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Radiation recovery



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Thank you so much Gigil



  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2013

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2013

    Kate thanks for thinking of me and wondering where I was.  I am fine really, neck is sure sore though from all the pressure of the needles.  I hope you have a wonderful reunion with your friend.  You will shine, honestly.  You are not a fat cow Kate!  Far from it.  You have grace and style and I am sure it will go well for you.  Relax and enjoy catching up.  Happy hugs sent out to you.

    Gigil I had to laugh about your mom and the old fashioned operator.  This is amazing, I was a long distance operator for awhile in the  early 70's.  Yep, cord pairs and patching calls all kinds of things.  I am really amazed about your mom because my mom did the same thing.  All my growing up years she worked as a bookkeeper.  She always wanted to be a nurse.  After divorcing my dad she too went back to nursing school at 48.  She graduated with honors and was an RN her last years.  Sadly cancer took her far too quickly at age 65.  She planned to work until she was 70.  We all hate this damn cancer.

    Sew I think that hot fudge recipe is calling my name!  I am still not at all a disciplined eater.  I have cut way back on a lot of sweets but still bake.  Then of course we eat it all.  I do share with neighbors usually but we get our fair share!

    I love the idea of preserving these old recipes for future generations.  Both of my sons are excellent cooks.  They were always calling me for specific recipes.  A few years ago i made them each a cookbook.  I bought a blank recipe book filled with cards and hand wrote out all of their favorite recipes growing up.  There were plenty of extra cards for them to add their own recipes.  My oldest son Ryan is a very good cook and I often pick his brain for recipes he has made. 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2013

    Gigil I just saw your photo.  You look absolutely wonderful!  I have no idea why women are so hard on themselves.  You clearly have no weight issues.  Remember we are not in high school anymore and a few extra pounds in 30 years is normal.  We are finally just learning to settle into our bodies.  Great picture!

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2013

    Thank you Janis.  You are right.  We need a little extra weight to fight with at this age.  Thin and frail is not good.  Love the story about your mom.  My mom also graduated top of her class.  It was her life long dream to be a nurse.  She would retire and then come out of retirement to take small jobs until she was 80!  The last few years she worked in the summer as nurse and house mother to a group of high schoolers in a summer camp where they explored medical careers.  She has been mom and grandma to many.  She is sorely missed by all of those young people she worked with over the years.

    I tested to become a telephone operator.  I was just going to start work part time, when they switched everything over to automated systems.  Darn it!  It looked like it would have been a fun job. 

    My oldest son is a wonderful cook.  He had us all over for prime rib a few weeks ago.  I am still remembering how good it was!  He surpassed me a long time ago.  I have an open invitation to go to his house every Saturday night.  He is usually grilling or cooking something wonderful.  I don't know why I don't go more often!!  I think I am trying to watch my weight!  Ha! Ha!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Great photo Gigi.  think you look terriffic!



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Thank you for the compliments Janis. I am wearing my new peach skirt( and it does a great job of hiding fat lol). My friend sounds very sweet on the phone, and I am sure we will have a good time. I will email later and let you know how it went.



  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2013

    You will look terrific Kate!  I hope you connect with this sweet woman and make a new friend. 

    Gigil the loss of our mother's is so profound.  I think we really never quite get over it. 

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Hey ladies - Have been dealing with house stuff...yup more flooding, faulty air conditioner repair, new kitchen leak and absolutely going crazy. There are 6 new pages on here I have to catch up on. I will take some time tonight and read.  

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    oropallo - Not sure if I welcomed you to the site. Really sorry about you have that kind of diagnosis. I was lucky to only have to do rads and tw lumpectomies so I am not going to try and give you any advice. Rads is hard on your body also but not like other things. You might do better that me and hopefully you will get done soon.

    Protein, Aquaphor-Aloe Vera gel, loose clothes, mild soap and plenty of sleep. That is my best advice.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Gigil - Ok you did not know I was a telephone operator/supervisor/manager for 32 years for the phone company. They switched names so many times but I started at Michigan Bell right after high school. Then I transferred to Pacific Bell  and became a training manager for operator services. OMG!!! It was always a good paying job and now it is gone. All automation almost.

  • SusannahW
    SusannahW Member Posts: 375
    edited May 2013

    So much happened in one day! Please excuse my leaving anyone out.

    Janis, so good to hear from you, I missed your posts.

    Kate, I know you will look lovely for your lunch with your old friend. Hope your surgeon buddy is ok!

    GiGil, you are so cute!

