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Radiation recovery



  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited August 2014

    Puppy, Pies and Pantries! I am behind.

    thank you all for the being here and caring. I have a tentative date of Aug 26th for surgery, I will have to come home from Chicago a day early and hope I can fit in pre-op before I go to make this happen. My stress level is HIGH.

    Regarding the Peaches, I am addicted to the Peach Frozen Outshine bars.. mmmmm, the only place I can find them is Target, they are delicious!!! My stress is also making me eat poorly. I hate hate hate my body right now and its depressing. I am holding my head high but its getting to me.

    Joan I am in NE Ohio and yes into NY is under 2 hours and your right SE NY. Its beautiful up there. I came home with a few extra bucks but nothing to brag about. Least I wasn't down which is the norm. Still fun times.

    Glad to hear Big D is doing okay.

    Sew I am sorry your are still struggling with intestinal issues, that is the worst. I am lactose intolerant so I have to be careful or I am in big trouble! I also have other small allergies to various things. I pay the price more than I would like. Taking the probiotics has helped but I never know when its going to hit. I tend to only eat what I know is safe if away from home. Sucks eh? Hope you get it figured out soon.

    Josie, I hope the prospect of a new job is helping you to feel better, there IS light on the horizon.

    Gemini, Cindy, Ohio, Diane, Gigi, charger, Princess, Run and Red.. I am missing many I am sure, all my love xo

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2014

    Lemon, hope you have a good time Chicago try not to worry about being back in time for pre op.I'm sure it will work out.

    Thanks for the nice remarks about the new job opportunity.I had the interview today.Couldn't have come at a better time.I think it took me forever to finish the application.The interview started at 9:30am and I didn't get out till 11:45.

    I tried to be positive about my prior jobs or just not say too much.But it was like she read right through me.She even asked me what they would have to say about me if she called them.I had to think hard and careful about that one.But hopefully I left a good impression.But she did ask where my most positive experience was and I told her the place I did my externship.She was a very nice lady and easy to talk to.But she did ask if my office manager hired me or who did and did I have a good relationship with her.Boy that was a hard one to answer.She said she would send my resume to this potential employer.Also she asked if I was available by next week already.I just wish I could just give my notice tommorow.It's getting unbearable at work.They came into my office just screaming at me about why the lady I'm training still doesn't feel comfortable doing a bone density start to finish.I've had it.I wouldn't be surprised if I go in and They fire me.

    Sew I hope you don't have Cdiff.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2014

    Ditto Lemon have fun in Chicago. One of my nephews just got engaged. He lives in Chicago. Fiancée as well. They love it. So many things to see and do. We are all praying your surgery gives you some much needed relief. 

    Josie - I hate those questions that put you on the spot. I tend to say too much and then trip over my own words. I had to program myself not to embellish on my answers. Obviously you can't control what they say about you but think of it this way. If they want to get rid of you why would they say negative things about you? I so hope you get the job! 

    DH's birthday is Saturday. Def dining out. My FIL's was July 31- restaurant gift card for him. DH is getting a Lowe's gift card - his fav place! Youngest son's birthday is the 14th and granddaughter's is the 19th. They  like Visa gift cards. I'll be broke by the end of the month! 

    Have a nice weekend everyone! 


  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2014

    So many birthdays Diane!  Funny how family birthdays cluster in certain months.

    Thanks everyone for the kind words about my husband.  He's doing better, still kind of sore in the kidneys but he thinks maybe he's getting past that.  He told me today that the doctor told him this kind of cancer has a 75% recurrence rate!  It also has a 98% survival rate, and that's based on people who had it a pretty long time ago, so it should be that good or better.  But they will be tracking very closely to watch for recurrence.  I guess my mom has just gotten lucky.

    Yes Joan811, there was a shortage of people to tackle the work project this summer.  One on sabbatical, one on a distant research trip, and one on maternity leave.  Everyone has been very sweet but some things just have to get done.  SAB, I'm also surprised that your school year is heating up right now.  You must be on a different calendar.

