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Any October 2011 Surgeries out there want to wait together?



  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    That is HYSTERICAL!  Yesterday I went to the cancer center for OT and they nicely reminded me that I had a mammo scheduled for next week, along with an appointment with my BS.  I told the secretary very nicely that it would be impossible for me to make that appointment, especially since I don't have breasts to film!  She didn't know whether to laugh or call an orderly to take me to the psych floor!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    AJ--- We saw the PS yesterday and he was very happy at how I looked, but he wanted to leave all 4 drains in till Mon. Then he will probably pull one of the ones on the right side. If my drainage continues as it has I will get one on the left side pulled Fri. So hopefully this time next week I will only have 1 drain on each side.

    I agree with you all about feel like you have a 1,000 pounds on your chest. I keep asking my DH to get the elephant off my chest. :)

    I was aloud to take a shower today (keeping the incisions and drains dry) it felt great to clean up but I did see my chest and it was emotional to see my boobes arent what they were. I just keep telling myself they had to go they were trying to kill me.

    My next big hurdle is to go to the bathroom.

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Yay for bathrooms!  Seriously, it is such a big deal!  After my BMX I was stopped up for days and wanted to have a party when poopacolypse hit!

    If you keep in mind that your mammaries were trying to kill you, like they were those b!tchy girls that were your friends but talked sh!t about you behind your back, it is easier to handle.  At least it was for me.  I have to find the humor in it or I'd be crying my eyes out.

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Clams, SNB is sentinel node biopsy.  Great to hear Mrs. Clams is going for walks, shopping and could move back into her (your) bed.  As long as you don't act out your dreams like my husband sometimes does, I think she will be fine.  Once I woke up to my DH trying to pick me up out of bed in  the middle of the night because he was having a dream that he had to carry me somewhere!  Why doesn't he ever have dreams that he has to buy me a diamond ring?

    My DH's contribution: Its curious how he never dreams he has to clean the house, but is always dreaming that we need to have sex.

  • trinity927
    trinity927 Member Posts: 479
    edited October 2011
    One of my drains on my right side just fell out ... HELP!  It's painful and I'm leaking everywhere ... do you think I should go to the ER or my doctor?  I had surgery at JH, so I only have my primary care physician to go to where I live ... yikes!    Cry
  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    We have a guest room and my DH slept in it for the first month after the surgery.  It was a blessing, really, because he snores and wakes me constantly!  He also flails in his sleep and I didn't want to get bonked in the boob!  I'd recommend the guest room if someone is really concerned.  My DS was very confused though.  He's 6 and thought we were fighting.  Poor baby! 

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    Trinity, call your BS or PCP ASAP, and DON'T FREAK OUT!  It happens all the time.  I heard someone say put a maxi pad on it and go to the ER, but call first!

  • trinity927
    trinity927 Member Posts: 479
    edited October 2011

    Eema, thank you ... how could you tell I was freaking out?  hahaha  :)   Calling BS as we speak ...

  • Eema
    Eema Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2011

    I'm psychic, trinity:).  Or psycho.  You decide:).  Hope all works out well!  Please let us know how it turns out--I will put a little prayer in for you if you don't mind:)!

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    Prayers out today for Kellyconboy, Sherylh72, clc, Jesslove29, UMX, Nell2109 - hope everything goes well for you all and I'm thinking about you.

    I'm now 3 days out and doing okay so far.  I'm able to look at myself with a sort of clinical detachment in the mirror. My PS came in the day after surgery and unwrapped me in front of DH and showed me all that was going on.  It did really help to get it over with and DH handled it great.  Something else my PS did that was very helpful, he had a Lidocaine pump that went in through teeny tubes one in each breast and wrapped around inside releasing Lidocaine for about two days.  I was able to take it out myself yesterday when the pain ball was empty and I'm missing it today.  Really think it helped.  Still just taking Tylenol right now, tried Tramadol but still made me woozy.  Tonight I get to start taking Advil.  Yay!!

