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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Janis, glad to hear Murphy is doing ok.No need to apologize. I have been that tired too.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Great news Janis. Thanks for posting. Poor Murphy, and you both for going thru all the worry.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2015

    No way to keep up with you (affectionately said) chatterboxes! So, just wanted to say hello and tell you that I am still clearing the mess of my father's finances up so have been busy. DH turned 60 yesterday! Now we are both the same age...he can't say I am a cougar anymore..LOL

    Janis, so sorry about your dad and the brother stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from my parents due to their dementia so I totally get your least that woman isn't family stealing from you! As for your Murphy, so glad he is ok. As I mentioned here, I had three goldens in my years...Jake, Nayla and Reilly. I miss them all sooo much but especially my Jakey...he was my baby! So sweet and loving and he grew up with my kids and was so crazy about them. When my ex husband came home from being in the hospital for 52 days, that dog did not leave his side and cried like a baby when he first saw him walk in the door! It was the most moving thing I ever witnessed in my life...ever! He realized my ex was not dead or did not leave him and was so happy! They are amazing dogs! I love all animals.

    Cindy, wow about the food poisoning and yeah about the mammo results!

    Sew, hope you find a drug that works for you. Hubby takes omniprozole (or something like that) for his gerd.

    Love to work and have to run!

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2015

    Janis, I don't know the penalty for unlawful restraint or battery in the state your dad lives in, but if I had a sister, I'd go there with her and one of us would hold the bitch and the other one would punch her good.....then I'd just pay the fine and have some closure...... And I am not a violent person but every now and then a situation arises where I think it is warranted and even justified.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2015

    I knew I liked you redheaded one! I will join you... HA!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Janis - So happy and relieved for you and Murphy!


  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Redheaded...too silly, just the mental image of your closure solution,

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    Oh, my goodness. Such nicey-nice ladies paying a social call on the "B." Would love to don my hat and white gloves and sashay on over. I'll make the tea while y'all "discuss."

    Josie, how was work today without the headache lady?

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Brookside, she came in today. So it was ok. Just same old stuff different day. Tension between the MA and the receptionist . I was told about patients waiting too long and all that. It's awfully easy to sit behind a desk and snap your fingers like hurry up But I'd like to see her do my job she wouldn't last one day. I just get tired of it so when the girl who called in yesterday said something like she is why I'm leaving. I just agreed with her. I think she heard us thoughWinking

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    Josie, glad you are feeling better. Why is it that in so many situations, women just can't get along....I think things would move more smoothly if they worked together and watched each other's back instead of biting!

    I so admire you dog lovers and handlers. I have a fear and just cannot imagine a large dog. I often think how nice it would be (esp. for DH) to have a dog companion and be able to take long walks etc.
    April, your dog story made me cry...they are such loyal loving dogs.

    Monday I adopted a cat from a rescue in CT, and she is perfect for me. She is purebred and long hair, about a year old, very tiny, and very very sweet. She is sleeping a lot and has spurts of activity during the day, esp. at night when we are both home. She came from a temporary house shelter with over 12 free roaming feisty cats and two big dogs. She has absolute quiet here but is learning to feel secure. I feel blessed, as the rescue turned down other applicants. We got her because we have no other pets or small children. I brought her to work the other night.

    Does anyone here know anything about pet insurance? (C'mon, Brookside, you are the insurance expert) We do not want to get into a situation that costs thousands of dollars unexpectedly. Any recommendations?

    Sadly, we are traveling next week and I have the dilemma of finding the right place to leave her. It makes me sad to think about it, but this was planned before we got her.


    You ladies made me smile with your proposals for helping out Janis. The claws are coming out....ironically, laws that are intended to protect the independence and autonomy of the elderly keep well-meaning family members from intervening and rescuing their parent-victims. Janis, I am so sorry for all this.

