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Radiation recovery



  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Brookside, you're right, it is just an opinion, but I hate to bother the university which is silly because they'd probably love to get their minds around a rare case. Actually they do just work with your own local doctors so I wouldn't have to be trekking to SF for Dr. appts.

    SueH..... actually I did have a fatigue issue with rads which was surprising to me. It sort of hits you like a brick wall and you feel you won't be able to walk across the room. But if you sit quietly for awhile the feeling passes and you can continue on. I also had some burning and skin issues and some nerve ending damage, but they also are treatable and the Docs are great at finding salves which work for you. I can't offer an opinion about staying on disability thru rads, as I don't work. But I agree with the gals that as long as you're on it, if you can swing it, I would recommend staying on it. This whole cancer process takes a big toll on us emotionally, mentally (is that the same thing?) and physically. Rads are a long least mine were with almost 7 weeks of daily appts. Most likely any skin issues and possible fatigue you might face will be toward the end of the sessions, and it's hard to slather up that boob 4 times a day while working. Several of us had people drive us to rads at least for the last part. I know I did since I had a very hard time staying awake after my session while driving home. I think my husband drove for the last 2 or so weeks. He actually felt like he could do something for me in that way so it worked out fine. If I didn't have him I'm sure I could have driven, it was just easier. Reading back, this sounds scary but it's really not. We're strong women, all of us, and we handle what's passed our way. You will be able to get thru this too, and when you're 3 plus years out like I am, it will seem like a thing of the past. But.......I'd recommend staying on disability if you can swing it, and if rads are a walk in the park and you feel like you're playing hookey from work, so be deserve some fun! Oh, and doing errands? That counts as exercise, so you go girl!

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    Good point, Sew, about the difficulty of working and slathering the oils and creams on the boob. I greased up after treatment, put on my men's white Tshirt, and whatever else on top (no bra!) and went about my non-business business. Could not exactly have been seeing clients dressed like that.

    Another thought about the high-powered docs at the big hospital: Probably they already know all about you, as chances are your nice local guys are already busily picking their brains. Also probably, they'd be delighted to meet you in person.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    You're so kind, Brookside....giggle giggle! Say, by the way, what GERD medicine did you end up with? I know you said you tried about 3 different ones before finding one that is working for the long term and I'm just curious. I quit taking my GERD prescription as it was causing bowel problems, but I'm thinking that wasn't a good idea as the GERD has come back and I"m just hoping the Barretts isn't back too. Now I need to find one which will work with the prednisone and, hopefully, not add to the bone loss problems that the arimidex, prednisone and BP meds cause. YIKES...I always thought I was healthy! Guess I need to pound more pavements and lift more weights to off set all of this.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Agree Brookside. We are talking to their Vet about that very thing among other issues. I think my DH tried to separate them by pushing them off each other which you should never do but still enough is enough. We didn't ask for 2 at a time it just turned out that way when DS moved back home. Is what it is but it's also game over.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    Sew, my anti-reflux med is lansoprozole, which is the generic of something (I forget which). I wound up on this after trying two or three that all made me itch all over. Over the past couple of years, yes, my bones have suffered, but I'm more scared of the Barrett's than osteo stuff. Adding arimidex to the issue was a bit scary, but I'm also taking something to atone for the extra bone loss (alendronate sulfate), which is also the generic of something I've forgotten. It's just about two years since my last DEXA scan, and since starting arimidex, and am "looking forward" to seeing how those bones are doing, but have to wait until I see the onc, currently scheduled for September.

    I'm currently having tendon issues, and am on a resultant arimidex holiday, might insist on seeing the onc, or maybe an ortho, to discuss that problem, which, I assume, would bring that DEXA forward.

    Hope everyone is having a super, celebratory, no peanut butter, 4th of July!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Good info, Brookside, thanks. I'll have a talk with my gastro guy...

  • SueH58
    SueH58 Member Posts: 106
    edited July 2015

    Hi again. Can you all tell me how long of an interval there is between chemo and rads? Six weeks after my chemo ends my daughter gets married. Is that too long to wait to start radiation?

