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Radiation recovery



  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited May 2013

    Thanks for the info GiGi, will give it a try.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Hi Gigil.

    So glad dad is improving, thank God!

    Your new outfit sounds devine. I am so glad your gilrie-girl has returned. Please post a photo in your new outfit. Have fun, fun, and more fun today. Mazel Tov!



  • tracy77
    tracy77 Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2013

    I am about 3 months out from 30 radiation treatments on my tram-flap breast....I am not doing well as I started working again and using my arm; my underarm has become very painful, swollen my arm feels heavier and my hand/fingers are number than usual.   I can not reach up it hurts to remove clothes and now the reconstructed breast seems to be is just crazy anyone have this similiar issue any suggestions...went back to radiologist a week ago and he said some people heal slower and not to use my arm...It's crazy I never thought I would be getting worse instead of better...had 4 rounds of chemo but had to stop because taxol started numbing my hands and feet...maybe I should start taking the gabetine pills the doctor gave me????....I am also righ handed and can't do much at all....very frustrated and thanks for listening...

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2013

    Tracy, sounds like lymphedema to me

    Did your Ro recognize that?

    How many lymph nodes were removed?

  • tracy77
    tracy77 Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2013

    MY RO felt around and didn't mention lymphedema to me, back in 2001 when I was first diagnosed and had the tram flap they removed 11 nodes...this is my second round of BC only had a lumpectomy    which doctor do oyu suggest I speak with about lymphedema?   too many doctors and alot of opinions during all of this.....   

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2013

    I would mention it to you breast surgeon.Or whoever listens.Also you could read up on lymphedema too there's a good amount of info on this site too.

    Also I'm so sorry you are on your second round of BC.Have you ever heard that once they do Rads they can't do it again again to that breast?

    Does the same hold true for Chemo?If so that's scary.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Josie - That was me. Of course you have to take into account dry skin etc but they told me that at the ER once. The nurse came up and pinched my hand on top and then did my finger. It stayed dented awhile so she said I was dehydrated. After they gave me fluids it came right back. I can do it now and I have been drinking all day. My endo wants to test me for diabetes. We did last year and I was OK but prednisone can cause that. Lets hope not but I am going to have him test it. I do not seem to have any issue with high blood sugar. Just low. When I wake up in the am I test and it is 78 or 80 most days. I think normal is in the upper 80s.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Gigil - So glad you dad is doing better.

    We really were seperated at birth. I have been having the same vaginal stuff. Thought it was caused by rads but I guess not. Had a culture done for yeast and it came back ok. Thought it was a UTI but the doctor tested that and no bacteria. I am going to try that. I also tried another probiotic and it caused cramps so I have been eating some yogurt but I am sensitive to dairy. I will look for the one you are talking about.

    I also thought it was soap because I used to use summers eve unscented sensitive but they discontioued it last summer so I had about 8 bottles left. I ran out last month and started using cetiphil soap that I use on my body but it sort of burns. Someone mentioned some wash called Healthy Hoo Hoo. Laughing I can see you laughing right now. Anyone tried it?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited May 2013

    Ok thanks BUNKIE.BTW when was your last bone density?

    Sounds like Gigil is on to something there.Sometimes it helps to listen to your body.Never thought your symptoms would be from a leaky gut.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Josie - I got tested last year and just this year he checked the arm also because he thought my thyroid was a mess. It is but mostly from the rads. Mt results were ok except the lower spine. They said that is almost normal for someone 60 and considering I am on prednisone it is really good. That med sucks the calcium out of your bones and I can not take supplements because of my autoimmune disease.

    I think she is on to something too. Going to pick up some this week. No doubt my gut is leaky.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited May 2013

    GiGi- I am so glad to hear that your dad is better and can enjoy the family. Hope the graduation was nice and dinner sounds fabulous as does your outfit!

    I am feeling better these last few days which is giving me a good vibe. I took half a tami yesterday and half today so far so good.

    I do have some symptoms I am wondering if others have or not. My SNB was in February, I still cannot feel my inner arm almost as far down as the elbow, completely numb. Nor can I feel my underarm/pit at all. I am very swollen just sitting here I have a roll of like baby fat bulging when my arm is down at my side, my otherside doesnt have this I can visually see how swollen it is. I have been working outside but minimally, nothing strenous. I had a serenoma drained weeks after surgery, does it ever happen again this far out?

