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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Congrats on finishing chemo I remember how that felt, wonderful.

    Gamegirl, I have 3 boys, 5,7, &10. They keep me very busy but I know what you mean about when they are in school. During those times I just try to remember back when I was working 40-50 hrs per wk and think about all the things I said I'd do if I had the time. Rearrange closets, read a book, journalling, catch up on scrape books, that sort of thing. Somedays it works somedays it doesn't.

    Being patient was something I always struggled with so this whole BC thing has definantly taught me a lesson or two.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    Gamergirl - I'm facing the same situation regarding my ovaries being brca 2 positive. It's a tough reality. I want to take care of the immediate threat now and then deal with the ovaries in the near future. I think of all the possible surgical options that have been thrown at me over the past month, the ooph suggestion was the hardest to take. I don't have any children, and at this point, I'd have to have a remarkably fast and complete recovery and be able to convince DB that children are a good thing, as I probably only have maybe 2 or 3 years left, if that (I'm 42).

    Ann - congrats on your last chemo. Regarding the fencing, I am feeling better about the DIEP as an option. I've been in touch with a dancer who had that, and has not faced any problems.

    I am feeling so much better today than I have for the past few days. I went to see a PS (#3, one for each BS I've met with), and I really, really felt comfortable. He and the microsurgeon he brought in did a great job at laying out the risks and options - and apparently they'll do an abdominal CT scan to determine whether they will be able to do a DIEP or if the veins/arteries are positioned in such a way that they will have to take some muscle. No absolute guarantee, but it's a lot more reassuring than just being told, "Don't worry about, I've never had a patient complain about muscle loss," which is what the others said.

    So if all goes well, I should have a date in early to mid-October. I'll keep you posted.


  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    Hmmmm.... I guess I should have written "BF" not "DB." Still working on the abbreviations.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Good Afternoon All~

    Sorry it's been a few days since posting. Sometimes I really need to force myself to stay away from the computer when I'm feeling especially stressed.  I've been thinking of EVERYONE here though :) 

    Gamergirl~ Thanks so much for updating the surgery list :)

    Ann~ Congrats on your last chemo!   That must have been such a good feeling.  Glad you were able to keep the port for your Herceptin...

    I've been feeling incredibly anxious this week just waiting waiting waiting for surgery.  I am now feeling a large area of thickness in my right breast (doesn't feel like my usual breast density.)  I called my provider at the breast care center who suggested that we do an ultrasound on Thursday.  I highly doubt it would even be possible to move my surgery up regardless of the outcome.   I keep wondering how quickly things could progress in a matter of 6 weeks. 

    I wish there was a magic pill to help me stop worrying.   I've tried a few anti-anxiety meds over the years but nothing seems to help me "turn off" my mind.   I think I would lose my mind if it weren't for my daily exercise. 

    Thinking calming thoughts for ALL!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    Hi All

    I had my pre-op with PS yesterday we are good to go with surgery Oct 4.  The only thing that bummed me out is I have a fear of hospitals and he said I could be there 1-2 nights.  I had in my mind I would go home after 1 night.  Oh well hopefully I will be really drugged up and not notice it.  He told me the BMX and recon will takes approx 5 hours.  The BS will do her thing and then he will step in and put in the TE and sew me up.  He also told me definitely 4 drains.

    Ann-  yea on the last chemo...   when I had mine a couple of weeks the nurses where planning to come over to my chair and blow bubbles and give me a graduation certificate, but I had jumped out of the chair before they got over.  so they did their bubbles in the hall.  I told them your not down with me I will be in every 3 weeks till May for my Herceptin. 

    Tomorrow I have a mamogram and moga test.  It will be interesting to see what my breast and heart look like after 3 months of chemo. 

    have a good evening everyone..

  • sanbar8771
    sanbar8771 Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2011

    Soon to be exchange surgery. YAY... Ive had 7 surgeries in 1 year because of a tissue expander infection. I am so ready for this to be over.


  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Welcome Julie!  I can't imagine having 7 surgeries in one year.  I had 2 in one year and thought THAT was exhausting.  Sorry you had an infection, I'm glad it is almost over for you!  Let me know when you get a date for your exchange!