    We are having a cool summer so far but I do love the AC. It keeps the humidity down and I am sleeping well. Since doors and windows are closed, it keeps the kitty in too. (She cannot go out...she is defenseless and there are scary animals out there). I miss fresh air, so on a low humidity day, I will open doors and windows to bring in "new air".

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Hi Joan,

    So, lets see a picture of this new addition to the family, she sounds so cute! Have you thought about a cat sitter? I usually use one when we both travel...they come in once or twice a day, feed the kitty, clean litter and play with them or pet and hold them. Or even a house sitter who would stay at your home so she has regular company. She might be more comfortable at your home than learning another new home temporarily. Just a thought.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    Yes, Sew, I have the number and left a message. Short notice, though. Thanks.

    How are you doing today? Making progress? I am coming out your way but know you may not be up to an outing -- maybe to the coffee shop? Let me know.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2015

    I would definitely go with a house sitter if you can for your kitty Joan. I have a rescue baby named Simon (he is diabetic poor guy) that I adore and I only get my cats and dogs through rescue these days when at all possible. Have not had a dog since 2002 and I miss them! But, Simon needs to be only with cats, no dogs unfortunately and he is so expensive with his illness that we cannot afford any companions for him right now. Between extra vet visits, his insulin and his testing supplies and his no carb snacks (freeze dried chicken at 20+ a bag so he lets us test him) he costs close to 200 a month. Yikes! Enjoy your new baby and definitely look into pet insurance..sure wish I had!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    Thanks for your advice, April. The vet suggested we just put the cost of pet insurance away each year. However, what you describe is unpredictable. Your kitty is very fortunate to have you. I told the rescue that if the kitty is high need (esp. diabetic) that I would have to return her. My work hours sometimes cause me to be away long stretches and I know that wouldn't work.
    Vet check should help us know what we've got...but it's kind of too late because I am already in love with her. Darn...I knew that would happen.
    If an animal is injured or needs IVs or hospital stays that it can run thousands. Scary thought. Our feral cats were in/out and low need. Sometimes they disappeared...we never found 2 of them. This one stays in.
    Sew, as per your request, here's Miss no-name sleepy head...this was taken in her first few hours at home. She looks white but has reddish (tawny) highlights. OMGosh forgive me for sounding like a new mother....

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    Just quickly scanning during lunch and yes, I do sell pet insurance. Will fill in a detail or two later on

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2015

    No way I forgive you Joan! Because you ARE a new mother...LOL. And your new baby is absolutely gorgeous if you don't mind me saying. Best to you both and may she live a long and healthy life!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    April, thanks Happy

    Brookside, wow, that was unexpected! Please send me the details and the fine print if you can.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    wow, this thread has evolved into the greatest help line ever....I'm still giggling that you, Brookside, sell pet insurance! Amazing what you can find when you ask! Anyone know a good bookkeeper/accountant that also understands trusts near Santa Rosa Ca? I need one who can decipher a trust bank statement where the bank does some very strange things with the income from this trust leaving my Mom (the remainder man) getting one third of the income that the bank makes on this? It's beyond me, and I know accounting! You never know, someone may know someone.....Happy

    Joan, I wondered if you were heading out this way. Actually it is possible that I could come down to Berkeley or wherever (are you going out to Bodega again this year?) depending upon the day. I have ups and downs, and did drive just 20 minutes away on the freeway yesterday which was a mistake. This prednisone stuff messes with your ability to handle stress, and of course some idiot behind me decided to change lanes causing some other idiot behind me to lay on his horn and it took me about another 20 minutes to get my heart rate back under control. I hate that noise. Then I spent the afternoon coughing and having a bad air day. I'm also decreasing my dosage this week, so making it slightly aggravated. So, let me know what your schedule might be, and we'll see about meeting up. I'd hate to miss a chance to see you, BOOP (the name of my disease) be damned!

