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February 2012 Chemo



    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Susan:   Don't think about getting rid of stuff to help your nephews for when you die.  Do it for yourself so you don't have to look at clutter and 'stuff'.   Then, when you truly beat this cancer crap you can have the time and energy to do fun stuff and come home and see an organized house that makes you feel good!   That's what I tell myself.  I, too, am determined to get things more in order around here.   Kinda sorta for my kids but also for me!   I have too much stuff!  I know what you mean about too much time alone.  I get lonely sometimes.  Am determined to get out and meet people and have more friends once I feel good enough.  All my friends around here are married and unavailable at night or certain times of the day.  (Remember, I'm close to 70....all my friends are 'older' than me although some are my age or younger.  They don't do FB, don't have cell phones, won't drive after dark, won't go out alone to the mall....someone might get got the picture!   One of them won't drive across the bridge or go for a walk.  "Something might happen."    Sigh.   

    Lumpy:  Sorry about your ticket.  That sucks.  Too bad the cop couldn't take pity on you!  Hey, we should get some perks out of this cancer !  Right?    

    I saw my primary doc today and got prescriptions for my sore throat, cold, etc.  It's supposed to be pretty strong and kick this stuff.  Looking forward to my first cataract surgery on Thursday, NOvember 8th.  

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Gayle. so glad you're safe. this was a scary one.

    fldreamer, do you have where you live? i do lots of.stuff through that. your surgery is.right after mine. my prayers are with you.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Karen, good luck on the cataract surgery. I hope you breeze right through it.

    Susan, I have been organizing and throwing stuff out at home and at work like crazy!!! I think I am just trying to feel a little more in control of life. Ha, what a joke.

    My cat died today. I have had her for her entire life, over 18 years. So I have been bawling non-stop. I could not even watch DH bury her. I feel awful that she died while I was at work. I wish I could have been with her. Cry        

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Oh, Christina, I am so, so sorry. Life just isn't fair. That was one loved kitty, to be with you. I am so sorry for your loss.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    So sorry you lost your Kitty. Lost mine when I was getting TX. Buried her myself though. "DH" couldn't handle it. (((Hugs))). Poor wee thing.


    Stop it with that crap and yeah your right, you'll likely outlive us all anyway. Glad to hear you didn't too bad of a time from Hurricane Sandy though. Man o man some areas were hit so hard on in the East. All we had up here in Toronto was really high winds and tons of rain. Some uprooted trees. One poor woman was killed by a falling Staples sign.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    So sorry you lost your Kitty. Lost mine when I was getting TX. Buried her myself though. "DH" couldn't handle it. (((Hugs))). Poor wee thing.


    Stop it with that crap and yeah your right, you'll likely outlive us all anyway. Glad to hear you didn't too bad of a time from Hurricane Sandy though. Man o man some areas were hit so hard on in the East. All we had up here in Toronto was really high winds and tons of rain. Some uprooted trees. One poor woman was killed by a falling Staples sign.

  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983

    For some reason my reply posted twice

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Christina:   I'm so sorry to hear of your cat.  I don't have any pets but my daughters do and I certainly understand the grief when you lose them .... especially after so many years.   ((((Hugs))))

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    Christina...soo sorry about your kitty...I understand all too beloved Poodle died alone too...I still have nightmares about him !

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Christina - so sorry about your cat. It's just piling on right now dear one to lose your beloved pet. Sending hugs your way.

  • lumpynme
    lumpynme Member Posts: 497

    christina-sending a big hug--i know that loss and it is deep

  • Gayle56
    Gayle56 Member Posts: 111

    Christina - so sorry about your cat.  I have lost three over the years and it never gets easier. 

    Susan - We all think too much when we get stuck in the house

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Thanks for all the nice thoughts. It does help.

    On a lighter note, I wore my Mrs. Potato Head halloween costume to the cancer center today for radiation. The staff got a chuckle but the other patients really seemed to like it!

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina, that is hilarious. your potato got microwaved. :-)

  • ymac16
    ymac16 Member Posts: 85

    Hey all!  We fared OK during Sandy - lights flickered a few times but power stayed on.  The downside is we lost our FIOS so no phone, internet or TV - not a good situation with kids at home for 2 days!  Its still out but I turned my cell phone into hotspot so I can connect to the internet now.  Also found a leak in one of our rooms. 