    Lemon, it's great that you have a date for your surgery, even though it means you have to come back early from your vacation.  It will be so good to move forward, and I hope everything improves and keeps improving from there.

    Josie, like Diane, I would have said WAY too much in that interview situation!  I'm really hopeful that this part-time gig will give you an escape pod from your toxic job.  I don't know what makes people think they can scream at coworkers like that.  It just seems so unprofessional as well as counterproductive and immature.  And plain old mean.  Just imagine the party we are going to have when you finally slam the door on that place!  Cake balls and every other good thing.

    Sew, my mom has had extended periods of diarrhea that they've never solved.  It lasted a whole summer once, like 12 weeks or more.  Eventually it goes away on its own.  I hope you can figure out what's going on in your case, and quickly enough that you don't have to keep on a monotonous diet for too long.


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2014

    I just lost my post.Oops...

    SAB sorry to hear of your property damage.Glad no one was hurt.

    RunFree and Diane, yes I probably said to much.Hope not.Wish I could give my notice tommorow.Rotten, rotten,rotten.I work for a couple of haters who are hating on me daily.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2014

    Wow, RunFree--How is it that good news is never just good news, but always seems to have a teeny not-so-silver lining somewhere.  A 98% survival rate is amazing, and, of course, your DH belongs firmly and happily in that statistic.  All the careful watching is not particularly appealing, but, for crying out loud, isn't that exactly what we Radiation Recovery threadmembers are all in for?  I recently met a happy, healthy, recurrence-free woman who regretfully said good-bye to her beloved onc after eight years, only because she felt going back to her PCP helped her emotionally put cancer in the rearview mirror.  I know my onc indicated that he usually followed us for 10 years, and, with my ER+ IDC, at least, there's no such thing as an absolute time for pronouncing my cancer over and done with.

    I know the burden my diagnosis put on me, and, thanks to this thread, have a pretty good idea of how the rest of us have angst'd, and mourned, and moved on, and, I suppose, a vicarious glimmer of how your husband is feeling.  Sending healing thoughts to him, and to you.

    Josie, I'm sure you aced the interview!  Your bosses should be wearing dunce caps--Wouldn't it be more appropriate for them to ask your trainee (by the way, I hope your role as "trainer" is on your resume, and on the tip of your tongue, as well) why she is not comfortable?  I'm assuming this it the long-term receptionist or clerk you mentioned in an earlier post?  Frankly, if she were persona-wise equipped to be hands on with patients and spiffy technology, she'd already have been doing that, and your managers should have figured that out several years ago.  The good news is her lack of comfort/competence after several days of training makes you look better and better.  And better.  Rejoice.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2014

    Hi everyone.  I still haven't posted much about our vacation, but we had a great trip and it was wonderful seeing so many friends and family. We have a very small family and it was great to be able to get together.  I had such a good time.

    I wish I was here to report good news.  Joan called and asked me to relay the latest news.  She got the results of the bone biopsy this morning.  Her doctor expected the test results to be very good.  He was shocked and saddened to have to inform her she has full blown Multiple Myeloma.  It is either stage 2 or 3.  They will be starting her on two oral chemo meds.  She has to go to a chemo training class next week.  She couldn't remember one of the drugs but apparently it is very potent.  The other med is 'Revlimid'.  She is also going to be starting monthly infusions of Zometa.  Eventually they will begin harvesting her good stem cells and she is hoping they can do the stem cell transplant sometime next year.

    She wanted me to tell you all how much love and support she gets from you ladies.  She feels so welcome here and so loved.  She asked me to please let you know she will post when she can.  Her computer is still out for repair.  She also asked me to let you know how much she loves you all and wants to thank you for all of the support.  It means so much to her during this very difficult time.  She is a trooper and has a strong will to live.  I think we need to make sure the Princess Warrior Coat is passed onto her.  She sure could use it.

    I think of I have been reading just haven't found the time to write about my trip. It was good, that is what matters.

