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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Thanks Margiec. That's a crappy policy, why on earth would you get a port, just to have them dig for your veins all the time-crazy. Fluid build up is better today so I'm feeling less anxious but I know what you ladies mean about waiting. Now I feel like in a race against time to surgery before anything else can happen that would delay it.

    Maria_Malta, don't you just hate it when you are so angry and realize there is no one to blame for a certain situation. They sould give us all punching bags when we are diagnosed for just such a situation.

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Okay, I think I have everything updated.  Let me know if I missed anyone, or if there is a date I need to update.  

    Today I am rearranging my bedroom to fit a huge recliner chair we have.  I think that will be easier to sleep in after the surgery.  I'm a back sleeper, and after the lat flap, I'm not sure that would work.  I keep hoping I'll be drugged enough it won't matter that I have drains and dressings and such.

     Have a great Thursday ladies!   

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited September 2011

    Hello everyone,

     I'm scheduled for BMX on Oct. 25th with fat grafting recon following (first round).  I'm going from MI to Miami for the procedure, so planning and packing are going to be extra fun (not).  I'll have to send my poor husband rushing around for everything i realize I've forgotten to bring once I'm in Miami.

    I keep busy and try to stay posivite all day, but my anxiety and worry seem to overtake me every night.  Maybe I should spend some time worrying during the day to spread things out a bit.  

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    rk85-know what you mean.Night always brings out the little worry demons. The waiting game is a part of this BC journey that seems the most unfair. You want to be angry at someone or something for making you wait and there just is nouthing to take all your frustrations out on. That's why we are all here, we can bitch, moan, cry, complain, and wait together.

    Wishing you speedy days til your surgery.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2011

    AJ - whatever happened with your ultrasound? Did you get a report? I identify because of the thickened skin.

    Margie - do you have results from your mammo and muga scan? I hope your heart is doing fine with Herceptin. I will have an echocardiogram within the next couple of weeks, but on Monday, I get Herceptin-only IV, same as you. I wonder what the side effects might be when not paired with Taxol. I hope it will be easier for us -- I've had fatigue and considerable shoulder pain (guessing it was the Taxol -- I hope) with Taxol, even though it was supposed to have been easeir than A/C.

    Rk85 - welcome! I'm curious about the fat grafting reconstruction. I'm getting TEs at BMX, but I wonder if fat grafting might be an option (later) for me instead of implant exchange. I'll be asking questions like that of my PS at my Monday appointment.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    AnnAlive - my mamo and ultra sound looked good - tumors have shrunk.  I hope to get my muga results on Mon when I have my first Herceptin only IV. I still have a little fatigue but that is about it. 

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Ann~ Thanks so much for asking about my ultrasound.  The radiologist could definitely feel the thickness but unfortunately the ultrasound didn't tell us much  :(  All in all, the ultrasound just confirmed that my breasts are a mess.  It's anyone's guess what will be found in my pathology and that just terrifies me. 

    Sorry you're having shoulder pain :(   I will be hoping that your PS appointment on Monday goes very well!

    Take Care!

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Welcome aboard RK85.  I guess if there is one silver lining, at least in October, you will be in warm sunny Miami instead of snowy MI.  Maybe not getting to enjoy it, but at least you'll be warm :-)

    Yay Margie on the tumor shrinkage! Hopefully the herceptin only will be so much easier on you and Ann.  

    I have my pre-op scheduled for next Thursday.  I also got my surgery packet in the mail.  I have to arrive at 6:15 am on the 4th so they can do the injections for the SNB.  I am a bit freaked out over that.  I have never in my life been bothered by needles, but the stereotactic biopsy was so bad, I'm worried I'll have the same reaction.  I warned my husband there may be alot of screaming and cursing involved, if they put needles in my areola.  And I'm going to be very angry if the very last sensation I ever feel in my nipples is pain.   

