Jewish Warrior Sisters
And, like shul, you're welcome any time!
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K'tiva v'chatima tova. Happy New Year to all
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I think of everyone often. I read on fb from time to time, but I don't post often. I spent a wonderful Shabbat week-end with Leah_S when I was in Israel earlier this summer. We are like junior high girls talking late into the night or should I say early into the morning. Leah has a beautiful family.
I can't believe that RH is less than 24 hours...I haven't even started cooking or baking!! I don't have much company, only for Monday lunch. Its just the 3 of us most of the other meals. Sunday will be busy with making challah, honey cake and apple cake as well as the main dishes and a trip or two to the grocery store. I invited my mother to lunch but she turned me down. It makes me sad that she won't come, but it is just too hard for her. I will bring her some home made food tomorrow before yom tov starts. I'm trying not to over cook!!! The night meals will be light meals.
Shana Tova U'Metuka to all! Chativa v'chatima tova. All the best to everyone for only good things in 5776. Hugs from Denver. karen
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Chag Sameach.
(I think if we change the name of the thread to "Jewish Worrier Sisters" there might be more activity. )
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I may have posted this several years ago, but it's still my holiday favorite!
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You are so right!
L'Shana Tovah to all.
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Every single one of the eggs I bought yesterday came stamped with a pinkribbon on its shell. So pleased to know that my omelets are going to help eradicate breast cancer.
Aside from such nonsense, I wish you all a sweet year, a healthy year, with sincere hopes for a better world in the coming days.
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A very late L'Shana Tova and Chag Sameach to all of you. I don't check in much, but I think about you. I was blessed to have a new niece last year, and I have been teaching Hebrew School on Sundays now going on my third year. I'll try to check in a little more often. My best to all of you - and welcome to those of you who are new.
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Got the eggs with all the little pink ribbons on them too only because they were on sale. Wound up in the hospital on Sukkot.bad part was that I was in the hospital the good part was that some sweet Lubavitch stuck there heads in and came in with an etrog and lulav and helped me say a brucha The other good thing that happened was our daughter had our first grandchild so I have a very good reason to stick around longer.
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NYCchutzpah: mazel tov for your grandchild! Boy or girl?
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NYCchutzpah....Mazel Tov on your new grandbaby!!
So sorry to hear that you were in the hospital over Sukkot. I do hope you are on the mend and doing better.
Rachelvk...mazel tov on your new niece
I have 2 new grand nieces...My niece in Oregon had a girl on early September and her brother in S. Florida had a girl late September. I think the babies are 2 1/2 weeks a part in age...too bad for the cousins that they are on opposite sides of the country!! Hopefully 1 day I will get to meet them.
My DD and SIL from Toronto were here for the 1st days of Sukkot. We didn't have much company, but still a lot of cooking. It was nice to have them, but its nice to get back to a quieter house.
For the past several years I've been working 3 days/week. Starting the 15th, I'm going to 4 days/week. I sure hope I didn't make a mistake agreeing to pick up an extra day. It will be for the school year. Part of me says its good and another part of me is worried if I can handle the extra responsibility. I guess I will just have to get more organized!!
Wishing everyone a good year. Hugs from Denver. Karen
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Good luck with work Karen. And Mazel Tov on the great nieces.
NYCchutzpah - mazel tov!
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tried to find the pic, but a week or two ago saw a picture of a VW Beetle, bright yellow, with Etrog license plate. Killer. Was actually with some kind of Orthodox group.
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Chag Sameach Chanukah.
Tonight I had my mother for dinner. I made potato latkes (once a year treat)...for some reason, this year it seemed like it was a lot more work. My son is working 8:30 pm to 4:30 am and he is usually up for dinner, but tonight, he was sound asleep so dinner was just DH, DD#2, Mom and me. I made grilled chicken wings, latkes and cut up veggies. Mom loved it. Other than steak, chicken wings are her favorite. Mom always leaves as soon as we are done dinner. Mom's neurological disorder (PSP) is getting worse and worse. She can barely walk with her walker. She is using a mobility scooter more and more. It won't be long before she won't be able to walk even with the scooter. It is sooooo hard seen Mom decline.
Thanksgiving week, I was in Toronto with DD#1 and SIL as DD had minor gyn surgery. She loved having Mom cook and take care of her. She is doing fine. They are moving to doing IVF...G-d willing all will work out well and they will be blessed with children.
We don't make a big fuss with gift giving at Chanukah. When the kids were little we did more, but now that they are grown (or almost grown) its much more low or gift cards. My husband and I don't exchange gifts. So tomorrow I need to go to the bank to get my son gelt and then DD#2 wants moccasin slippers and then I'll also get her a gift card. I have all these Chanukah decorations and last year and now this year I haven't gotten them out...I guess there is still time this year!!