    We love you Joan, you are never alone!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2014

    Janis, I'm so glad Big D/Joan was able to relay this to you so you can keep us updated.That is really a shame .I hope she remains positive and I hope we can still remain a good support system for her.I will be able to understand what she is going through since my FIL will be starting the process of his stem cell transplant this month.I will keep her in my prayers.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2014

    Janis and BigD. Janis, thanks for the report. What a difficult thing to have to report.  I am so saddened to hear about Joan.  This must be so very very difficult for her.  I'm sitting here trying not to let the tears drop on my keyboard.  I agree about the princess warrior coat but I'm thinking it needs a bit of refurbishment so we can specialize it just for Joan. I will do the design work, and others should chime in.  First, I think it needs to be the called the fashion warrior coat, and should represent the height of fashion for our resident model.  It should give her strength to endure the upcoming treatments, it should lend her a certain flair to lift her spirits, it should be made of the finest, softest fabrics that not only drape beautifully but also cuddles our Joan during those times of extra stress, and most importantly it should have numerous huge pockets for all of us to congregate in so we can all be with her thru this.  She will look and feel like a million dollars with the strength to get thru this with humor and grace, chemo and stem cell transplants be damned!

    Joan, sending  love and hugs...

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited August 2014

    I keep looking for the long post I wrote that disappeared...I can't go back so just know I have been keeping up...SAB, your shocking tree sorry you had to deal with that.  I am glad no one got hurt.

    Josie, I felt that your supervisors had no right to confront you they way you describe.  It has to be some type of harrassment...As far as your interview, it was with a head-hunter I believe.  I think it is best to be honest with the employment agency before they send you out rather than have a client give feedback on you.  In this case, you just have to focus on your skills and what you can bring to a new job.

    Janis, the news about Joan is so difficult to hear.  It sounds like her medical team is feeling the weight of this confirmed diagnosis.  Thanks for sharing - it must be hard to be the bearer of this news. 

    Sew, your words made me cry....I think that feeling secure and safely surrounded with people who care is all any of us wanted at our time of diagnosis.  You described it so well...
    Sending healing prayers for Joan and her family. 

    There have been several times on this thread when I felt that this is truly a family of love...and today is one of those times. 

    Love and hugs to all.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2014

    Sew your post was beautiful.  I know how much it will mean I promised I would call her and read the replies.  She couldn't stress enough how much this site, and you ladies, mean to her.  She wanted you to know that.  Sew, I love the idea of modifying the coat and put you in charge of all necessary changes.  Hoping it will help her during the difficult days ahead.

    This is my third attempt to post and it keeps vanishing.  I have no idea where.  I am not even going to try to address everyone individually.  Just know I think of all of you and I know how grateful I am to have you all in my life. 

    Hugs and plenty of love to all.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2014

    Sew, your screen name says it all.You could modify that princess warrior coat into a beautiful thing.

    Joan, yea your right it is harassment.I just don't know how long I can put up with that crap.Caught my manager having a private meeting with the girl I was training yesterday.They said she was going to the phone room to discuss where they were moving her desk since anouther co worker was fired yesterday.But I caught them around the corner talking about what she learned and how comfortable she was doing my job.I don't like to be lied to.So I just stood in the hallway listening and when they turned the corner they changed the conversation to what they were supposed to be discussing.That says it all for me.They are making sure all the cards are in place for when they fire me.But this girl was so rattled yesterday.We were busy and had an add on too while she was training.I really don't see her doing my job.

    Yesterday they had a co worker interview  with me asking me about office moral,what I thought of my job.Everyone was interviewed and it was supposed to remain. Confidential.She said it was something she wanted to do .This is a fairly new employee who couldn't believe how messed up our office was.

    I'm very sleepy this morning.Didn't sleep well last night.Coffee time.Before our back to school shopping trip.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2014

    Of course she told the manager she's perfectly comfortable--She's probably just as leary of them as you.  Luckily, this coming Monday is her trial by fire.  We'll see how she does, and how much work she leaves for you.  You'll want to bring her in to finish any leftovers, by the way, not cover them up and fall behind yourself.  Any idea why the other worker was fired?