    Susan, I can see how spending so much time alone can lead you to have bad thoughts but I hope you've snapped out of it now!!  You have been so positive and an inspiration to all of us so no more of this kind of thinking. 

    Christina, so sorry about your cat.  Glad you could have fun today with dressing up for Halloween. 

    MLB - ugghh, what a horrible way to die!  There were 2 small boys who were killed in NY when a tree fell on their house.  So sad.

  • firstcall
    firstcall Member Posts: 201

    I hope those of you in the storm path are doing ok. 

    Had blood work done last week......still anemic.....and my kidney function wasnt quite where it should be.   So....I have more blood work this week. 

    So.....did any of you take advantage of the bc promotional at JCPenny's?   In case you missed it, they were offering free haircut/styling for bc survivors during the month of Oct.  So....I went in and asked about it.  No problem, they sat me down and trimmed my hair.   My first trimming since Chemo.  So the cut was free, as advertised.....but I did leave a tip. 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Sure, first Call, NOW you tell us!  LOL!  I am glad you got a trim that you needed. 

    Christina, sorry about your furbaby.  Its hard to lose one.  I also loved the thought of a potato head in chemo!  LOL

    Ymac, Grit, glad you guys all came through.

    to all, Much Love

  • AEM47
    AEM47 Member Posts: 177

    Christine - so sorry..that's tough..especially this year :-(

    Firstcall - any thoughts on the blood work? Was it off during chemo or could this be tamoxifen ? How's your white count?

  • Hildy910
    Hildy910 Member Posts: 227

    Christina, I'm so sorry about your fur person--they are members of the family and leave a large space when they go. 

    Must admit, didn't make up 'cancerversary,' I read it in another thread.  I was diagnosed on November 14th, and I have my first follow up  mammogram on my leftover boob this Monday. I didn't think it would be a big deal, but must admit am starting to imagine things. I know it does no good to do so and that its completely out of  my control, so I try to acknowledge that and move on, not always successfully. I, too, have been feeling angry and snappish, FLDrmer, and I don't think I can blame it fully on the tamoxifen. Just....angry. Disgruntled.  I had a sore neck last week and I went to a very dark place as a result

    Susan, isn't your surgery next week? Would you mind if I sent a card? I know I didn't want flowers and stuff when I had my UMX, but then again that was the beginning of the whole circus and I was quite determined not be be pitied.  Anyways, if so,  PM your address and I'll send away. 

    We lost a tree to Sandy and power for several hours, but that's about it.  NY and NJ--it's just horrific to look at hte pictures. 

    Firstcall, hope the blood work straightens itself out. I think I am going to ask for a run of labs next time I go in--it seems to me that they might want to check on things like liver function and  kidneys and so on, but then again I am not a doctor, just a worrier. ;)

    Went to a Halloween party with an old friend last weekend (DH hates noise and crowds, and there was a band, so no way was he going.) Took advantage of my haircut and went as a  spikey haired punk rocker. My kids were horrified, but it was fun to get out and about....

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    firstcall I saw the promotion JCP was having, very cool...but I definitely don't need a trim yet. I have just over an inch of hair and I would not trim a single one! Tongue Out

    lol @ susan - microwaving my potato - funny!!!

    hildy and ymac - glad you made it through Sandy without too much trouble.

    Had a long talk with onc about tamoxifen. I will try it again in a few weeks after rads ends, and in the meantime I will start effexor xr so hopefully I won't have the terrible mood swings and depression I had the first go-round. Plus he wants me to start taking a baby aspirin every day. That is three meds a day!!! Outrageous. (just venting)

  • gonegirl
    gonegirl Member Posts: 1,022

    Christina, 3 meds? Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!

    Lol. That ain't nothing. just saying. :-)

    the baby aspirin has been proven to cut recurrence of cancer. i tried taking it but my stomach was too sensitive. think of it as additions to your potato

    FLDREAMER Member Posts: 136

    Three meds a day!   Oh my, that's horrible!   lol     I take one when I wake up, another 30 minutes later.  Then, at about 10 a.m., I take 7 more pills with a glass of milk.   Then, at about 2pm there is another pill I must take.   And, later, at bedtime one or two more pills.   Then, another particular pill once a week.

