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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2016

    Thanks Frill.I appreciate it

  • Carlsoda
    Carlsoda Member Posts: 120
    edited August 2016

    Houston, from what I have read on these boards I believe every area is different in what they want us to do. I will never see my breast surgeon or radiation oncologist again. My medical oncologist is now in charge of my cancer care. I don't like my primary but will only see her for minor things and my yearly physical I have to do for an insurance discount. I decided since I am on tamoxifen now to see a gynecologist and will see him in a couple of weeks (also because I don't trust my primary). I'm think the best thing to do is call the MO nurse and ask her. Good luck and hugs!

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2016

    Frill, yes I'm in Houston but I go to the OC at Kelsey Seybold Cancer Center. It's been good so far. I also seeked a second opinion from the OC at MD Anderson last month. The OC at MDA actually said I'm on a good regimen right now and shouldn't change it. I registered with them and can switch if I want to but I'm happy with Kelsey, they have a great team of doctors.

  • Houston2016
    Houston2016 Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2016

    yes I don't think I should see my PCP except for minor issues. I like my OC though and will check with the OB/GYN for reproductive screening. I wish I see the GYN sooner then I would find out about my estrogen as I was still premenopause. My PCP didn't say or know anything to tell me if I am s candidate for BC and what my risks are. 😠

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited August 2016

    Josie, I am so very sorry to hear about your cat.  Sad for your dog and family.  I hope you and DD can set some boundaries for her dogs when they are in your house.  I am very glad to hear your mammo is clear.  It is always good to have some good news.

    April, do you have your mammo results?  I am hoping you have a normal result.  As I mentioned, as I get older, I do worry a little bit more each year.  Several friends have had reoccurrences. 

    I have a different take on the PCP decision. Since I was "graduated" out of MO care, I realized that the only resource for assessing future diseases and cancers is to have a PCP.  I have a cardiologist who follows my heart, and cholesterol.  I have an appointment with a new GYN who I hope will keep an eye on my female parts and an extra breast exam.  I did have tumor marker tests done several times a year.  Now it will be once a year.  I do not know how reliable these numbers are.  My friend had a reoccurrence after 8 years, and her tumor markers were normal.  Also, with the estrogen levels, I have been told that the tests are not very conclusive. 

    I decided to have a physical with a new PCP who is a DO.  It was weird....the nurse who took my updated history also took temp, height weight.  I asked about BP and she said the doc would take it.  She had me undress and wear a paper gown and drape.  When the doc came in, he said "I don't know why they do this!"...I said I felt like I was wrapped up like a Christmas present.  He told me to put my clothes on and he would come back.  We agreed that would be better.  Then he talked to me at length about my dizzy spell, vision changes, dry mouth, etc.  I will have blood work done.  The strange thing is, he never took my BP.  He never examined me (liver, kidney area, pulses, ears, throat, nothing).  I was worried about diabetes screening, and the blood test will take care of that.  It was just strange.
    I got a pneumonia vaccine.

    I realized that part of my jitteriness was due to taking a cold and flu med for allergies.  I stopped it and stopped shaking.  I am trying to convince myself that I am fine as the doc said.  We shall see....

    We got away overnight to stay at West Point Hotel on the Hudson River.  We spent time in Harriman and Bear Mt. State Parks and had a wonderful dinner out.  We drove back in the dark in a severe thunderstorm but we dodged the worst.  Home Friday, and DD came out FRiday evening with my granddaughter who I had not seen the entire summer. She goes to camp for 8 weeks.  We had fun making dinner and desserts, shopping, watching Olympics, and having breakfast out.  I needed that!

    Work starts Monday.  I accomplished very little this summer, but I am not going to be hard on myself.  I just could use more time off.

    I hope everyone is coping with the heat and the bad weather around the country. 

    Note to Frill - have you consulted with your surgeon about reconsruction after rads?  Is it possible to have it done before?  I am not very knowledgeable, but I know there are many new ideas about reconstruction and I hope you can find something that will work.

    Happy last weeks of Summer!

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Hi all - mammo results were NORMAL! YAY! I also get more nervous lately but thankfully, all was well again. That is 3 full mammos since diagnosis that came back as normal.

    Joan, I don't know why he did not take your BP because mine is taken at every single doctor I see. Every single one. I would ask why you were not examined. That should be your PCP's main job! Anyway, just my two cents.

    Hugs to all - doing laundry so I can sneak out for a few hours with my DD who is in CT from Boston this weekend. She is taking me to brunch....looking forward to it!

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited August 2016

    congrats on Normal mammogram April.

    Joan, I agree that is weird no exam was done.Some PCP s even do a pap.Sometimes like at about he office I worked the new patient remained dressed and was roughy to meet the GYN in their office first and after talking the GYN walked her back to the room and gave her the drapes and did the exam .There is no excuse for the blood pressure not being done

    Good luck on your first day bac

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    Congrats April. So glad it's okay.,

    Joan that is weird. No BP which has been the first order of business every time I go to the doctor and them out your clothes on and have a chat? Really?