    A question: how many of you had an MRI after 1year post op? My bc was discovered on ultrasound. Then I had an MRI, which revealed a few suspicious spots, very scary. I then had another MRI which included 3 biopsies, an awful experience. All were clear. My bs wants me to get an MRI one year out-I want to postpone it till after the summer. There is no special reason for me to have it, it's just her protocol. Do u think it's okay to wait till fall?

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2013

    If it is just protocol for your bs I don't see why you couldn't wait a little. Thanks for the sweet complement. .

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2013

    Hi y'all

    Kate - have fun tonight! Trusting your friend will be able to go...steak yummy

    Bunkie - oh my that house...hire the best looking handyman in the area:)

    Janis - need cake balls fudge brownie and time:)

    Joan - still CA Dreamin! Summer plans?

    SAB - what's cooking and where did you hike this weekend!

    Josie - congrats fish graduation family...another hit please:)

    GiGil - fun reunion class:) when is hubby opening practice? Deer think I'm crazy doing movements on porch...dragon scooping moon out of ocean ha! Big wild TX:)

    Susannah - BC team said every 6 mos mammo then MRI for next 3-5 years. Unless appt lands on vacation dates I would go:)

    Ok??? Aromasin it's such a tiny white pill...was going to sneak up on it by cutting in half, opened rx today...but it's too tiny. Can't believe to small to cut so suggestions...take am or pm?

    Slept for 10 hrs oh my...veggin today. Hubby got tickets for a country western band tonight...gonna 2-step and boot scoot ha! Don't know what's got into him, cause I've often asked him to go BC was wake up call to play...wonder if he'll play tennis now...hummm don't think I'll push my luck. My uncle did say last week that dancing was like making love...yeah :))

    Time to paint my nails and prom lol!

    Have a great night!

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    SusannahW - I have never had an MRI. Not before or after BC and Rads. Feel like I am missing something.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Janis - Ok just read your story about you being and cord board operator. I worked long distance and directory assistance. That is so neat that we all did this or had moms that did. When I started it was considered a real desired job. Not so much toward the end.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    I don't know where to start!

    gigi, you're a cutie. Love the picture! My high school was a teeming mess of racism and hate, and there are few reunions. 

    Kate, let us know how your meet up goes.  I sure hope your sweet surgeon friend is ok.

    Bunkie, I'm so sorry the basement is still leaking!  Will the contractor come and make everything right?

    Susannah, haven't had an MRI since the diagnostic one before surgery.

    Janis, missed you!  I am horrified to hear about your medical experience.  It just seems so barbaric (again, a Star Trek reference.) I hope that as a diagnostic tool it will be helpful.

    Cindy, glad you rested up for some dancing tonight!  Enjoy! It was a very physical weekend for me...we ran, hiked, biked, swam and did some yoga.  Exhausted from having fun!  Next weekend I believe we will try kayaking for the first time.  Have been wanting to do so for a while, but unable to get up to our local lakes.  So...will take the plunge (not literally I hope) in the bay waters. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    I just came back from the luncheon date with my high school friend. We had a blast talking about the good old days. She gave me a great compliment, and said I look the same as high school. I was a natural blonde, and now I color it blonde, and I wore it shoulder length back then as I do now. We went to an Italian restaurant at the mall, and I indulged in delicious pizza. Then we had coffee, and sat outside with ocean views. Then she came back to my place for a little while, and now I am at the donut shop. It was a wonderful afternoon.



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited May 2013

    Sab, you'll love kayaking. Bay kayaking is big time though so make sure it's as smooth as a lake to start. And be prepared to get a bit wet. No matter what I did, the paddle always dripped on me :)

    Only MRI I've had was on original diagnostics. Just mammos every 6 months first 2 years. Had ultra sounds with the first 2 mammos since treatment.

    Ok, I also worked for Pac Bell but in the business office and then as computer system engineer programming the billing for all those toll calls. Worked a switch board during one of the strikes in the 70's though. Worked 12 hour days on those old cord boards, 7 days a week. Ended up at the Ear Doc due to problems magnified by the headphones. Does this count?

    Bunkie, I'm doing the no rain chant for you till this all gets fixed. Maybe a sump pump and vacate the basement? Poor you to be dealing with this all again.

    Sab, your high school sounds about like mine. Racially mixed and several of those races didn't think much of each other!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited May 2013

    Bunkie when I went to work I lived in Reno and worked for Nevada Bell.  Gosh things were so different back then.  I only worked there for a year.  Got married and moved to another state.  I should have tried to stay on when we moved.  The benefits were so good back then.