All is well here in Denver. Busy, busy with work...I increased my days to 4 (from 3). Not sure I like the extra day working, but I am committed till the end of the school year. DD#2 completed her gap year (seminary in Israel applications) and is finishing her university applications. i can't believe she is almost half way done her senior year in high school!!
Hugs to everyone
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Dear sisters,
It is with great sadness that I let you know that leah (Leah Stein) has passed away. May her memory be a blessing to her family and loved ones. I am so very, very sad. Baruch Dayan haemet
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Baruch Dayan Haemet. I am so sorry to hear this. I met her when she came to LA to sit shiva for her mother. So very sad.
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Here is the FB post her children made:
This is leah's children writing
ברוך דיין האמת.
לאחר תקופה לא קלה והיאבקות ממושכת, אמנו היקרה לאה בת נחום ז"ל הלכה לעולמה בשעות הלילה. ההלווייה תיערך מחר (יום ג)בשעות הערב. אעדכן מחר בעז"ה לגבי מיקום ושעה מדוייקים.
בתקווה לבשורות טובות יותר.
Baruch dayan haemet.
After a long and valiant battle our dear mother leah bat nachum ז"ל (Leslie) past away last night . the funeral will take place tomorrow (Tuesday) evening . time and place will be announced latter.
Wishing for better news b"h
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I am heart broken. I saw the fb post when I was running errands. I had just sent her a fb message last night. I was going to get a book for her husband and I wrote her about was way over due....That upsets me too.
I first met Leah in 2010 at the Race for the Cure in israel. Then every trip after that I met with her, once for lunch and twice spent the week-end with her and her family. We would stay up all hours of the night talking like school girls. I was last at her house this past summer. She has a beautiful family of children 5 of 6 live in Israel and grandchildren. She just had a birthday last week and her younger son got engaged. My heart is just breaking for them. I wish I was closer to help with a meal or whatever was needed.
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So sad to hear this. May her memory be a comfort to her family.
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So sorry to hear about Leah-how sad!
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I just saw this now - haven't checked in for so long. I'm sorry to hear about Leah.
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I never knew Leah (joined too recently), but may her memory be for a blessing. Will say a Mi Sheberach/R’fuah shleima for all here (and those who are suffering but not posting).
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just joining a nice Jewish girl in Texas originally from NJ and later DC & NYC trying to make sense of all this and the new normal. Thanks
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Welcome, Balthus! And sorry you have to be here.
Waving from Brooklyn....
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Welcome Balthus. Waving from Florida.
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Hi from Denver
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Welcome Balthus! Sorry you've joined us, but you'll find a lot of good information and companionship here. I'm originally from CT but now live in NJ.
I did start a Mishebarach thread when I first joined in 2011. It's probably out of date, but let me know and I can add you to it.
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Hey Florida gals- Ill be moving north of Tampa in next few months...keep me posted of get toghethers, if you have onco or internist recommendations ( Tampa or north),etc... cant wait to get down there!
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Thank you for welcoming me.
Is anyone in the Palm Beach/Manalapan/Boynton Beach Fl area?
My mom is 86 & in assisted living in the area & I am flying to see her next weekend.
I usually come every 6-8 weeks but have not been since December before my BMX.
She knows I had surgery but I downplayed it to having a lump removed.
I am terrified of my my first flight & have had conflicting opinions about weather or not to wear sleeves for prevention.
I do not have Lymphedema.
I had my arms measured before my surgery so I'd have a baseline but no change although I have developed pretty bad cording in both arms in upper arm into chest wall particularly on right side (dominant) post-op. I am having PT, doing my exercises and massage.
I sent a note to my BS whose nurse answered "I would wear the sleeve and glove always when your are flying" but I ran into one of the BS's I interviewed (and is the surgeon I would have used but timing did not work out) & asked her & she said that for a 2 & 1/2-3 flight it's not necessary and to just walk, drink fluids, do my exercises, wear loose clothes, don;t drink, watch what I eat, etc.
I was fitted for sleeves but they said I only need 15-20 compression and I have to pick them up Monday. I will bring them with me bit others have said I should try them out & wear for a few hours each day next week before I fly like breaking in a new pair of shoes.
This is what drives me crazy about BC - there seems to be a lack of definitive answers on almost everything!
My husband & I are taking a Mindful Meditation class through our synagogue and are about halfway through and it has helped very much physically and emotionaly.
Happy weekend!
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Balthus, MY folks used to live in Boynton Beach and I flew down there from on a regular basis. Mom now lives near me in Denver. I don't wear anything when I fly. I did when first diagnosed but have not for several years. There does not seem to be any consensus in this area, so I'm taking the gamble. I've flown overseas 5 times since dx. First time I wore a sleeve but not since.
Welcome and glad you found us, but sorry you had to.