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    SueH, how exciting about your daughters wedding. I can't tell you the optimum interval between chemo and rads, but I'd say if your oncologist doesn't have a problem with 6 or 7 weeks, then you'll be fine. That said, I understand that if you just have lumpectomy and rads, they like to get the rads started within 4 to 6 weeks as you need the extra protection. Since you've had chemo too, I think you probably have an even longer window, so your 6 weeks seems just fine to me. but do trust your medical team, they really know best.

  • SueH58
    SueH58 Member Posts: 106
    edited July 2015

    Sew, what would i do without you to answer all my questions :-)

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    We're all here to help! Stick around, you can soon help other gals new to all this. NerdyActually I think the real truth is that most of the gals are in bed by now but being a west coast gal, I'm still up and functioning. :))

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2015

    Sew, I am all in with your nephew on getting another opinion.......yes, its' just an opinon, but if they are different, I'd even go for a third one until I had two that matched.......that's just me.....and yes, I an the girl who said no, I wasn't going to Mayo and my local cancer center/local doctors could treat me just fine.....but if it was something rare, I"d been on the next plane.  

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2015

    Wow this thread took off like wildfire in the past week or so.  I have to post more often to keep up.  Silly me.

    Welcome to the thread, SueH.  I see that SEW is keeping you well informed.  I cannot comment on chemo/rads spacing, your oncologist will set up the protocol for that.  If you need a little wiggle room for the wedding I am sure he can help with that as well.  Much luck to you!  Rads was not hard for me emotionally at all.  It was fast and easy and completely painless.  I did have some burning toward the end though.  I think I was tired more often but it didn't slow me down much.  Every experience is different but almost everyone here did well with  no serious problems. 

    Regarding my dad, absolutely all bad news in terms of trying to contact him.  After the last nasty round of mails and returning our Father's Day cards to each of us torn up, I had reached my breaking point.  APS can do nothing since she was already recently investigated and cleared.  My other option was to call the police dept. and ask for a welfare check.  I explained to the dispatcher that they married in Feb., he has dementia, changed the will and cut us out, etc.  I don't care about the money, I want to talk to him!  It won't happen.  Very nice officer called me back to say everything seemed fine, he was clean, house was clean, etc.  She hesitated to tell me that he indicated he no longer wanted anything to do with us.  That smarted, and I know she is behind it.  A few days later we got an e-mail from his lawyer once again telling us never to attempt to contact him again.  I have to let it go ladies.  I do not have the resources nor the spirit to fight this.

    I have to dash, sorry I don't have time to address everyone.  You know I love you all!  :)


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    It's absolutely heartbreaking, Janis, that this has happened with your Dad. It must be a relief that the wellness check showed that his physical care is good, and that his environment is clean. If I understand your previous posts, however, this is not the issue. Your concern is for financial abuse, due to "undue influence" by his caretaker, now wife, and her using his failing mental prowess to create hostility toward you and your sister, processes not easily perceived by an outsider. I wish I could help.

    Diane, hoping you had a peaceful weekend, with two well-behaved pups.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Janis, I'm so sorry to hear this about your Dad. It is quite sad, and I know you're grieving about it. but as you said, I think you do have to let it go now. You have done everything you can to retain contact with him, but with his dementia and this wife, that just isn't going to happen. You'll just have to remember him as he was, not as he ended up with the dementia. If he did not have dementia I'm sure none of this would have happened, so perhaps you can take some comfort in that. Sending hugs {{}}

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2015

    Brookside and Sew, thank you both so much for your thoughtful and comforting posts.  The situation is so complicated as you can imagine.  I sent you each a PM explaining in better detail.  I really don't want to post anymore on a public forum.  You never know.........

    My poor baby Murphy (10 year old Golden Retriever) had some kind of blowout today on his side.  I suspect a cyst may have ruptured.  I won't go into the very gross details, but it was very nasty.  I called the vet just as they were closing.  Dan told me the two most important things to do are to shave the area and to keep it clean.  We had already done all that so he thinks it is not urgent.  They are booked solid so we take him in Wednesday at 8:00.  It does have a fairly large opening and was bleeding a lot but that has calmed down.  We need to find out what this is/was.  It terrifies me anytime anything goes wrong with my boyz.  Both of ours are rescues, and both are 10+.  I have already lost two dogs to cancer in years past and it scares me so much.  Talk about timing, my friend Miranda from Wyoming was here visiting last week.  She is a veterinarian.  That would have been really handy this week!  Bawling


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Janis, sorry to hear about your terribly heartbreaking situation with your Father. And now your dog. Sounds like you did the right thing . Keep it clean and get him in as soon as you can. They will probably clean it too and give him some antibiotics. What luck having a friend as a vet.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Janis - bless your heart I am so sorry about the situation with your dad. It's got to be gut wrenching for you and your sister esp at the hands of the new wife. It makes me furious to think there is nothing you can do but I know you have exhausted every possible means to make contact. Brookside and Sew are right advising you to let it go. You are in my prayers.

