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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2011

    Going for (another) ultrasound and possible biopsy tomorrow. Please please please be nothing!!

    Think good thoughts for me ladies (and gentleman).

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2011

    Hello Ladies . . .    back from a day at Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa and ready to learn more from your collective wisdom, guts and experience!  

    AJ - UNREAL on Cigna . . .I thought by law they were obligated!  I hope this resolves quickly and gives you a piece of peace.  Thanks for asking on my day. . . got a clear report on an pelvic ultrasound where there had been an area of concern on PET.   I needed to "win" one.   Hope your son is doing better....

    Maria_Malta - thanks for the amazing thoughts on which way to go . . . 100% sound.  I am still in the POWI but you helped me validate a few things. . .  now sending SMALL, TINY, SHRINKING thoughts / karma your way!

    GrandmaV - I am so relating to your fear of cancer spreading. . .   you crossed my mind today as  with every glance at the ultrasound I thought, "Is that more?  Is that more cancer?"   Sigh.  We must stay strong and positive!

    GamerGirl - how was pre-op?   I did mine today too - lovely. . . . one foot in the POWI and one foot in reality.    Ugh. . .

    RK85 - POWI. . .hilarious - really. . . .i obviously LOVE the term.  You clarified a bit for me today and really outlined my dilemma a bit. . .   I have 2 spots that are "at least 5cm apart" which could just be one LONG area .  . . . but of course they aren't sure yet.  I also had some "possible" comedo necrosis in it as I understand it . . .so I think I'm waffling on invasive as well (which I may have a hard time dealing with ramifications of that. . . . .sigh).  I'm hoping my reconstruction strategy is viable. . . Will TEs have the same "risk" in radiation as actual implants? 

    Mardibra - nothing. . . nothing. . . nothing. . . sending calm, thoughts and hoping this is just a cautious measure.

    and Clams - 10 points on the supportive husband front.   I totally relate to the intensity of discussion.  This is a reality that I'm having a hard time with too.    I'm another 43 year old opinion for you if needed.

    Hope everyone is hanging in there . . .thanks to you all for making ME feel a little less alone.  (Breathe.)

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2011


    Be assured, you're not alone.  Thank you for thinking of me today.  That actually means a lot.  I am also amazed at how you try not to leave anyone out in your posts.  That is very kind of you.  You will be in my thoughts as well. 

    Thank you

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2011

    AJ, when I was diagnosed w Melanoma in 1982, they used a different rating system, and I was Stage 1. But then I hear melanoma in situ, and I'm unsure. I was 17 and didn't want to pay attention! It was too much for me to handle, and I had 3 surgeries to remove it all. I believe it had just moved into underlying tissue, so I just had the surgeries and I was done, thank G-d. The Kome clinic called my parents a couple years ago to do a follow up and asked if I was still living! What a question for my poor parents!

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited September 2011


    This is my first posting, although I've been reading posts since I was diagnosed Sept. 6th.  It has been extremely helpful reading everyone's experiences with all the things I'm about to go through.  My surgery is scheduled for October 4th (BMX w/ reconstruction) and as nervous as I am, the waiting is the most awful part.  Until I have my surgery I have no idea how much the cancer has spread or if it's in my lymph nodes.  I was happy to find this site with others who are also about to go through surgery.  I'll be thinking of my fellow breast cancer sisters this month as we all travel on this same journey.

  • gail64
    gail64 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2011

    I am a 64 year woman. I had bi-lateral mastectomy on July 15, 2011 with immediate reconstruction to follow. I had a modified on the right breast which had cancer and 14 nodes removed all were cancer free, and chose to have both breast removed.

    My problems stared the day of surgery. My skin on both side starting dieing. I want go into all the things tried. Nothing worked. On July 28, I went into the hospital to have the expanders remove as well as all the dead skin. Skin was taken from my right thigh and was used as skin grafts to close open wound on both breast sites. Was on VAC therphy for 2 weeks. My chest is so tight and concaved where my breast were and the scars are really bad.

    I am blessed, no chemo or radiation.

    My PS has referred me to a new PS in Atlanta, Ga. My question is: Would they use expanders with my grafts and scars? It is my understanding with the Lat flap surgery would they use implants? Is there alot of pain in the back and in the breast area? I will be having both side done at the same time. Has anyone had both lap flaps at the same time?

