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Radiation recovery



  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited April 2014

    Hi ladies.  Kate, Brookside and Sew, thanks for replying.  Sew and Brookside, I have been on pretty much every PPI that is made, to no avail.  Prilosec at first, increased doses did not help.  Then Nexium, the original dose did nothing so that too was doubled to no avail.  On to Aciphex, which didn't help at all.  Finally Protonix and the reflux continues to worsen.  I have a small hiatal hernia, and my primary said if they do this surgery they will also repair the hernia.  My best friend had this surgery 11 years ago and she said it helped a lot.  I remember when she had it and she had a pretty easy time.  Apparently you have to eat soft foods only for the first month or so.  She ate a lot of scrambled eggs.  I don't eat eggs but I am sure I can find something to eat.  I don't even know for sure if I am having the surgery.  I am still waiting for the surgeon's office to call and schedule the consult.  I have been sick a lot lately with the reflux.  It is so bad and nothing I do helps.  It is very frustrating.  I have been tested for H. Pylori and it is always negative.  I almost wish it had been that as it is a relatively quick fix.

    I had my Shingles vaccine today and found out I have a UTI.  Sigh.....when it rains, you know?  I am now taking Cipro so it will clear up quickly.

    Sew I would have been terrified having an oak tree land on my roof!  I can picture you camping in the dining room, sounds kinda cute!  Did the kitties join you?  I am very happy to hear your house was not damaged.

    Kate I know you are counting the days until your trip.  Hopefully some of the problems will be improved and you can have a stress free trip.  Being with your family will be so special.  Keep focusing on the great times ahead.  I sure hope you feel much better very soon.

    Shouts outs to all!

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Janis, I haven't read others responses.  Everyone in my family has reflux.  My aunt had that surgery and she did well.  My mother went for the same surgery,  her stomach had migrated up into her esophageal space and was severe.  She pushed for a surgeon who was a family friend.  She also pushed for a laparoscopic procedure, so she could go home sooner.  She died of complications of that surgery.  I would probably not get that surgery myself.  Some doctors don't have much faith that this procedure is that successful.  My remedy is six small meals a day, last meal no later than 6:00 p.m.  I also stay away from sugar, alcohol, and spicy foods, especially in the evening.  I have been able to get it under control.  I wish my mom would have stuck to that regimen too.  It was working for her.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Janis, I also use a daily probiotic - Culturelle and it has helped the reflux a lot.  I take it with food.  If you are taking Cipro, the Culturelle will help keep the natural bacteria in your system.  Antibiotics can really mess with your system too.  So many UTI's are getting resistant to certain antibiotics.  Did they culture your urine to see what antibiotic will work?

    I should add many times the Nissen procedure has worked.  Sometimes for a period of time, anyway.  Also exercise helps GERD a lot too.  Moderate exercise, not strenuous.  Also, when you take the PPI's for a long period of time, they stop working.  Sometimes a change of meds helps a lot.  I always sleep on two pillows, and  sometimes make a wedge of three pillows when I am having trouble.  I also use Gaviscon, which I kind of hate to overuse.  

    I also wanted to say my mom was 80 and had COPD, which contributed to her situation.  Her case was very severe.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    I've always had huge trees hanging over my house and have never been truly comfortable in a thunderstorm.  On Long Island it was a majestic oak tree; here in Vermont it is an elderly maple. I remember my mother, years ago, mentioning that the trees were something you actually looked for when buying a house, as they would provide cooling shade in summer.  Now let's hear it for that newfangled air conditioning!

    The stupid arimidex has gradually slowed my bowels, so I've been chopping up prunes and dried apricots and cooking them in my morning oatmeal.  I'd tried just eating dried fruit, but with no result.  Now that I'm cooking it, i see that it takes three times the water to provide oatmeal of the proper consistency.  Says a lot about how much water we need to drink for healthy insides!  Of course, I add sunflower seeds, chopped nuts, and berries to the mix.  Very, very yummy, and loaded with fiber.  And it works.  It makes me think of you every morning, Kate, as I imagine you're doing something pretty similar.