    Almost sounds as though having your teeth extracted will be a welcome change.  Ughhhh!

    Janis, thank you so much for keeping in touch with Joan/BigD.  I'm so sorry the news wasn't better.  And now is when her computer decides to take a snooze!  Just can't trust technology. Joan, very much looking forward to your return.

    As for the northeast gettogether--Anybody want to suggest a date or a town?

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited August 2014

    Janis - oh my, heart is sad to read your post about our BigD.  Thank You for sharing and being line of communication...yes, we will all try to glam up the Fashion Model Warrior about bling!  Glad you had a wonderful birthday celebration with family and friends...the best gift ever,..maybe you can turn 60 again next year and do it all over!

    Josie - GRRR :( your office just doesn't get it!  Continue to send out resumes...hoping you do get a temp assignment that you like:). Pull the covers up and go back to bed. Then, Stand tall, you are an amazing woman, who gives her all, and deserves to be respected wherever she is!  

    Lemon - enjoy your visit with family in Chicago!  Great way to fill your tank with will be oh so ready for the next step in foob perfection 8/26!  

    SAB - back to school already:( yikes!  Sparks flying...whew utility pole fire sparks very frightening.  Glad no one was hurt.  How's your book?  Breathe and enjoy a good hike this weekend with hubby.

    RunFree - goodnews :) will DH have BCG washes of bladder?  Monitor monitor. How's the summer work project? Will you be able to sneak away a bit before fall quarter begins...gosh how time life marches on...did you and your mom do any summer dress shopping! 

    Brookside - we should all play the ponies or go to LV!  Some days it feels like we live at the craps table...playing the odds...hope the house wins:)

    Sew - your post makes me smile...yes all the love...each and every word!  We R family :D

    Diane - Bday party times!  Have a good day with DH!

    Joan - puff! Amazing how a loving post just vanishes...but your abbreviated rewrite is heart warming. 

    BigD/Joan - trusting that your medical team will provide you the best care.  Trusting that The Lord will strengthen you as you proceed through each step of treatment.  Hoping that your employer will provide assistance and that finances and insurance will not weigh heavily on your mind.  Reach in those fashion warrior coat pockets {{{squeeze}}} we are there...maybe with cakeball crums all over our face :) a bit disheveled, not the glam model you are...but we are here!  Sending love your way.

    Oh my how we radiate love...



    Home Alone Anxiety! We left Hunter for the 1st time alone...yes, parent anxiety, went to a ball the end of the 4th inning hubby says we should go back it's already 9pm and he's worried about his boy.  Arrive home and Hunter is still crying and has somehow managed to slide his wire play pen into the next room.  All that emotion wore Hunter out and he did not wake up at 3 for outside time:) We got up at 7 like nice retired people do!  Tomorrow is puppy kindergarten :) PlayTime!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited August 2014

    I am going to try to catch up a little bit.  The trip was wonderful.  I spent the first four days up in the mountains, in Conifer Co.  This is where my son and DIL live.  We brought our 'boyz', they also have two Golden Retrievers.  The dogs got along so well.  It amazed me that we had four dogs with distinctly different personalities and they were so well behaved.  They had a blast and enjoyed the much cooler temps than we left behind.  We did manage to take one nice hike with all the dogs.  They worked all week and I was home alone so I did some odds and ends of cleaning for them.  They appreciated it.  My actual birthday was very quiet.  Jen cooked an excellent chicken dish and great sides. Then they were both on conference calls for the next several hours.  They are so busy, I can't believe all the long hours they work.  They are both very devoted to their jobs.