    I am hoping to have surgery in the middle of October 2011.


  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Man, so many new ladies. Welcome, but sorry you even have to be here. I had my BMX with immediate reconstruction 5/10/11. First off, it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated, second a uni vs a bil. That's a hard one for some. It really wasn't for me because I asked myself one question...if BC ever came back, would I be able to live with the fact that I only had a uni? All I wanted from the get go, was to do everything I could to get rid of the BC and to decrease my chances of every going through this again. But like everything else, it is a personal decision that only you can make.

    Good luck to everyone, thought and strength be with you.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited September 2011

    Hello, all.   Can I join you all...and be yet another member of the list?  I have just gotten scheduled for my UMX with SNB (no reconstruction) on October 7.  That may change, though.  I am waiting for brca test results.  If they are positive, that will change to a bmx, maybe on the same date.  (The doctor says that could be moved sooner if I lucked out and got gene test back quickly).  There is no medical urgency, they say, since it is DCIS, low grade.  But, emotionally, I just want to get it done and move forward.  I hate waiting.  I am trying to remind myself how fortunate I really am...they've caught it early.  Because I am choosing mx, no radiation or chemo.  I have a really supportive husband and best friend.  I feel secure in my choices for treatment.  But, all that still doesn't make this easy.  I am stressed from work, from trying to prepare for surgery here at home, from trying to handle this right for my children (ages 10 and 7), from mourning the loss of my breast.  It is helpful to come here and find out I am not in this alone.  Thank you all for sharing.

  • grandmarose
    grandmarose Member Posts: 12
    edited September 2011


    Can I be added to the list please.  Second surgery to remove left breast.  First surgery was Dec. 2, 2009.

    Anyone on this thread going to Swedish Hosp. in Seattle?

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2011

    wow there is 6 of us having surgery on Oct 4.  It is scary how fast the surgery list is growing.  I want you all to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. 

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    I have added everyone to the party list.  I'm so sorry you were invited to this particular party, but grab a beverage of your choice and jump on in the conversation.  If I missed someone, let me know.  I find my mind is tending to wander a bit these days, as I get closer to BBBday.

    KelleyOD - I worried that the immediate recon may not be a good idea.  My left breast has 2 areas, one near the nipple and one near the chest wall, so if they can't get a clean margin on the chest wall I'd have to do rads probably.  But my PS said he would make that call during the mastectomy.  If I will need rads, or if the SNB comes back positive (the lab does it during the BMX so they will know right away) then the PS doesn't operate.  He gets a nice unexpected afternoon off.

    Stephanie - WOW that is alot of surgery.  But honestly, I think that's great you can have it all at once. Less hospital time overall.  I sort of wish I had told them to do my ooph during my BMX.  I just wasn't ready to go there yet.  I'm sorry you have to go thru all this a second time.  Hopefully once the girlz are off, you won't have to worry about it again.

    DanaDane - Let us know how the brca test comes back.  It is so hard when things change mid-swim like that.  Check out pictures online of the reconstructed nipples.  The tattoo isn't all that, but at least it is something.  

    kks_rd - Yay for chemo being over!  Hopefully the lumpectomy will be a breeze compared to that.

    GrandmaV - I am glad you joined us, shy or not.  I hear ya, everytime I feel a twinge in my breast, I am sure that is another area of cancer starting.  I know that is silly, cause that isn't how cancer grows, but I can't help it.  I just want the darn things off of me now.

    rachelvk - I'm actually jealous of the folks who are moving along so fast.  My original mammo was back in June.  I feel like this is eating up my life.  So have you decided whether or not to be the first DIEP?  Thing is, there is always someone who is first.  I'm sure if you decide that route, it will be just fine.

    Eema - I'll be going the ooph route next year.  So absolutely, grab a drink and join us.  Yesterday I told my PS that if I wake up and my boobs are in my armpits, I am so totally coming after him.  That is what I fear.  Arm cushions instead of Foobs.  Hopefully the revision will fix that!

    Clams - I get the message boards being too much for your wife right now.  I have days I can't even look at them.  She is going thru so much, and the added worry of having to care for your kids just makes it all that much harder.   Give her a nice gentle hug for us, and if she does want to join in, we would be happy to chat.  There are a few of us on here that have younger children (I have a 5 year old) so we certainly understand.