    I hope you don't need that surgery, Janis, but I guess, if you've tried everything your pcp and your gastroenterologist have suggested, you might be what the call "an excellent candidate" for the procedure. I'd just be sure to ask how many of these your surgeon does in a month.  If it's not a lot (and I have no idea how many might constitute "a lot," you might want to travel to a hospital where this is a more or less everyday event.  Gigil's idea of probiotics sounds spot on,

  • gemini4
    gemini4 Member Posts: 320
    edited April 2014

    excellent advise, Brookside, about finding a surgeon who performs the procedure frequently. I'll add that it's a good idea for any type of surgical procedure. Years ago I had to have surgery to remove a cholesteatoma from my inner ear (rare but benign growth that if left to grow could erode the hearing bones and cause permanent vertigo). My ENT was going to do it, but thanks to a Yahoo group I learned that I should find a surgeon who specializes in this type of surgery. I ended up finding a fantastic otologist (only deals with ears) and am so glad I did ... The surgery was very successful and took care of it for good. 

    This actually just came to me as I'm typing ... Bunkie, I know you have issues with vertigo. Have you ever had your ears checked?

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    I agree with both Brookside and gemini4, find a surgeon who does the procedure constantly.  In my mom's case, the surgeon was excellent, but he is really a vascular surgeon.  As I said he is a family friend, and this has left him with regrets.  I am sure he thought he could do this surgery and he has maybe done some, but he was not the resident pro.  He should have refused to do it.  I wish he would have, because he had to clear adhesions that should never have been done with the method he used.  This was a freak set of circumstances, and the logical part of me knows that, but still, I would try everything first.  I have had to give up eating a lot of things I like at certain times of the day.  Early in the day, with some care, I can have anything I want.  Dinner is just a very small, bland meal for me.  That and the probiotic work for me.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2014

    (((Janis))) I hope you find a path to resolving this reflux that sounds right to you.  Do you have a good medical center nearby?
    Just wondering...when is that birthday trip that your family wants to give you?  I hope your plans to be with your family will go smoothly.
    (forgive me for not remembering...)

    It is a beautiful day here...I was feeling so strange last night but woke up fine so worked out in the yard.  I have not had flowers in years due to the deer...except for Russian Sage, Cat Mint and Lavender...all purple.  I am ordering flower boxes for my deck which is high enough to evade the flower-loving deer.  I hope I can have some colorful blooms this summer.  And an herb garden right outside the kitchen.  We'll see........
    My grandson is in town so we will meet up for a simple dinner. 
    Then back to the taxes and grading papers.  But it's the week end complaints.

    It looks like blooms here, but have shoots and buds ... our spring arrives very late.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2014

    Hi everyone!  It's the weekend so I thought I would pop in and say hello.  Kate, I'm so excited for your upcoming trip!  I know you just can't wait to get your arms around your loved ones.  Joan, I was at Costco today, looking at all the beautiful blooms.  I'm sooooo ready for spring flowers.  Bunkie, I HATE ants right along with you.  You've probably already tried to put something down outside where it wouldn't affect you, only the ants?  Janis, good advice from Gigi and Brookside and Gemini (as usual) our medical mavens.  Sew, that's a scary story!  I am just in awe of you just going ahead with your fiber group!  Such a calm lady. 

    I'm sitting down to catch up on personal bills and emails and write something for my writer's group tomorrow.  We enjoyed a very long hike this morning, just a bit slower than usual due to some vertigo I've been experiencing (hmmm inner ear?)  Then took care of some errands and shopping.  Tomorrow evening I have to work, and will have to work the next two weekends.  It's springtime at The "U" :-) and there are so many, many families coming to campus this month. I just love meeting all the prospective students--they're so excited and happy and it is absolutely catchy, even with all the hard work it brings. 

    Hi to everyone else, I know I didn't shout out to everyone, but I'm reading and trying to keep up with the posts!  Good health and a good week to everyone!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    Sounds like spring fever around here..... huh?

    We spent the day in the yard today.It's been a work weekend.Unfortunately the city inspector has visited lately and sneaked a peak at the yard.Well I know we do have a few old toys and bikes under the cedar tree and still have that pile of brush left over from last season.But it makes me mad when they pick on us and give us 7 days to get it cleaned up or else.It's not as bad as it sounds nor as junky.

    But whatever we will get it cleaned up and hope he picks on someone else.They always tell you they received a complaint from someone but he constantly drives around trying to take a peek at your property.This time he actually walked into our neighbors to see ours.But every one of my neighbors have some kind of violation to the city ordinance .Why pick on us?