    AJ - I totally get staying away from the computer.  There is definitely a thing as TOO much information.  And the internet just makes it way too easy to obsess.  I have my mmorpg's to play (thus my name) and that help keeps my mind off it.  

    Rachel - any chance you could have eggs frozen just as a back up plan?  I know it's not optimal and the way we dream of starting a family, but I always figure it doesn't matter how a family starts, just that it does.  I'm glad you found a PS you like, I think that is SO important!

    Survivor11 - I can not believe you are dealing with cancer AND raising 3 young boys.  Holy cow.  I have a feeling laundry probably does take up a lot of your time.  That seems to be the constant with boys.  Grass stains and holes in knees.   

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    So very true Gamergirl. Laundry and lots of after school activities.

    Julie, bless your heart. Can't imagine having 7 surgeries, you are so brave.

    I'm going for number 3 Oct 3rd and I'm already exhausted thinking about it. Actually more exhausted waiting for it to get here. Feel like I'm running away from the boogy man-trying to not have any problems with these damn TE's til then. Just keeping my fingers crossed.

    Doesn't this all just suck!

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    Margie - good luck with the tests.

    Gamergirl - freezing the eggs is an option. The PS said that a DIEP shouldn't interfere if I decide to have kids. He did caution that getting pregnant could rev up any remaining breast tissue (it's amazing that after a BMX, there's still that risk!) and cause problems, but cautions aside, if I wanted a child, go ahead. As he put it, if there is a problem, I might have faced it at some point anyway, and at least I get a child to show for it. As I said, he seems like a neat, down-to-earth guy.

    Dealing with my first insurance hurdle - BS and hospital are in-network, PS is out of network. I like him enough to shell out the 20%, but no one seems able to give me an estimate of 20% of what.... 

    Have a good night all. 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    survivor - Yes, this all sucks. I've been mildly amused at how my vocabulary is changing. Sucks and shitty are part of my regular daily discourse now, as is boobs. My coworkers are starting to adapt.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    So very true about the vocabulary and the fact that I don't think anything now of pulling up my top to expose my foobs for whomever, the docters, friends, family, mail man (just kidding).

    Never really liked my boobs before, bless their departed hearts, but once I get this new perky, bigger set looking like something I'd want to show off..I think I'll head to Bourbon Street.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    One of the earlier posts I remember from this board when I found it was a few women talking about how they felt that their breasts had betrayed them. I certainly share the thought. I couldn't help thinking... "BAAAAAD boobies!" but decided to hold off on posting that. I can't imagine dealing with cancer and not having a good sense of humor. At least mine is still a healthy part of me.

    I've also decided that the blue-footed booby is a really cool looking bird. I might adopt it as my avatar some day.

    (I can't seem to get photos to post directly) 

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2011

    Gamergirl - my Pink Pockets for drains arrived, and would you believe -- they are not pink, which is fine with me. They are various patterns with blues and greens. They're worn inside clothes, but pretty is fun anyway, even if they're for holding drains!

    AJ - Are you still on for ultrasound tomorrow to check on that skin thickening? I've had the same anxiety -- even after 5 months of chemo, my breast skin is thick (in the area that tested positive by skin punch biopsy), but the ONC and BS and PS wouldn't comment much on it, except to say it will be checked again on pathology after surgery. I hope you get good news that nothing is going on there!

    Margie - Today is your mammo & muga scan, right? I won't be getting any scans between end of chemo and surgery except echocardiogram (insurance wouldn't pay for muga.) Will a mammo really tell them much or change plans at this time? Nice bubble send-off you got. Reminds me of my daughter's wedding. The bride & groom circled around and down the aisle a second time so we could blow more bubbles and get more pictures. Maybe you'll get more bubbles in May, post-Herceptin.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    I like the "Bad boobies!", makes me laugh. I can just picture someone standing in the mirror, pointing a finger like you would at your kids, and giving them h_ll.

    I actually remember having a talk with my old girls in the shower the morning of my BMX and thanking them for feeding my kids and all the fun we had together,but that they had betrayed me and it was time to hit the road. I'm talking very nicely to my underconstruction new girls. Warned them that I had already gotten rid of one pair so they had better behave.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    AnnaAlive --  I ask my Dr why a mamo and not an MRI.  The mamo didn't show the largest part of my cancer the first time - it took the MRI to see the large section of DCIS.  The nurse told me that BS orders the mamo first and then after she looks at that she will decide if more test are needed prior to surgery.  My onc told me now that chemo is over and I am on herceptin alone I will be getting a muga every 6 weeks till I am done in May.  Glad you got your pink pockets I have them too and think they will work well to hold my drains (my PS confirmed that he will be putting in 4 drains Yell).


