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Radiation recovery



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2011

    Ok, gals, how are you avoiding the sugar? Outside the obvious of cookies, candy etc. I'm finding sugar in Everything.....all dairy, even my V8 and Oatmeal have sugar, although not sugar added.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    SAB...loved Watchers!  Old old book and I have read it many times.  Dean Koontz is a huge Golden Retriever fan.  He lost his cherished Trixie a couple years ago and has a new one.  He too rescues.  Good man!

    Gigi how nice you were able to take a special trip.  So glad you enjoyed it.

    I am an eating machine lately, not just sugar.  I made rye bread today from bread machine.  Served it with dinner and can't tell you how much I enjoyed that fresh rye with butter.  Just shoot me!

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2011

    There's a thread called "my good food choice today was..." that has lots of ideas.  The only cereal I have found is Kashi mixed puffed grains.  Tastes like cardboard, but I sweeten it with bananas.  I do use Stevia as a sugar substitute and I have used Agave, but I read recently that Agave has some problems.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2011

    Oh and Janis didn't you look at your dogs after reading that book and think....hmmm.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited November 2011

    I use agave to make chocolate almond truffles. It satisfies my sweet tooth, and they are actually packed with nutrition.

    Also, I read labels and put a lot of things back on the shelf.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    I often wonder what my dogs really think.  I know they are far smarter than I give them credit for!  I loved the dog in his book...Einstein!

    I have got to get into making healthier choices.  I am not good at that.  Yesterday I made homemade rye bread.  No breadmaker.....I just love working with bread dough.  Can't tell you how good that tasted fresh out of the oven, with real butter melting all over it.  Oh my!

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2011

    I want to learn to make bread.  I have no clue how, but right now, I'm paying for organic bread at the market and it's almost five bucks a loaf!

    I did join an organic veggie co-op which is saving me some money on the veggies.  My goal is to get the family closer to a whole foods diet.  It's going to take some time.  

    There's a blog called and there are lots of tips on there.  One of the things she says is that she never buys anything that has more than five ingredients.  That's tough!

    I use agave, too, in my greek yogurt.  It's not as heavy as honey.  I bet those truffles are delicious! 

    I kept my five yr old and three yr old niece all afternoon yesterday.  It was so fun, but I'm exhausted!  I have some work to do this morning and then I'm taking a long siesta!

    GiGi, your writers retreat sounds like so much fun.  I've done some in the past--they are always very inspiring!  And it's always nice to get to spend time with friends you don't get to see often.  I'm so glad you got to go!

    It's really nice to hear how everyone is getting back to "real life" and making changes to live a healthier life.  I hope we can keep it up.  I've really enjoyed the companionship along the journey. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011
    Options sounds like you are really making strides to lead that healthier lifestyle.  That is so awesome!  I need to work on that but not motivated as much as I should be.  I have to try harder.  I am going to keep coming here for inspiration and cheerleading.  You ladies are the absolute best.

    I love making my own bread, it is deliecious.  I will be happy to help you Steph if you need!  I am happy to help.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited November 2011
    Steph and Janis if you make your own bread you can try all kinds of healthy flour combinations.  It made me hungry just reading about that butter melting on your warm bread, execpt in my fantasy it was omega 3 buttery spread Wink!
  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195
    edited November 2011


    Thanks for the link to the 100 day real food blog,it's great!!!!!!

  • walley
    walley Member Posts: 195
    edited November 2011


    the thread my good food choice today is very good .I have been reading it from page 1.Thanks alot!!!!

  • elizadevi
    elizadevi Member Posts: 10
    edited November 2011

    Did anyone hear this program on "the Pinking of America"?  Very interesting.

    copy this link into your address field:

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2011

    Janis, Did you have your surgery today?  Please let us know how everything went as soon as you feel up to answering.  Lots of prayers, thoughts, and hugs heading your way.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited November 2011

     Janis, I have been wondering about you as well. Hugs.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    Hey sistas!!!!  My surgery went off without a hitch yesterday.  I won't get a complete pathology report for another week or so.  I have to call the surgeon's office this morning and schedule my follow up visit.

    My surgery was later in the day, I went to the OR about noon.  I was in recovery by 2:00 and stayed maybe an hour.  Had to go to the store and get a prescription filled than got home about 4:00.  I was advised to sleep on the recliner to help keep the swelling down.  Believe it or not, pumped with a zillion drugs, I could not sleep.  I was so frustrated!  Not pain, just discomfort really.  Throast of course is sore and so dry.  I drank a ton of water and then had to get up to go to the bathroom every half hour!  I watched TV until 3:00, turned it off and finally dozed off.  Woke up at 5:15 when Murphy (dog in avatar) nudged me to go out.  I gave up and made coffee after that.

    Anyway will of course let you know about pathology, but I will be posting long before that.

    I want to thank all of you who posted well wishes, sent hugs and love and prayers.  I have come to really rely on the support of my friends here.  You mean so much, please know that.

