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February 2012 Chemo



  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Gritgirl, I'm sure you will feel better when done and dusted. I still have a numb upper arm and armpit but to be honest I'm use to it now.

    I hope we all keep in touch it would be so sad if we don't.

    I am walking the dog everyday for an hr and half at night which kills me but glad I'm doing it.

    Have gone back to work and done my first week and feel quite normal.

    Love and hugs to all us girls and boy.

  • buburuzaa
    buburuzaa Member Posts: 17


     I am going through the exact same thing with my mom elevated ALT and AST results....very high....ALT 313 and AST 600....:(

    I am so happy to read that your CT came out good!!!! My mom has aPET scan on it is possible for it to be nothing?...she already has a met on her sternum....thanks for giving me hope:) hugs:)

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    ymac - how exciting to have a date for reconstruction! And to have had your hair trimmed TWICE!!! That is outstanding.

    susan, that stinks about the sprained ankle. What a year you have had!

    margo, have you found a new primary yet? It's so hard to find a good one it seems. Mine is pretty *bleh* but I don't see him often at all so I don't care much. He does have a new FNP so if I get sick and need to go I will ask to see her and see if she is any good.

    Wow Ali, that is a long walk! Good for you, great exercise! Glad to hear going to back to work has gone well.

    I almost bought a car today. I was planning on not buying until early next year but I've been going to dealership websites and one of the local dealers had the exact car I want! (used, anyway). So we went and test-drove it and made an offer, went back and forth... did not quite agree on price but the salesman said he would "see what he could do" and would call us tomorrow. But then I went home and re-ran the numbers, and I'm really stretching myself too much, so I am not going to buy. So I am glad it didn't work out, but it was very exciting at the time. lol

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Oh and radiation is going fine, but I am really sick of the drive already. Plus I am having to buy gas for the car that much more. Ugh...

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    susan...i have been thinking about my reply re the lifetime movie and i really hope that you didn't take it as offensive or was NOT meant that way! we watch lifetime movies on occasion here so i guess i should realize that your friend meant you were full of drama-well damnit ! having BC is drama and we are entitled to it! i do NOT remember anywhere in any of your posts that you willingly volunteered for any of this crap that has happened in your life this last has not been kind to you and it DOES suck ...and it NEEDS to get better i would have to say "some friend that one is" in a very sarcastic voice...

    i applaud all that you have had to deal with just since i've "known" you...and continue to send hugs and the best way...please understand!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina i did find a new primary- i "try" him out on the monday after i finish rads..he has come well referred and his office is quite close to my work and has its own lab on site as well as a sleep study facility if i need to be tested again.

    it is brrrrrrrrrrr cold this morning in northern ohio- the sun is gorgeous but i dunno!!! i think a big pot of soup is in the forecast for today!!!!

    first i need to run errands-banking shopping and etc that i put off all week cuz i was too pooped to pop....i am so glad to have my job and to be almost "done" with active tx but i am worried about how long it will take to regain energies! when ppl tell you about rads fatigue they aren't kidding!

    anyhow- happy saturday-make it a good one!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Lumpy. no offense taken. My friend was being humorous and i took it that way. i don't want to be anyboy's cancer warning. damn sick of it.

    it is warm here in Dc and a bit humid. wish i was in Ohio sounds nice. never adjusted to the heat here.

    off to a knitter gathering today where I'll do cross stitch. still feels weird with the numb fingertips. trying not to think about my upcoming bmx

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    a knitter gathering where you'll do cross stitch?? !! i love it!!! i used to do cross stitch- then i starte don sweatshirts and never could go back to those lil x's!

    MLB-please refresh my lazy memory- i am too lazy to go all the way back months and months- i finally found chia seeds yesterday- how did you make your "pudding"? edit**i did a search and found it!!! gonna go mix some up right now for tomrorrow's brekkie!

    today we have a dr appt-yes- it IS sunday! sweetie has to have the egd or whatever done and they want to see him first due to his health history vs doing the procedure i have put a crock pot of beef veggie soup together- the house will hopefully smell delish when we get home! we'll go to walmart also while we are out-

    yesterday i did big grocery shopping and the BMV as well as banking- actually got all of my list accomplished before i came home, put chicken and pineapple in the crock and then crashed!took a 3 hour nap ! made rice for the dinner and watched some tv..we had a nice dinner and there are two more meals- one will go in the freezer. i must be feeling better if i wanna cook!