    Susannah I have never had a breast MRI.  I have a mammogram annually, but will have my next one at 6 months because of the development of scar tissue. 

    SAB I so envy your devotion to exercise and all that activity.  My DH has emphysema/COPD and his lungs are getting worse.  It is hard for him to do anything very physical.  I feel so badly for him.  About all we can do together is walk our dogs.  He could never hike or do any strenuous exercise.  It sounds like you had a perfect weekend, very busy!  My neck is okay, some bruising from the injections and still pretty sore.  I honestly don't know how much longer I can pursue looking for a cause for this.  The injections yesterday were brutal. 

    RMLULU, cake balls it is!  I made two batches of marzipan last week for my stepson visiting from Seattle.  It is his absolute favorite.  We went through the first batch pretty quickly, so I made another batch for him to take home.  I bet they are already gone.  Such good stuff, so I will make some just for us as well!  I could use a party! 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited May 2013

    Bunkie so sorry you have to deal with more flooding.

    Suzannah I think you shoud get the mri now and get it over with.



  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited May 2013

    Ladies - There is a site here called Not Quite a Hoarder-Decluttering. They have a lot of good ideas.

    There is a rule that if you have not worn it in a year let it go. I can not seem to do that but I do have a 2 year limit unless it is a dressy item or something like that.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited May 2013

    Janis, Walking the dog together is a great way to get some exercise! My dh just started exercising this last year or so.  Before that I was a gym rat...alone.  I'm happy he has become more active but I still like the gym...I rejoined last month so that I can sneak off to do my own thing two or three times a week. It's "me" time.  I don't think about him, or the kids, or the bills. My gym is small and simple, and very inexpensive but they have good classes.  

    Sew, I'm scared to death to get in the bay.  I'm going to call about Elkhorn Slough out of Monterey...maybe that will be gentler. Or better yet maybe I should just go to the opera at UCSC and stay dry!

    Kate,  It's so nice that you enjoyed reconnecting with your friend.  Sounds like a lovely afternoon.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2013

    Kate, glad your luncheon turned out so well.  I just knew it was going to be fun for you.  Nothing like reconnecting with old friends.

    SAB thank you for the kind words.  My high school class has stayed close.  Some of them were real pains in the butt in high school, but we grew up in northern North Dakota and we had to put up with each other.  Seems over the 12 years we actually developed some genuine affection for each other.  The stuff that was so annoying in high school has just faded away and now we have mostly good memories.  Some of them were terribly prejudiced back in the day.  Thank God they have outgrown that.  When I see them I try not to get into political or religious discussions.  For the most part we keep it light.  WE get together every 5 years, especially now that we are getting older.  

    I too admire your drive to exercise and stay active.  I have to do more, more, more of that.  I went to the movies with my dh today.  He wanted to see Star Trek, which we both really enjoyed and then we went to dinner at Crave.  I had steak and buttermilk mashed potatoes and we shared coconut cake.  Now I have to work that off.  I only ate about 1/3 of the steak.  Gosh reataurants give a huge slab of meat.  That was my meat for the week - red at that.  Sometimes a steak just sounds so good.  I was looking at the fish, but couldn't get past that steak meal.  

    Janis, did you say how your knee is?  I love to walk with my dh too, even though his legs are so much longer than mine and he takes huge strides.  I get a good workout trying to keep up.  

    Bunkie, I am going to check out that website right now!!  I need help.

    Cindy, you must be dancing tonight.  Lucky you!  Maybe I should put some music on and get busy here to work off the calories.  The picture is new isn't it?  I just noticed it a day or so ago.  Who is that in it with you?  You both look so happy.

    My 30 year old niece called today.  Now that she is done with chemo, her MO wants her to do radiation.  I think she is making the right decision.  I do believe rads are a good insurance policy for someone who is ER+PR+HER2-.  That, and Tamoxifen.  She has so many years left to survive!!  

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited May 2013

    Sab...yep, you sure could stay dry at the opera, :). I vote for the slough. They're usually accommodating. Watch prevailing winds though, as they have a nasty tendency to push you down river and then pick up just in time for you to battle your way home. Up here the winds don't usually pick up till about 3:00 or so, but check with your local wind toy shop. And enjoy, it's all an'll love it.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited May 2013

    Bunkie, thanks for the tip about that decluttering thread!  I found it:

    It's super long, but not as long as this one.  I see the flylady is mentioned in the original post.  I am looking forward to checking it out, but this thread is my home base. :)

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited May 2013

    Hi y'all

    Fun band, but we were done boot scooting by 9:30! Next week will start line dancing again...gotta get some new dancing shoes:)

    SAB - luv luv kayaking...wear your compression sleeve ...and ocean is tricky with tide/current/winds. Are you sit in or on top? Mines blue sit on top...did tandem on Big Island with hubby it was disaster ...solo for me! I luv the time:))

    Janis - yum I'm so hungry for cake balls and party time!