    As for your fur baby I hope he gets better soon and it is just a cyst. I feel your pain when one of our babies is ailing. You are such a good person rescuing those precious babies. Agree with Josie you are blessed to have a friend who is a vet.

    Thanks Brookside - yes all is quiet on the western front for now. Since we couldn't take them for the surgery last Friday we rescheduled for this Friday. DH took all of them for a walk tonight. 2 babies and then the dad.


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    Hi RR ladies,
    I just finished up 11 days straight of back to back company...not to mention that our air conditioning guys finished up the same day my first round of guests arrived so house is still in semi-chaos.  It was great to have the grandkids around and get to the beach for a whole day.
    Gigi, we always loved having the windows open and fresh air in the house.  It did get hot, and we had window AC units for bedrooms only for over 25 years.   But I do love the central air.  In an hour the house temp dropped 6 degrees and humidity 20%.  Now it is working even better.  And the air seems cleaner.
    Sue, welcome to radiation recovery.  I always like to mention that most of us in this group are done with radiation, and consider ourselves still in recovery.   You will notice that we talk about everything because life has returned to focus other than cancer and radiation.   A few of us have had lasting effects but most don't.  I had a similar diagnosis to yours and did not have chemo.  I started rads about 3 months after surgery.  I worked full time through radiation.  I had an itchy red bumpy rash in one area and used a steroidal cream in addition to the prescribed daily lotion.  I felt great during rads.  The commuting was wearing me out, mostly.  After I finished, I used a week of sick time and really needed it.  I was tired, and wondered why I had not taken time off.
    Everyone is different, so just assume you will do well.  As far as the wedding goes, you should be OK either way.

    Sew, you are on a "slow road" to recovery but you are heading in the right direction.  If you feel uncertain about the progress, then maybe consider another opinion.  But I agree...they will want to examine closely if it is rare. 

    Cindy, glad about the mammo.  That is good news.  The food poisoning?  Terrible.  and scary that that could happen.
    I hope you are recovered and have been able to spend time with family. 

    Janis, there is just no reconciliation for such a sad situation.  I shared with you that two of my friends suffered similar experiences when their parents were duped and isolated by a scheming evil person. 


  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2015

    Joan I am awfully glad you checked in, it sounds like you have been terribly busy with family. I love my central air, we had it put in this house when we bought it. We just finished up a nine day stretch of days over 100, the hottest day was 110! It was a miserable nine days and the poor A/C ran so much, but we now run it overnight for our 'boyz'. They are older now and the heat bothers them so much. Thanks for understanding the angst with my dad and that awful situation.

    Josie and Diane, thanks too for your support as well as your wishes for Murphy. My friend who is the vet does not live here. She and I met when we both lived in Wyoming many years ago. She is still there, but she and her DH and young sons came to visit us as a part of their summer vacation. They stayed two nights and we had a wonderful time catching up. I was so thrilled to see her. Our vet here is not a friend, but is a nice young guy an very casual so we call him by his first name. Dan has been a good vet and we trust him with the fur kids. We also have three cats, but they have been healthy thus far.

    Diane I know the puppers have been a real challenge. What type of dogs are they? Some breeds are naturally DA (dog aggressive) and it takes a lot of work to try to help that situation. Often times they cannot be kept together at all. I am a huge advocate for neutering to prevent more unwanted animals, and it does sometimes help to calm them. Having two intact males together is often a recipe for disaster on its own. I sure hope it helps them. Your son is very lucky to have parents willing to take him in, as well as his often difficult dogs. It sounds like you have really had a rough time. I hope it gets better for all of you!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Thank you Janis. Yes it has been a challenge with the pups- to say the least but DH and I could not and would not abandon them. DS's X GFF had the mother and 1 of the other babies. Couldn't possibly take all of them. One of my neighbors did take 1 of the pups thankfully. They are lab-pit mixes. The more aggressive one has more pit in him. Eventually DS will be moving out and taking 2 of them with him- the dad and 1 of the pups.