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015

    Oops, forgot the most important part.....Joan that kitty is just darling. Thanks for posting. What a sweetie! And I agree with April, you ARE a new Mom. You'll have a hard time leaving her at home I'm sure.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited July 2015

    Sew, I read "bad air day" as "bad hair day" tee hee...if only life were that simple after BC, eh? Instead we find ourselves falling apart in other ways it seems, at least I am. My health since starting on the evil exemestane is truly scaring me! I have high BP now and the woman with the "GREAT" cholesterol numbers now has a 199 - almost in the bad zone I guess. I was always in the 155-167 range and all of my LDL/HDL were excellent...not since Aromasin. And don't get me started on the joint/bone pain and the swelling hands and feet and the "situational asthma" and brain fog.

    I am on a planned vacation (MO told me to do it when she saw what a mess I was!!) from the drug and am starting to feel like myself for the first time in AGES! But, I am so afraid since my BC was >95% ER+! winning with BC since it is the gift that keeps on giving. Also, my left girl is shrinking more and more since rads. Maybe the partial breast dose dense clinical trial was not the best idea I ever had but oh well, it is done now.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2015


    Yep, I always thought I was healthy too. I'm glad to hear that the SE's from the AI's is reversible though, I'd always wondered about that. My body won't know how to act if it gets estrogen.....but I bet it will feel just wonderful. I'm surprised your BC breast is still shrinking, interesting. I wonder if that shortened but high dose does cause more shrinkage. Are they still following up on you from the trial?

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited July 2015

    Your baby is a cutie Joan! I'm more of a dog lover but used to have a black cat many years ago. We moved from Louisiana to Tennessee and he took off. His name was Maverick. Dogs were afraid of him. I would find a pet sitter too if you can. We have done that several times so the babies can stay home when we travel.

    My canine babies are en route home from the vet. Surgery went well. Yea!

    Brookside - I am interested in pet insurance too!

    Have a nice weekend everyone!


  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited July 2015

    Joan, what a cutie. Thanks for sharing. Hope your able to find a pet sitter. Any relatives that live close? Just remember kitty is still destressing from the change of a new home and she may sleep more. But is she eating? Using litter box?That's most important. She will adjust.

    Diane nice to hear your pups are doing well after surgery. Enjoy the quiet while it lasts.

    Brookside, selling pet insurance. Cool!! I have 3 cats and a dog and have always wondered if it would benefit us to get pet insurance.We really have no nest egg set aside for them so sometimes struggle just to get them updated on vaccines.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    I just wrote a long response to your kind comments and it disappeared just as I tried to "submit". I know it happens to each of us at times, but I am not up to trying to repeat it all...
    Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
    Yes Sew, we have a wealth of knowledge and common sense between Brookside and you....everyone seems to have a specialty area!

    Josie, kitty does eat small amounts, and uses litter normally. Vet on Monday should help me figure it out.

    Sew, I do not want you to travel so far. It is stressful. Steroids are tough - they cause hyper-sensitivity then when you wean down, the result is exhaustion. We can find a good place if you are up to it.
    SAB, or anyone else in the Bay Area, PM if you are around. I am traveling in July.

    Diane, hope the doggies are recovering and will be calmed a bit. Those of you who are so dedicated to your dogs AND your kids' dogs amaze me. It's a lot of work but it sounds like the rewards are big.

    Nite all...before I lose this again.

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2015

    Joan, she llooks like a toasted marshmallow or some toasted coconut.....You needto name her by the time you see the VET, or she will be Kitty Cat (insert your last name) That's like being baby doe........

    I got my kitty Esmerelda from a feline rescue and she needed to be an only cat too.....still won't let me pick her up but she lays on me and crawls all over me in the bed, etc. Just don't pick her up......image

  • Redheaded1
    Redheaded1 Member Posts: 1,455
    edited July 2015

    Don't be worried about a break from your drug---I took a month and 1/2 off and I felt DIVINE.....Its ok because of how long you've been on and the 1/2 life or something of the drug......My onc said don't worry we are fine..... I was 98% ER pos and 91% PR pos.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    OK ladies, here is the info for one company that offers pet insurance:, or 866-239-7387. I can help you with this if you live in VT or NH. I can do other states when it comes to financial stuff such as 401(k) rollovers, annuitizations, investments, life insurance, including policies on grandchildren--to be sure they will have something once they have their own kids, and, basically, any long term strategy.