    AJ - Huge hugs.  Like you really needed insurance stress on top of all this!  The PS office probably just didn't submit something correctly.  All it takes is one wrong code.  Hopefully they will have to figured out and you won't have to go into insurance fightin' mode.  I'm sorry your son is still sick :-(

    Mardibra - Praying and hoping for a BIG FAT NOTHING on that U/S and biopsy!  Keep us posted!

    Judy67 - My surgery is the 4th too.  One of the things that I hate the most is that I will have no idea when I am put under if I will awaken with a different diagnosis.  Because my DCIS is high grade with comedonecrosis, and because I have a defective BRCA2 gene, my BS said there was about a 20% chance of finding it is invasive and in the lymph node.  I don't like that number, I was hoping more for a 0% chance.  The inability to have control over any of this drives me nuts.

    Gail64 - I'm having a lat flap done on both sides as well.  I will have implants underneath the flaps so that I am closer to my original size.  They will put in the TE's and fill 'em up over the next couple of months.  Maybe we should go peak over at the surgery boards from Sept and Aug to see if anyone else had the lat flap done on either side.  It would be interesting to see other women's stories.

    CLC - Welcome aboard.  I think that makes the wait harder, not knowing for sure if you will have a UMX or BMX.  Hopefully your BRCA test will come back quickly.  I was lucky, I was part of a study and had my brca test back in 2008, so I have known all along I have a bum gene.  It made that decision really easy.

    I am walking around braless today.  I never do that, because I'm a large D, and I have always been worried if I don't wear a bra, my girlz would hit my knees by the time I'm 40.  And there is my silver lining.  My foobs will never look anything other then perky and new.  They will never meet my knees.  Hopefully they won't be in my armpits, and hopefully I won't be able to rest my chin on them.  But for today, I can sag all I want. :-)

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited September 2011

    Okay, that was a really long post.  I guess I have too much time on my hands today :-)

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited September 2011


    Thank you for the nice welcome and for adding me to the list.  By the way, I really liked the long post.  You sound like a really positive and upbeat person.  I hope all goes well for you and it hasn't become invasive.  

    Thank you.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited September 2011 are a very thoughtful and generous put so much thought into all of those responses at this point when your "mind tends to wander a bit"... and surgery is so close.  I am finding I can barely keep one thought in my head for any time...before another flits in.  Thank you for adding me to the list.  I will be thinking about you on the 4th...I hope it all goes well!

  • Clams
    Clams Member Posts: 34
    edited September 2011

    Wow CLC, sounds like you're going through so many of the same emotions as my wife.  She could have written the whole second part of your post.  You definitely aren't alone.  Good luck with everything.

    And thanks to all of you who took the time to respond to my post.  I'll try to write again before my wife's operation next week.  

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited September 2011

    Good Afternoon Everyone~

    gamergirl~ YOU ROCK for doing such an incredible job keeping our surgeries updated.  I simply can't believe how quickly the list is growing :(   And.. thank you so much for the huge hugs.  I think I'm getting closer to getting the insurance denial remedied :)

    MargieC~ I couldn't believe the # of Oct 4 surgeries either!   Unbelievable. 

    grandmarose~ Hello and welcome to the group. 

    CLC~ Hi there!  I'm glad that you found us. Hope you won't have to wait long for your BRCA results. 

    gail64~ I'm so sorry to hear all that you have been through.  I'll be hoping for the best with the new PS in Atlanta. 

    Judy67~ Welcome!  Glad you decided to start posting with us.  And yep, waiting is definitely the worst! 

    Eema~ Wow--- our skin experiences were so alike.  3 surgeries here too with the last one including the lymph node biopsy.  My lesion was actually on my foot and my skin graft still gives me trouble at times.  I have a few moles that I plan to have removed after BMX (derm doesn't believe it is urgent but I want them gone!)

    kelleyod~ Great news on the pelvic ultrasound!  Thanks for the well wishes for my son.  He seems to be on the mend :)    Re: insurance issue--- I've got my boxing gloves on and am ready to fight with them if needed! 

    mardibra~ How did it go today?  You're in my thoughts and prayers!