  • solange49
    solange49 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2011

    AnnAlive- how are you feeling from your last chemo? I know it's such a relief to have that over! I'm looking forward to my last one on Monday. :) Did it take very long to get your pink pockets? I need to order them and figure out what I'm going to get for a camisole to wear after my surgery. I still have some skin thickening as well on my biopsy site.

    Julie- welcome! I know you're excited about getting your final surgery. That's awesome!!

    MargieC - good luck with your mammo and muga scan today! I hope all goes well. :)

    I haven't had the chance to talk to some of you ladies and look forward to getting to know all of you!


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Solange, check out my review of two brands of recovery camisoles on the surgery packing/shopping thread. My medical insurance paid for them and I think many do but they don't always tell people. Since they can be worn as a layering piece, pink pockets wouldn't be needed but,of course, everyone has their own preferences. Good luck to you. Today is one week since my bmx/reconstruction and it gets better each day. Hope to have drains out on Friday. Caryn

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited September 2011

    Hello Gamergirl and all you others waiting for the days to pass before the big day in September! 

    I was just about to open a thread for October surgeries, as I hadn't seen yours, and then found you...SO GLAD as it's good to share.  I'm scheduled for a BMX on 5 October.  Finished 8 cycles of chemo on 12 August.  My surgeon doesn't think it's necessary to remove left breast as well, but I feel much more comfortable doing both, as I want to feel I've done everything possible to avoid having to go through this guarantee I know, but that's how I feel...Also would rather be symmetrical.  Will have a month of radiotherapy after op, and am not planning to have reconstruction least not for now anyway, and apparently I'd have to wait after rads...

    Please add me to the list!  

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2011

    Diana - It's a relief to be past my final chemo, but it's only day 3, so it feels like the previous Taxol weeks so far. After the steroids wear off, I get shoulder aches and fatigue. Hopefully, with 3 more weeks til surgery I will have some time feeling better after chemo. I will continue on weekly Herceptin, so not sure how that does on its own.

    The Pink Pockets arrived amazingly fast; I ordered them Saturday and they arrived on Monday! They are nicely made and look like they will work just fine. I'm interested in the camisole idea too, but I see Caryn says we wouldn't need both. I'll have to look into it. Which will work better when leaving the house with drains to go to appointments?

  • Unknown
    edited September 2011

    Hi-Im meeting my surgoen on 19th September 2011 so I think I may be in surgery in the next couple of weeks 

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited September 2011

    I meant big day in October of course!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Hi, Even though the camisoles have built in pockets for drains, because the garment is close fitting and(you can see the bulge of of the drains)more of an under layer, you will probably want to wear a loose button front blouse or sweater over the camisole if you go out. Pink pockets can be affixed directly to the inside of a blouse. It is still warm where I live so the camisoles have been great for wearing around the house and sleeping. I love how the camisoles hold drains and tubing close to my body so there is no sway or accidental tugging. I will definitely be able to keep wearing the Amoena as a tank top or layer afterward but I think the Softee Two is more like an undershirt. Remember to ask your insurance if they will pay for any of there garments! -Caryn

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    Diana -  I received my pink pockets within a few days of ordering.  As for chemi I went to kohls and pick up some soft large ones that I can set into - Target has some soft inexpensive ones too.

    Ok I need to whine a little.  I went in for my muga scan today and they had to take blood and the tech told me she couldn't take it from my port unless I had gone by my onc office and had my port accessed so she had to stick me three times to get a vain.  She finally got blood out of my wrist and it hurt.  UGH.  The good news is my mamogram showed improvement in my tumors from the chemo.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    MargieC, what a dumb a_s. The tech is perfectly cabable of accessing that port, that's what they are there for. I'm already in a crappy mood so if you want revenge, just give me her name and location, just kidding,or maybe not. I'm a nurse and have always tried to take my patients feelings and emotions into account in whatever I did. This person obviously forgot that rule.Next time I'd be sure to let my Onc know.