    Hoarders- RunFree Bunkie- ha ha get a second house and spread the stuff out:). Or an air condition storage unit...

    Kate - fun lunch date...HS GFs are fun...know all our history...think we all should have buttons with our favorite year pics and say this is me...cheerleader, homecoming queen, brownie, surfer chick, new mom, silly girl...all the good stuff:) never change at heart!

    Sew - yes, your phone time counts! We all give Lily Tomlin a good run as operator:) snort

    GiGil - yes, new pic my GS! Too cute. He loves Tow Mater so I take Mater on adventures and make 2 shutterfly books to read together on iPad. He sits so still and giggles as Mater does all sorts of crazy adventures with Sweet C & Pops! Send a video clip monthly so he knows who we are. During all this c stuff the past few years could not see him...walking germs...always got sniffles and hubby was very ill so yeah for FaceTime ad shutterfly books.

    Put on some music and dance...luv to Nordic track and sing a long to Momma Mia movie...17 beauty queen...does your momma know...yeah ABBA lol!

    Gonna sit on porch in the breeze with my dancin feet in Epsom salts.

    Good Night Mr Moon...Good Night all!



  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited May 2013

    Cindy, I loved your fun post.  I too love to put MaMa Mia on and sing along.  I love that movie, and I have been to the off Broadway show twice.  I have also seen Joseph with Donnie Osmond.  That was amazing.  I love that music too, and it makes my happy.  But ABBA is the best!!!  I have six grandkiddies and one on the way.  I had to stay clear of all of them in the winters right after my treatment.  My immunity was down and they are little germ carriers.  I am still pretty much a hermit during flu season.  I love the spring, summer and fall before they start catching things at school and bringing them home. Great idea about the shutterfly books.  I need to get more creative there.  I have a couple of grandsons that I don't see nearly enough.  Sitting on the porch in the breeze with feet soaking sounds absolutely wonderful!!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    So much to read in a day...and can't remember everything...
    Cindy, Yes, am missing CA very much.  It was perfect weather.  I need to go back and return something I brought home with me by mistake....
    Poison Oak!  I am getting covered...
    Summer plans?  not yet. 

    Janis, so glad you checked in.  Those shots sound like a cruel experiment...but if you can find a way to manage pain it may be worth it.  So glad you had fun with Russ. 

    Gigi, I look great...hope you had a lot of smiles!  My DSs turned out to be good cooks...on Monday we had an impromptu barbq and my grandson (23) took over everything that would be cooked outside and it was really special.  I hope your niece is on her way back to a full and healthy life.

    Susannah, I never had an MRI...I asked about it but they said there are many falst positives (as you know).  I am a little insecure about it, but am trusting my BS.  I am not sure about your timing but you could ask about doing it in the fall.

    Sew, I really haven't been asking much about my blood tests.  It had been all about Vit D for the past year. I don't even know how I did after rads.  I hope you see some improvement on your next check.

    Kate, I am reallly happy you went to see your long lost friend, and that you reconnected.  It sounds like you were having a great day - good timing.  I am hoping your upcoming session won't be too hard for you. 

    SAB, I should probably know this, but have you been kayaking in lakes?  I have the bay at the end of the next road and I am afraid to put in there...wind and tides change.  And I am not the strongest paddler.  Would you take a guided trip?

    RunFree, thanks for the decluttering link.  It's on my list this summer.

    Tonight I asked my assistant chair for an extra night of work as assistant to another professor.  I've done it before when my class was canceled; but I have to bump someone from that slot.  He said i can't do it and he gave me 2 reasons that don't add wondering if I should pursue or just drop it and take that night off.  We have a meeting tomorrow and I think I will try to clarify my "rights" to exercise seniority, even if I decide not to do it.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited May 2013

    Bunkie, didn't mean to forget sorry to hear that there are continued problems at the house.  Wish you could fix it, paint it, sell it quickly, and move to higher ground.  I saw the rain in the central states on the weather map.  Not fair!

    Oro, I agree with Bunkie on her radiation advice.  I would add drink a lot of water.