    Mr. Clams - SNB is sentinel node biopsy where they take the first lymph nodes in the chain and check for cancer cells instead of taking them all which is ANB axillary node biopsy.

    I'm thinking about those of you with surgery next week too, I know how hard this weekend will be.  Try to relax and do something fun with your families.  Before you know it you'll be on this side of surgery and back home again.

    Thanks to all my virtual sisters out there who make this easier and less lonely than it would have been. Sending out love, prayer, and healing thoughts to you all.  Judy

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Trinity, hope your do-it-yourself drain removal is OK.  I read about someone who ripped all her drains out when she pulled off her sweatshirt forgetting about the drains.  Let us know how it turns out, hopefully everything is good. 

  • rachelvk
    rachelvk Member Posts: 564
    edited October 2011

    Kelly - Thanks for the wishes. And Eema - your sense of humor is great. I hope I can cope the same way with setbacks.

    I survived the MRI - now it's dealing with the results whenever they come.

    And it looks like I can get listed now as BMX with TE's. Immediate recon really sounds great, but I just have some reservations about the DIEP and would prefer to deal with the cancer first and then reward myself once I've adjusted. If the recovery is without major complications, I can even go ahead and move into a new apartment when my lease ends at the end of December - something that a DIEP would have made very, very difficult, even with all the offers of help I've gotten from friends (and the BF, who would be moving in with me). I just wish I had realized how much of an option TEs were as a 'temporary' decision. Surgery still Oct. 26.

    I hope everyone's surgery went well today! Thinking of you.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited October 2011

    Trinity - eeks!  Hope you are getting it all taken care of right now!!!  

    rk85, that is so funny about your husband acting out his dreams!  LOL! 

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    Kellyconboy, sherlyh72, clc, jesslove29, nell2109. Ladies you are in my thoughts and prayers today.

    Those who had surgery this week I hope you have a relaxing weekend. Those who are having surgery next week I hope you have something fun planned.

    Send everyone gentle hugs

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2011

    Eeema. . . you're killin' me today - really. . . .

    RK85 . . .hilarious-!  You're taking a hint from Eema!  Love it!   I'm needing all of this laughter today with Monday looming . . .

    Trinity . . .Oh my!  I'd be freaking!  Good luck. . i hope this works out ok . . . can't imagine how you feel. . .    let us know how it goes. . .

    Rachelvk . . .progress!  You have a date and a strategy.  Embrace it and don't look back too much.  I will keep the positive karma going on the MRI . . .    I am with you on your strategy.  I am dealing with the cancer - putting in a TE to hold open "the envelope" once referred to as my breast (praying for the best on that) and holding onto a reconstruction thought fully until I know what needs to be done to get this body cancer free. . . .  would love your thoughts on DIEP vs. TRAM if you want to PM. 

    Judy67 . . .   woo hoo!   3 days out and Advil tonight!   Celebrate the little steps lady. . .

    hoping our 10/7 friends all fared well. . . . and are waking up nicely.

    Gamergirl / Survivor . . .thinking of you guys. . . .   check in when you can.  I know we'd all love to hear from you . . . and we're still with ya!

    Trying to find my game face. . .Kelley

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045
    edited October 2011

    Eema and Kelleyod,

    Thank you for making me laugh.  I was also thinking that "Tits in my Pits" sounds like a country western song.  Maybe to the tune of "I got tears in my ears"Laughing.   Maybe that bit about double breasted suits could fit in too.

  • gamergirl
    gamergirl Member Posts: 53
    edited October 2011

    Just wanted to pop in and say how much I appreciate the kind words and support.  And I am praying for all you ladies who are still waiting!  

    The mastectomy hasn't been terrible.  I'm down to almost no pain meds now.  I hate the drains but they will be gone soon enough.  I am wearing a soft cotton athletic bra that is a size too big.  It feels really nice.

    I am now a stage 2.  It's hard to be stage 0 one day, then stage 2 the next.  But I will find a way to rock the bald head.  I meet with my oncologist on Wednesday to go over treatment.  