    Anyway DH decides he's going to start a brush fire in the back yard to burn the brush.Well that was ok with me but we raked and cleaned the fenceline..Yes all my hard work this summer is still there although it's slowly creeping back between the fence.Wouldn't the city have had a field day with that brush fire if we did it during the week when they were there.I'm tired.Last night I came home from work and started cleaning up the wet clothes that got ruined when it rained so hard.I'm too tired to clean the house though.My dear MIL acquired leftovers from her cousins house and is having a garage sale next Saturday.

    Oh yeah I forgot to tell you I also had to walk about 2 blocks helping DD pass out bags for the GS personal care item drive called"April showers".This was before we even started in the back yard.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    Sew, glad to hear you survived the storm with little damage.

    Janis, sorry to hear you may have to have surgery .And UTI on top of it Sorry that's no fun.

    BUNKIE, glad to hear your feeling a little better .And sounds like your getting ready to spend some time with family while they repair your house.

    Kate, hope your feeling better.

    Brookside, I hear you about the trees hanging over the house we have an old cedar tree in the back yard that has already been split in half by an ice storm a few years back and is as tall as our 2 story house.I that thing would ever fall on our house it would be disastrous.Your oatmeal sounds yummy.I hope it helps.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2014

    Josie, am tired reading your must do list!  I can hardly believe what you go through with the inspector.  somebody must have complained or maybe is his friend.  Our yard had so much junk...and our zoning is tough.  The guy next door is selling his house and our yard isn't helping right now...we have 2 huge ladders, a wrought iron table, wheelbarrow, etc. etc. on the side of the house.  There is no room in the garage for the stuff...I wanted to get a shed but DH says no every year.  We need to build a big garage that is not attached.  Here I go again, spending money I don't have.  Seven days is not enough to make a significant change in a yard.
    What's wrong with toys?  We had bikes and basketball hoops for years.  We live on a cul de sac with few neighbors but once we got a note in our mailbox complaining about everything.  Probably next door ... not sure.  Half the people on our street do not live here year round and there are 4 acres preserved across the street.  I do not think the deer are complaining.....A brush fire?  I don't advise it...if it got out of control you'd have a real problem!  We can't do that here...Dh took two trips to the landfill today with our sticks grass and leaves.  Not even a dent in what we need to do.

    SAB,  I have been having pressure in my ears and sinuses and back of neck since comes and goes...bad at night, OK by day...some have suggested it's the onset of allergy season.  Do you have allergies?  
    It is busy at my college too...I have to attend Open House tomorrow for accepted and prospective running the planetarium shows for 2 hours.  It's easy...but it's my day off.
     I hope you will wind down at the end of May because I am going to be in SFO area and will be looking for you.
    Sew, you too....
    Anyone else in the Bay area or anywhere, just let us know and we will come up with a date.  I've kind of narrowed it down a lot, so will PM right away.

    Hugs to all!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    Joan, Thanks for sympathizing. Yes I know normally a brush fire isn't a good idea in a suburban area but we had the hose out and stood by with shovels and rake if it got out of control.We have practically no grass in the area we burned either.

    Sounds like you have neighbors like ours.We have a garage too but it's so full of junk we can't fit anything in it.It's detached from the house and really needs to be torn down before it falls down.But then we would have to get a new shed.$$$$.

    I hear you too about spending money you don't have.DH surprised DD and I last Sat with a trip to the furniture store.The Ashley furniture store!! We originally went in to look.Somewhat looking for a chair my my son's room.Well stupid me ended up in the kids bedrooms.Well these salespeople can smell a sale a mile away.They surround you like vultures.I tried to get them to leave before we got pulled into a sale.No luck DD turned on the water works and dad couldn't say no.At that point I was outnumbered.And then of course they talked us into the mattress and box spring.Needless to say we could have bought 2 beds for the money we spent that day.I was sick for days over that one.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited April 2014

    Hi Joan. Sorry you're having allergies.  I don't know if that would cause vertigo--would it?  It was just weird, like the floor was tipping under me.  Getting old sucks.

    Josie and Joan, your conversation is EXACTLY why we live in the woods.

    Josie, Your to-do list is long, but I think the most tiring thing is sometimes stress.  I hope you can build some quiet time in for yourself. I'm sure the furniture you bought is beautiful!

