to do.....

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited February 2012

    So sorry, MT! 

    Rinduty, sorry you had to go through that. 

    Feel better soon, Mich. 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited February 2012

    MT-I think I would be on the phone at 8am tomorrow morning!  I guess this explains why you feel they look smaller then pre-BC.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited February 2012

    Mich - what antibiotic are you on?  Have things improved much with the benadryl?  I'm allergic to many things and what gives me immediate relief is a steroid shot.  Wondering if that could be an option for you?

    Rest up today......  T