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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011 was just so good to hear you again...I am glad you are getting back up again.  I am so sorry to hear that you went from 0 to 2 in just one day.  Hard to let the beauty of life shove relentless cancer aside when it is SO INSISTENT...and serious...  But it was really good to hear the tone of your "voice."  It's clear you aren't letting this crap hold you for too long.  You are an impressive woman.

  • slgarcia05
    slgarcia05 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2011

    Judy~~~Thanks for the prayers!  CLC~~~glad you are doing ok.  You just cry when you need to honey!  We are here for you.  Okay, so here is one that is good for a laugh.  A friend of mine took me to lunch today, and we were discussing her bringing meals after surgery.  My daughter loves it when my friend cooks sunshine chicken, so she told me today she would bring it one day.  So she came over this evening to bring her daughter for a sleep over (our daughters are bffs), and we were discussing the food with my hubby.  I said,"Well, he likes dark meat, but bring me some breasts!"  As soon as I said it, I realized what I said, and we all died laughing.  I just meant I like the white meat and the chicken breast is what I usually eat!  It was the comic relief I needed!  Glad the ladies who are done with surgery are on the road to recovery, and the ones still facing it are staying tough!  Talk to you soon!

  • trinity927
    trinity927 Member Posts: 479
    edited October 2011

    Thank you all for your concern about my "do-it-yourself" drain removal (as rk described it)  ... too funny!

    I called my BS at JH and he told me that as long as I didn't have any signs of infection and that my output was to a minimum now, it wasn't necessary to have it replaced ... he just wanted me to see my primary care physician where I live today to have it looked at (which I did) ... he bandaged it and agreed that there no signs of infection and to just keep an eye on it ... so, everything is fine ... just a little painful and scary at the time ... I didn't like all those drains anyway ... now, I only have three!  Tongue out

    Gamergirl - I'm so glad to see you on here posting again ... you've been an inspiration for so many of us ... you definitely have that fighter spirit!  You go girl!

    clc - Wow!  I'm so impressed that you were able to get on the computer today and give us an update, and what great news you had for us!  Woo hoo!  :)

    Survivor -  Hope all is well!  Please let us know how you're doing  when you're able ... sending you virtual hugs ... and, keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!

    For all you next week gals - please allow yourself to have some "me" time this weekend ... do something fun and relaxing ... I remember my son asking me if I wanted to watch a movie with him at the hotel (the night before my surgery) ... of course, I said, "I'd love to", so we watched "Bridesmaids" together ... and, the sound of him laughing was just priceless ... it touched me to the core of my being ...  It's definitely a time to be surrounded by your loved ones and share some quality time with them.  



  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited October 2011

    Yay Trinity - glad all is well! 

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2011

    I'm trying to follow all of your leads and relax a bit this weekend, Harass SLGarcia as much as possible since she's stuck with me in her head on Monday. . .    it's hard though.  Nerves and emotions getting the best of me . . . 

     CLC - You sound good, sister.   Love the advice (of everyone!) . . I am listening and ready to not be a martyr.   You conquer that mirror, my friend.  Remember one thing - this is a loss, let the mourning happen.   Anyone you are in contact with at the hospital should understand that . . .and who the heck cares what they think?  You feel free to let it just flow.  I hope you do. . .   I'll be thinking of you. . .

     Welcome JMZ - sorry you had to be here but welcome to a great group of women with a host of knowledge and experience.  

    Trinity - GREAT news. . . . whew. . . . I imagine I'd be a bit freaked out for sure!   Glad you are one down. . .   I'm listening to you on the ME time. 

    ILUV2Knit - you are crazy.  :)  But in a good way. . .   Get done what you can and try not to fret on the rest. . . .  I know, easier said then done. 

    Shannon - LOVE the breasts request - ha!  hilarious. . . .   I think the laughter truly will keep us going.  Here for ya surgery sister!

    I did something probably crazy tonight . . .I had a family portrait shoot early this evening.   I just wanted to get something on film before the "new normal" hits. . . .  Now if I can get my courage up for one last cleavage shot!   ha. . .

    I hope you all have a great weekend . . . I'm sure going to try . .

  • mauimom
    mauimom Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2011

    Just wanted to add some good news out path report came back with a full response - no sign of the nastiness! I had neo-adjuvant chemo (12 weeks of taxol and herceptin and 4 rounds of dose dense AC). There's still a long road ahead but this feels huge. The chemo was worth it!

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Great news about the path report mauimom! 

    CLC, sooo glad to hear about the positive path report!  What a weight that must be off your mind.  It will be even better once the official report comes back in a few days.  You're still balanced on your surfboard!  

