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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2014

    I think I should just not go in because maybe it will give them a reason to fire me.I would rather collect unemployment then work there anymore.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2014

    Josie - go in with your head held high.  Do your work with pride.  Expect no accolades for being there. Just think about the relief it will bring to your next work day.  Than go get your hair done and enjoy the party tonight with an extra twinkle in your eye and a happy are a strong confident woman who gives her best to all!  Go it's what brings you comfort and shows you are a team player!

    Take a pic of you all glammed up tonight!



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2014

    Josie, I don't think you should go in because they will be legally obligated to pay you. It is the law and whoever said it is a "liability" issue is right. I always come in very early each day and I have been told that I am not supposed to be here legally and only allow 10 minutes before my shift officially starts (and I am salary, not hourly!) but the uproar about this has died down so I come in early anyway (my bad and I can get my hand slapped for it) cause I like the peace before the phones start ringing. If you go in, they could tell you that you did not follow the rules and fire you for that. I would not chance it. Hugs for wanting to though!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2014

    Ha Ha. Reliving my childhood...the ocean/water are very restorative for me.  I can breathe it in and relax.  Yes, many memories here been coming since toddler so I think my grandmother taught me to zone here...trying to decide if I will do the Zometa 1 time and see if bones improved at 6 mos.  Concern with QOL and being active...if the cure is causing so many issues I may play the odds...ugh what a gamble.  What are y'all doing?

    Joan - so understand grandmother  opportunities of dd vs ds kids.  it is difficult to get on DIL calendar she comes from a large family and very involved with activities and ds is an only.  Ugh, so best to enjoy life and be thankful when family time comes.

    GiGil - fun take the GKs to FL...warm yes, but oh the memories at Disneyworld and Epcot! Enjoy:)

    Janis and Bookside - Bday girls this July!  Love BDays :))) make the most of your days,

    April - thinking of all your dental work :( take a pic of the new smile :D

    BigD - seeing confident thoughts and prayers!

    Sew - hee hee yes, I'm a reader...but I did skip pages...waiting rooms plenty of time on my hands.

    Diane - how's your summer?  Big plans big trip?  

    Time for my morning stroll...y'all are going to live sea air a bit salty and cool:)

    Shout out to all!



  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2014

    Cindy, did not have dental work. That was Josie! LOL

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2014

    Cindy, yes I'm the one with the upcoming dental work.Aug 4th 8 am.6 extractions under a local.Yay me!!

    April, I didn't go in but there must be a reason why.Something told me not to.I listened to my instincts.I don't have my benefits done either.But I get there at 8:00 am tommorow.As far as the cocktail hour I'm attending tonight.I'm looking forward to it but not sure what to wear.Most will be coming from work so I'm guessing casual.I will probably wear Capri' s and a nice blouse.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2014

    My BS discharged me to her NP for next spring.  No mammo order.  My MO just quit to work elsewhere.  No mammo order.  I called and am still waiting....will call back today.

    My job is so different...academia where people only have to show up when they have classes, office hours, or meetings.  I, on the other hand, have a day job with regular hours and teach afternoons & evenings.  I am always staying over my hours and going in when I need to.  

    Speaking of academia, where is Run?  If you are reading, am thinking of you.
    Josie, I don't know the answer...did they already give you extra hours with no scheduled appointments?  I remember something about that.  Or are all your days filled with patient appts?  I would personally like to get the work done.  But if there are legal issue, then you have to ask for more hours, I guess.

    Today I'm catching up on all those must-dos...motor vehicle, mailing stuff, etc.
    Baseball game tonight and I hope it helps me forget all the stuff that needs to be done.
    It is very stressful to have to work from home and have a deadline.  There is no pay at all for this.  My dept. chair would give me extra days if I ask; but he will probably forget.  I did not want to feel this stress during my summer off.

    I'm working on a plan to balance the reality.  Still no word on my laptop that crashed Tuesday.  

