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Radiation recovery



  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Cheers April!

    Bringing some BDay cake balls to the party...ya just can't celebrate a Bday too much:)

    I'll bring balloons and noise makers ha!

    Not sure of your Bday plans but hope they are FUN!



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    April, check the ingredients for any word including "paraben" e.g., methylparaben.  I know it's a pain--shopping takes me FOREVER now with all of my reading for different forbidden ingredients, but I know that once I figure out what new items I prefer it will get faster.

    Kate-Happy that you are cath free.  Deep were very brave and are doing great.

    Oh I am soooooo ready for the weekend.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Sew I am actually glad that I made the big math blunder. It was a relief to find out the tumor is 4 3/4 inches and not 12 inches. HA HA such a big mistake.I don't blame you for not wanting another surgery. I am sure you look beautiful just the way you are. Your suppost is wonderful for me. Thank You

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013


  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Kate I am so glad to hear that you got that catheter out and the urine is normal.  Hooray for that.  You have got to be feeling so much better!  I am so relieved for you.  I agree let's have another pajama party tonight and the idea of touching up roots and nails sounds like just what we all need.  That and some treats too!!  And yes, wine is just the thing to put a warm glow on all of it.  We can sit back, take a deep breath and know Kate is on the mend. Laughing

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited April 2013

    Yippee! DEYLA! Happy Dancing :)) twist & shout!

    You so rocked rads...Congrats on being done...great proud warrior!

    Sending calming renewal your way (((hugs)))


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2013

    Kate, what good news!  And you'll have at least untii tomorrow to rest and be taken care of.  And revel in the joy of peeing (I've been there as well).  I hope they'll let you stay until Sunday. 

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713
    edited April 2013

    Deyla - congrats on completing rads - yeah!!!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    Sorry that you are not feeling well. This too shall pass.

    I am doing better. My catheter cane off thank goodness, because it was so uncomfortable. I am urinating normally YEAH. I feel better than I have in days.

    My surgeon friend is coming with me to the medical oncologist appointment, and I am so glad about that. She is such an upbeat person.

    I will be in your pocket for your procedure Wed. Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Lizfrommontreal,

    So sweet of you to think of me. For the first time since Sunday I feel better. I am not in pain or discomfort. The catheter is out, and I am peeing normally YEAH.  think I will be leaving the hospital tomorrow, I am going to see my medical oncologist Tuesdat to find out about my treatment plan. xoxo,Kate

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited April 2013

    Eatin cake Kate. Could not decide what ice creme so I picked with my eyes closed and ended up with Carmel Cashew. Yum. You realize that down in my 2nd freezer are 10 different ice cremes and I am only 1 person. That has to be koo koo 4 koko puffs but I can not help it.

    Thank God your surgery is over. Now if we can find my lost weight things could be great. Laughing

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Runfree thank you so much for your support. You are a doll.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Rmlulu you picked the perfect party for me. I love girlie girlie stuff so sparkes on our toes, on our nails, and in our hair is perfect. More cake balls is perfect if janis is kind enough to make more, and being high on Chardonnay is ideal. Cindy you are the best. Thanks so much for your support

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi April lets extend the party till Sunday. Too bad we can't stop at the casino. You are a sweetheart and I thank you so much for your support

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    sAB, tHANK you so much for your support. As always you show how much you care.

    Gigil, you are a doll, and another sweetie who has always been there for me. Get the party started. My roots need a serious touch up, and I want some of the girlie girlie glitter on my toe nails. Cake balls and wine are the perfect accompaniment. xoxo, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Brookside thank you so much for your support

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Kate if I lived nearby, I would seriously be there putting the glitter on your toenails and doing your roots.  I need both things done as well.  I have been so wrapped up with the recurrent UTI's and antibiotic treatments,  I have been neglecting the girlie girlie things that make us all feel so much better.  If only we bc girls could use topical estrogen cream, life could be so much easier.  Anyway, enough about my minor aggravations.  After what you have been through, I feel like a wimp talking about those things.  You are a brave woman, my dear and an inspiration to all of us.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    I think I have gained your lost weight. Ever since my stress began I have gained at lease 10 pounds. Tonight I had dinner in my hospital room, and then bought a hot dog and fries from the hospital cafeteria.

    When some people are stressed they gain weight while others lose weight. As you say this too shall pass. I will be in your pocket wed and I know you will get good results.

