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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • kcobb
    kcobb Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011

    I can't find the shopping/packing/to-do list forum.  Can anyone help??  Has it been removed?

  • LisaWade
    LisaWade Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2011

    Hi All, I was scheduled for my BMX tomorrow however my surgery was cancelled due to an emergency admitted today through the ER sooo long story short my new date is Oct. 17th, looks like October is a busy month thoughts and prayers for all of you I know how hard the wait is and mine just got extended by 3 weeks... anyhoo I've already cried most of the afternoon away on that but things happen for a reason and I would be very pleased to be a member of your group if you don't mind thank you for  inviting me Rachelvk

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2011


    Click on "Surgery, before, during, and after" and you'll see the forum you're looking for.  I've been reading and re-reading that information.   Some really good tips there.

  • kcobb
    kcobb Member Posts: 7
    edited September 2011
    Well I had looked there but was apparently having a blonde moment and didn't scroll down!  Thanks for the help. Cool
  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    Hi All --  I was offline this weekend and wow lots to catch up on.

    CLC- massages are great.  just lay there and let you mind go. 

    Gamegirl - house cleaning is wonderful when going through this.  There is a service cleaning for a reason that you can apply to for cleaning while going through chemo.  You get 4 cleanings.  I had 3 during chemo and the last one will be 10 after my surgery - I have never had my house professionally cleaned and it is so nice when you are dealing with cancer.

    I can't believe my surgery is a week away.  It has been 5 month since I got that call that my biosy showed IDC cancer in two areas and then my MRI showed an additional area of DCIS.  I have completed 6 TCH chemo treatments and now just waiting.  I am anxious to get surgery over with, but scared to death too.  Between working full time, working out (it helps when doing chemo to do some working out), teaching Pilates one night per week and our friends and family I have kept pretty busy through all this and the 5 months have gone by pretty quickly.  I think I have stay really busy so I do not think about what's next.  Surgery is scary for me since it is the unknown, plus I will not be able to stay busy.

    This Sat I will be thinking about all my breast cancer sisters.  Myself and a group of friends are walking in the Susan G Komen race for a cure here in Charlotte.  That evening we are having dinner with friends and then a BBB party (by by boobies)  once again my friends are keeping me very busy.

    For those of you who are working while getting ready for surgery.  I suggest you think about taking some time off prior to surgery.  I am a huge workaholic who has taken 2 sicks days in 14 years.  I even worked while sitting in the chemo chair.  My last day at work is this Thursday and surgery is the following Tuesday.  Friday I have an appointment with my BS so I figured I am going to be out half the day for that so i might as well start me leave then.  My friends and DH have a number of fun things for me to do over the 4 day weekend, in additional the 4 day weekend gives me time to get my home organized for post surgery (having clothes/dishes/etc in places where I do not have to reach up).

    For those of you out there who have friends and family planning to bring food post surgery I recommend  This website gives the ability to have a calendar so not everyone is bring food on the same day.  One of my best friends set it up for me and manages it.  We have someone bring food every other day for 2 weeks after surgery.

    have a great Monday everyone.... 

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Welcome to the party, new peeps.  I *think* I have everyone updated.  If I have it wrong, or missed someone, please let me know.  Despite my assurances to my husband otherwise, I do occasionally make mistakes :-)

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Mardibra - I'm all about giving a tumor the double middle finger salute.  I'm so glad it went well!  And I don't think it's weird you haven't cried.  I think sometimes was have to box up our emotions and put them on the shelf so we can deal with everything else.  Sometime later, when this is over, you can open the box and worry about it then.

     Rachel - I know you are probably tired of swimming in the Pit Of Waffling Indecision.  Hopefully the right answer will come to you soon, so you can feel more settled.  And that is awesome your coworkers got you a massage.

    rk85 - I had someone tell me once that the way to make God laugh is to make plans.  I am going with that right now.  No point making solid plans because who wants to be laughed at :-)

     Caryn - I do have a breast care coordinator.  It's making my breasts feel important that they need a coordinator.  I have to be careful, because next they'll be asking for an agent.  Saucy little things.  No wonder they went rogue.

    Trinity - Grab and drink and join the party!   I'm having meltdown moments too.  I had to have my husband call my daughter's school to reschedule her parent/teacher conference (it is during my hospital stay) because I kept crying everytime I tried to pick up the phone and dial.  I figure if I get all my tears out now, then afterwards I won't have any more, and I can just give it all to healing.