    Once I'm totally off the pills I'll catch up better.  my eyes don't focus well when I'm high as a kite :-) 

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl, So good to hear from you, and so good to hear your spunk is coming back.  You definately will rock the bald head!  Pink wigs, here you come.  Please let us know what oncologist says next Weds, until then we will probably all be checking in with Dr. Google to find out what stage 2a means.

    DT, my poor husband will be so mortified if we ever meet in person.  I was always hoping our paths would cross in Miami sometime but now that I have exposed all his secrets he will dive for cover - or maybe not.  Men don't seem to have any shame when it comes to sex (at least mine doesnt!).

    Kelley, thinking of you and hoping you have a good weekend.  Monday is coming so fast, hopefully time will fly for you and you'll be on your way to having a swift recovery.

  • rk85
    rk85 Member Posts: 80
    edited October 2011

    Rachel, really glad you are taking the TE route and giving yourself time to decide about reconstruction.  Have you given micro fat grafting a thought?  Dancetrancer (I call her DT because I love her so much) had it Sept. 20th and I'm having it OCt. 25th.  With all your issues about DIEP and Flaps, this is a much less invasive and gentle procedure that could be just what you are looking for.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,329
    edited October 2011

    Good to hear from you gamergirl. I know exactly how you feel about the change in staging. You wrap your head around it and then move forward. I was told by my onc that my particular stage/grade has the same prognosis as a stage I but the treatments are more intense. I'll take it! You are in my thoughts. Caryn

  • Kelleyod
    Kelleyod Member Posts: 125
    edited October 2011

    Tracy!  Gamergirl!   So good to see a post by you . . . .  Remember - it's just one more step . . .  and I sure hope you'll remind me of that next week.   Did you get final path back yet?  (anyone know how long that takes?  I hear different things. . . .)

    RK85 - Thanks so much . . .I appreciate it.   I'm trying to breathe. . . . I'd love to hear more about fat grafting too, if you'd like to PM me.   I would love to get rid of my flap (I call her Edith - she loves alcohol and carbs and hates spanx . . . ). . .but something about moving muscle kinda bothers me....

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Hello all!!  I am sitting in my hospital surgery...sitting up and feeling pretty darn good.  I don't have much ability to focus, so I haven't read your posts...But I really wanted to tell you all that I feel good and I got the best news I could...node was negative...  I will come back when I can say more...and read more...

    Thank you all for being so supportive.  I am really glad I have this site and all of you to connect with.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302
    edited October 2011

    CLC -- it's good to hear that you are feeling good after surgery I hope it continues for you.

    Game girl. --sorry your stage has changed but you are a fighter and I am sure you will breeze through Chemo. Losing your hair sucks but as everyone keeps telling me it will grow back.

    I had hoped I would get my path results today (the BS said 3-5 days) but no call so now I have to wait through the weekend. Ugh. The good thing is the BS told the DH that she couldn't feel the tumors in the tissue she removed.

  • Kim137
    Kim137 Member Posts: 105
    edited October 2011

    rk85- On the MRI my DCIS shows that 50% of my right breast is involved! During the excisional biopsy my surgeon removed the duct that I had discharge from and a golf ball sized amount of ducts and tissue. The path showed no tissue involvement, but considering the extent of DCIS micro-invasion could be possible. My surgeon said he would prefer to do a sentinel node biopsy first to have a definitive path report on my nodes. Two different surgeons told me the chances of spread were "slim to none" and they'd be shocked if I had node involvement! What can I say, I've always like shock value! Lol! So after my SNB (sentinel node biopsy) we were all a little surprised at the findings. My Surgeon consulted with 2 other breast specialists and oncologist. All agree to leave my nodes in tact and not perform a AND at the time of mastectomy. It may be required in the future, or rads, but we won't know until after my mastectomy. If that path report shows invasion we will deal with the sneaky nodes! Hopefully, it will not show invasion and we can assume it's just displaced cells from my 2 biopsies.....fingers crossed! :)

  • Judy67
    Judy67 Member Posts: 213
    edited October 2011

    Gamergirl - I hear that fighting spirit back in your virtual voice.  I've been wondering too what I'll look like bald.  My DH offered to shave his head too.  Told him I'm afraid his might not come back LOL!!  I think I'll use this as an opportunity to try out different colored wigs and see what color I want to be when it grows back.