    it is brrr cold here today -my son is running  a 10k this morning-so proud of all he has done to get in shape! anyhow the park where it is being held is probly gorgeous with the fall colors- it's a ski area actually i can't wait to hear stories! his friend ( a woman) runs with him and he uses "with" loosely-they start the race together but he goes at his pace and she goes hers! her mom passed a few months back so i was glad to be able to post support on her fb page today! her dad was very instrumental in bldg the cancer ctr i go to- and both her parents ashes are there in the garden.

    susan are you originally from wisconsin -do i remember correctly? they had snow yesterday! up in Shawano by green bay!i don't do well in humid myself no matter where i am -didn't like panama for that reason!(well that was one reason!)

    my Lovey cat had me awake at 430-not quite sure why! she has progressed to sleeping in our bedroom again and is enthralled with my cpap machine hoses!her lil butt or her front foot keeps landing on the "off" button-i am sure she doesn't know it! so i have to pay attention when she is near!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Lumps, I'm not so sure your cat doesn't know that she is turning it off! Cat conspiracy! They are so sneaky! LOL

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    could be! an attn getter? probly knowing her!

    i'm so glad she finally came out ofthe laundry room!

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    update on sweetie- i guess this dr has been having sunday appts fo about 10 years- i made s apecial point of thanking him for that- it was a good appt- i really think he listened..he'sscheduling sweetie with a local cardiologist "in case" and getting clearance to be off coumadin (gosh i hate that med- hope and pray i never have to be on it) and the "procedure" is set for nov 8th...

    came home to wonderful smelling soup- had a bowl took a nap and then had two bowls for supper!

    football and who done its and it's about time for bed...

    hugs prayers to all!

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    LOL! My outdoor cat, whom I swear has another home, caame back today for the first time in almost two months. I was figuring that something had happened to him. He looks pretty good. We just can't keep him in, he has a chip, and is nuetered. He's the one who jumped through the screen in the upstairs bedroom and jumped off the roof to get out. so we gave up trying to keep him in. He is beautiful though. The other two cats were here when he was, so no problem with them when Spots comes back.

    And I am sure yours want your attention! Here, mama, let me wake you up so you can pet me. You know you wanted too! LOL

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    lumpy, yes, i am originally from wisconsin. today is a much cooler day here in DC.  almost to the point of having to turn on the heat.

     getting nervous about bmx.  called monika (moonflwr) over the weekend and that helped to get tips.  i have excellent surgeons and am doing well now.  plus, i'm listening to a meditation tape to prepare for surgery (tape is from  a few people i know used it and said it was incredible.  guess i should have scheduled this sucker earlier. too much time to think. :-)

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Hi Everyone

    Its Canadian Thanksgiving weekend here so I've been travelling to the In laws, baking, visiting with my Mom, and then off to my brother's house today with some of my side for dinner.   I  most enjoyed the drive north and seeing the fall colours in all of their glory.


    Re Chia Seeds.  I've only done the pudding a couple of times but this is a basic recipe that you can tweak to your liking.

    2/3 cup chia seeds

    2 cups milk (almond/dairy whatever you prefer)

    1/2 tsp vanilla

    Place into a 1 quart jar and give it a good shake, leave in the fridge and give it a stir or good shake around a couple of times. By morning you should have a pudding thats very similar to tapioca.  You can then add fruit, coconut whatever strikes you fancy to sweeten it up.  Quite yummy, full of fibre and protien.

    You're cat is too funny turning off the CPAP.  Nice to hear of a doctor that will book Sunday appointments for your DH, never heard of that before.


    I'm sure you on totaly tenderhooks in anticpation of surgery, the waiting is the worst.  Happy to hear you were able to talk to Monica though to get some tips etc.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Hey, all:  Found this site. Know most are through the mastectomy but it also covers tips and tracks for after the fact.  Passing it on. 

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    MLB- i made the "pudding" per your other post with 1/4 cup seeds and 1 cup milk-- not really pudding consistency this morning- but doable...and i just ate it as is flavor wise- can't decide if the seeds remind me of strawberries or kiwis!

    anyhow- will try again with vanilla and then not sure what i may add in the morning- i think they are costly but i need the omega 3 that they offer....and it helps me to have the milk for the calcium and D

    found this online today- interesting if you ignore the ads! lots of info - some repetition!(some typos!)


    we are working today even tho no mail etc- so we are not as busy as should be...has it's ups and downs! trying to "look" busy while i'm on here for example!


    oh- susan--tom petty said it best -the waiting IS the hardest part.....i believe that is so true in so many ways /instances!

