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Starting Chemo in Nov. 2011...anyone else?



  • bullwinkl4
    bullwinkl4 Member Posts: 33

    Linnyhopp, good luck on Monday! You will do great :)

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    Your thoughts echo mine.  My first treatment is Tuesday, and I also fear the unknown.  I guess none of us know how our body will react until it happens.  I've tried to be prepared - even chopped off my hair really short yesterday - but I don't have any idea of how much I'll be able to do after the treatments.  My oncologist and my family assure me that I'm a strong woman, but this is a battle I've never fought before.

    I know the importance of a positive attitude, and I'm hoping that I can keep my spirits up and look at each treatment as one step closer towards conquering my breast cancer.

    I'm going to a free HER2 seminar this morning here in San Antonio.  I think one of the first Herceptin trials too place here, so I'm hoping to better understand the HER2 condition and the recommended treatment plans.

    Hang in there, and please let me know how you're doing, especially since I think you're starting a day ahead of me.

  • Rockysg1
    Rockysg1 Member Posts: 11

    Good Morning Ladies,

    I am on day four after my first treatment and I feel horrible today. It actually started yesterday, I woke up with an out of this world headache (today again too) and flu like symptoms. My bones ached so much yesterday but I still got out and walked about just to get some exercise but will definitely stay in today. Has anyone else had really bad headaches? No nausea as of yet but I have already lost my sense of taste and some smells make me sick (pregnancy feeling all over again). My face is also breaking out....Im on TC and had the nuelasta shot the day after.

    I hope those of you that are not feeling so well get well soon:)

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 714

    Hi all, I had my first tx Nov 3 AC (DD 4 x, then 12 weekly taxol txs)...and felt pretty queasy (almost worse than just throwing up and getting some relief afterwards. Started 3 hours after tx and lasted about 5 hours. I took zofran by mouth; had a headache that night from I think the steroid.  Friday a.m. if I thought about certain foods I'd get nauseated--and those awful KFC food ads on TV did it to me too--but I felt good enough to go out and about and get my neulasta shot, with no side effects from that.

    I ate yogurt, applesauce, and scrambled eggs, gluten free toast. Eating lots of protein seemed to help me feel good. Drank 100 oz of water day before, during the tx,and the day after. Some loss of appetite, which has since passed, nearly.  I'm on effexor so no hot flashes, and that can also cause some appetite loss. Have not lost my hair yet. By sunday I hiked about three miles with my hubby,and have returned to my usual active lifestyle. Felt completely normal on Monday.

    I've stayed active after tx and every day since.  The smell thing got to me too but it's passing.  I swear in my bikram yoga studio I could smell every dryer sheet and laundry detergent used as people came and went in the studio before practice started!! Interesting, not nauseating...but distracting.  Good luck to us all. We will recover and as others have said, there is light at the end of the tunnel. 

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 714

    PS All, I took one claritin 2 hours before my neulasta shot and one every day for four days after and felt no pain at all from it.  I've also not been constipated; instead, a bit loose.  So I guess it's different for everyone.

  • claireinaz
    claireinaz Member Posts: 714

    One more thing--for those of you who are afraid of steroids. I was afraid, too, of the weight gain/moon face effect, but my doctor assured me that neither will happen. She gives me the smallest dose in my iv port just before the adriamycin, and it's supposed to help with SE of nausea.  I'm not taking it orally at all--just that day.  I've lost weight since my dx and more since my first chemo. 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Rocky, So sorry you're not feeling well.  Just thought I'd mention that if you take Zofran it can cause headaches.  My doctor prescribed some for me, but I haven't taken any, because of the headache warning.  I've just taken companzine for nausea and ginger root capsules.  Did you take claritin before your neulasta shot?  Most of the ladies getting neulasta say it helps with bone pain.

    claire, Thank you for your update.  Nice to hear that you're feeling good now.  I'm still not up to par, but think I'm better.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    Nell I deserved that 'Tsk! Tsk!' about gardening without gloves.  I'm still soaking my thumb in epsom salts 4x a day.  I cut my nail down so I can really soak it well.  It took a couple of days to get all the dirt out.  Never again.  I limited myself in doing things that I like with this little incident of mine.  I had the Onc. test too and scored in the middle.  I was sorta happy about that in a way.  Not that I wanted to experience chemo, but I want to do all I can to prevent my BC from coming back.  My BC was in the fatty tissue close to the surface of my breast so I will be getting a dose of radiation too.