    CLC - glad to hear you're already coming around. 

    Kelleyod & slgarcia05 - I'll be praying for you guys Monday.  Hope all goes well. 

    Kim137 - Hope your results show no invasion - I'll praying for you on the 13th.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461
    edited October 2011

    rk, don't worry, my DH doesn't haven't any shame either!  Definitely would love to meet up in Miami someday!

    Hugs to all who are having tough days and yay for those having good days.   And I hope we hear back from Trinity soon...wondering if they had to put a new drain in...Frown

  • Dukes_Up
    Dukes_Up Member Posts: 112
    edited October 2011

    Good Evening All~

    CLC~ Hola Girl!  I am SO glad to "see" you!  I've thought about you so much today.  So happy to hear about the negative node!  

    MargieC~ ACK re: having to wait over the weekend for your final path report :(   YAY for being cleared to take a shower... and I'll be thinking speedy "bathroom" thoughts! 

    Kellyod~ You got me crackin' up at "Edith."  Too much. 

    gamergirl~ Many more hugs coming your way.  I admire your strength.  I can tell you're a fighter and that you're going to kick this unexpected diagnosis in the arse. 

    trinity927~ Any update on the drain situation?  I hope you're doing ok... that must have been so scary!

    GrandmaV~ I think you're onto something with the country song!  I love it.

    rachelvk~  Happy to see you update re: today's MRI and your decision to go with TEs.  Hope you won't be waiting long for MRI results.

    Judy67~ YAY for transitioning to Advil.  Big gentle hugs to you.

    TracieM~ So glad you've had a smooth experience after 11 hours of surgery!   Will continue to send wishes for speedy healing!

    Kim137~ I've got my fingers crossed with you for the best pathology possible.  Glad that you won't have to undergo AND in conjunction with your mx. 

  • iLUV2knit
    iLUV2knit Member Posts: 65
    edited October 2011

    I am beginning the big countdown...6 days to the Big Double Whammy...

    Am I crazy??  I volunteered to work extra on Monday and Wednesday next week.  I figured it would keep my mind off the upcoming event, but then I look around and think I have SO much to do before next Thursday.  With all my critters, I need to vacuum every other day or so (I like a sparklin clean house or I don't feel relaxed) and I know I won't be able to vacuum.  How will I learn to close my eyes to dog hair??  and the flower garden still has weeds in it that need to be pulled ... ugh....the weekend will go by tooooo fast, I think.

    oh and I can't forget the mountain of laundry...

  • jmz
    jmz Member Posts: 4
    edited October 2011

    jmz-  October 20- BMX with TE

  • CLC
    CLC Member Posts: 615
    edited October 2011

    Hi, all...I am 9 hours out of surgery.  I am feeling some pain, but I am following the plan and getting morphine when I feel it.  I am moving well in bed, but shaky getting to the bathroom.  I am able to skim your posts, but can't concentrate on more.

    I think I am doing better than I could possibly have imagined, so I wanted to share, because I wanted everyone coming up to be able to imagine it too...

    I really believe that taking the pain meds as needed is REALLY important...don't be a martyr. 

    So...I have one big hurdle left...the mirror.  That will come tomorrow, when my bs comes back to check on me and takes off the compression bandage.  I hope that if I need to cry, I let it flow, rather than keep a game face...but I have been conflicted about all that in the hospital...I don't feel safe or comfortable crying with the hospital personnel...or my bs.  I want to be able to just cry when I my mourning freely.  I have been doing that for three weeks and it has just made me feel so much better to let it be okay to cry when I want to.  We will see how that goes tomorrow...