    I still have this hard lump in my breast, if I push on it, its tender and now the side of my breast is hurting. I notice it at night when I am sleeping and roll over on it. The lump has been there I am thinking scar tissue? I read sometimes they go in and break that up, has anyone heard of that? No idea why the side of it is hurting and tender. These things if I think to much on make a wave of panic come over me.

    I hope everyone is enjoying good health and happiness this weekend.

    much love-

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited May 2013

    Hi lemon, my scar is still sore and kind of lumpy-my doctor said this is normal, and that the pain is from the radiation. Gradually over time the sensitivity in the area my diminish, but surgeon thinks it will always be a bit sore. Don't be scared of the scar tissue, this is normal. I can't remember if my inner arm was numb, it's a year since my surgery, and 9 mos. since rads.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    I have been laying on my sofa in tears the discomfort is awful tonight. Elevating my leg is doing nothing. My stomach is hard and distended too. Thank God I see doc in 38 hours. I am wondering if being admitted to the hospital will do anything for me

    Gigil even though I am miserable I am looking forward to seeing a photo of you in your new outfit. I hope you had a wonderful time this evening.



  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    Kate my heart goes out to you. Maybe being in the hospital will make you feel safer or more comfortable?

    Lemon, I think many of us have their brachial nerve affected by node removal.  According to my reading (it was a while ago, sorry no links) it can cause numbness and sometimes pain.  Brachial damage can be permanent (my surgeon's input) though some women report some improvement.  I also think that along with scar tissue, this brachial reforming can cause some lumpiness (so can other things, like LE, etc.)  I am not a doctor, just addicted to google. My underarm is still partially numb, with my 2 year surgery anniversary coming up. Of course the best thing to do is ask your bs or mo for their input.

    Gigi, hope you dad is continuing to feel well.  Enjoy your family!

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Kate sorry to hear you are suffering. If you don't improve please go to ER. They can ease your pain. Great day today. Hope I will get an email from my DIL with pics.

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited May 2013

    Dear kate, am so concerned for you, and hate to hear that you're in so much discomfort. It must be very frightening. Maybe you should go to ther er to see if they can relieve some of your pain. Please keep us posted.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Hi Sab, Gigil, and Suzannah,

    I made it through the night, and it is a tiny bit better, yet it is miserable. I think I can hold out till tomorrow without having to go to ER. ER can be a big pain too, especially on the weekends, when youi have to wait forever. I am praying for some answers tomorrow. My doc thinks that with more chemo treatments I will get relief, but the question now is what do I do till then. Thank you all for your support. I am sorry to break down like I did, but I just couldn't stand it any more.

    Gigil I am so glad that you had a good time, and I can't wait for the photos.



  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited May 2013

    Kate, please don't apologize, when you're going through something really tough you must have an outlet to vent and express your feelings. I hope being able to do this brought you some relief and comfort. Please don't keep your feelings closed in. Virtual hug xoxo

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited May 2013

    Kate, please, please go to the ER.  

    If your leg is only a little bit better now, I am afraid (and I hope I'm not alone here) that it will get worse later.   I am sure they will take you right away once you let them know you are short of breath. 

    This situation is hard on all your organs and a good looking over at the ER will give your MO a lot of information before your meeting tomorrow so he will be right on top of your case and way, way, better equipped to help you. 

    I confess that I've been sitting here for a couple of hours waiting to see how you feel this morning, and hoping that a good night's sleep would have made more of a difference.  Maybe some of the others are doing the same?

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Hi Brookside,

    Thank you so very, very much for your concern. If I think I nee ER I will go, but they are not going to have a medical oncologist on call. I sent doc an email last night. I think Sat. night is the one and only night he takes off, but I will hear from him today. In the email I asked him if they would admit me to the hospital for this, and would a lymph therapist come to the hospital. Since my ct scans were negative I don't think I am in danger. If I need ER I will go, but I prefer to hold out and see him tomorrow.



  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Kate _ I know how you feel about the ER, but at least you have a good one. We have nothing here on the week end but flunkies so I avoid it.

    Has your leg been up all night?

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    How are you feeling?

    Yes, my leg was propped up all night on a stack of pillows. I am feeling a little better than yesterday.