    About the pet insurance (from this company at least)--It does not cover the regular wellness visits, not even vaccinations. It is for illness or accident--those break-the-bank events. You pick an annual dollar limit. Premiums vary. Inside cats are the least expensive. Youngsters cost less than oldsters. Pre-existing conditions are not covered. There are discounts for multiple pets, and for those with microchips. Purebreeds cost more than mutts, and premiums are higher for some breeds.

    As for that trust, Sew, do read to see whether the remainder of the income is being reinvested, or perhaps directed to another beneficiary. Trust expenses are usually drawn from the principal.

    Just an FYI--I'm a chartered financial consultant, so, while I certainly do not have all th answers, do feel free to PM me with questions.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    I'm also ER+, and in the 90's on both, and am on an arimidex holiday. I developed a trigger thumb, some months after tendonitis in my Achilles tendon, which was some months after the same thing in the opposite hamstring. I emailed my onc, who suggested a two-week holiday, after which I was to let him know how I'm doing. Well, two weeks later, I emailed him, but received no response. (Usually he fires back his replies so quickly I sometimes wonder whether he ever sees any other patients.) A week, later, another email, another non-response. So I'm cruising. It's been over a month now, and I'm beginning to feel very guilty, and somewhat vulnerable. I'm also beginning to daydream about an entire summer vacation from the devil pill. To tell the truth, however, I don't see much difference between how I felt on the durned pill and how I feel now. Trigger thumb did not magically disappear, but is beginning to improve now that I've started OT (I've learned that PT stops at the shoulder, and OT deals with everything from there on down.)

    I guess I need to just get back with the program but does anyone know of anyone who has been on more than a one-month AI holiday?

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2015

    .Red, your kitty is beautiful. Of course kitty gets to decide when to make contact with you.
    You are right about the name. I am already getting emails from the Vet addressed to "No Name (Kitty)" so tomorrow we will work on names.
    We have to go to a wedding for my grand-nephew ... honestly, I saw him a year ago but if I had to pick him out in a crowd, I'd have is my DH's family, a late night event, and it is a long drive. I think kitty names would be a good way to pass the time in the car.

    Brookside, thanks for the information. I already learned a lot! I did view a few plans on line and you really have to read the fine print and disclaimers.

    I had a hiatus from Arimidex during rads because of chest pain side effects that I could not tolerate. I had already developed the painful thumbs and arthritic growths. These joint pains did not go away when I stopped. I changed to Femara after at least 2 months off; but I never really felt different during the time off.

    I have been telling people I'm three years from dx this month but it is actually four. How did I miss a year? I will probably take the Femara for an extra few months to make up for the late start and break I took.

    Well, it's late on all coasts so I will try to get some sleep.

    PS my docile kitty was wacky-active tonight and played for a long time (first time). She longing to go outside but does not dash for the door when we open it.
    Nite all.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited July 2015

    Could be a good thing the drive is so long, Joan It can be more difficult to name a pet than you might think. My first cat had no name for such a long time, that even when we finally agreed on one, we hardly ever called him anything except Kitty. The next kitten received a name on Day One. What did we call him? Kitty.

    Third son had no name until Day Three. We do call him by his name. He just had a son, who was nameless until Day Four when they left the hospital. I guess it runs in the family.

    Josie, I don't understand how it can be your fault that patients wait too long. I've always thought I waited because the doctor was behind. Is there something mysterious you do besides simply check us in? And even if it is, how is it the job of the MA to hassel you about it? As I said earlier, I hope she aced that interview and will soon be out of your hair.

    Wow--four years, Joan. It does sort of fade a bit, doesn't it? Maybe next year you'll actually forget the anniversary.