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    I couldn't find my original recipe LOL!  So found that one on the internet.  I like the consistency and yes strawberry seeds is what it remind me of.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    margo - glad you found a new doc, I hope this one is great! & mmm a crock pot of beef vegetable soup sounds really good, I may make that myself this weekend.

    susan - the waiting is the worst part of this... my mind makes me nuts during waiting.

    I feel great now that I've been off the tamoxifen for 2 weeks. Back to my normal happy self. I was wrong when I thought I was depressed because of the UMX. I can't wait to see onc on Thursday when I get my herceptin and talk to him about this.

    On an unrelated note, I am totally addicted to Words with Friends on facebook, thanks to a friend. It's like Scrabble, which I also enjoy. I'm having such fun playing with different family members that I grew up with playing Scrabble.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    crud ! i think i might have an allergy to the chia seeds....crud!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Met with my mum and her sister today, thank god my aunt came.

    To say my mum was frosty with me is an under statement. There is no love between us and I think she was pissed off my aunt was chatty to me.

    My mum kept saying "you can go if you want" even though she was only there an hour. I could tell she wanted to have a go at me but wouldn't dare because of her sister.

    When I left I went to hug and kiss my mum goodbye and she backed off and tried to shake my hand. That was the icing on the cake for me I'm not sure why she wanted to see me.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    Wow that's cold. You know some people give birth but don't have a maternal bone in their body. I've seen it first hand with DH's sister and how she relates to her daughter and grandaughter. Long story short she always put the man in her life first too. Very sad and the repercusions are huge.

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Ali. that is confusing.glad she didn't say anything. as a friend said about my dad, "he may be a father with a daughter who has cancer, but that just makes him an asshole who's daughter has cancer."

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Well Ali I'm sorry it was not a good visit. But you did it's done.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    You gave it a shot, Ali, now don't give it another thought. Much love. Wish I could give you a hug!

    Just a thought. My mom had a "cold" for more than 30 years. Thats what she would say so we wouldn't hug or kiss her. we knew she loved us, but she really did not like hugs or kisses. Who knows, maybe she would have been diagnosed with Aspergers nowadays.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    Didn't grow up in a very demonstrative home but we knew we we're loved. Mabey it was the times too. Funny thing now that my Mom has dementia, she says I love you all the time. I think it adorable.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    ali...know in your heart  that you tried......

    susan- love the smile!!!!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Thanks for kind words I've always know what my mum was like. One thing I did learn was I had another aunt and I never knew.

    Waiting to listen to radio station on breast cancer talk!

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hey Susan, I know you've brought up the Living Beyond Breast Cancer organization before; I was wondering if you may be doing the Yoga on the Steps in downtown DC this Sunday.  I'm patricipating and so was just curious.

    Ali, you were very brave to go through with meeting your mother.  I'm sorry things turned out as they did, but at least you went into it knowing that it was not likely to have a good result.  Now, I hope you can move on and get over her.

    Fall has definitely descended on Washington but aside from being a bit chilly, I think its a beautiful time of year here and I'm enjoying it!  Hope things are going well, or are at least manageable, for everyone. Cheers!

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449
    Terrible day today. I have a longer post about this in the emotional forum, but in short: saw the new P.A. today (she's a new grad) while I was getting my herceptin, and obviously oblivious to the fact that chemo has stopped my menstruating for months now, and that I can't be thinking about getting pregnant while on tamoxifen for the next 5 years, she asks me if DH and I are planning on having children soon. She goes on and on babbling about what cute kids we would have. I held it together until she was done and left me, and basically have been crying ever since. I was crying so hard when I left I did not even stop to schedule my next appointment. The hardest part about dealing with this cancer crap is accepting that there's no kids (at least not bio kids) in my future. DH and I both agree that in 5 years, we'll be too old to start trying, and honestly with my family history of cancer I would not feel right having a baby, I would be worried with having a daughter that would have to deal with this crap too. I just can't believe she would ask me a thing like that. Cry
  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina. people are idiots. I had someone ask me if i had kids and when i said no, the woman asked "who's going to take care of you when you're old?" Gee. Thanks, lady. Maybe next time tell her you don't want to talk about that subject.