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Gamergirl, I have been a life long needle phobe. People have reported various experiences with the SNB injections. Some places include a bit of lidocaine in the injection, others don't. I have one word for you, EMLA. This a very strong topical anesthetic available by presscription only. I think the generic is available too as lidocaine/prilocaine. It must be applied about 1 hour before the procedure and covered with an occlusive dressing. I have written about it on a few other threads as I have used it over the years for several procedure involving needle sticks. I am a huge fan and no, I don't work for the manufacturer :) Best wishes for an easy recovery. Caryn

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Thanks for the suggestion Caryn.  I'll ask my Dr during my pre-op.  Part of my problem is that lidocaine doesn't numb me (thus the horrible biopsy) but maybe the other stuff in it will work.  I'm willing to try anything, that's for sure! 

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited September 2011

    I wish they could give us general anesthesia for the SNB testing.  I wouldn't have minded it for the stereotactic either. 

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited September 2011

    Hi Annalive,

    You should certainly look into the fat grafting idea for when your temporary implants come out.  My understanding is that many women get their larger implants exchanged for smaller ones + fat grafting if they are having pain or trouble with the implant.  Be prepared for your PS to not know anything about this procedure.  Everyone here in Michigan I have spoken with, including my BS, oncologists, general practitioner, and even the breast surgery nurse navigator have never heard of the fat grafting procedure and are somewhat skeptical.  I think it takes a while for the tide to turn with a new option like this. 

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2011
    Rk85 - If only the tide could turn faster on newer reconstruction methods like fat grafting. It will probably be an insurance issue for me, finding anyone in-network doing the procedure. But I can dream for a while, can't I. I'm aiming for a B cup size for the TEs (and then implants or whatever) and will discuss it further with my PS on Monday. I'll have a lot of wating time after rads, so I can change my mind several times.
  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2011
    My Surgery Date is October 14, 2011.  The waiting is maddening.  How do I add my surgery date to the list on this forum?  Im computer literatee but never used a blog before.  Help!!
  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    TexasRose - Gamergirl has been adding them in, so you should see it at some point. Welcome to our group. There's a lot of good advice on here. I'm not sure what surgery you're looking at, but there are some great tips on the Mastectomy September 2011 thread, and you can also really get a sense of how quickly women can recover, and also the challenges they run into.

    Good luck. We'll be there with you as we all get through this. 

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Welcome aboard, TexasRose!  I got ya added on the list.  What kind of surgery are you scheduled for?

     I can't believe I only have a couple of weeks till BBBday (bye bye boobies day).  I was diagnosed back in July, so this feels like it has been going on and on and on. The worst part is I need new bra's, but don't want to get anything till after the reconstruction.  I'm down to just 3 good ones, and keep having to wash them.  Grrr.

  • solange49
    solange49 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2011

    Hey everyone. Hope you're all having a good weekend. Wow, I'm behind!  :)

    Ann- Hope you're feeling better from your final chemo. I hope your appt tomorrow with the plastic surgeon goes well. I know you're anxious to hear what they have to say.  :) 

    Caryn- Thanks for the advice on camisoles. I need to get a script from my dr tomorrow so my insurance will cover it. I also wonder if they'll give me one at the hospital? Did you get your drains out Friday? How are you feeling?

    Margie- Ugh, sry to hear you had such a bad time with the tech. but glad to know your mammo showed improvement. :)  Hope your Herceptin IV goes well tomorrow and your muga results are good!

    Julie- welcome! That's awesome! I'm so happy that you're going to be getting your exchange surgery soon. It sounds as though you've really been through an ordeal. :(  Glad it's almost over for you. 

    AJ- Im sorry to hear that your ultrasound didn't tell you much. I totally understand being anxious and worried. I've been on pins & needles. My last chemo is tomorrow, then I have to wait about 10 days for another PET scan. I'll meet with my bs with the results afterwards then I'll have a date for next month. I'm worried about my PET scan. I had a place of concern in my chest wall and being stage IIIc...I tend to have thoughts about becoming stage IV. but I try not to let my thoughts go there. We'll make it through this! hugs

    Maria_Malta- Hi and welcome!- I'm also having a BMX. My "ggod" breast has several calcifications and a fliid filled cyst. Very lumpy. I feel better doing them both. I may have to wait on reconstruction, I'll find out when I meet with my bs.