    Bethu77 here is a link about preventing hair lost from the Mayo Clinic.  It's called Scalp hypothermia (cryotherapy).  Here's the link:

    Glad you're feelling better Grandma V.

    Welcome linnyhopp.  I think I read someplace here 'A good patient is one who asks questions'.

    Terry I had a double mastectomy Sept 26th with reconstruction.  I'm pretty much doing what I was doing before my dm.

  • trinity927
    trinity927 Member Posts: 479

    Hi to ALL!

    dtholden - Thank you for starting this thread!  I had been looking for a November chemo thread for some time, and just found it today.  

    Gamergirl, Mardibra, GrandmaV, Kim137, Rockysg, Rachelvk - I thought I might find some of my October surgery sisters here ... so, we'll be holding each others' hands through this part of our journey too ...

    Gamergirl - Thank you for sharing your experience with your first chemo treatment ...  you have been through so much ... and, I admire your strength and determination ... you're definitely an inspiration for all of us ... I hope you're feeling better soon!   I have a hypersensitivity to sooo many meds that I'm scared about SE's too ... :(

    GrandmaV -  I hope you're feeling better soon too!

    And to all the other ladies -  Sending out healing thoughts and prayers to everyone!  Having a safe haven for this journey is a blessing ... we'll all get through this together!

    I had my port placed last week ... and, I start chemo on November 15th ...

    My treatment plan is as follows:

    1) Dose-dense AC - 4 treatments, every 2 weeks ... followed by Taxol - 4 treatments, every 2 weeks

    2) Neupogen shots after every infusion (apparently I have to give myself these shots) ... OMG!  Surprised

    3) Herceptin for a year

    4) hormone therapy for 5 years

    To say that I'm scared out of my mind would be an understatement ... I'm severely depressed, and my anxiety is through the roof ... I'm more scared about all the treatments than I was about my bmx ... 

    I'm getting my chemo bag ready ... I'm going shopping for a few things this weekend ... the tips listed on here by everyone were great, and much appreciated!



  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194

    Trinity - with the exception of Herceptin, we are on the exact same plan. I'm hoping to be able to give myself the Neupogen/Nulasta shots but I'm told that's a decision my insurance company will make. I guess they get concerned because each shot is $3,000!! I have an appt with the MO on Tuesday where I'm hoping she will speed up the port placement. Otherwise I might have to wait until December. I want this to hurry up and start so it can be over!

    Sending happy thoughts to all.

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Hi Trinity,  How are you?  The anticipation of chemo is terrible.  I've only had one tx and one herceptin but they were both uneventful, thankfully.  There are SEs but for the most part they're manageable.  I've had another bout with the Big D today, but I think it may be subsiding.  I took Imodium twice today and been on the Brat diet to try to calm the cramping and I'm some better this evening.  Still not much of an appetite.  I've lost 7 pounds since the 1st tx on 11/4.  I've had a terrible slimy taste in my mouth.  I alternate gargling with salt/baking soda and then Biotene.  Nothing cut through it, until my DH brought me some ginger ale.  That helped a lot.   Otherwise I don't feel too bad.  Thanks for the well wishes

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    One SE I forgot to mention.  I am soooo windy (to put it delicately) I think I could set a world record.  And stiiiiiiiiiiiiink.  Even the dog leaves the room.