    Crappy mood cause I'm having trouble with the Lt TE. Fluid build up, redness at base. No temp, white blood cells fine and no culture growth from fluid drained, but PS isn't sure why it's happening.I'm only 2 1/2wks from exchange and am terrified something will happen that will delay that. Just feeling really frustrated tonight. 

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2011

    Although I dont have an exact date yet, I will have a lumpectomy and axillary node disection sometime in the first 2 weeks of October.  Count me in!

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Good Evening Ladies~

    A quick check-in to see how our October Ladies are doing tonight :)   If I haven't said so already, I feel so grateful for this group.  While I wish that NONE of us had the need to be here, there is definite comfort in not feeling completely alone.  

    Ann~ Thank you so much for thinking of me and my ultrasound tomorrow.  It's still on for 12:30 and they may be scanning my left side as well as I've been getting shooting pains.  I can't believe that I have issues on both sides at once but I understand that this is not uncommon for those with severely dense breasts :(   

    OhMy~  Welcome (and I love your user name!)   I see that you were just recently dx'd and that things are moving quickly for you!

    Survivor11~ UGH!  So sorry to hear about Lt. TE :(  I will be sending you calming thoughts and hope that this setback won't delay your exchange.    

    MargieC~ Great news re: the mammogram!  Just wish that you didn't have to go through that not-so-pleasant blood draw experience today.  

    Jackie~ Sorry if I missed this, are you having a BMX?  I hope your appt. with the surgeon goes well on the 19th.  Please keep us posted! 

    Caryn~ Thanks so much for all of the great camisole info!  I haven't purchased anything yet.... but will be looking into my options tomorrow!   

    Maria~ Totally understand your decision to go bilateral and not want to deal with this again.  Congrats on finishing chemo!

    Rachel~ Sounds like you're in good hands with a wonderful PS!  Hope the insurance issues won't be an ongoing huge pain in the bum.      

    Diana~ Looking forward to getting to know you too!  I think we'll be ordering our Pink Pockets together--- and so happy to hear that chemo will end on Monday!

    I had best intentions to write personally to everyone in the group but really need to get my boy to bed.  Please know that I am thinking of you ALL and wishing everyone sweet dreams. 

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Thanks trainingwithaj, god knows I need them over the next few days.

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2011

    I'm happy things are moving quickly. The thought of waiting would make me crazy! Also, I changed my screen name from "ohmy" to "mardibra". Although my first reaction to my dx was oh my, mardibra seems a bit more like me and certainly describes what I feel is going on in my ta ta's!


  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited September 2011

    Hi all, Yes mardibra, the waiting is the worst thing....I had my last chemo on 12 August, but my surgeon is away for 2 weeks at the end of September which is why I'm having to wait until first week of October for the op... Noone's fault I know, but the time seems to be passing incredibly slowly and I begin to imagine all sorts of can the tumour begin to grow again ??!!(it had shrunk considerably after chemo)..Well, I'm sceduled for an ultrasound on 26 Septemebr so fingers crossed that my anxiety is allayed... 

    For those of you just finishing chemo, I found the last cycle (of 4 x Fec and 4 x Taxotere), the longest to get over..I'm sure it all accumulates, and the extreme tiredness carried on for over a week, and my taste buds were messed up for over 2 weeks... It's now been over 4 weeks and my legs are still very heavy and I get tired going up stairs or walking uphill...I've also got quite a lot of water retention from which I never suffered before, but the fact that it's still very hot here doesn't help I'm sure.

    Will be looking around to see what is available here in terms of camisoles/pockets...

    Very nice to meet you too, trainwithaj, I'm so glad to be able to talk to people who understand precisely what I might be feeling at the mo!!

    Bye for now, and I hope that you all have a reasonable day!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    survivor11 --  the tech I had yesterday was really nice so it was hard to get mad at her, but she did say that their was a policy in place that she wasn't aloud to access my port.  I see my ONC Mon for my first herceptin only IV and I will be asking about the muga scan and accessing the port.  Thanks for the offer to go get me some revenge Cool    I hope the fluid build up gets resolved so you stay on schedule for your exchange surgery.