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 921
    edited July 2014

    Diane, I love Frankie Valli!  Although his hearing is not good, his voice is amazing!  So looking forward to the concert!  

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited July 2014

    I've not posted much, computer got ransomware.  But I have it back, all clean now.

    I soooo miss Kate.

    I got all my broccoli done & in the freezer yesterday.  Garden is coming along nicely.  Got the weeding done, at last.  My garden is about 40ft X 60 ft.  A lot of work, but tastes so nice in the winter.

    Been busy trying to get the flower beds all nice as well.  I'll take some pics & post if I can.  Can't wait for some of the flowers to come out.  Anyone else do a lot of hard labor as their exercise?

    Wishing everyone the best!

  • BigDBeatingBigC
    BigDBeatingBigC Member Posts: 228
    edited July 2014

    Hi everyone!  Sorry been in and out of here, always reading, but been tired this week and going to bed early early.  I read with interest all of the hospice stories.  I have not ever experienced watching something like that.  When I lost my mom and favorite uncle who was like a father, both of cancer, there was no such thing as hospice care.  My mother passed away at home and I was asleep.  She had been pretty much in and out of it, unable to talk, and I wondered if I should hospitalize her, but I was so clueless back then.  I was not able to be there at the moment she passed and it has always bothered me.  My uncle died of lung cancer, it was so bad.  He was alert and I had flown to Michigan from Houston to see him and did not even recognize him when I saw him.  But I was there to hold his hand a bit and let him know I cared.  I did not want to watch him suffer so I waited in the waiting room most of the time.  My aunt was with him and the doctors told my aunt they did not know why he was hanging on, that he probably had no organs left inside of him.  They were giving him morphine but it did not work very well and when he would doze off and then wake up, he would ask if he was dead.  I did not witness that but the entire experience helped me to quit smoking.  My uncle chain smoked for years -- I was in my early 20's when he passed.  The interesting thing:  My aunt had bc many years earlier and decided to go on a macrobiotic diet.  She did it cold turkey and actually went to a school to learn how to cook the foods so they would taste great.  She juiced as well.  Purchased a restaurant quality juicer and I had never seen or heard of such things -- this was back in the late 60's.  She had a radical mastectomy, but no other treatment.  She is still alive today at 92.  When my uncle was diagnosed, he quit smoking cold turkey and she put him on the diet.  When he passed, the doctors asked to do an autopsy and my aunt said yes. After they did that, they came back and asked her what he had been eating.  And when she told them, the doctors said that his lungs had almost completely cleared up but what killed him was the cancer had spread to his pancreas.  You think I would have learned a lesson about what I put in my body after that, but I did not.  Wish I had paid more attention now.

    Just want to let you know.  My last blood results from Tuesday -- calcium went down from 11.3 to 9.7, thank God.  Getting off of the dairy and stopping the diuretic helped.  But my BUN and Creatinine are still rising, so I am worried about the state of my kidneys.  I am not having any symptoms that I can feel, but I know they are aware of those numbers.  I have got to keep losing weight and exercising, I have let that lapse lately.  My surgery is on July 21.  My pre-op is July 18, I will probably take the whole day.  I was not going to, but besides the pre-op tests, I also must have a brain MRI, brain CT, and MRV (I think that is the test that checks the arteries for blood flow).  That is going to take some hours to do all this.  I requested a distribution from my 401k, very reluctantly, but I cannot be worried about money on top of everything else.  So I am just getting things in order so when I return home, I can just rest and recover.  I will not have to worry about being off work and I have friends who will look in on me when I need. 