    I know you will be kind to yourself when you look in the mirror.  As we get older, time leaves its marks on us in the form of scars, wrinkles, gray hairs.  But we can lift, smooth and dye those parts that we are not ready to face.  BC takes our breast(s) suddenly, sometimes when we are still young.   I hope knowing you have that option to reconstruct, even if you don't do it, gives you peace with your decision. 

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Hi Kim, thanks for the update on your history.  I will be thinking of you and hoping for confirmation of your BS's opinion about stray cells next week.  No more shocks please!

    I'm assuming they did the SNB at the same time as the excisional biopsy.  I wish there was a way for them to test the actual cells they found in the nodes to see whether they were DCIS cells or actual invasive cells.  From what I understand, there is a subtle molecular change the DCIS must undergo before it can actually break out of the basement membrane and be capable of metastasizing.  Why can't they test your cells to know for sure? 

    My question/concern is will the pathologist make slides of and look at ALL your MX tissue to know for sure whether there is mircoinvasion or do they just do a representative sample?  How can you know for sure?  At least you have the benefit of knowing ahead of time that a node was positive so maybe you can ask about really really thorough analysis of your MX tissue.  Those of us having SNB at the same time as MX won't know about a few cells in the nodes until final path comes back a week later when the rest of our removed boobs are long gone.

    Have you looked into the difference between rads vs. AND if someone has a positive sentinel node?  I thought i would prefer rads but now I'm not so sure.  If the lymphedema risks are the same, maybe AND is better.  At least the lungs and surrounding tissue aren't at risk from the 'gift that keeps on giving' as I've heard rads described.  

    Sorry if it feels like I'm pouncing on you with a barrage of probing questions.  Feel free to answer any/none!  It just helps me to actually think this out, and hopefully helps others in the same situation.  

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited October 2011

    I'm going on 2 days post-BMX and all went as planned. I had skin involvement, so another biopsy was done -- it was negative this time, so it wasn't necessary to remove too much skin. I am home with a constantly-infusing pain pump (for a week) and I'm also  taking Nucynta for pain and Valium as a muscle relaxer. My daily antibiotic is Levaquin and I can take Zofran for nause is needed, and I did have nausea last night.

    I have TEs, but my PS didn't fill them much (I look flat). I'll be seeing him on Monday, but probably not for more fill yet. I woke up this morning with more pain and soreness, but I did get some good sleep. I have 3 drains, and they are already annoying to "wear" ; DH and DD are emptying the bulbs and recording around 40-50 cc each. I've had just a peek at my incisions -- not pretty, and PS used calf skin to support each TE. I have some bruising. I'm supposed to keep the blue flowered binder on at least until I see my PS. He used that plastic film to cover the incisions.

    All in all, surgery went well. Best wishes to those with surgeries comig up Monday, and a restful weekend to all of us who graduated from the first week of October.

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Ann, great news and good to hear that recovery is going well.  Is the skin issue totally resolved or are you still waiting for more results on tests?  Is your calf area painful as well?  The good thing about skin is that it is so pliable and will stretch to cover as needed.  Getting all the cancer out is far more important.  

    Trinity, good to hear the drain will be OK and your primary care doctor is taking care of you here.  One down three to go. 

    OK ladies, now we know if the drains are driving us nuts we can do a 'Trinity' aka DIY drain removal!  

  • TracieM
    TracieM Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2011

    Hoping to go home today...I REALLY want to go home so I can sleep. They have had me up for something every two hours. On Antibiotic, blood thinner, off pump pain meds by mouth and anti inflammatory. Still feeling pretty with the outcome. Just keep holding my afraid something else will happen. Some swelling on DIEP side, not much on other side. Thanks again for all the kind words and best wishes those with up coming surgeries


  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited October 2011

    I don't know where to start...I stay away for a day and the postings pile up and then I feel I've missed out on the latest news and it takes quite a long time to catch up...and being both post menopausal and post chemo makes me forget what I'd read once I move on to another then I have to scroll back and forget all over again! So if I leave anyone out plse put it down to chemo brain!

    Welcome back to Traciem, Ann Alive, CLC,  you make it easier for the rest of us to face what's coming, and your advice is invaluable.

    Kim137, Trinity, (I might have to 'do a Trinity' in a few day's time!) Judy67, Deniseday, rachhelvk, fingers crossed for results, and Rachel glad to see you are happy with decision to have BMX with TEs.

    Gamergirl, good to hear your voice...would be happy to share my experience of chemo, and baldness Wink here or in a pm, so when the time comes just shout!

    survivor:  you are in my thoughts 

    eema: thanks for making us laugh and for excellent suggestion re shoe lace and safety pins.. your good humour encourages us all. Glad to hear the boobs will move to their righful place eventually..