  • Kim137
    Kim137 Member Posts: 105

    Trinity927, we will be doing the same dose dense chemo regimen. I start 2 days later than you on Nov. 17th. I will think of you as we go thru this together, maybe we can swap stories and tips as we go. :)

  • YaYa5
    YaYa5 Member Posts: 532
    grandmaV, have you called your onco and asked for a script for diarrhea like lomotil?  i had a terrible case of it because of a strong antibiotic i took when my port incision got infected.  the lomotil saved my life.  i hope you can get some relief soon.
  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045


    I'll call him Monday.  This is ridiculous.  I went two days without the Big D and then got herceptin and here we go again, only this time the gas is unbelievable and of course it's the weekend.  Thanks for the tip.

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Racerdeb: Looks like we will really be close in starting this journey.  I will be sure to post about my first day experience.  I, too, am trying to be positive and maybe we can encourage each other since our treatments are the same and a day apart!  It's kind of a funny story about the hair thing.  My MIL is 87 and freaks out about EVERYTHING, so believe it or not I have been able to keep the BC issue from her (she lives in assisted living).  I had bronchitis when I had surgery (they did anesthesia very carefully), so she thought I didn't come over cause I was just having that issue and the second weekend she gave us "time off for good behavior" so I went without seeing her for two weeks.  So now that I am starting chemo we are trying to figure out if I will be well enough to see her on the weekend AND if she doesn't notice the wig, then maybe we can pull it off.  As our whole family told my husband...sparing her with the details could also make life a lot easier for you two.  I think they are right, so wish me luck.  I swear she would have cardiac arrest if she knew so I am thinking that sometimes it's kinder to just let her be in the dark about this.  So wish me luck with this part of the deal, too...LOL! 

     If I don't get on the board before you start on Tuesday, best of luck and blessings to you as we begin this journey to fight with all our might!  Hugs...Linda

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466
    Lynmichel: Thanks for making me feel that being a questioner is an alright thing!  By the way, is your name actually Lynn Michel?  My name is actually Linda Michele...just wondering.  Take care!
  • knebel22
    knebel22 Member Posts: 11

    GrandmaV wrote: One SE I forgot to mention. I am soooo windy (to put it delicately) I think I could set a world record. And stiiiiiiiiiiiiink. Even the dog leaves the room.

    Its only fair. The dogs do it to us all the time! Lol

    Past two days have been up and down. My stomach constantly hurts. I have no problem eating but I feel strange. I am a week past my first treatment.

    Surgery is definitely better than this.

    Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday.


  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114

    Yesterday I went to pick up my nausea medications.  My doctor prescibed Emend, which is supposed to be the most effective medication.  It should be!  The retail charge for three pills (one for the first day of chemo and the two others for the subsequent days) was $398!!!  Fortunately, I have a drug insurance program, and I only had to pay $45.  Now I know why my doctor wrote the prescription for five refills instead of getting them all at once. 

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114


    It's interesting that you bringing up your MIL.  My MIL was also 87 and in a nursing home.  I missed a couple of my weekend visits after my surgery, etc., and we just told her I wasn't feeling well.  We just felt it would upset her too much to hear about my BC.  She passed away two weeks ago, and I think we made the right decision.

    I will be anxiously waiting to hear about your treatment tomorrow.  I hope you can sleep okay tonight.  It seems like I haven't slept all that well since I learned about my cancer.  I do okay during the day but so much stuff rolls around in my head at night.

    I wish you lots of luck tomorrow, and I'm sending hugs back your way!

  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    Is anyone else having trouble getting motivated to keep moving? I either do nothing at all or overdo it. I told my husband that he will have to be my coach and encourager. I have expanders and the port and don't feel like doing anything at all. How do each of you keep going each day? I know I need to keep moving each day but yesterday, I cry at least once a day. I have to stop feeling this way but need suggestions to get me to through this.