     Dukes_UP - I actually asked my PS about blood transfusions during BMX and recon, because I had to initial that I don't have any religious objections to them.  He said he has never had to do a blood transfusion for my procedure before.  I think it's fairly rare, unless you have some sort of underlying medical condition.  I can't bank my own blood, cause I am already having to take iron twice a day for anemia.  I gots to keep what RBC's I have.

     Kellyconboy - Welcome aboard!  I am BRCA2 as well.  I'm not having my ooph till later though.  I just wasn't ready, and fortunately I don't have a history of ovarian cancer in my family.  I'm so sorry to hear about your mother.  I can't imagine how hard that was for you.  AWESOME job on the weight loss.  I kept thinking I'd get around to that before surgery... but here I am a week away and still haven't started.

    kks_rd - I'm sorry there isn't more info out there for you.  I would think that the lumpectomy is more common the a mastectomy, so there would be tons.  Are you done with chemo now? I can imagine that is enough to deal with.

    Kcobb - October 13th is alllll yours.  Hopefully 2011 will be much kinder to you then 2008 was!  

    Lisa - I'm so sorry you had to be rescheduled!  Gah.  You must be climbing the walls.  Cry away, lady.  I hope that the 3 weeks goes by quickly for you!

    Ladies, I will be gone from Wednesday thru Saturday on a mommy/daughter trip to visit family.  I have no idea if I will be online during that time.  I'll have my laptop with me, but I don't know if I'll have internet access.  If anyone has changes or wants to be added, I'll get it Saturday night for sure if I can't get here.

      We are a week away from surgeries starting.  YIKES.   And I decided to skip the Race for the Cure this year.  Denver has a huge one, and I usually walk in it.  But I am growing the cancer they are trying to cure, so that is my contribution this time.  I'll walk again next year, but with a pink hat on.

  • Danadane
    Danadane Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2011

    Hi all,

    I'm have a total panic moment and need some advice...

    My Bmx is scheduled for the 4th since my BS is going on vacation. Found out Weds that I needed a mx so decided to go with taking both off and am meeting with the PS this afternoon. It all happening way too fast and I'm freaking out because I have to decide about reconstruction!

    I did a lot of research this weekend and really want to do a DIEP and don't think the PS I'm seeing does it BUT am close to Chicago where there are more than a few experienced diep surgeons. But since surgery is next week don't have time to arrange for them to do immediate recon.

    So I'm leaning to postponing recon. So I call my BS to tell her and she said she doesn't really want me to postpone recon since it means she has to save the skin another way. While very polite to her on the phone I feel like I want to explode. Who cares if she has to do a little extra work. But I'm just feeling mad, mean, and totally panicked.

    Anybody else thinking of dealing recon? any suggestions ideas for me? I'm feeling like I'm going to absolutely lose it.



  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Dana - Your body, your recon.  Don't let the surgeon have any influence over your decision.  You will live with the recon the rest of your life, so I think taking time to research is a fantastic plan.  You might feel a little less anxiety if you give yourself some time to breath.  This is happening so fast for you, putting the brakes isn't bad.  The cancer is leaving on the 4th.  That is the most important thing.  Reconstruction is important, but secondary to that.  (((big hugs)))  You have had a rough month! 

  • Danadane
    Danadane Member Posts: 21
    edited September 2011

    Gamer girl,

    Thank you so much. You are amazing and really appreciate you writing back so quickly! I was feeling really good with postponing recon and then talk to the BS office this morning and ended up turning into a big mess all over again. :) i will let you know how the appointment goes this afternoon.



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011

    Similar to meal train is care calendar. It has been so helpful to my family to not have th shop and cook yet have tasty and nutritious meals available . We are doing every other night as well and always have left overs for additional lunch or dinner. My community's generosity is amazing. People really want to feel that they are helping.


  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited September 2011

    Hello to all.... today had my ultrasound...tumour is now a maximum of 1.7cm in length.. yes, much less than its original 5, but I must admit I was disappoinited at first as the radiologist kept asking me questions about its original position, size, etc etc, and for those minutes I thought to myself, "Wow, he can't see it at all, it's disappeared althogether!!!"  However, the good thing is that the chemo did its work, and by next week there will be NO LUMP AT ALL......

    Danadane, don't get bullied..never a good idea to make decisions in a hurry, especially not such important ones.

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    ACK--- I just lost my long post.  Let's try this again!

    Finally rec'd some good news today.  My recon was finally approved and I have the auth letter in my hot little hand :)  PHEW! 

    Tonight's the night we're telling my son about my surgery.  I can't believe how much I'm dreading this part.  I'm really not sure how he is going to process this.  Just the other day, he was trying be funny with me and said "Mom, your boobs might be tiny but at least they're not plastic."  Ugh.  My jaw nearly dropped.  