    Josie, I worked at a law firm 20 years ago and my boss was HORRIBLE.  I was like you, so much work that I was drowning, and I worked late at night and on the weekends, and was told I could not get any OT.  I was too afraid of him and of losing my job and I worked so much time without pay.  The only time he would pay the paralegals OT was if they were prepping for trial.  I know if I had complained, he would have found a reason to let me go or made my life so much more miserable I would be looking to go.  I only lasted there a couple of years which was sad, because I loved the work -- aviation law -- and if any of you remember the plane crash that killed Reba McEntire's band and one of her backup singers -- I worked that case, one of the most interesting and also gut-renching cases I have ever handled.  I was calling top music execs in Nashville and all I had to say was Reba McEntire, and I got through immediately!  That was why I did not want to leave, the work was amazing.  I am not at all familiar with labor law, but I am almost positive you have the right to be paid, even if you choose to work when they are not willing to pay you.  But I know that it would not be worth the effort to fight it, right?  I so totally understand what you are going through there, and it sucks.  I pray you find that new job.

    Cindy, I am in your pocket tomorrow!  I have done some research on zometa infusions, and you are right.  They say you feel like you have the flu but only the first time you get the infusion.  Something about something that is released into your system that first time, and then after that apparently it is pretty easy as long as you have it over at least 30 minutes so I am glad you are doing the 45.  Sorry you are having to go through it, but I know you will get through those yucky days and then after that it will be smooth sailing!

    Sorry I am not responding to each of you today, but please know I do read everything and I love you all.  Have a great evening!  Tomorrow's Friday!

    Big D/Joan



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2014

    70Charger...the garden sounds wonderful, and even better to have some of it put up already

    Cindy, I don't think the Zometa will change your quality of life.  I don't expect any side effects for you unless you need dental work, and that has to be managed (above the simple cleaning or a simple filling).  Also, my MO said I couldn't have a bone scan more than once a year, and they don' t like to do it that often.  You could try sweet talking your MO, TeHeTeHe

    Jose, isn't this the job that you've had for several (or more) years and everything worked perfectly and you worked 5 days a week, and then the business got bought out or taken over or something, and they let lots of people go and also cut back your hours?  If so, I think all that's happening here is that they have cut back too far and obviously the job just cannot be performed in the amount of hours they've allotted to you.  It's not your fault that they've decided you should be making money (billing lots of DEXA's) while simultaneously working only a few hours each day.  Also, I don't really think going to work "off the clock" is a great plan, not to mention the liability issue I brought up before and the legal issue mentioned by others. They are the ones that cut the hours therefore they will have to figure out how to off load your work load (give the insurance billing to someone else would be my suggestion) to allow you to accomplish the number of DEXA's per hour that they want done.  If you only did the Dexa's and not any of the required paperwork, it would be a walk in the park for you., don't bail them out at your own expense.  Stick by your guns.  the job cannot be accomplished in a professional manner with the number of work hours they have allotted.  Period.  

    But that's just my thoughts at the end of a very long day for me, and my husband is still under the house trying to re-plumb this old place and currently we have no water.....but on the other hand, I've only had to make 2 emergency runs to the hardware store and probably another one to acquire some sort of dinner since it's 5 pm and it's hard to cook without water.  Not to mention washing hands,Sick

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2014's good to hear a report from you.  Actually the decreasing calcium levels sound like good news, so I like that.  They are watching you like a hawk and that in itself must be very tiring.  all this stress for you has got to be tiring too.  I'm glad you're heading to bed early.  My primary care doc insisted I get good sleep before I started my cancer treatment because as he put it, if you're tired going in to it it's just that much harder for your body to heal.  The dietary story of your aunt and uncle is quite something.  I've always eaten lots of veggies, but I do add in way too much wheat etc. which is truly not necessary.  I need to look again at my diet ...say she who just had a candy bar as a treat for running to the hardware store twice.  But boy was that good.  I haven't had a candy bar in ages and ages.  Ok I've got your surgery date and pre-op date on the calendar.  And I'll be ready to join the group in offering all our support to get you thru this like a champ. 