    Joan - DH and I had window a/c units when we lived in mid-town in Memphisbut we moved to Collierville we had central a/c installed. Huge difference. Humidity is high here and temps in the 90s so far. I used to live in Texas and Louisiana where humidity is off the chart and had nothing but ceiling fans! Can you imagine? I went to a Catholic school and taught by nuns when they used to wear those heavy black habits. Brutal and windows rolled down was the a/c in the car. Spoiled now can't do w/o it!


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Joan, sounds like a busy time for you. I'm happy to say no one comes to visit mainly because our house is too small and honestly no one I know that lives out of state would come visit us not even my sister from Connecticut. We know the house is in a state of disrepair and old. We do what we can though. My family rotates on who hosts holidays but our family has grown so much that our house is just too small to host even if we could.Glad you got your central air.

    Our electric was out for a few days last week I really missed my a/c.

    I have had some kind of virus this week. Mostly in my chest but when the nurse practitioner saw me yesterday she said my lungs sounded clear. Yet when I lay down I could hear crackling in my upper chest.

    I ran a bit of a fever yesterday so they sent me home around 10:45am. But I came in today even with my terrible cough. They did not want me rooming patients though so I was stuck behind computer with reminder lists and trying to answer phones with hardly any voice.Tommorow I already know my co worker will not show. She has a interview.They don't know that. So they will have to let me room patients I guess.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2015

    Diane we all know that pitties have a bad reputation. It is interesting because my friend Miranda, the vet, talked a lot about the different breeds and their inherent problems. She said she would ten times rather treat a pittie than a German Shepherd, because she said Shepherd's are sneaky and will often bite with absolutely no warning. She said most PB's are easy to treat, but they are VERY dog aggressive. They can be great dogs but often they need to be an only child. I so hope you can get some great advice from your vet or a trainer who has experience with these situations. Sometimes muzzling is necessary, and it is not cruel as many people think. You have to always be vigilant and remember the safety of the dogs is so important. You clearly love them despite their issues and I hope you are able to find some good advice from people who deal with these issues on a regular basis. Have you thought about joining a breed specific dog forum? I belong to a Golden Retriever forum and they are wealth of information and help. You can simply Google a PB forum and many will pop up. Like this forum, when you post a question, an intro and ask for advice you will receive more than you can imagine. It is free of course and so worth it. I joined my forum ten years ago when my GR Spencer was diagnosed with a rare cancer. The outpouring of love and support I received through his last days was amazing. I met so many wonderful people there, who I consider good friends all these years later. I highly recommend you give it a try. Much love Sweetie, I know how much you care.

    Josie I am really sorry to hear that you are sick. It is so hard to work, and try to focus, when running a fever. Big healing hugs to you. Take good care.

    My house is small too but I can have guests, can sleep 4 people. Since all our family and friends live in other states, we make it work. Friday we have a new batch of company coming. My stepson Russ, his fiancée Kristen, and their 5 month old German Shepherd puppy. Also my other stepson Kip is supposed to be coming. We have a small guest bedroom but it has a queen bed so that space will be for Russ and Kristen. We have a third bedroom that is small, we use it mostly for storage. We have a queen air mattress that we use for that room. Miranda's young boys shared that when they were here. We have never had a lot of company at once, four is about it. We don't have a dining room, we have a nook off the kitchen but can seat 6 at the little table when the leaf is out. My only concern about this visit is the very large puppy. I think that he is very well trained which is great, because I worry so much about Murphy. He goes to the vet this morning in two hours. We aren't sure what that huge sore is, but if it is a cyst gone bad they may have to do surgery. Murphy is almost 11 and he does not do well with other dogs anymore. He is not aggressive he just doesn't want another dog bothering him. Russ knows Murphy well and loves him, so I am sure he will work to keep Vadar from bothering him.

    Can you tell how neurotic I am about my furkids? Please send all the positive thoughts you have to my Murphy today!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Thank you Janis. Great idea about the forum I'm gonna so that. I'm on several forums for other things and have made friends on those forums too. I do so love them. I will be saying a prayer for Murphy today.

