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All about Xeloda



  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2018

    leftfootforward, I did suggest the same. Ablate the liver and go back to Xeloda. He didn't love the idea. Thinks that if there are cells out there aiming for the liver that they'll just come back. Since the liver lesion only appeared in the last four months.

    Last night after reading a 29 page consent form and asking innumerable questions (they just hate enrolling me in a clinical trial) I signed on the dotted line for eribulin (Halaven) plus or minus pembrolizumab. And if I'm randomized to eribulin alone I eventually get to cross-over to pembro. The data on immunotherapy for ER+ breast cancers is not good at all but it's worth a try. Screening next.

    But before I get too far down the path I may bring up the ablate liver go back to Xeloda idea again.

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196
    edited July 2018

    I asked my onc about NSAIDs, and she said no issue. But I’ve learned that doctors are not an authority on drugs. So I’m going to see what my pharmacist says

  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196
    edited July 2018

    Hi Tina Marie,

    Glad you can join us. I hope you find great success on Xeloda. I think it’s a great option so far. I hated being hooked up to the bag, so Xeloda gives me a better quality of life. I am always on the go, so this drug makes it easier to do the things I enjoy (traveling). I am very encouraged by my response to this drug, so hoping you have the same positive response.


  • Wlmocean
    Wlmocean Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2018

    Hi, Just joined this forum since I have stage 4 MBC, mainly in liver. Cancer changed from ER+/HER2- to ER-/HER2- so had to switch from hormonal and targeted therapy to chemo. Just started taking Xeloda 4 days ago. Onc will give it 3 rounds to see if effective, if not then on to Halaven. Hoping and praying it works, I'm tired of hearing your body failed another med. Hope its working for the majority of those in this community.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited July 2018

    Welcome newbies! Sorry about progression pj and lff.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited July 2018

    Wlmocean, booboo, welcome!

    Wlmocean, you did not fail the med. It failed you. None of this is your fault. As women we take this on ourselves without thinking about it. . .

    Actually if your cancer changed from ER+ to ER- then the meds actually worked! They killed off the ER+ cancer cells, just as they were supposed to. Hormonals can't kill ER- cells because they don't have the hormone receptor to block. They replicate a different way.

    Anyway, off my soapbox. I hope that Madam X works well for you and that you have an easy time with it.

  • klmpk
    klmpk Member Posts: 50
    edited July 2018

    Hi Everyone,

    I just did my first day of Xeloda. This community and threads are so helpful. I have a question though. What do you mean by cycle? I am on 1 week on the 1 week off. Most of the people's posts i've read are 14 days on and 1 week off.

    I was stage 2 in Sept. 2013. Did 2 rounds of chemo, then a lumpectomy, than 32 radiation treatments. Then Letrozol until last October. 6 month check showed CA15-3 up over 30, then 4 weeks later, higher. Did pet scan in December, colonoscopy, and endoscopy, and ultrasound on nodules by my thyroid. Biopsy on nodule by thyroid was positive for breast cancer.There were spots a couple other places. Went on fasoldex in Dec, then added Verzion in Feb. Clear pet scan May 22, 2018. June 27th CA 15-3 big jump spots or from 82 to132, July 12 jumped to 169 and yesterday 214..Was off Verzion for a month due to infection. So now I'm on Xeloda. 500 mg each pill, 3 after breakfast and 3 after dinner. 1 week on 1 week off. Sorry for the rambling and misspelled drugs. But NED. Nothing in my organs, I think. Woops. Pet scan yesterday showed some ( 3 or 4) hot spots or lymph nodes.

    Thanks for any help,


  • booboo1
    booboo1 Member Posts: 1,196
    edited July 2018

    Hi Karen,

    I think a cycle is one week on, one week off. That would be cycle 1.

    Hope I’m not sharing incorrect info. Ladies, please correct me if I am wrong.

    So sorry you have this disease, but very glad you are here. So many knowledgeable people who have helped me with many day to day questions. I hope we can be a great support team for you too.