    We went to Cheyenne where we spent several days with Marcia.  Poor Marsh, she insisted the party be at her house and she was so unprepared.  Or over prepared.  I chose the dinner menu because it was easy.  Hamburgers, bratwurst, baked beans and potato salad.  It was a small party, I think 18 guests.  Marsh was so worried and bought enough food and snacks to feed 100 people.  Bless her heart.  We discussed the menu a zillion times before we went.  Marsh said she makes really good baked beans, so that was all she had to do.  Chuck and I made the potato salad out in the camper.  She had about every brand of beer made, every kind of soda, wine, bottled water.  She also decided we needed munchies and that became a big problem.  She just bought way too much.  She has a refrigerator in the garage as well as two freezers.  Did I ever mention  she is a hoarder?  She bought four huge family size bags of regular chips.  Then tortilla chips, guacamole,  Several kinds of salsa.  Tons of these fancy stuffed olives in every kind you can imagine.  Oh she made a huge fruit salad too.  Nobody was going to starve at one of her parties!  She has been in this house for seven years, and my party was the first party she ever hosted!  I love her dearly but she can be difficult.  She insisted on all these things and we kept going to the store for yet more stuff.  You can imagine how much food was left.  Beer too.  I had one glass of wine and later some wine cooler thing my friend Bev brought.  She came from Nebraska and what a joy it was to see her again .  Also my friend Jeannie who lives in Cheyenne.  We had not spoken in ages when I contacted her about the party she fell apart.  She thought I had passed away!  She said she was petrified to call Chuck and be told that horrible news.  Seeing her was a weepy reunion.  She just fell into my arms and sobbed.  She came at noon and didn't leave until after 10:00 so we had a nice long visit.

    The day before the party Marcia had to go get her hair cut and colored.  She asked me to go along and keep her company.  Okay with me.  Well, she has been going to this place for about 40 years and always talks about how wonderful they are.  What a sweet bunch of gals.  It was there that she surprised me and said she wanted me to have a pedicure and manicure or whatever I wanted.  Her treat of course.  The pedicure I did want, have only had one once in my life and it was a gift as well.  I decided on two other things in lieu of the manicure.  My nails are awful and I saw no point.  Too short for polish.  Instead I got something I have always eyebrow wax.  My eyebrows are so pale and I have to pencil the color in, but there is plenty of stray fur growing up there!  Then the ultimate, I got my upper lip waxed.  It hurt but boy she got a ton of hair out.  Waxing is new to me and I loved it.  That was an amazing treat.

    It was just fun to see everyone, to meet little Avery, what a doll he is.  As always there just is never enough time.  Ryan flew all the way from Fargo to Denver where Adam picked him up.  Adam and Jen stayed at the party maybe five hours tops.  Ryan held me when we parted, both of us crying and he whispered in my ear "I don't want to go Mama".  Sadly no choice.  He has been clean and sober for months and I am so proud of him.

    I will work on photos I promise.  Oh, I had a bad thing, my computer croaked.  Dead as a doornail as they say.  I lost all my data and am so upset.  For those of you who want to e-mail, please PM me your e-mail address.  It would sure be appreciated. 

    I will post later after I talk to Joan.  I sure hope she gets her computer fixed soon.

    I hope you ladies know how much joy you have given me.  Love you!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2014

    RunFree- and 2 more birthdays in early September! Is too many at one time. Tge survival percentages for your DH is very encouraging. I know you guys are relieved. 

    Janis - thank you for the update on BigD. I am so sorry for her. Looks like we all need group prayers and hugs again. I am glad she knows we all love and support her. I am really worried because her doctors were surprised at the results but at least they are on top of things. 

    Your party sounded like a blast. A friend of mine just had a party and she overbought and over cooked too. Better than not enough though. Can't wait to c the pics. I have never been to Colorado or Wyoming -would love to. 

    Those dang computers. We had ours in the shop a few months ago because of a virus. It managed to infiltrate the system so data was wiped out and we started over. At least OD doesn't charge for diagnostics. 

    Cindy - haha - we retired people deserve to wake up later. We have been on the proverbial time clock too long!