     Done working for the day (just had to train one client this morning) and now I'm off to do my own workout.  I'm thinking of you all and I wish you all a great night.  

    A few personals:  

    Maria~ Congrats on the shrinkage!  Great news. 

    Danadane~ Look forward to your appointment update...  

    MargieC~ Glad you're doing the Susan Komen.  I love these events.  I take part in Tri For A Cure (in Maine.)  It's always such an emotional day but I wouldn't miss it.

    LisaWade~ I am SO sorry to hear of your postponed surgery.  I wouldn't have handled that very well at all :(   Glad you joined our group.

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2011

    Happy Monday! 

    Ok, maybe I shouldn't say HAPPY as we are all getting closer but I'm trying to stay positive. . . UPbeat. . . Stay there with me my October sisters!

    Maria - This is good news.  We take one small positive step!   Take it and RUN - !!! 

    Danadane - I concur!  don't let them bully you one way or the other.   Take your time and have every confidence in what you are going to do.   I am going the LONG route with immediate TEs and Flap of some way, shape or form months down the time (radiation unknown at this point).   Hoping to save some skin but radiation may (will?) prove otherwise if that is the case.  As Gamergirl alluded to - we plan, God laughs.  :)   You figure out how you want to do this and what is best for you! I hope the appt goes well.

    LisaWade - arggh - a delay!   . . .   that really stinks but there must be a good reason that will be in your favor in the end!   I am keeping the faith for you . . . . 

    Gamergirl - enjoy that Mom / Daughter time - get some normalcy in!  I had to reschedule a parent / teacher conference too. . . .  trying to reschedule Halloween while I'm at it.   Not sure that one will fly. . .

    KellyConboy - Welcome!   I find out my BRCA results tomorrow - may be in the same party boat as you.    What drinks are you serving?

    Anyone compiled a handy "must have" list for post surgery they could type up really quickly on this forum?  I know they have that awesome one on the other discussion forum but my concentration is not working too well these days . . . .   can't seem to get nuggets of wisdom on one sheet of paper!  Arrgghh. 

    Hope you ALL are doing ok. . .  I am finding I seem to be missing alot of work "focus"  lately!  hahaha . . .   that time off sounds like a must do!

    Sweatin' it out in FL

  • deniseday
    deniseday Member Posts: 75
    edited September 2011

    I finished chemo September 16, 2011 and I have BMX with reconstruction scheduled for October 28, 2011.

  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2011

    Hi Ladies!  I am having my bi-lateral mastectomy and reconstruction on October 10, 2011.  I would love to wait with you all.  I am pretty nervous.  Hugs!

  • sherylh72
    sherylh72 Member Posts: 6
    edited September 2011

    Oh LisaWade having surgery postponed so close to the date must've been awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you!

    Gamergirl - have a great mommy/daughter trip.

    Since many of you spoke of your kids I'd like some advice. My daughter is only 18 months old.  I think she's too little to explain anything to her but she's going to know something is different when mommy can't pick her up.  She's a total mommy girl!  Do I just tell her mommy has a boo - boo?  Not that I'm even sure she knows what that means. I feel awful that I won't be able to take care of her the way she's used to.

  • ah2bthin
    ah2bthin Member Posts: 22
    edited September 2011

    Hello to All-

     Gamergirl-I have finally scheduled my recon for Oct 12th. No worries getting me updated on the list until after you return! Have a great trip!

    Danadane-I am in the same  boat as you...I went to PS last week thinking we would discuss placement of TE's for my bmx...he recommended DIEP with TE's at time of day met with BS....plan B is now MX....I guess modified radical so TE's will not be placed and delayed recon with some type of flap at the same time prof mx on other side.....ugh! NOT MY PLAN but that is what is best for reducing recurrence so that is MY NEW PLAN. Good luck to you! I know how hard it is when you have agonized over this and think you have come up with something you can live with and then it gets demolished.

     Happy calming vibes to all.....


  • solange49
    solange49 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2011

    Hi everyone. I'm behind on my posts. :(. Hope you guys are hanging in there. Welcome to the ladies that joined since my last post. I had my final chemo on the 19th!!! It was a tough one for me. Glad I have that part over. We have to take one step at a time. :). My PET is scheduled now for the 3rd and meet with my breast surgeon on the 5th. She'll look over the results of my scan and schedule my surgery then. I nervous about my scan and the spot on my chest wall. Hoping that the chemo wiped out a lot of the "crud" lol. Has anyone heard from Ann? I noticed she hasn't posted lately either.