  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited July 2018

    2 weeks on/1 week off is the most common cycle but some are on a 1 week on/1 week off cycle. Your cycle is simply your time on the med + your time off the med.

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited July 2018

    Do any of you who have gone from 14/7 to 7/7 find the fatigue any better

  • SanJF
    SanJF Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2018

    Hi all new here on behalf on my mother... As she do not use computer much...

    Have been following this motivational and informative group since long...

    Mother just started xeloda today... 3000mg...14/7...

    Can you help me with few tips in my mind during this treatment plz

    So anxious for my mother

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396
    edited August 2018

    make sure she takes it with food.

    It can make her sick to her stona h at first, so I would suggest having an anti nausea med on board or available.,

    Tell her to take care of her hands and feet- rest them when she can. Avoid hot water. Protect her from the sun.

    If she doesn’t feel well or is having problems, call the doctor. Lots of us get dosecreductions so don’t be afraid to speak up

  • intothewoods
    intothewoods Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2018

    Welcome newbies. Sorry to have you join us and I hope you get some helpful advice and support here. I just returned from two weeks in Europe, 10 days on a river cruise then time in Amsterdam I did great! I was able to do yoga on the ship everyday and went on all the excursions. Just one bad day of some D. Feet held up well. Sktechers are my friends. I logged 17,000 steps in Amsterdam and developed a short-lived blister but that was no biggie. It was a glorious two weeks.Hard to return to mormal life after all the pampering and do for myself :-) Where's my fruit basket and menu?!?!?!

    Tumor markers continue to decline down to o181 from a high in the 600's. I'm determined this will be my miracle drug and I'll get several years ourt of it. My hands are giving me trouble though. I'm experiencing numbness, stiffness and worst of all small cuts at the corners of my thumbs that are very painful. I was just about to try yet another healing ointment- Ceravu, but decided yesterday to try plain ole vaseline which I think might be helping. Any tips?

  • SanJF
    SanJF Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2018

    Thankyou so much left foot forward for such wonderful tips...

    Please share your timings for meals and rest with me...

    How cuts on hands could be avoided in the very first place... By applying hand creams like Eucrines ??

    She has been facing bloatness and few visits to loo due to D... But not much for now..

    How to cover water consumption with the nighttime pills???

    Intro the woods loved the way you d enjoyed... Keep enjoying the every moment like this always by the grace of God Ameen! :)

  • Dianarose
    Dianarose Member Posts: 1,951
    edited August 2018

    Another good tip is to take a nausea pill 30 minutes before taking the Xeloda.

  • SanJF
    SanJF Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2018

    Diana rose how to cope with that fullness and bloatness???

    Day 2 of cycle today...

    Feeling depressed due to no appetite and eating forcibly due to pills... Fatigue is there also...

    She has a mild consistent cough... Due to lesions on lungs... Will that be settled on its own.. During this treatment of x???

    Plz answer... I really really found this forum a saviour in this journey...

    Love and prayers for all:*

  • intothewoods
    intothewoods Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2018

    SanJF, maybe someone has already mentioned but it isn't good to walk around barefoot. Make sur mom has good support and cushy shoes.

  • marianelizabeth
    marianelizabeth Member Posts: 1,156
    edited August 2018

    A new thread for me. I completed 12 cycles of Ibrance and yesterday learned that there is progression and today I start Capecitabine which I discover is also called Xeloda or as here, Madame X. I pick it up this afternoon at my cancer agency along with a short teaching session. Not looking forward to this and especially the potential for nausea. I can only hope that Ibrance caused occasional nausea and vomiting because I will still be on lots of pain meds for my worsening (no doubt due to progression) neuropathic pain. Methadone and Mexiletine.

  • bigbhome
    bigbhome Member Posts: 721
    edited August 2018

    Hello Xeloda sisters! I am hoping to get your advice on some issues that I am having. My last dose was Tuesday night, yet today I am struggling with D, cramping, nausea and I am shaky, literally, my blood pressure has shot up and I am having a weird feeling of butterflies in my chest. My stomach is all bloated up and a little painful to the touch. What is going on? Don't know if I should call Mo or not?