    Josie- is there no end to the harassment you have to endure? Sneaking around too? Good grief how cowardly and unprofessional! A friend of mine is a teacher and is having the same kind of issues with her principal. She won't fire her but she does any and everything to coerce her to resign. Friend is standing her ground. Of course she has a union to defend her - such as it is - and this is her last year to teach - she's retiring. She and most of the teachers take Xanax on a regular basis. Sad. Hope you get that job! 


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2014

    Cindy,sounds like that puppy missed youWinking

    Don't worry going back to bed after lunch for a little siesta w/DH.He worked last night and didn't sleep well either. He works tonight too.I'm even letting him fix us some lunch.Spent to much on back to to school stuff no buying out today.Actually we did pretty good.Saved like $14 with our target red card.Maybe DH will take me out for a cocktail before he leaves for work tonight.I usually don't drink but 1drink won't hurt.Quieter night tonight .DSis usually upstairs in his laptop.DD went to the country with Grandparent.We are going down tommorow me and Andy.The family is celebrating my dad's birthday.79.

    Janis sounds like a great time at the party.And a waxing too.Great treat!!

    That doesn't surprise me at all about the Goldens all getting along.Great dogs with mostly docile personalities.

    Diane, thanks for understanding my situation at work.I'm praying they call me from the interview.I even sent her a thank you for the interview.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2014

    BTW, guess who just called me to ask a few more questions on the bone density procedure(documenting in computer. I typed out a very detailed procedure for her.She's just a nervous wreck.

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2014

    Janis, loved the report on your birthday trip, but what your son said to you before you parted made me cry.  My son is 14 and just on the edge of being a whole new person.  Yet I can picture him still being my little boy even as an adult man, even if he's been through very hard things the way your son has.  What a heartache.  It sounds as though your sons were able to get along for your sake, and that must be a huge relief to you.  The way your friend approached your party is just what I would have done!  I ALWAYS overprepare on the food side.  What if everybody wants potato chips???  On the other hand, what if everybody wants tortilla chips???  Better buy enough for everyone of BOTH.  I totally get it.  It's like a hospitality disorder.  I love it that you got your pedi and waxings.  What a sweet gift.  It's amazing that your friend Jeannie thought you had died!  Talk about a happy discovery!  

    Also Janis, thank you for keeping us updated on BigD. Joan, I am very sorry the news isn't better.  The good part is that they persisted until they had an answer and now they can treat the MM. Sew is going to fix up that fashion warrior coat and you will be wrapped in our loving support through all of it.  I hope you can find relaxing, neutral, fun, diverting things to do whenever you're up to them.  Keep us posted, directly or through Janis, and we'll be cheering you on like manic teenagers.  I think it's highly unfair that you're having computer trouble at a time like this.  Enough already!

    Josie, you are going to get out of there in one piece.  Toxic work environments can happen anywhere, even among supposedly intelligent people.  The more cool and professional you can be as you train your coworker, the more it will shed an ugly light on the people who have been mistreating you.  You'll escape and this will be like an accident in your rear view mirror.  I hope this employment agency is the start of that, or at least the start of the start.  It's time.

    Brookside, so true.  Good news about my husband's cancer on the survival side, not so good on the
    recurrence side. But if these cancers recur so often, yet the survival
    rate is super high, it must be sort of like most skin cancer, just scoop it
    out and carry on. The new normal. Cindy, they decided not to do the chemo wash in this surgery, but if the cancer recurs, the doctor said they'd do the wash the second time.  (Also not so much dress shopping, but my mom and I did shop a lot on our trip together!  SO fun.) My husband is feeling much better
    now, kidneys not hurting, burning comes and goes but mostly gone. My work project just ended, phew.  Heading to Ohio with my daughter this Wednesday in the shortest possible version of the college tour we've been trying to figure out, hoping that will leave us a little time (and maybe even a little cash, but I doubt it!) to go to the beach all together for a few days the following week.  My husband and son haven't been anywhere, but my daughter and I have been traveling way too much and she in particular would rather stay home.  I can't believe it's August.  I had such big hopes for this summer.  I know--that's the story of life.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited August 2014

    Mostly Sew---as you redo the Princess Warrior coat, don't forget to put a long sleeve inside to hide the spear or the pea shooter---whichever weapon is most suitable for the occassionSinging

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited August 2014

    Love it Red Headed! ....designing the perfect sleeve as we speak.  Oh, and I think we should include a special pocket for the angels who will be staying with BigD throughout this too.......