    TexasRose2127- Hi, and welcome!  :)What type of surgery are you having?

    RK85- Welcome! The fat grafting procedure sounds very interesting. I'll have to check into that option. :) 

    gamergirl- you don't have much longer! Lol...I know what you mean about needing new bras. I'm down to two now. I think about the little elderly woman that measured me where I go buy my bras. She kept a little notebook with her customer's bra sizes and styles in it. Wondering if one day I'll be able to go in again.  :)  Funny the things you think about.

    To the other ladies...I hope you're having a good weekend and get the opportunity to chat with all of you. I'm having my last chemo tomorrow!!!



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Hi Diana, thanks for asking. Yes, the drains, thing 1 and thing 2, are out. Quick, easy and painless for me but I know that others have found it painful. Mercifully, it's very quick. I have been feeling well in general so, of course, I overdid things for the past two days and my body is letting me know. Taking it easy today. Take care. Caryn

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Forgot to say that the hospital gave me two safety pins:) but my breast surgery coordinator sent me to shop for the camisoles ahead of time. When I got to the shop, they simply looked up my medical record # on their computer and fitted me with everything I needed, no charge. What's funny is that when the nurse was helping me dress to leave the hospital, she said she had never seen one before!

    My hospital, breast care coordinator, all docs and services are part of Kaiser Permanente which is an all inclusive HMO so I was surprised she hadn't seen one.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Post a reply

    A few seconds ago

    exbrnxgrl wrote:

    Moving on...I loved my drain management camisoles. I want to keep the Amoena since it looks like a stretchy tank top. The Softee Two looks a bit more like an undershirt but is super soft and comfy, even for sleeping. I wore it only twice. It is a size small. PM me if you think you might be able to use it and I will happily pass it on.


    [Edit] [Delete]

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    Diane -- good luck on your last Chemo tomorrow. It is so nice to have that completed.

    Yesterday we had a rally for the cure golf tournament at our country club. I am excited to say they raised $20,000 for the Susan G Komen fund. This was the 10th year for this tournament and they earned more then double of any of the previous years. It was heart warming to see how many came out to support me.

    Hope everyone has a good Sunday.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Hello My Friends~

    Hope everyone has been trying to enjoy the weekend.  I had the best intentions of clearing my mind and being "fully present" for my family this weekend, but unfortunately, we've spent the weekend at the hospital with my 11 year old son who has pneumonia :(   We were unable to bring his 105 fever down with Tyl/ Ibu so it was a good thing we brought him to the E/R.   Hate to say it, but I REALLY hope that I don't pick this up before surgery!   I already have a low WBC which I'm hoping won't cause a further delay...

     GamerGirl~ I'll be thinking the very best for your Pre-Op Thursday.  Sorry to know that lidocaine hasn't been helpful for you.  Hopefully the EMLA will be more effective?  And oh.. may I borrow your BBB Day term?  Gotta have humor at times like these, right? 

     rk85~  My PS specializes in fat grafting reconstructions but I'm unfortunately not a candidate for the procedure. :(  This must be th ONE time that I wish I had extra body fat to spare because I'd love to have the option of using my own tissue instead of silicone/saline.   I even offered up my husband's belly fat... but my PS didn't find that too funny LOL

    Ann~ You just made my day thinking that it might be possible to come out of surgery with TE's filled to ~ B Cup!  I know that everyone is different so I'll check with my PS.  While cosmetics are the very least of my worries, perhaps my post-surgery vision won't be as bad as I've anticipated.   

    Texas Rose~  Your surgery on October 14th is just 10 days before mine.  We WILL get through this!  Deep breaths.

    Diana ~ So happy that tomorrow is your last day of chemo!  I know the 10 day wait until your PET scan will be stressful.... but you will make it through:)   Thank you for relating to my anxiety re: my very UN-informational ultrasound.  I hate that my insurance is being billed for all of these diagnostics that don't seem to provide any information at all.  My goal is to avoid all Breast Worries until my surgery on 10/24 as there is really NOTHING I can do in the meantime other than take very good care of my body.   