    Be back later tonight when I have more time to respond individually.  Until then, gentle hugs to all.

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Good gracious, so many having surgery on the 4th. I'm in for mine the 3rd and will be thinking of you all as I recover in the hospital-they are making me stay since I'm having ooph at the same time. This will be my 4th in 5 months-just want to write "Bite Me!" across my chest for this next one. Enough already. I'm like so I really need to pre-op again-you people know more about me than I know about myself, Lol.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited September 2011


    Thank you for your kind words...Add to all that that I just
    turned 44...(my birthday was the day of my biopsy, actually).  So, your wife and I are just about the same
    age, I think.  I can totally understand
    her reluctance to read these.  It is all
    so overwhelming...even when you are competent, capable, doing well with dealing
    with loss.  I left work early today...because
    I just couldn't take it anymore.  I
    needed to stop.  Stop competently
    handling everything constantly.  I haven't
    slept more than a couple of hours  since
    the diagnosis because I have no chance to process everything during the
    that happens at night.  Then no
    sleep.  However, I find that reading
    these posts and posting here helps me process the bc stuff.  Please let your wife know that I wish her
    well and peace of mind...

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited September 2011

    survivor11...I have an urge to write my full name, birthdate and umx left with snb on my breast...they ask you those questions so many times through the whole hospital experience.  But "Bite me!" is definitely better...:)  Good luck with your surgery...

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2011

    Mardibra . . .thinking of you . . . .hoping it went well today . . . .let us know when you can. . . .

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Thanks CLC, you should take some time off before your surgery. I was just like you. I can do all this just a well as I could before the dx. Didn't want it to start interfering in my life at all in the beginning, but about a week before BMX (was going to work up til day before), I realized that even if I got through this cancer shit, everything in my life and the lives of my kids was about to change forever. I called my boss and told her I was going on sick leave effective immediately. I needed some "normal, non-cancer" days with my kids before our lives got turned upside down and I'm really glad I did. I was much more emotionally ready for the journey I've been on because of it.

    You can try as hard as you can to go on like nouthings wrong, but sister you got cancer and now you have to fight for your life. Circle the wagons, build your physical, emotional, and spiritual strength and kick it's ass.

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited September 2011

    Oh Dawn. . . I needed to hear that.   I really did - thanks . . .  we must stay strong, positive and move forward.   Life will never be the same I hear . . .   I am hoping to keep some normalcy for my three kids (2, 6, and 12) . . . .but this does change everything - doesn't it?

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2011

    Solange45 - I am having a bi-lateraal mastectompy with tissue expanders, with delayed reconstruction.  The surgeon will remove the sentinal lymphnode on my left side, since that is the side with the carcinoma.Uggh!

  • TexasRose2127
    TexasRose2127 Member Posts: 106
    edited September 2011

    Hey Girls- Hope you all are looking forward to a great weekend.  I was wondering if anyone had info for on-line sources for post mastectomy surgery camisoles??

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2011

    Ladies and Gentleman - you are my daily virtual therapy!   Thank you all.  Had my U/S today by the chief of radiology...not sure if that is a good or bad thing but considering he was very good looking im taking it as good.  If not for the hospital setting and the whole cancer thing I may have let my mind wander to pleasant doctor seduces patient thoughts.  But I digress.  Appears that all looks good on the additional suspicious spot so his suggestion is back in 6 months for another view.  So, looks like no mastectomy for me!  yeah!  Ultimate decision is made by the surgical oncologist but im very hopeful.  When the tech was showing me my tumor on the screen I felt the need to give it a double middle finger salute.  Made me feel better. CLC - I just turned 45 last weekend.  Happy birthday to us.  Nice birthday present, huh?  Anyways, Im waiting for the crash and burn that must be in my near future.  I sort of feel that I have been taking this a little too well.  Im not the type to crawl into bed and bawl for hours but I should be having some emotion.  Have not cried once.  Kind of odd, eh?  But I could easily cry for all you moms when I think about your kids.  Kids should not have to see their moms go through cancer. 