  • DDOL
    DDOL Member Posts: 15
    edited July 2014

    Hi Cindy   So far so good had 16 treatments of rad  just a little red now  as you said I do keep lotion on all day  get up at six am to shower rad at 10  I get rad face down : it's going fast thank heavens 😃  16 more to go ::: then the pill I will start  that seems to bother me more when I see  many woman become ill from it  😜 Dr said 7 years  on it . Time will tell  thank you again and then some 

    Diane ( hugs to everyone ) 

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2014

    Josie- go with your instincts - don't go in. I did that one time at a job I wasn't crazy about either and it was so embarrassing. The manager, couldn't stand her, humiliated me in front of all the other employees starting with....why are you here and not in a nice way either. Learned my lesson. Just saying.

    Joan - I love Reba. I watch reruns of her show when I can. She has such a good voice and so funny and yes I do remember that horrible accident. I bet your job was interesting. I have talked to several women who work for attorneys and both of them say they are overworked and underpaid and how cheap some attorneys are but they still liked their job - they were just tired all the time. Hope your tests go well and you know at least you can get the money so you don't have to add that worry to your never ending list of worries. We are all pulling for you.

    Gigil...definitely take a trip to Disneyworld if you can. I think our vacation there with our youngest son was the best ever. He was just at the right age where he still liked MM so he had a blast. One of his friends was there at the same time so they got to have some fun together. I loved the parades, Epcot, the rides - and pricey but def worth it. lucky dog...being right there on the beach. I just love the ocean.

    Our vacation is on hold to see if our a/c system holds out. We made the trip for granddaughter's graduation but that's got to be it until we see if we can make it through the summer without shelling out $8k. If it does we are going to take a mini-vacation probably to Atlanta to see my sister and brother in law.  They are in town this weekend. Staying in Tunica tonight - my brother in law loves the casinos. My sister - not so much. Have to say we have been blessed it has lasted 25 years. It helped that we have a contract with a company who checks our heating and a/c every year We are going to Indiana in September for a Notre Dame-Michigan football game. I just love going. 50 of us charter a bus and stay on campus. It is so much fun. Looking forward to that.

    Have a great Friday/upcoming weekend everyone!


  • fizzdon52
    fizzdon52 Member Posts: 382
    edited July 2014

    I finished my Radiation around 4/5 weeks ago. In New Zealand we have been using something called Mepitel film which is kind of like glad wrap or maybe you call it cling film. It was being used in the Scandinavian countries on premature babies to protect their skin. It was trialed in the South Island of New Zealand with fantastic results and they used it on me. I have very pale skin with lots of freckles and moles and I didn't get one burn, or skin irritation. No lotions or greasy stuff. I can totally recommend it.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2014

    Ddol, it sounds like you're doing great with your rads...and you're half done....wonderful!  I wouldn't worry about the med you will be taking after active treatment ends as most people don't have serious side effects and if you have unmanageable ones, there are always other formulas to switch to.  So, keep on hydrating, moisturizing, exercising reasonably and eating well and you'll soon be on yoir way to full healing. 

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited July 2014

    Hi y'all

    DDOL - Congrats!  Yippee more days behind than've got this laser tag warrior!  Keep up the creams, free boobing, hydrocortisone ...soon fine :). Don't worry on the AI...I had no SEs and until Dexa scan didn't know impact to bones.  MO gave he a month off of tx before pill...time to recover...AI was a nonevent no weight gain no pain no insomnia...take pill be fire lunch of full tummy and will do fine!  But do ask for a baseline bone scan...Sew suggest taking multi and Ca & D over the day in smaller dosage...oh and prunes. Counting down:)

    Diane - good luck with AC!  Wow, can we all go to the game:)

    BigD - good to hear from you and hear your game plan...very organized...something you can control.  You've got a great team:) 

    Josie - how was the party?  Hope you had a god good day! And we want to see the new smile :D

    Joan - ugh:( the extra hours&pressure.  Fingers&toes crossed that you get mammo scheduled and done...whew and new MO!  You have a full schedule...walk on the beach...sip some wine hug a GC :)  

    RunFree - was going abroad...passport please :)

    Charger - power garden!  Broccoli power:). Stir fry my:)

    GiGil - PM 'love love me do!' Gosh all time girl video please! I very got my candle :) he still is the cutest Beatle.