    Posting a pic of my baby with his babies! It's his 27th birthday today! Hard to believe! image

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    three handsome men!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    Thank you April!


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2016

    Just wanted to pop in & say Hi! Right kidney stone is gone. Finally out of pain, trying to get veggies in the freezer now.

    Heard from Bunkie! She too is battling kidney stone. She just had her 6mm stone blasted, but it only shattered into 2 3mm pieces. She is now trying to pass them. She still has horrible vertigo. She says HI!

    Woke to a horrific story from one of my chemo girls. She went stage 4 a long time ago. She went on a little bucket list trip. Came home to evidence of a party, long story short after some really deep searching, she finds out he signed up on dating sites the day of her stage 4 diagnoses, , racked up the credit cards drugs drinking, fine dining with his ladies, gambling. He has drained her savings & investments putting them in his own investments. Blamed all financials on her cancer treatments & surgeries all the while tucking it away for himself. 15 yrs down the drain. can't even wrap my head around this. Divorce is in the works & yes she kicked him to the curb.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Oh Em Gee Fran! Shocked

    That is incredible. She should sue the living sh!t out of that man! He STOLE from his own very ill wife!!!!! Give her a hug from me when you next see her. Such a cautionary tale and sad, sad, sad! Sad

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    Fran - thanks for the update on Bunkie. Bless her heart. She has had too many medical issues. Also glad one down for you.

    I can't imagine your friend's husband doing that to her. What a POS. Hope she sucks him dry. I am appalled and furious. My neighbor went through something similar. Zero compassion for her too. She never saw it coming. Married a lot of years too.What a horrific way to find out what a jerk he really is. I would hire a shark lawyer to take him down. So much for the sickness and in health vow.

    I am fed up with people who look at us like we are lepers. We didn't ask for this disease. We all drew the unlucky draw. We don't deserve it either no matter what kind of lifestyle we live.

    I'll say prayers for your friend. I hope she has a lot of support. She needs it and sure as heck deserves it.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Fran, sorry I did not address your own medical issue. So happy that you are now on the mend. Guess I was in such shock about that poor woman, I overlooked it completely. Also, thanks for the update about our Bunkie. She really has had her share.

  • Frill
    Frill Member Posts: 104
    edited August 2016

    70Charger: I'm just so in shock. I'm sending lots of love and prayers, too, along with everyone else for our fellow sister. I get that cancer is hard on everyone, but, ARGHHHH!!!!!!!!! Pure waste of the community assets. I am glad that your kidney stones are taken care of. I never hear good things about those! THIS is just one more reason I want my dad to get a prenupt. You just never know when someone is going to go off the deep end.

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    I know another pic? Can't help myself. Socrazy about these little guys.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Could they be any cuter Diane? No wonder you are compelled to post pictures of them! LOL Adorbs as the kids say.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2016

    Boys are getting cuter every day.

    Diane, I sure hope those kidney stones do their thing quietly and as painlessly as possible. How miserable in the mean time. And your friend with the horrendous husband.! How on earth do you deal with that kind of betrayal? Gee whiz (words fail me). Any decent divorce lawyer can straighten out the whose-money-is-whose-issue (and hopefully she'll see one very soon!).

    Yes, Frill. There are so many financial hurdles that can appear in a second marriage that I feel anyone contemplating a second marriage needs a prenup, and maybe a trust in addition to a will. Beneficiary changes (life insurance, IRA, 401(k) should be considered with particular care.

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2016

    Thanks ladies. Waving Hi to all our newbies.

    Cute pic Diane!

    Urologists office just called. He took another look at my file & has decided to blast the remaining stone. They are booking for Oct. Now I wait for the hospital to call. Oh joy! Thanks Fran

    Forgot to mention, finaly did a car show this weekend!, Been too sick all season to do one. This was our big Mopar show which made it more special!

  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2016

    At the show!image

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Look at all of those gorgeous muscle cars! Love them!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    Thanks guys! I'm a sucker for pretty faces!

    Brookside - I think you meant the comments about the kidney stones directed to Fran. No worries but she needs the sympathy not me. Also, her friend with the POS husband.

    You are right about second marriages. Second one for DH and me. I learned the hard way to protect myself. Ditto DH.

    Love those cars too.


  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited August 2016

    Sorry for the mixup, Diane and Fran.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    No worries Brookside.


  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    imageJennifer, twins Mommy, sent me these. Such sweet pictures.


  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Can I have one of those? You have two so you can share! sweet!

  • edwards750
    edwards750 Member Posts: 1,568
    edited August 2016

    No and thanks April!


  • 70charger
    70charger Member Posts: 591
    edited August 2016

    So the POS husband ( not mine, but my chemo gals) took the cowards way out & committed suicide. Of course he blames her. What a piece of work. So glad she made it out safe.

  • april485
    april485 Member Posts: 1,983
    edited August 2016

    Wow...just wow. Guess he did not want to face certain ridicule from all of the friends/family who would find out what he did to that poor woman while she was so sick. He took the coward's way out for sure. That poor woman. I really hope she finds some peace now.