  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2011

    Hi Diana.  Thanks for your post on the other thread.  I posted on this one earlier, so thanks for inviting me.  I am glad you are done with chemo.  I am waiting with all of you.  Glad to have lots of support on here.  You ladies are definately the best!

     Thanks, Shannon

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2011

    Hello all. . .

    I had an interesting experience today that made me think of our little team of October girls. . . hit a local hospital Breast Cancer meet n' greet . . . .   meet some fantastically positive ladies who are a few steps ahead of most of us on this forum.   I almost didn't go. . . glad I made the effort (of course I melted multiple times . . hahahaha . . .). . .

    sherylh72 - I feel your pain.  I have a 2 year old little girl.  I am planning just to explain I have boo boo's . . .  and need to be careful.   We are practicing being gentle . . . .and learning to snuggle quietly.  :)  I'm sure it's not going to be easy but I'm trying to help her understand as best she can.   Hope that helps. . .

    Woo hooo Diana - congratulations on being done . . . .  can't imagine the strength it takes to get through that!

     Hope Monday has turned out well for all. . . .

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    Hey Ladies,

    I may be having an exchange in October, too, not sure if they can do both in one month. I'm very unhappy with my Mentor post surgical inflatable implants and want to find gummy bears. Does anyone know why my PS would tell me they are not available in this country when I met someone yesterday at a BC woman's fitness class that has them AND insisted I feel them. You know, since i was diagnosed, I've had more women insist I touch their ta tas! LOL! Anyway, I'm going to whine like the kid on that Fruit Roll Up commercial till I get them! and he has to move my tits from under my armpits and fully on my chest!

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited September 2011


    They are limited in availability because they are still in trials. Only some ps's are participating. Maybe someone on one of the gummy threads can tell you how to find one. Caryn

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Oh Lisa, girl I feel so for you. I was originally suppost to have my exchange surgery on 9/22 and then was moved to Oct 3rd-only 8 days, but I fell completely apart at the time. I was so freaken man I literally would have put my hand through a wall if my Bf hadn't stopped me. Hang in there babe, it will get here I promise.

    gamergirl-good luck with your trip, you deserve it.

    Danadane-don't make any rushed decisions now. I know you want to take care of all this ASAP, but the decisions you make now are forever and there is no going back. Take your time regarding reconstruction and make sure you get with surgeons that you trust will hear you.

    Dukes_up-good luck telling your son. I remember telling mine and thankfully it went much smoother than I anticipated.

    ahbthin-why wait on the BMX if doing prophalactic MX later?

    Looks like I'm next up (maybe with Danadane). Getting nervious, but so ready to get it over with.

  • grandmarose
    grandmarose Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2011


    I bumbed the thread that you were looking for. so it should be easier for you to find.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2011


    I wanted you to know we will all be thinking about your wife as she goes through her surgery tomorrow.  How's she doing today?  I know I would be so nervous.  My surgery is still 2 weeks away and I get nervous thinking about it.  Tell her she's in my thoughts and prayers for a successful surgery and speedy recovery.  Please let us know how you all are when you get a chance.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Clams-send your wife our love and support, tell her if her pockets get really tight tom it's all of us in there being with her. Let us know how all goes.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    Diana--  I was thinking about Anne yesterday - we haven't heard from her in a week.  I know she had her first herceptin only IV was Mon Sept 19.  I hope she is doing ok.

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited September 2011

    Diana & MargieC: Here I am. Smile Thanks for noticing -- I have been reading the posts, but not writing much.

    I had my second Herceptin-only infusion yesterday. I'm having blurred vision since the first one, and it intensified again after yesterday's infusion. My Onc is sending me to an ophthalmologist today, but I'm not sure why because it was set up by her office so we didn't discuss it. Is blurry vision a Herceptin SE and reversible? I'll report back on that later.

    I also have my pre-op visit with my PS today. I hope I have the presence of mind to ask the questions I have jotted down. I think most of the appointment is with his nurse, to sign papers, get meds, etc.

    Welcome to so many who have joined us in the last week. October is moving in on us!

  • Clams
    Clams Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2011

    I would say she's nervous and scared shitless, but hanging in there and being a trooper. She had a hard day Sunday but yesterday was better.  Today she'll finish packing and she's going out for a massage or facial so hopefully she'll enjoy that a little bit.  All of the arrangemtns are in place for the kids for tomorrow through the weekend.  I'm having trouble focusing on stuff today, I can only imagine what she (and all of you) are feeling.  Thanks for all of your support, it really does help!  I'll try to post some updates if possible...