    Sew - hee hee a candy bar treat for Home Depot run...go girl! Feeling better on Zometa or just ready to check the 1st one off my list.  I think an annual exam will be what I just settle for...just want guarantee bones hang in more get better stronger thicker...will softly pound those bones...not going skiing this winter not even the baby run!

    Splashed in the much fun...stopped to see dad, than son, and on to desert...



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2014

    fizzdon, that certainly does sound interesting.  Anything they can do to help make the whole process easier on us is good, in my opinion

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2014

    cindy, you are so active I'm surprised your bones have the nerve to be thinning!  And yep, prunes and spread that calcium citrate out thru the day.  Worked for me!  Also, i read that you shouldn't do the same walk all the time.  You need to vary it.  Also, for best results, you need to sort of jump or run in place for about 10 steps every once in awhile.  Kind of like child's play although the time I tried it I felt (and looked like) a fool.  

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2014

    Night owl here...went to a baseball game (Mets vs Braves) and it worked wonders to get my mind off "stuff"...
    I still have no word on my laptop that crashed...I guess it's a buffer to prepare me for the loss of my precious photos....hope not, though.

    Ddol, I totally agree - focus on getting through the rads as you are doing.  I also was face down during rads and I found it almost relaxing after I got over the initial panic of being left alone and having to stay still.  I wore an iPod with one headphone in so I could hear the techs.  I used eucalyptus inhaler to keep sinuses clear while lying down.  I made it...I had a few SEs with the AI drugs and did switch once at the start.  I have some residual tenderness in my hands but nothing that keeps me from being very active.  I feel is good and pretty normal.

    frizzdon, that film for the skin sounds amazing.  I knew there had to be something better than globs of cream and cotton shirts to absorb it all...I had itchy red irritated bumps and needed steroidal cream which helped.  It cleared immediately after rads were done.  Are you feeling any other effects such as tiredness?  It's kind of a letdown although a big sigh of relief when it's done.  I worked straight through rads and dealt with busy holidays (Nov.-Dec.) so after I finished, I think I slept late for a week (was on semester break).  I hope your recovery continues to be smooth.

    BigD Joan, don't even think about trying to respond to everyone...we are all here for you and always wanting your updates.  You have a lot ahead of you and need that mental and physical rest.  I admire your foresight in setting up the financial solution for now.  It sounds like you live alone (?) but have trusted helpers to be there with you.  We are all cheering for your complete recovery and a correct interpretation of your symptoms.  Big HUGS for (((Big D)))! 

    Cindy, in your pocket...I imagine it is a strange experience to infuse drugs into your body when you've been trying to be careful with diet and that your decision has been made, trust that it will do what it is supposed to do so that you can have a healthy happy year ahead.   Big HUGS for (((Cindy))) too!  
    We'll try to behave in the pockets...and not leave too many crumbs.

    Janis - are the wagons packed and ready to move southward ho?  Is today the day you are leaving?  Wishing you the best (uneventful) trip ever and a memorable time with family and friends.  You deserve it...and be sure to check back here to see your cake.  

    Sew, you've given some good advice here.  I hope you get water never know how much you use it until you lose it.

    Charger, yes, I count my marathon cleaning spurts as exercise.  I have stairs and move stuff around a lot...then there's the comment there...but I had better get out there soon.

    I got my mammo appointment but I don't know if I will be away or not then.  I made it and will play it by ear.  Strangely, I don't fear it; I just want that clean report card paper they give me each year.  I will be shocked if the report isn't normal; but I refuse to worry ahead.

    OK - some bed time for me now....

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2014

    Josie, it seems all our hopeful helpful hints have just caused you more stress and confusion.  On the one hand, you have been acting very professionally, coming into the office when you need to.  On the other hand, if you have had to sneak in and out, that is not at all cool.  Do you really think they have no idea that you have been there?  Seems you are eternally between the devil and the deep blue sea.  We're all different, of course, but if I were in your situation, I'd send an email (if you all have email) to my manager, reminding her that we determined however many months ago that an additional half day every two weeks would  keep me on top of things and that
    I would be able to do this on alternate Thursdays starting next week. 