  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2013

    Lemon, I also had the hard lump in the incision area and also sensitivity in the whole area.  I finally called my oncologist and went in a few days later.  They ordered my mammo and everything was fine.  I have LE and it needs massage again which I can do at home.  The lump is nothing, scar tissue.  When I got my diagnosis for the LE my oncologists were useless.  They came up with a few different reasons for the swelling.  Then I saw my BS and he told me in so uncertain terms I have LE.  So went to an LE therapist and it worked wonders.  I have to keep the massage up when it acts up.  Tracy I think you could have LE as well.  I agree with Josie, tell the doctor most likely to respond.  In my case that was my BS.  Oncologists were worthless.  They treated it initially with antibiotics thinking it was Cellulitis.  It wasn't of course. 

    GigiL I am so glad your dad responded so well to the transfusions.  Happy dance that he is feeling so much better.  Also BIG congratulations on your granddaughter's graduation.  I am so glad you were able to share this special event with family.  What a special dinner too!

    Kate I am sorry you are experiencing all this pain and discomfort.  You sure need a break from that swelling.  I am glad you are seeing your MO tomorrow.  Hopefully he can do something to help you.  I know it has to be so miserable.  Gentle healing hugs headed your way.  NEVER worry about venting here.  It is not a weakness at all.  We all have been through so much.  We gather strength and hope from one another.  Vent anytime Kate.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Thank you Janis your support means a lot to me.



  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Not one of my better days but I am fine. This too shall pass. I was talking to my BFF this morning and it seems my life is such a mess and hers too. At least I am not alone.

    I am glad you feel a bit better. Are you going to go for any walk today? I know what it feels like to be out of breath with my lung condition.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2013

    Bunkie I am sorry you aren't having a great day.  You are never alone.  We have all had very low points I am sure.  Don't let the sadness consume you.  I finally realized I needed an anti-depressant and there is no shame in it.  I have tried a couple and am doing well on Paxil after an increase in dosage.  We all have to find our footing again.  I hope you have many better days ahead.  Lots of hugs to you.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Hi Bunkie,

    Sorry that you are not feeling great. I forgot about Barbara Walter's "this too shall pass". Thanks for reminding me.

    If you are talking about me taking a walk, I really can't.ost I can walk is a block. I will get out for a block later. It is a gorgeous day in Santa Monica. I wish I was able to walk, because I would go to Venice beach.

    Sorry that you know about being out of breath, and that you have a lung problem. I think my being out of breath is temporary from having to drag around this heavy leg and foot.



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    it was supposed to be the most I can walk is a block

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Here you go Kate.  Here is a picture of last evening. DH and granddaughter Ashton and I.   xoxo  

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited May 2013

    Kate, we were trying to get my father into an oncologist, when he started having a lot of trouble and we had to take him in to ER.  The ER visit triggered fast action on everyone's part and bumped his treatment up a few notches.  Sometimes it takes going to the ER, being admitted through ER to trigger consults with all of the right people.  Just something to think about.  That swelling is no small matter.  It is not only uncomfortable, but it is compromising your circulation and that is not good.  Like I said, my DH is an ER doc, and he knows what it takes to get the ball rolling for someone.  Don't hesitate to go there and call their attention to the large amount of swelling you are experiencing.  They need to give you some Lasix or something to get that calmed down.  You have a good MO, but he is limited by his schedule and his ability to pay attention to anything during a busy day.  Put yourself on the fast track if you need to.  Just something to think about.

    BUNKIE, I hope you do get the Culturelle and give it a try.  I swear my anxiety/depression has even improved.  I just feel better all the way around.  

    Lemon, even after a year I still have numbness in my armpit.  I have to be so careful with even the idea of shaving.  I have recently misplaced my electric razor and have a very safe three blade shaver,  I have used it with great trepidation a couple of times, but most times, not much hair grows there anyway.  My shoulder and arm were supremely sore over the winter.  I started sleeping on the opposite side with a pillow at my waist to rest my arm on, and also beside me when I was sleeping on my back.  I kept gently moving it, and now it is doing much better.  I have also had a lot of rib pain in the past two years, and I think that is LE in the trunk area.  If any of it gets out of hand, I will go to a LE specialist.  It has really taken me two years to feel much better, to be honest.  I wouldn't be so worried this soon after, but get the help you need to stay on top of it.  Oh, and I had bumpy scar tissue in and around my incision.  I gently massaged that with gentle lotion, and it has smoothed out a lot.