    Susan:  I take the baby aspirin with that glass of milk.  Have you tried that?   It's worth the benefit to find a way to tolerate it.

    When I'm old(er) and retired, I'll probably have to decide between food or meds.   Sigh.  Oh, the joys of having heart trouble and getting older.   And, just for the record, not a one of those pills is related to the cancer.  I don't have to take any cancer meds.  Thank goodness for that, I guess! 

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I take 2 blood pressure meds, two diabetic meds, 1 potassium, 2 magnesium, 1 calcium, 2 vitamen D, script nasal spray, my Arimidex, 1 baby aspirin, a pain pill, Coq10, L-caratene, and a probiotic. That's just my morning load. Only the last 3 are optional. and before bc, I only needed the 2 diabetic ones! Wheeeee, I am just along for the ride! Whee! LOL. I only have to take 5 at night. If they give me anything else, I may start taking it all with a spoon! LOL. Sorry Christina, hope it makes you feel like you just got off easy! LOL!

  • schatzi14
    schatzi14 Member Posts: 906

    3 meds eh? Hmmm

    Lipitor...synthroid...diovan..arimidex...that's the morning

    B12 and Vit D3 ...noon

    Calcium and magnesium...dinner

    Gabapentin ...bedtime

    222's for pain if needed....oh how I wish it were just 3

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644

    Christina, so sorry about your cat mine is getting older.

    Meds - i'm on two and i have just started my meds for back pain.

    Went to dentist for check up and he says my double tooth at the back is going bad. So the filling will have to come out and do root canal work. OMG what else can we go through - i'm bloody sick and tired of needles and pain. I just know it will hurt like hell and i will end up with an infection. I'm thinking have the tooth out but i don't know what to do. I cried last night and hit the drink as i'm so pissed off with having to go through pain.

    I had a blood test last week and it hurt like hell, i think my body has given up and telling me to stop having things done haha.

  • dltnhm
    dltnhm Member Posts: 420

    Aw Christina. I get it. You are young and daily meds just weren't even on the radar for you for years to come. So three is an 'argh'!

    I started taking one med a day 15 years ago and believe me I was right there with you. About 8 years ago it became 3 - and over those years I would go off them from time to time - believing I could do life without them. Most days it's just routine now.

    So with Tamoxifen - it's 4 now. And I choose to look at it as a good med. Just completed my first month on it and I still have that outlook. LOL. We'll see how I feel down the road :o)

    Give yourself time to adjust to yet another life interruption. Hugs.


  • Myleftboob
    Myleftboob Member Posts: 983


    If its a double tooth, why not just have it pulled?  Thats what I would do anyway.  I had two root canals done in my life so far and one ended up having to be pulled at the end of the day and I was sorry I just didn't go that route to begin with. 


    I don't take as many pills as some here but other than a water pill I take to control my BP, I didn't even have asprin in the house.  During Tx I couldnt beleive the amount of drugs I had to take!  Now its Tamoxifen, Water Pill, D3, Biotin.  Not too bad.

  • christina0001
    christina0001 Member Posts: 449

    Ali you have been through so much, it is totally understandable if you just had the tooth pulled. You've already had so much pain and suffering this year. Having a tooth pulled is so much less painful in the long run.

    Diana and MLB, thanks for understanding about my pill issue. Everyone else - yes I know you are right, in the grand scheme of things three pills is not a big deal. It just makes me feel old and sickly to have to take pills. I had to start potassium again too. I was taking 1-2 a day and I was at 3.8 or 3.9. So I stopped for 2 weeks and dropped down to 3.5. *sigh* So I'll take it again until this new bottle runs out. Started the effexor today, we'll see how that goes.

    Why aren't there any medications that cause you to become thin, toned and tan? Brilliantly intelligent? Super energetic?

    TGIF ladies (and firstcall). Next week is my last full week of radiation. I didn't think I'd ever get through this but yet here comes the end.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Christina, I am glad you can see the light at the end of the tunnel and this time its NOT a train! One more week,yay! sorry if I seemed insensitive. I blame it on BC, LOL

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hey Gritgirl! I will be praying for you tomorrow. Let us know you're ok when you can. Much love.