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited August 2014

    Janis, what a great memory you have of your birthday week!  The visit to your son's home sounds relaxing and fun.  How great it must have been to have all that fuss made for you for your party.  OK so there was way too much food...I know you wanted the focus to be on the people and just relaxing but your friend had to do it her way.  We all do that in some way.  And a trip to the spa/salon - that's a great treat.    But the greatest of all must have been having your boys together and seeing Ryan doing so well.  What a blessing ... life is full of valleys and mountaintops...and this must have been one of those high points.  I am so glad for you. 

    This has been a tough time on computers - multiple reports of crashing.  Do you know why the computer broke down?  If you want to send me  PM maybe I can help you determine if your hard drive can be copied.  I don't know much but it just happened to me and I spent hours working on it.  Right now the hard drive is in Best Buy but there's no word about the data. 

    Josie, it just goes on and on...this type of scenario doesn't usually calm down or end well.  Saying prayers for your best opportunity to be clear to you.

    Run, I'm glad your summer work is completed.  Have a great trip to OH...are you driving?   How many colleges are you going to see?  I don't miss those trips at all!  The furthest I drove was to S. Carolina  ... she ended up in Roanoke VA which seemed really far.  Have fun with DD.  Is DH back to full activities?  Does he have follow up appointments? 


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited August 2014

    Brookside,about meeting up:
    Right now, I am available week days (W8/6, Th8/7, F8/8), (M-Th 8/18-8/21).  I am available the week end of 8/23, 8/24. After that, it would have to be in September, the 20th or 21st. 

    Suggestions for meeting up:
    1. Connecticut seems to be kind of central. 
    2. I can make it to MA as well. 
         (We could meet in a not-so-busy restaurant or Panera Bread; or we could do a BYO picnic at a parkwith  a
    bad-weather plan B.)
    3. We could meet at Foxwoods where they would never kick us out :-D - lots of restaurants and a spa!
    4. You are welcome to come to Long Island - I am about 90 minutes east of NY city or 45 minutes from either ferry.  I have room for overnights and the beach is here. 

    Ok - now anyone who is interested please weigh in or send a PM to Brookside.I think any final plans should be made by PM or go to a chat. 

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2014

    Thanks, Joan811.  I'm in favor of one of the weekends, anywhere you've mentioned.  As you indicated, CT is sort of median for a lot of us.  I'm also happy to travel to Long Island.  Just spent yesterday at a grandchild birthday in VT.  Spent probably five hours ignoring wildly celebratory multiples of small children alternating between bouncey castle and various forms of mayhem, while having a wonderful time with my co-mother-in-law, and also my first ex-husband and his third wife.  Wound up with an invite to visit, and stay with, ex and current wife on Long Island.  Earlier yesterday, I innocently went to my post office box and received a love note from the IRS.  They want "more information" about my business expenses.  Ughhh.

    Josie, so much looking forward to hearing how your trainee does tomorrow.  Remember: Her successes are your successes; her failures are those of the managers who tried putting a square peg in a round hole and threw her into the deep end before she was comfortable.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2014

    Joan/Brookside - that is so cool you guys are hooking up.  Have been to NY but not Connecticut. Heard its beautiful. My sister in law is from Rochester, NY. 

    Brookside- We received one of those love letters from IRS last year. Cost us of course but to be fair we didn't do our homework. Have to say though when I spoke to their agents they were always really nice. 

    Janis - I love having a mani and pedi. I do get embarrassed when they do the pedi though- the tech told me to quit running around w/o my shoes on. That won't happen. 