    Im thinking good thoughts for you all. 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited September 2011

    Wow - I missed a lot today. Gamergirl - I'm still deciding. Right now, it's the timing that has me scared the most. I'm triple negative, and the breast surgeon at one point tried to reassure me, saying that outcomes don't vary much within three months - and right now my surgery will be after the 3 month mark. But the 26th is the first date the PS has free for any procedure. I'm usually a worrier, though with a good sense of humor and otherwise positive outlook. This whole thing is just making me really eccentric!

    Gotta go - just promised the BF I wouldn't log in because I had a minor meltdown a while back and said I'd keep my mind off it. Just had to take a peek.

    I'll catch up with everyone over the weekend. All my best to you. 

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited September 2011

    Kelleyod-your welcome. That's what we do here, we pick eachother up when we fall down, and we all fall down. Your right, everything does change after you start your journey, nouthing will ever be the same as it was and you have to mourn that but you also have to remember that maybe just maybe it will be better than it was before-that parts up to you. Would never say I'm grateful for BC, that would be tinkerbell, nicey bullsh_t, but it has taught me thing that I needed to learn, things I'm not sure I would have learned any other way. Kinda hardheaded, needed a 2x4 to smack me up against the head. Your going to do great. You'll have your bad, I hate the world, don't know why I'm going through this, why am I going through this, I'm tired of going through this days, but you are also going to have good, near normalish days and you will get to the light at the end of the tunnel-just keep believing that no matter what.

    Mardibra-yeah for you, no BMX, that's awesome, so happy for you. I have three kids myself (5.7 & 10). Only thing I can say is be honest with them as much as age appropriate cause if lie or don't tell them the whole truth now, how are they ever going to believe you when their 16 and you tell them not to drink and drive cause it can kill them/someone else. Kids are really so much more capable of dealing with this kind of crap than even we are. They see things very black and white-your sick, you get surgery/medication/radiation, you get over it. Thankfully alot of the rest of the crap inbetween is lost on them. By the way you don't have to cry to be processing this. As long as your not doing it for someone else, don't worry. Just keep marching on and your eye on the prize.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited September 2011

    I am with you, Dawn, on the subject of the kids.  I have a 7 year old daughter and an about to be 11 year old son.  I think the language is important, though.  I did not want to overcharge the discussion, so I avoided the word cancer.  Last year, when I had ADH excised, I told them that I had cells that could become dangerous, so we were taking out those cells so that they would never get dangerous.  Now that I have dcis, I have told them that this time around, they found cells that are dangerous, but have not yet done damage.  I explained that because these cells are dangerous, then the doctors feel that a lot more cells have to be removed.  In that context, both of my kids were relieved that they are removing the whole breast.  If I have to face IDC, then I will tell them the extent to which the cells have done damage and take it from there.  I have assured them that my life is not in danger.  I have assured them that if I get new news, I will let them know.  My son is taking it pretty well.  Once I assured him that we were doing everything possible to be sure that those cells are removed.  Most nights, he has questions about the surgery and what I will be like.  I think he feels safe that he can trust me here.  Last year, he was more afraid and I told him he should hand the fear over to me and I would carry it for him.  That seemed to take care of it for him.  My daughter is more stressed.  She doesn't want me to stay in the hospital without her.  I don't think she is finding the actual surgery difficult.  I think I have conveyed to her my own values that health and strength are truly the source of beauty, not breasts.  A message I have always wanted to pass to her in our body-conscious world for girls.  But, she wants more control over this than we have.  I can relate.

    I am not sure how I would cope if I thought the cancer was going to kill me, though.  My heart goes out to those folks who have small kids that have much more serious diagnoses.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited September 2011

    mardibra--is that pronounced like "Mardi Gras"?

    Happy birthday! 

    The first person to say happy birthday to me this year was the radiologist performing my stereotactic biopsy once he noticed the date.  I nearly cried.

     Oh well...I am planning to give myself a birthday present, though.  I have a four day weekend off from work coming up before the surgery...and I am going to be brave and go get a full body massage for the first time ever...I think...(I am nervous about getting one)... 

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited September 2011

    CLC - the rapidly dividing irregular cancer cells in my ta ta's seem to be having a big drunken party so Mardi "bra" felt appropriate. I joined the party and had too many margaritas on my birthday.

    A full body massage sounds wonderful. You are going to love it! Enjoy, relax, and happy birthday!