    BigD/Joan, such a relief that they really are moving quickly.  Not that you're looking forward to surgery, but I'll bet you'll be glad to have it over and done with.  Remember to gripe and angst right here--we're here for you.

    Frizzdon, I've never heard one peep about that skin film.  Sounds absolutely wonderful. 

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2014

    70charger- oh I so love to plant a flower garden. We have a lot of flowers popping up- mostly perennials. Gets too expensive to plant new ones every year. My personal fav us phlox. It has beautiful pink blooms and you can't kill them - hard to believe with me and my black thumb but its true. DH transplants some every year because they spread everywhere. Nothing makes a house prettier than lots of flowers. My mother said she would plant them on every inch of her yards if she could. It's a lot of work but worth it!

    frizzdon - that film does sound amazing. I was blessed I had zero issues with RADS; very little burning and fatigue. 

    Joan - good got your appt and good no fear. I wish I could be like that. I am a wreck right before my appt. Serves no purpose to freak out but I always do. Good thing my DH is calm- one of us needs to be. I need to work on the mindset if it is...I'll deal with it just like I did the first time. 


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2014

    Oh and thanks RM for the good luck for the a/c - it's on life support but so far weather hasn't been brutal - of course August is usually very hot. We have several window units upstairs in addition to central air so we can always retreat there. DH said we can put in one downstairs if need be. No need be about it  I am very hot natured so it's a given. Humidity here is horrible. Its unreal to me how much these units cost. Next year the government is enforcing more new guidelines for a/c systems - wont be able to use the same freon in current systems. How convenient. 


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited July 2014






    These are a few of my flower beds.  I have more. Plus Cherry, apple & raspberry  & neighbors saskatoons to do as well as the veggy garden.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2014

    Charger....Beautiful....I feel more peaceful just looking at the pictures.  Of course, I don't have to do the workHappy

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited July 2014

    Charger- I agree with Sew - the photos are lovely and trigger peaceful thoughts! Nice work. Lisa

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2014

    Big D--my angel and her cloud side  pick ups should have arrived safely---did you feel a little breeze when they landed???? If they get too noisy, just tell them to shush.  She's good at making the bunch toe the line and do what they came for!

     I loved your SL video.  Don't understand a thing about how you did it but I was mesmerized by the clothes, etc. Did you have to design those?

    I'd vote for surgery---my whole philosophy is if something goes haywire, get it out of there. I figure the worst little shit cells  are clumped together trying to divide so KABAMB! GET RID OF THEM.   Just like ants in the Raid commercials.  

    Sue-that is my absolute favorite poem when dealing with grief. BEAUTIFUL.

    I'm almost 2 months out from my last Rads and now my boob feels sore just below my collarbone and my underarm is really numb, as does my boob..  Nobody told me I'd have a dead this normal?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2014

    It is normal Redhead. Mine still is 31/2 years out. ONC said it will always be that way. 


  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited July 2014

    Hi ladies,

    Just popping in to say hello. I have a lot of reading to do so will not address it today. I have to say that Kate obit really got me. I was just in a state of shock. Not because we did not think it could happen but just that it did happen. I think she knew. When she said her  leg was swollen so bad and talked about deciding to go to the facility....anyway. May she RIP. It is still hard for me to come on here and know she will never post again. Glad to have known her on here. Glad to know so many of you and reading about our journey with this diagnosis and aftermath.

    My BT is coming Tuesday...... we think. If he can get the dog on the plane with him he will be here. I just had my allergist test me again for things and dogs were just mild so I will be fine. Finally someone besides me in this house. Yeah!!! I have been driving again. My vertigo comes and goes in severity so I just go on the better days. I am starting to feel independant again. It does tell me that winter is not my friend and I need to move out of the midwest. Will check in later. Everyone have a great week end.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2014

    HMMM.  What good is a dead boob?