    RunFree - are you guys visiting Ohio State? One of my friend's 3  nephews all graduated from there. 


  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2014

    Diane & Brookside, we're visiting Kenyon and Oberlin.  She's a small liberal arts college kind of girl.  I bet my son will end up at a large school.  I tried to get this visit packaged into a family road trip, tossing in Niagara Falls, Cedar Point amusement park, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame--nobody fell for it.  So the two of us are flying, which is OK because this summer is already so compromised in terms of working on my research that I can use the extra time.  My husband is back to full operation, even mowed the hilly back yard yesterday.  He had his follow-up this week, next cysto end of October.  He's having a couple of twingey symptoms here and there, and he's still processing the emotions of it all.  Which probably will never end.

  • lemon68
    lemon68 Member Posts: 301
    edited August 2014

    Run, wish you would have done the trip, I live about 20 minutes from the Rock Hall :(... maybe someday.

    Janis, thanks for the info on Big D. I am sorry to hear it is what she feared it may be. I am glad she has the support here to help her though it. Sew, make those sleeves extra big to fit us all in them. Please let her know she is in my prayers and thoughts. Its just not fair as we all know but she is strong and surrounded in love and strength. Look forward to her posts and her return to the board.

    My trip to Chicago is for work. I wish it was a vacation as I wouldn't be stressing over dress clothes to wear the whole time. Working at home in my comfies isn't going to fly. I have been shopping but I don't feel good about my body right now so its not been easy. I will get though it. My motto right now is lots of layers to camouflage my imperfections.

    Josie, good luck this week, hoping you get some good news and can shut that door for good!

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited August 2014

    Oh, too bad lemon!  I'll keep that in mind if she ends up going to one of these schools.  I totally know the challenge of dressing for work when nothing fits or looks/feels good.  I always tell myself it's not my body that's wrong, just the clothes.  But it can take a lot of patience to find things that work.

    Brookside, so interesting about your good relationship with your ex.  My mom and dad had a good relationship even after they divorced (after 27 years) and she remarried.  She called my dad her "biological husband."  Your grandchild's birthday sounds like happy chaos!  Hope the IRS is easily placated.  I'm so glad you and Joan811 can get together.

    Josie, I love how Brookside put it about your trainee.  As Rhett said to Scarlet when she thought was too disgraced to go to the party because someone saw her kissing Ashley, Walk tall and wear your red dress.  Or something like that. That line is suitable for a lot of challenging occasions, even if it's misquoted.

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited August 2014

    Oh my goodness, I did a poor job of catching up, sorry Gigil.

    Janis, how lovely to see your friends and family and hear those loving words from your boy.  It sounds as though you helped your friend make a social breakthrough...first party!  And such a good cause :-) I'm happy for your happy birthday.

    So sorry to hear about BigD Joan.  I am going to look up MM as soon as I get of the thread...I don't know too much about it.  That said, I send healing thoughts and hugs.

    Josie, I think that it's good that you heard all the tough questions in this first interview.  I'm sure you did well, but if you don't get this job it can only help to prepare you for kicking butt at future interviews...they will probably all have some sort of tough question!   Nobody should have to endure what you are going through in the workplace. p.s. there are lots of web sites with "50 frequently asked questions" etc. that could help.

    Run, I am happy to hear about the survival rate for dh.  It must be a relief for you, and it's great that he's active again so soon.  I hope your college swing is wonderful.  College swings like yours are the reason I'm busy!  I am in campus visits, and July-August has a mini-peak as families use their vacation time to visit potential schools.  It's the only way to really know about a school, I think, so good job Mom! Hope you get your family trip too.

    Cindy, you remind me of the challenges of a pup!  

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2014

    Only have a moment but sending a huge hug to BigD/Joan. I promise you that we will support you throughout your treatment and that your coat with the big pockets will always be heavy with friends! xoxo

    To all of you, am at work and will BBL.

    Hang in there Josie!