    Thank you for listening,


  • MuddlingThrough
    MuddlingThrough Member Posts: 655
    edited August 2018

    Bigbhome, how are you today? I'm not on xeloda but it's next on my list, if and when, so I read here.

    When you can, let us know how you are.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,531
    edited August 2018

    SanJF- My specialty pharmacist told me to take the pills with a high protein meal to help the pills work best.

  • denny123
    denny123 Member Posts: 1,531
    edited August 2018

    BogB-call your onc right away.  Xeloda lowered my BP so I no longer need my BP meds.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2018

    Bighome, call someone! Can't tell what's happening but it isn't good. Of course if all that calmed down an hour after you wrote us, never mind.

    One month off of Xeloda (off of everything) so I took myself off to have a pedicure! The lady kept shaking her head and was astounded at the many layers of dead skin which came off. My feet were a little sore last night but they feel soooo much better in general. I guess that's the one upside of progression.

    As for me, I failed the screen for the immunotherapy trial. Had an adverse event last year which is (I guess) against the rules. So I'm pushing again on the idea of going back to X and radiating my liver. Another reason to have the pedi now. . .

    Monday I see my onc and we decide.

  • Kimchee
    Kimchee Member Posts: 94
    edited August 2018

    I know this is a stupid question but I like to know , can you have a few drinks while on xeloda? I liked to hang out with my friends tonight and relax.

  • intothewoods
    intothewoods Member Posts: 179
    edited August 2018

    Kimchee there are no dumb questions when dealing with what we are dealing with. My onc says I can drink in moderation as long as my liver function looks good. I enjoyed wine everyday on my trip and now that I’m back I’ll go back to having wine with friends at dinner when it sounds good which isn’t always. It’s a quality of life issue for me. I discovered I like reisling on my vacaTurns out the resilings from the Mosel region of Germany. Are not the sweet yuck I’ve had here. Anyway I digress. IMHO I say cheers and enjoy your evening with friends

  • Kimchee
    Kimchee Member Posts: 94
    edited August 2018

    Thank you very much for answering my question and I had a great time tonight !

  • SanJF
    SanJF Member Posts: 47
    edited August 2018

    Love you deny for such info:*

  • Karz72
    Karz72 Member Posts: 102
    edited August 2018

    Hi everyone, I’m in week 7 of my Xeloda-Navelbine combo and what I thought was the “easy” option for chemo is no joke! My oncologist did warn me not to forget the pills are chemo and with the side effects building up over time I can see why.

    So far I’ve luckily got no HFS, but I’m really struggling on my Navelbine days (Mon, Wed, Fri). The fatigue reminds me of my days on the Red Devil - I’m having to have a nap on my desk by 3pm. I don’t have constant diarrhoea but my bowel movements are rather explosive (and stinky - apologies for the overshare!!) I have very little appetite thanks to all of this and am having to force myself to eat before I take the Xeloda. I saw someone else posted that it can impact on sleep so I’m going to try to have a bigger evening meal - last few days an apple is all I can manage...

    The fatigue is the worst for me. I’m in bed before my 9 year old and am really struggling with living up to my mothering standards - especially when it comes to preparing balanced healthy meals and eating them together.

    Thanks for listening to (reading) my moans, cancer markers are being tested on the 16th and I know that when they’re down this will all be worth it. But I do wish it didn’t have to be this hard...

  • Nel
    Nel Member Posts: 597
    edited August 2018

    I had very few difficulties with xeloda.  Navelbine ruined my appetite to the point I made myself very sick barely eating for 2-3 weeks.  So word of caution - if your appetite is affected talk to your doc asap     I am now off the navelbine  

    Be well


  • Karz72
    Karz72 Member Posts: 102
    edited August 2018

    thanks Nel, oncologist has warned me stay hydrated and I really am trying to eat. I was on a good supplement when on Red Devil and think I should start adding that to my evening meal at least.

    Hope you’re feeling better