    Love and hugs to all!

  • MamaV
    MamaV Member Posts: 373
    edited November 2011

    Janis - glad to hear it went well and it's behind you!  Here is to quick healing and lots of naps today!

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2011

    Janis, so glad to hear that you did well and that's it's all over.  Will be praying for good path results.

    Walley, you're welcome!

    I'm still battling the fatigue.  I pushed it pretty hard this week trying to do some normal stuff.  I'm ready to spend the weekend on the couch.  ;o)  

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2011

    Janis, I am glad you were able to have your surgery yesterday.  Be gentle with yourself and allow your body to heal. I will continue to pray for B9 results. You support all of us so much that is a joy to support you in return. Sending hugs to you

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited November 2011


    B9 B9 B9 that is the montra Laughing

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited November 2011

    Thanks everyone!  B9 is right Merilee.  Planning on it!  I go back to the surgeon on Nov. 21st.  A bit of a wait but we get so used to that don't we?

    Hope everyone here is doing great!!!!  Hugs all......

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2011

    Janis, so glad to know the surgery went well!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2011


    I'm so glad you've gotten thru the surgery and are doing so well. Hopefully the sleep and sore throat are much better today. And, since yesterdays pocket party went so well, how about we all join you for your dr. Appt on the 21st? We'll make sure the results are B9.

    I just spent 4 afternoons watching two versions of Pride and Prejudice. The Bbc 5 hour one with Colin Firth and the 2 hour Kira knightly and mathew Macfaden one. My studied opinion is that I prefer the BBC one.......what's not to like about a 5 hour Victorian romance? Steph and Janis, I recommend the adventure as being a great healer!

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2011

    Love that idea, MostlySew.  A while back, I watched all seven episodes of Downton Abbey.  It's wonderful!  Definitely good entertainment and very restful. 

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited November 2011

    Oooh, Steph, id forgotten about those. Good suggestion. We just got the final Harry Potter DVD in the mail and tonight will start watching all 7 episodes from the beginning. I love those things.

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2011

    I am feeling so good these days that I joined the "Y" this week, and started working out again.  After two days in the gym, I now realize just how out of shape I have become.  Yikes!  I want to try one of their yoga or pilates classes, but can't seem to find one that is available when I am.  Frankly, I probably wouldn't survive a whole class in my current shape!  Oh well, one step at a time.

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2011

    I had a pleasant surprise yesterday.  As anyone who frequents our rads discussion knows, I was no fan of rads in general and I particularly disliked my rads center.  Well, the center sent me a customer satisfaction survey a few weeks ago.  After the "agree-disagree" questions, there was a page to write my opinions of what could be done to improve the center.  I remained sane and mature and wrote a reasonable paragraph with specific suggestions, but I thought nothing would come of it. Yesterday, I received a call from the a lady at the survey center who thanked me and said she had already talked to the RO about implementing my suggestions.  Wow!  I just hope I will have helped future patients have a better experience there.

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2011

    Elizabeth, that's awesome!  

    Neecee, I realized the same thing today.  I chased the dogs around the family room playing ball for about ten minutes and then collapsed on the couch, completely out of breath!  Next week, I start walking again!

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734
    edited November 2011

    Elizabeth, good work... what did you suggest?

    I have news for those of you just getting to working out. I have worked out the whole time I have been in treatment and still feel like I am out of shape. Chemo just really knocked me for a loop. Feelilng stronger everyday though. Started the generic Aremidex at 1/2  pill every other day. It has made me very moody so far and my body aches, but I don't know if it is the turn ( cold ) of the weather or the pills.

    I have been everything to homicidal to  weeping, when I came upon an old toy of my daughter's.

    My therapist says the body will adjust, I sure hope so. I went to a town hall meeting and told the Drain commissioner the plan he was proposing was idiotic. When he tried to interrupt me I told him to let me finish what I had to say, with a look on my face, that make him set back down LOL.

    Not my usual personality at all, but I did gett clapping from two old ladies that were there, HA!

  • neecee
    neecee Member Posts: 125
    edited November 2011

    I just finished my first week on Tamoxifen.  So far, no SEs, thank God!

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited November 2011

    Merilee, So sorry that the arimidex is bothering you.  I hope your body will adjust soon.  If not, would your MO consider another type of aromatase inhibitor?

    My suggestions to the rads center were to 1) greet patients as soon as they enter the facility.  They had an electronic scanner, but the receptionist sat right next to it. Still, she would not even acknowledge my presence most days. 2) Have the RO see patients immediately after they begin rad treatments. His usual clinic days were Tuesdays, but since that first Tuesday was only my second treatment, he said he did not need to see me.  Well, I surely needed to see him!  3) Keep the ACS volunteer out of the dressing rooms. She accosted me while I was wearing my johnnie and would not go away until I was actually rude to her.