    Josie - bless your heart you sound so sick. I hope you feel better soon. Tough to work as it is but esp when you don't feel well. You have a/c right? Weather is brutal. We have a house in constant state of remodeling. Carpet, kitchen floor, etc., always something that needs repair in a 25 year old house. We have made progress albeit it slow. DH does majority of it because it's a lot cheaper but trade off it takes a lot longer.

    We don't have a large house either. Most of my family lives close except for my daughter and her kids, my sister and BIL and my DH's oldest son and family. My sister always stays in a hotel when she visits because she and BIL like their space and routine even though one of my brothers has a large house. My DS has had a lot of his friends stay with us for days on end and 1 moved in for 8 months. We just make do like you Janis. Thing is I think I stressed over the overcrowding more than they did. We actually use our garage as our proverbial sun room. Faces the cove and not too cluttered with a couch, frig, radio, fans and heater for winter months. Always wanted a screened in porch so it's the next best thing!

    Keep us posted on your baby Janis!


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    Hope you're feeling better, Josie. The co-worker who has the interview--I'm hoping she's the one who keeps throwing you under th bus and that whoever they are, they'll love her and get her speedily out of your hair. If they don't love her, maybe you could find out where it is and go there yourself. They'll certainly love you!

    Diane, Janis' point about the breed-specific site is interesting. I, of course, tried it, and found a site, I think from the Dog Whisperer, that takes the absolutely opposite view from the site I sent you earlier. That site suggested rewarding and reinforcing the alpha dog, to settle their leadership challenge. The pit/golden site said only reinforce quiet behavior--put the leash first on the one who is quieter at that moment. Allow the quieter one into another room first (but human always goes first), feed the more controlled one first. And so forth and so on. Don't you love it when exactly opposite recommendations come from the experts? What seems to be a consistent message is that, for their own good, dogs in general, and pitties in particular, need a serious commitment to consistently applied training. My dog was a dalmation. That breed has a good bit of pit bull in their heritage and all the wisdom out there stressed careful attention to never rewarding aggressive behavior, even to the point that it was very important never, never, ever, to play tug of war with a dal. Who'd have thunk that?

    I definitely think muzzles will take the fun out of the fight, so might be well worth a try.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Brookside. It is interesting there are 2 completely opposite opinions. We don't reward their bad behavior and won't ever. That doesn't make sense to me anyway. I have learned not to sound like a fishwife when they act up but a firm calmer lower tone instead. I'm frantic and that caused them to react more aggressively.

    I know it will time and work to train them but they are more than worth it.

    Hopefully the surgery goes well Friday.

    I have a bone density test scheduled next Tuesday. Ugh. So far numbers are up.

    Josie - do you get results the same day from a BD test?


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Diane it depends on the place that does the test. Typically the DR that orders it has to review the results before the patient is called. We would generally receive results the same day but of course no guarantee the DR will see it and to get someone to call you with results the same day is doubtful but give them a few days.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    I just lost my post earlier when my kindle died.

    Now that I've charged it I can repost.

    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone.I am happy to report I am feeling better. I had a busy day at work today since my coworker called in due to her "migraine" yes that's what lie she told them.

    Brookside,yes this is the co worker I cannot trust that called today for her interview.

    Janis enjoy your visit with stepson and his Fiance. Hope dogs get along and pup doesn't play too rough.

    We have pretty severe storms tonight too but cool front came in so not going to be hot till weekend.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Thanks Josie. ONC ordered the test. Have an appt with her in August but def going to call and get results before then.

    Hope you are feeling better!

    Ready for Fall. So flipping hot here!


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Your welcome Diane.Thanks I am feeling better.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2015

    I apologize for not posting yesterday, I was so exhausted I slept much of the day away.

    Murphy is fine! The vet said that we had done everything right by shaving and keeping it clean. He said it was a deep cyst that finally burst. Other than a 7 day course of antibiotics, no other treatment is required. We are so relieved. If the cyst returns they want to remove it which is fine, but I am not worrying about that now. I am just over the moon thrilled that it is nothing more serious.

    Murphy and I want to thank all of you for your prayers and healing thoughts. You are the best my friends!