    Kelleyod, sigarcia, grandmav, matahead, like you I'm waiting patiently (NOT) for the days to pass..will log on again later if I have the I'm in Europe I always post many hours before the rest of you, so will try and check in later...bestest Smile

    Mr Clams carry on the good work, and thanks for useful feedback

  • annalive
    annalive Member Posts: 286
    edited October 2011

    rk85 - The calf skin is not from my calf, but a calf, the animal. My PS prefers it to the human source like Alloderm. My BS took sample(s) to test immediately during surgery to see if my formerly cancerous breast skin had resolved with chemo. Apparently it is good now, at least the part she took to biopsy. Of course, all of the breast and skin tissue will be analyzed, taking 1-2 weeks to get the pathology report. She took all of my 1st & 2nd level axillary nodes on the left side, but only checked the 3rd level and said those look fine. I think she does expect many 1st & 2nd level to be positive.

    What I'm not sure about is if they can tell the nodes HAD been positive and no longer are, due to chemo, or if they count only currently positive nodes that did not respond to chemo. Anyone know this?

    This Nucynta I'm taking for pain is really strong -- makes me a little dizzy and then I fall asleep. I'm taking it every 4 hours to start, even though the label says 4-6 hours. My chest is feeling sorer, and I need help getting off the bed or sofa. I've lost my appetite (which never happened during chemo) -- probably due to the various drugs.

  • Maria_Malta
    Maria_Malta Member Posts: 667
    edited October 2011
    AnnAlive, I also had neo adjuvant chemo, and as far as I know they CAN tell if nodes had been positive pre chemo. 
  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Ann and Maria_Malta. I also had neo adjuvent Chemo and my BS said she will be able to tell if the nodes had been cancerous prior to the Chemo. The waiting in the path results stinks I had hoped I would have gotten mine yesterday but didn't.

    All of you ladies who have had surgery. Have you been able to go to the bathroom? My body doesn't do well with laxatives and I haven't been to the bathroom since Tues am. I am drinking prune joice, taking stoll softeners,eat raisins, etc and nothing. We did go to CVS this morning and get me children's laxative but so far it hasn't helped either. Any suggestions? I just don't want to push myself to the other extreme which happened once during Chemo where I couldn't stay out of the bathroom for 5 days and lost 9 pounds.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,329
    edited October 2011

    Have you tried senna tea? There is an organic brand, Smooth Moves, that works well for me. It's often available in supermarkets as well as Whole Foods. Hope things move along soon.


  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Caryn. I did pick up a. Ox of the smooth move tea this morning too but it said to use at bedtime do you I can go a head and drink it now?

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2011

    Kelleyod~  we must be thinking the same way because we are having a family portrait done today also!!  It has been a long time coming and now we will be adding the son in law and granddaughter.  I bought a pretty pink blouse for the photos and when buttoning it up I thought to myself...pretty soon, I won't have to worry about button "gaposis". 

    AnnAlive,CLC,Trinity...thanks so much for writing about your post surgical happenings.  It really helps to prepare me (and probably others!) who are on the big countdown to their D-Day.

    Gamergirl...sorry to hear about your cancer taking on a different stage.  Just keep your game face on, and you will breeze through it all with your positive, cheery attitude.  And if things get you down-- here we are!!  I will give you a GREAT BIG cyber hug right now to get you started!!  ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited October 2011

    So good to see everyone back and recovering. The hardest part of the BMX is behind you and now you can concentrate on healing your bodies and minds. Think about each of you every day.

    I'm feeling a bit better everyday mentally anyway. Physically still sore from oop, but really not to bad. Have second opp on 25th so I hope that eases my mind a bit. Did go out to late movie last night, not many people out so I'm taking baby steps. Just working on getting my game face back on and tackling the next step.

    Thinking and praying for you all. Nice job on the drain removal Trinity. Had one removed yesterday hope to get the other out Mon.

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    MargieC...  Are you drinking LOTS of water?  That might help.  Also, my favorite laxatives are dates and figs.  I have gone a little today after having surgery yesterday...I attribute it to the water, mainly.  I wish you luck...this is a tough problem to deal with once it gets going.

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2011

    MargieC - OMG, I wish there was something I could find.  I have even tried the lax and the stool softener... nothing yet.  I have been drinking enough water to float the state of Texas, but that doesn't seem to do anything except make me use the bathroom a ton.

    So many ladies are gearing up for their surgeries this week.  I know you are probably as stressed as I was.  Check in when you can, I know it is hard when you first get home.  Just know we are praying for you!