  • bullwinkl4
    bullwinkl4 Member Posts: 33

    Bethu77, I am the same minute I am lazzzyy and the next I am up and moving and doing to much! My mouth is also sooooo weird. Everything tastes spicey, unless I eat like wheat Thins or crackers...also, I am extra hungry all of a sudden! I'm not on the steroids anymore, so I don't know what the deal is...but I am not trying to gain weight! I am finally getting my energy back, and going back to work tomorrow. Actually am excited to see everyone.

    Good luck tomorrow girls! I will be thinking about you <3</p>

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Good morning,

    A beautiful day here in Kansas, I've got to get outside today.  Probably will walk the dog.  Feeling better today.  Gas and Big D have settled down considerably.  I was able to eat some breakfast. Had rice with banana and 2 pieces of toast.  I even drank a little coffee and actually tasted like coffee.  Slept good but woke up with a headache, took tylenol and it's gone.

    knebel22, you're right about the dogs, turn about's fair play.  Hope you're feeling better.

    Beth, I'm having the same problem.  Brain says "Go Do", body says "No Way".  I've come to the conclusion that the reason I'm anxious about the SE's I have, is I've never experienced this before and think it will never end.  But now I realize, it's all temporary.  So when I'm in the midst of a hard SE (Big D) I'm going to try to remember that it will end, just be patient, listen to your body and give it what it needs at the moment.  I hope I can do that.

    bullwink14, hope everything goes Ok tomorrow at work.

  • trinity927
    trinity927 Member Posts: 479

    Mardibra - I do hope and pray you can get your port placement soon!  The "waiting game" is sooo stressful ... waiting for test results, waiting for surgery, waiting for chemo ... waiting for all of this to be over!!!   However, at the end of the journey, the "wait" will be worth it ... to be cancer-free!!!  Hang in there Mardibra! 

    And, from my understanding (although I could be misinformed), with the Neulasta shots, you only have 1 shot after every infusion ... I have to give myself several Neupogen shots (anywhere from 3 to 10) until my neutrophil counts come back to normal levels) ... I much rather have the Neulasta, but I don't think my insurance company is going to approve it, since like you stated, it costs about $3,000.00 per shot, and depending on the supplier, it could cost as much as $7,000.00 per shot ... wow!   The Neupogen shots are far less expensive at about $300.00 per shot ... however, if I had to give myself 10 Neupogen shots that would cost about the same as 1 Neulasta shot, right?   lol   So,  I'm still pushing for the Neulasta shots ... not sure I'll get it approved though ... :(

    GrandmaV - As depressed as I am, you still managed to make me laugh regarding your dog having to leave the room ... love your wit and candor!   btw, I stocked up on gingerale!   And, I'm glad to hear you're feeling a little better this morning!  :)

    Kim137 - Since we're starting our treatment only a couple days apart, I would love nothing better than to have a "partner in crime" (i.e. a friend) ... we'll both be traveling into unknown territory at the same time, and I think it would benefit both of us to have each other for support and encouragement every step of the way!  Swapping stories and tips each week would be great!   However, knowing my luck, I'll end up with every SE on the list ... and, then you'll have your work cut out for you trying to reassure me that everything is OK ... lol

    All kidding aside, I'm trying my best to keep telling myself that I'm going to be OK, with minimal and manageable SEs ...and, that is my hope for everyone!   It goes back to the "waiting" as I mentioned before ... it's the unknown, the anticipation, the anxious feelings ... that's what can really drive you crazy!

    Thinking of everyone!



  • Lory48
    Lory48 Member Posts: 266

    Good Morning Ladies..

    Trinity you are another 15 Nov girl! I too am suffering a bit of anxiety, am hoping to calm myself down as the day grows closer.

    GrandmaV, you crack me up!! just the thought of a windy condition and clearing my own puppies from the room!haha

    Today is day 4 after SNB and port placement.. felling better in those areas, however, I have the worst muscle tension in my neck. I suppose it's from sleeping on my back instead of my side.

  • bethu77
    bethu77 Member Posts: 263

    Thanks for the help everyone! I am going to buy some ginger ale today. I am having mouth issues and constipation. I have a sore throat and will buy the Mary's Magic Potion mouthwash. I remember the faces my parents made when they used this. I think it will taste nasty but I don't like a sore throat either.