    Writing went well today.  I'm relieved because I had to throw out every word I wrote last weekend.  It was just plain bad. I'll have something to share at my workshop tomorrow, yay!  

    Good night ladies! 

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    I'm glad your writing finally went well, SAB.  Sometimes you just have to write all the wrong stuff before the good words can make their way onto the computer screen.  Too bad your exciting campus-visiting season means you have to work day and night.  On the other hand, isn't it wonderful that you have the energy to do so.

    Speaking of energy, Joan, do you ever sleep?  Not only are you scheduling day and night classes, but trips to the wild west?

    Josie, the big dent in your finances will heal, and the bed will continue to give joy to your DD for years. Your backyard police are the absolute pits!  I can just see them creeping about the neighborhood, shinnying up lamposts, bouncing on mini trampolines, and wearing elevator shoes to peek over fences and spy violations.  Some people just love their jobs too much.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2014

    Josie, I hope you got the long term no interest deal.  We went to buy a refrigerator and ended up with 4 appliances...3 years no interest (but, ha ha, plenty of payments...).  We changed out the range to a slide in and there went the sale price...And, when I got home, my refrigerator, which has been shutting down periodically, was working again.  We could have waited.

    Brookside, I love to travel and must see my kids.  Nobody comes here much so I go to them.  I get free air miles so I use them-every one.  Don't even like to is just a necessary unpleasant experience to enjoy my family.  Sometimes I go for my job...I take field courses and go to conferences if they are in great places. 
    You are so funny with the yard police; our town passed an ordinance that said no outdoor clothes drying can be visible from the street.  Well, heck, first of all, what about the environment? Second, what about people who live on a corner? It was repealed after a few years.

    Last night was the first night I felt good since Wednesday.  Good days; bad congested pain-in-the--neck (literally) nights.
    I stayed up to do my taxes...gathered all...put in my tax program disk (loaned by a friend) and it got stuck in my laptop and won't come out.  Was up to 3 Am with my grandson trying to fix without breaking it. 

    I even tried to break the DVD drive but it won't budge.  Laptop is on it's last...just want to get the taxes done today.  I can download; but it will cost me $50-$80.  This disk is free file...pre paid.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr  (First World problem?)

    Good is a beautiful day and I slept until 8:45.  A colleague woke me with a text about an event at 1 PM.  What was he thinking?
    Birds are singing...Coffee's on. DH went to church and did not wake me. 

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    SAB, glad to hear your writing went well,I would love to live in the woods like you.Quiet time accomplished, went to church this morning.Yes your right about the stress.

    Brookside, your description of the city inspector is so perfect.That's exactly how he is.

    Joan,luckily or not luckily we paid all of the money up front or at least in 2 payments.We had our income tax money and I think those sales people knew it.We have been there done that with financing with furniture.This is where most of our debt is from.Problem is I was hoping our tax money would get us through a lot longer than that.It's not all gone but will be if we don't start budgeting again and we will be living week to week again.Sad

    Not looking forward to Monday again.I had a dream that the lady from the one Health care place called me back for an interview.Guess it wasn't meant to be.

    I stopped trying to reach her since she never has returned a phone call since Tuesday.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited April 2014

    Josie, there is solace in knowing your purchase is paid!  I am not sure why you are not getting your calls returned; but never give up because people come and go.  I really wish you would have some good fortune to get out of that work environment.

    When I went to do my final taxes last night the tax program disk I borrowed  couldn't be read in my "last legs" the disk is stuck in the DVD drive.  I even tried to break the drive luck.  I think I'll go to best buy and ask them to do it...then look around for my next computer.

    Threads are quiet today....nicer weather....outside time!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    Joan, thats a bummer. Hope you can get that disk out and get your taxes done.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014


    Sorry this is sideways but this is that tree I was talking about in our backyard.This was taken from the upstairs attic room and thats not even the top of the tree.
  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    My picture of my new haircut


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014


    This is my backyard. Not great but it willbe even cleaner by Tues when we take the old bikes to scrap place.Maybe I should only post a after photo

  • percy4
    percy4 Member Posts: 13
    edited April 2014

    Hi - I know you all know each other, and I'm new here, but just started a thread, "Shrinkage" about shrinkage on this rads forum, and would really appreciate input.  Very depressed.  Thanks - P.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited April 2014

    Josie, your new haircut is very cute!  It suits you just right!  As for the yard, it shouldn't take long to put that to right, and get the yard police off your backs.  Be sure to post an after too.  Here's hoping the new job comes along for you soon.  Have a great week!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited April 2014

    Thanks Gigil, I'm just now getting used to the new haircut.Thanks for the good vibes on the new job and yard work.We worked all day Sat on the yard but mostly it was the fenceline and brush.Tuesday DH takes the day off so we can clean up the rest.