    Hugs, Kate

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Gigil,

    You never need to apologize for venting. You have your issues and we are here to support you. You are such a doll. I know that if you lived nearby you would come over. I will be in your pocket Monday praying for good results for your cystocopy. Love you, Kate

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Thanks Kate.  I rescheduled my test, so you can heal up a bit before you have to jump into my pocket.  I decided to go to a female urologist instead of getting the fragmented care from a Nurse Practitioner, and then being referred to a male urologist for the cysto and another office for the ultrasound.  I got the ultrasound done and it was normal.  I decided to switch my care to a doctor that could do it all and a female.  I just felt better about having a woman with a special interest in bladder prolapse providing my care.  I have learned through this whole process that we have to feel good about the route we choose and the providers we choose.  We have so little control over all of it, it helps to control what we can.  My new appointment is April 22 with a very sharp young woman.  I am hoping she will be able to make my care more coordinated.  Thank you so much for caring, and I will feel very much comforted having you there in my pocket with me.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited April 2013

    Gigil, I had no idea you were going thru such stress. I'm so sorry. Getting old, not to mention AI side effects if you take one, sure isn't for the faint of heart is it? I'm glad you've changed around to have a more cohesive medical team....that makes such a difference when there's just one place we have to deal with. Good luck, and I sure hope they find an answer and treatment for the UTIs and prolapse. Be sure to let us know how you're doing....

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    Hi Gigil,

    So glad you found a female urologist that you are happy with, and can do all of your procedures. So glad that your ultrsound was normal. Count on me to be in your pocket April 22. Janis will have to do the cake balls, but I will bring the wine. xoxo, Kate

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Thanks ladies. It seems sometimes if one body part isn't ailing, the other one is. I am hoping to find some answers, but this type of problem is becoming epidemic in the female population. Now that estrogen is such a no-no, a real effective treatment hasn't been discovered. Remember when we were all 20 and these problems were not even a consideration? We didn't appreciate how good we had it, did we? I feel good that I made my own decision on who I am seeing instead of just being a good girl and doing what I am told!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2013

    GiGiL, you definitely don't complain enough, because somehow I missed your upcoming procedure!  Hurrah for you, carefully choosing your medical professional. I hope the urologist finds and fixes what's ailing you quickly! I know that having a woman urologist would be my choice for sure.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited April 2013

    Deyla, I am so happy for you - what a good feeling to be done. I know it can be a little strange - almost like you'll miss the people you've met...but it only took me a few hApril,  back!

    Kate, I'm glad the catheter is out.  That's so much better for you.  I hope the hospital stay turns out how you hoped.  You've been through so much. 

    April, I'm with's the week end and I am loving it.  I hope you have a great long birthday celebration!

    All this talk of cake...I had to buy a bathing suit today and it took 2 hours...tried on everything in the store that would fit me...I did find something nice. 

    I'm having trouble with the internet have to sign off.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Thanks SAB, I think I have finally come to the point when I am not letting people tell me who I need to see.  I have had too many medical professionals who were cold, uncaring and too, too professional.  I had a male primary care provider for five years, and he never did do a breast exam or a pelvic exam.  What was I thinking?  I have learned something through this whole journey as we all have.  We take control where we can!!  And we make our own decisions about our care!!  

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2013

    Good Morning ! Hoping that Kate is sound asleep since it is around 4:30am where she is. Wanted to wish you a good homecoming Kate if I can't be on later today.

    GigiL, I just saw that you have been having recurrent UTI's as well. You quietly slipped that in and I think most of us missed it. I am so sorry hon. Those are so miserable. I had one in my life and I STILL remember it. I can count on one hand the times I had anything that required antibiotics and I am thrilled cause I got a yeast infection every. single. time. That one was a doozy! Praying that they figure out why it keeps happening.

    Thanks Joan! We are finally supposed to have great weather today - high 50's and sunny. Hoping they were right!

    Ok, so I had better bring a magnifying glass with me when I shop for things now since even with my glasses on, I can't read the ingredients on some of the products...ah, one of the other joys of aging. Hey, I will take all of them if it means I will keep seeing lots of birthdays! Never have I been looking forward to getting old like I am now. BC puts a whole lot in perspective!

    Have a great day ladies. RMlulu, just want you to know that you are a sweetie pie and I wish YOU an extra special day for your tireless efforts to make everyone feel better. xoxoxo

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited April 2013

    Thanks April. Like you. I had hardly ever taken antibiotics. Now I have had six rounds in two months! It really doesn't leave you feeling too well and it seems to take awhile to come back from it.

    Kate I hope you are doing well today and feeling more chipper. Give us an update when you feel up to it.

    What is everyone doing today? I am thinking of going out to catch a morning movie.

  • Deyla7641
    Deyla7641 Member Posts: 53
    edited April 2013

    Hi ladies! What helps me when I have to take antibiotics is taking a probiotic at the same time. I take Florastor and it really does help me because before I would get yeast infections just taking the antibiotic alone. The Florastor is kinda pricey but I think it's definitely worth it not to get any of the antibiotic side effects. Hope this helps! Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited April 2013

    A little bit of more good news. The swelling on my leg had come way down after taking hydrochlorazide. I am staying here one more day to rest, and I will come home tomorrow.  Tuesday I will find out my treatmnet plan, My reconstruction surgeon, the one I go to happy hours with, is coming to that appointmrent with me, She is a positivecheerleader type and it will make it so much easier for me not to be alone. I can't thank everyone enough for their support xoxo, kate