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited October 2011

    MargieC- I had to take multiple doses of milk of magnesia and I was on a regular dose of Colace which is a stool softener. I was about 6 days after surgery and had not gone yet and my dr was concerned. Also had to drink tons of water. Good luck

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    Good Evening Ladies~

    Just wanted to pop in and send some love to all of my October sisters. 

    TracieM~ I'm sorry you haven't had any sleep.  I'm hoping they released you to go home today?

    Ann~ I'm really glad that you're home--- and super glad that your skin biopsy was negative.  I wish you didn't have to wait 1-2 weeks for the final pathology though :(  I've never been able to understand why path results take so long.  My Mom waited almost 2 weeks for her final pathology after her surgery (so stressful.)   Do you have any appetite back yet?  I hope you're able to enjoy something yummy soon.  You deserve it my Friend!    

    Kelleyod and ILUV2knit~ Love the photo shoot idea.  I'm sure the pics came out beautifully!  I may try to convince my boys to do this with me pre-surgery too.  My bestie is a brilliant photographer so I'm thinking I'd be comfortable enough to do some more personal individual shots too.   

    mauimom~ I'm so happy to hear your wonderful news re: pathology.

    trinity927~ Still doing ok without the drain?  

    CLC~ Are you home now?  Great job on the water intake.... and hell yeah on those dates and figs :)  I'll be stocking up on those little magical nuggets. 

    gamergirl/MargieC~  I'll be hoping that "things" start moving along quickly for you.  I'm already anticipating problems with this.  I always get "backed up" when I'm not consuming any caffeine... and I'm pretty sure that caffeine won't be in my post-op recommendations. 

    survivor11~ SO glad you went out to a late movie last night. I think it's all about taking those "baby steps"--- or at least that's what I'm going to keep telling myself.  When I'm nervous/anxious, my natural tendency is to become a hermit.  I'm going to try REALLY hard to not let that happen. 


    Today was tough.  I went to visit a good friend and her three-week old baby daughter who spent most of the visit happily nuzzled to her Mom's breast.  While my husband and I have stopped actively trying to conceive (after many years of trying), it just hit me so hard that if we SOMEHOW managed to get pregnant, I'd never be able to nurse our baby.  While this will likely never become an issue, I can't believe how deeply this thought affected me.   Thanks for listening.  Feels good to get that off my "chest"-- HA!  

    Alright my lovely ladies, I'm off to make a yummy fall dessert for my boys.  I'm determined to complete my list of "fall" activities before the 24th such as going to a county fair, picking apples, and baking apple crisp and some pumpkin goodies :)   Halloween has always been my thing so I'm bummed to have to dress up as a "patient" this year!

    Sleep well All!



  • TracieM
    TracieM Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2011

    Dukes, they did send me's sooo nice ti be home with shower & bed. Have taken two naps going to slip for days ;0)


  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    AJ...Halloween is my favorite holiday!  Last year, I had my adh excised so I couldn't trick or treat and I had my doubts about being able to dress up with the kids this year, but it looks like I will make it!  I will take you with me in spirit...What would you have gone as, if you were'nt forced to be patient?

     I am sorry for the difficult day.  I remember finishing up nursing and being sad about it, even though I was ready to be done.  Nursing was a wonderful wonderful wonderful thing.  Did you nurse your son?  It is sad to say goodbye to it for good.  I understand your feelings.  Another way to mourn the loss of our breasts.

    I hope you had a great fall day today.  I am glad you are determined to do it all...

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Yeah, Survivor!  I am glad you are getting out there...  It must feel good...

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    AJ...Yeah I am home.  It feels good to be here.  I hope I sleep tonight.  It's been a couple of days since I have slept more than 2 hours in a row.

  • mauimom
    mauimom Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2011

    Ann and Maria Malta, my docs also told me that there would most likely be scarring on nodes that had been affected. I don't have the entire path report back yet so can't update you on that...

    To all of you waiting for surgeries this week, my thoughts are with you. I'm a big wimp so if I can do it, you'll be great! Hugs to you all.

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Good to hear updates from everyone. AJ - I understand your emotions. I had pretty much been at a point where I was realizing the door to having kids was shutting pretty quickly, but I was holding out for hope. My dx, with the additional anvil of brca+ and the probable ooph hanging over me, that door pretty much has now slammed shut in my face. I think of all the things that have made me cry over my BC, that's the one most likely to set me off. I had a wonderful time this weekend with my sister and her new baby, but that's bittersweet. I'm just glad there's a little one in my life, even if it's not 'mine.' 

  • TracieM
    TracieM Member Posts: 12
    edited October 2011

    As I read yesterday's post...sorry for the mis spells...guess I did not realize how many drugs they had me on...

    I am 4 days out from surgery and home almost 24. Great night sleep, very sore, stiff going to be some long days...all in all everything continues to look good