    Welcome Percy.Don't be depressed.How far into Rads are you? I actually ended up with more swelling after Rads and that actually took months to subside.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    Josie, I lalso love the new haircut. You're right--that tree is huge, and looks like it might gobble up more than its share of your yard. Would lopping off some of the lower branches give you more space?

    While it's no fun to have the yard police getting you started (sort of like your mother saying, "Clean your room," I'm sure it will feel really good to have your yard all spic and span and ready for summe fun.  By the way, a hint for everyone from my semi-pro gardener friend:  Drag one of those big blue tarps along and toss all the weeds and branches on that.  If you don't pile it up too high, It will be easy to drag everything over to your compost pile, burn pile, or truck.  I always used a wheelbarrow until I tried this.  Now the wheelbarrow comes out, but it's just to carry all my rakes and shovels and clippers and cultivators and, of course, the tarp.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    Welcome, Percy.  I responded to your issue on the other thread.  In case any other readers of this thead have a similiar issue, I'll just mention briefly that scar tissue continues to grow for about a year and might replace some of your lost volume, and a lymphedema therapist can be sure that scar tissue remains mobile so it doesn't add to your problems.

    I guess I could add that your rads center expects a lot of patients to return at random times for various reasons.  Why not set up an appointment with your RO to really talk out what has happened, and what you can expect in future. My rads center has a nurse practitioner who handles followup, and is available for lengthy appointments.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited April 2014

    Josie - I can relate to the yard police but not for our house but from people we know. I live in a township called Collierville which is east of Memphis. Code enforcement in this town is relentless. On one hand I understand we need to be as diligent as we can in keeping our yards/house up but they too have gone into backyards and cited a lot of people. To be fair one of the people I know deserves it. Her house is a zillion times worse than yours. She has rodents of every species in her garage which she keeps closed all the time because they have a disabled car in there too...another demand by CE. You cannot park a car in your OWN driveway if it isn't drivable. Seriously. Unless it is on blocks what business is it of theirs what is in your driveway?

    If you end up in Collierville court with a citation you are doomed. The judge here and his court is Mayberry like but not in the friendly way. They have zero tolerance for people who don't take care of their property. One of my neighbors finally made repairs to her house and it looks really nice. They also enforce cutting your grass. If it is too high and you ignore their first warning they will cut it and send you the bill. In my neighborhood we also have a convenant with strict rules as well and fines if you don't. Good luck with your cleanup. I don't mind yard work; I am the one who usually cuts the grass and plants the flowers. Diane

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2014

    So, we trade one big pain in the butt for another. I recently had high blood pressure readings several times in a row. Now it is official. I am on BP meds (lowest dose of something that starts with an L) and am a bit dizzy from this. I have to go back on the exemestane(Aromasin) OR try Femara instead...what to do, what to DO? I feel so good without the AI right now. No brain fog, joint pain down to a dull roar. I can walk without waiting a min or two to straighten up from a sitting position. Not sure what to do! My Onc tells me Aromasin is the LEAST troublesome in terms of joint pain....ugh!

    Hope you are all at work as usual so have to run! xo

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited April 2014

    So glad the joint issues are better, April, especially the finger stuff that was keeping you from posting.  My onc said, pretty strongly, that the side effects get better after about a year and a half, and you're getting pretty close.  MIne got better after I slammed them with aspirin for a couple of weeks.  Now I'm on the alert and ready to weild the aspirin if they get bad again.  Apparently they're aware that I glare at the aspirin bottle whenever I take the stupid pill, and, thus far, pain is workable.  Phooey on the blood pressure meds making you dizzy. I guess that's something that goes away too? 

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited April 2014

    They tell me it will be gone in a day or two (the dizziness) when my body adjusts. My PCP thinks the Aromasin elevated my BP perhaps (since I never ever had an issue before) so going back on makes me nervous! We shall see...

    Back to work. Client is here for 11;30 appointment!