    Each of you have inspired me a bit today. Yesterday, I was so down and my husband would tell me "just a few more months" and it will be over. I really wanted to go on a cruise last year and this year. Last year, it was our 30th and I had a hysterectomy. This year, I was diagnoised with BC again! Next year, I will be going on a cruise! Before my port surgery, I asked my husband to take me to the ocean and let's hide out for a while! Of course, we couldn't go but I don't want to spend all my cruise money on expensive medications. Why does everything have to cost so much? I have Neulasta injections and didn't expect them to be so expensive. The Emend is $214 for 6 pills and that is my cost. Who can we talk to about the price of these medications?

    Sorry, I am rambling...

  • racerdeb
    racerdeb Member Posts: 114

    Include me in the November 15 start date list also, please.

    I agree that this forum is very helpful.  I posted on another thread that the retail cost of my Emend was $398 for one treatment (three pills).  Fortunately, with my insurance it was (only) $46.

  • LynMichel
    LynMichel Member Posts: 87

    linnyhopp my name is Lynn.  Actually it was supposed to be 'Lynn Ann'.  I never liked that so I started writing just Lynn.  My Mom only called me 'Lynn Ann' when she was angry at me eventually .

    Trinity I had only one shot of Neulasta after my first round of chemo November 3rd.  My Onc's office told me only 1 dose per treatment.

    Bethu here is a link from the ACS about cancer care cost: 

  • GrandmaV
    GrandmaV Member Posts: 1,045

    Trinity,  You're right about the waiting.  It really takes an emotional toll.  I think for me it's because I tend to focus on the bad SEs instead of the ladies who have fewer SEs.   I'm trying to change that.  You'll probably be one of the ones with few SEs.  I hope so.

    Lory,  You'll do fine too.  Sending calming thoughts your way.

    Beth,  I'm trying not to think about what's ahead and focus on today.  It's certainly not easy to do.   I've said this before, but it's one of my favorite quotes.  "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."  BTW, You can ramble all you want.  This is the place to do it.  No one else will understand better then we do. 

  • linnyhopp
    linnyhopp Member Posts: 466

    Racerdeb: I will sure try to post tomorrow after my first time in the chair!  I am really nervous today, but trying to stay positive.  Hoping the time at my nephew's 40th birthday party will take my mind off a lot ot what's to come.  Took the pre-day steroids a little bit ago...also on the last of the descending dosage of prednisone for the bronchitis.  Wow, hope I won't be a cranky old lady flying around on my broom this afternoon!  And, since I don't sleep well anyway, tonight should be a real fun time.  Oh well, maybe I will sleep during the infusion.  Will keep you posted on all of it.

    Bethu77: I can so relate.  We love to cruise but didn't go last year cuz we used the money to stay up at UCLA for a week when my brother had open heart surgery.  This year, we had almost just booked a cruise with our friends (literally a few days before) and boom...the old BC diagnosis.  My husband says next year we are going even if he has to rob a bank to get to the Caribbean...LOL!  I told him I won't have much hair, but he says he doesn't care.  So, we will have to both get through all of this and then compare notes on where we are cruising!  I am lucky since we live in the San Diego area since I can see the ocean lots and lots, but there is nothing like being on that ship, is there?

     GrandmaV: Glad you are feeling better and Chocolate Chip is getting a break today!

     Lynmichel: My mom always called me "Lin" instead of Linda when she needed my attention.  I remember those days well!  Not that I ever got in trouble....LOL!

    To all, here's to a great week with NO or minimal SE's and to all of us who are just starting the chemo, luck, hugs and calmness to each and every one of you amazing women.  To those in the off weeks...hoping you are feeling great and enjoying life while you are doing well. I have a feeling that when I can't sleep tonight I will be reading and posting again.  I am so very glad you are all here to share, listen and just be there for me.