    Caryn~ HAAAAA re: Thing 1 and Thing 2.  Love that.  Just hoping I don't need to meet Thing 3 and Thing 4 :)   If you're sure you don't mind parting with the Softee Cam, I'd be more than happy to buy it from you!  I think the size would be perfect.  Just let me know.  

    Margie~ Way to go on the fundraising for Susan G. K at the golf tourney!  I do Maine's Tri For A Cure.   I've also started doing the yearly Maine Komen 5K with my Mom (who is a Survivor too.)    Feels so good to do SOMETHING procatively at this point, kwim?  

    Off to spend Q-time with my boy (and watch the PATS game!) 



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Hi Alana,

    I teach first grade, hence the thing 1 and thing 2 allusion :) I was lucky to have only one on each side and got them both out on day 9. Sorry about the camisole but someone already asked for it. I would never sell it but was giving it away as a "mitzvah" or good deed.


  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2011

    AJ - I must have said that wrong about the B cup. That's my ultimate destination. I'll ask tomorrow about expected size post-BMX+TEs, and PS already said he would do fills each week until I start rads (maybe 6 weeks?) and overfill on the last one, at least on the rad side that will shrink. So perhaps I'll get to around B size in the TEs before rads if all goes well. I keep an eye on the TE Trouble thread in the Breast Reconstruction forum and it scares me how much can go wrong with TEs, mostly infections. I'll report back any tidbits I learn from PS tomorrow.

    Diana - Congrats on final chemo tomorrow. You made it!  One week past my final, it feels the same so far, with fatigue and shoulder aches. I hope life with Herceptin-only is a little better, but it will be hard to know with Taxol side effects lingering, and soon adding surgery & rads.

    Have a good start of a new week, everyone.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    rk85-bummer, hope your son is doing better. Maybe you should get some masks from the hospital and wear them for a few days.

    diane-congrats on graduation day. Thats huge.

    exbrnxgrl-i love the thing one and two, i had thing 1,2,3,4,5 and 6. Hopefully with exchane will just have 1 and 2.

    Good luck to all those having surgery this week.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Good Morning to All! 

    Caryn~ No problemo re: the cami. I learned that we have a local masectomy needs shop so I'm going to check it out this week.   

    Ann~ Sorry I misunderstood about the B cups!  A full "B" is tentatively my final destination.  Any bigger than that would likely make me look extremely top heavy.  I'm also way too active to want to be bogged down with huge "girls."  Please do let me know what you find out at the PS today-- good luck!

    survivior~ ACK!!  I can't imagine having 6 drains.  Oh how I hope that I won't be facing that many.  You must have been so completely miserable.   

    Off to work off some morning anxiety.  Hope you all have a smooth and trouble-free day :)

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited September 2011

    Hello all, just checking in to welcome the new girls on this thread and to say, yes survivor the waiting's a bummer.  I went to work today (am head of English at a secondary school here, but won't be teaching until January, only doing administrative things and planning and such-like), and I think it was the first time EVER that I was actually looking forward to going back to work after the summer least it'll make the time pass quicker...

    I'm not planning on reconstruction so I don't understand any of your DIEP/flap/TE talk, but drains are another matter, and I was wondering how many drains are normally inserted...Is this dependent on the number and location of lymph nodes removed?  

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Hi Maria~

    Not sure about the # of drains but I'm sure someone will be along soon to answer.  I know that my SIL who didn't have any lymph nodes removed at all still had at least 2 drains after her BMX for 7 days or so...

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited September 2011

    To those considering the fat grafting procedure, yes you must have some body fat somewhere to transfer to the breast(s).  I am happy to say that the spare tire I have been maintaining all my life, no matter how difficult and inconvenient eating all those sundaes and chocolate has been, is finally coming in handy. 

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited September 2011

    would happily offer my rolls if anyone needs them!!!